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Presidential? Obama


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Yep, the do nothing president, no leadership from the top and the U S is the laughing stock of the world. How sad the rebels in Lybia are begging for the fly free zone, but the decision maker is standing on a golf course saying I feel sorry for the victims in Japan...Is he completely disconnected???????

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Yep, the do nothing president, no leadership from the top and the U S is the laughing stock of the world. How sad the rebels in Lybia are begging for the fly free zone, but the decision maker is standing on a golf course saying I feel sorry for the victims in Japan...Is he completely disconnected???????

How do you view the do nothing congress. They are the ones who MAKE the laws and enact legislation. In November they all promised to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs; and the economy. Since then, from both houses, its abortion, same s*x marriage and the next election. The President, regardless of who it is cannot act in a vacuum. It is Advise and Consent.

In order to initiate a "No fly Zone" you must first take out all of the anti aircraft installations including guns, missiles, and radar installations. Then continue with shooting down war planes from not only Libya, but other countries that may come to there aid. This has the smell test of another war. How many wars do you want the United States to have on going at one time? But, sense your not fighting them, maybe it doesn't matter to you.


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the do nothing congress is completely correct, however the president has failed to put his stamp of approval on the massive cuts that have to be made. As for the air problems in Lybia I dont believe it would be that difficult. Other countries have shown interest also, but are waiting for somebody to step up to the plate...This is a missed oportunity to gain some brownie points with the Arab world... I think he is more afraid of What Suadi Arabia will think..after all he already bowed down to them...oh boy that is going to get some comments. As for Congress, we will never get jobs until the out of control spending stops and the country feels better about our net worth....

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the do nothing congress is completely correct, however the president has failed to put his stamp of approval on the massive cuts that have to be made. As for the air problems in Lybia I dont believe it would be that difficult. Other countries have shown interest also, but are waiting for somebody to step up to the plate...This is a missed oportunity to gain some brownie points with the Arab world... I think he is more afraid of What Suadi Arabia will think..after all he already bowed down to them...oh boy that is going to get some comments. As for Congress, we will never get jobs until the out of control spending stops and the country feels better about our net worth....

Again I ask, when is a war not a war, and when your sending someones else's kid to fly the jets, will you go to there parents door and say "Gee, to bad, but we made brownie points". I don't want to sound harsh, but we're still in Iraq, we're in Afghanistan, and we're in a standby mode for Iran. How many troops do we have left? Talk about deficit spending!


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Have you forgot that we did bomb This leader during Reagans era, It did not start a war....Remember also he was responsible for the downing of a jet liner that killed a lot of AMericans....I seriously doubt a war would start if we enforce a no fly zone..... And yes I am a vet, been there done it...and dont want our kids endangered, however in order to be great we must show strength.....

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Have you forgot that we did bomb This leader during Reagans era, It did not start a war....Remember also he was responsible for the downing of a jet liner that killed a lot of AMericans....I seriously doubt a war would start if we enforce a no fly zone..... And yes I am a vet, been there done it...and dont want our kids endangered, however in order to be great we must show strength.....

So in order to be a "Great" country, we have to bomb or kill someone, preferably in another section of the world. So what kind of great are we talking about....Genghis Khan style great. Or Julius Caesar great? Maybe Attila the Hun great. All conquered amazing amounts of realestate,... Got rid of pesky resistance to the will of the "Leaders", and brought "Peace" to those they ruled -.. (oops)that should read- led. Of course there was no right to vote. No right to free assembly. No right to free speech. You get the idea.

Gaddafi's is a pig. He has taken many innocent lives. Our own and his own peoples. Were is the United Kingdom? France? Germany? Italy? Spain?, Sweden? China? Brazil. Is it the defacto role of the USA to do everything across the globe? It is a global society and others need to pull their weight as well.

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I'm not going to chime in on the "war" chatter. Simply because we're all entitled to our opinions (even when those entitlements come at the good grace of our finest men and women)...ok, may a tiny little chime... I can't help myself sometimes...

The following article, if true (we all know the media are just saints of truth), I think is a precurser to a one-term president. He stays on this track...and he'll get beat so badly his legacy will feel it forever...


One of the best quotes in the article....

Or as the insider described Obama’s foreign policy shop: “It’s amateur night.”

If there is one thing, even a Bush fan republican like myself knows to be FACT....It's that you don't want to mess with Mr. & Mrs. "Bubba" Clinton. The man is a rock star, and the two of them are simply masters of the universe when it comes to steering political influence. They know the DC dance, and I'd be hard pressed to name anyone who can do it better than these two, except for maybe the Bush family...but THAT'S just my OPINION! "RxNc i'm sure is preparing his rebutal comments" :lol:

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NC that is too funny...And yes there is the list of nations that are interested in no fly zone..."Whats up doc" I guess golf and the trip to Rio are just more important....

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I'm not going to chime in on the "war" chatter. Simply because we're all entitled to our opinions (even when those entitlements come at the good grace of our finest men and women)...ok, may a tiny little chime... I can't help myself sometimes...

The following article, if true (we all know the media are just saints of truth), I think is a precurser to a one-term president. He stays on this track...and he'll get beat so badly his legacy will feel it forever...


One of the best quotes in the article....

Or as the insider described Obama’s foreign policy shop: “It’s amateur night.”

If there is one thing, even a Bush fan republican like myself knows to be FACT....It's that you don't want to mess with Mr. & Mrs. "Bubba" Clinton. The man is a rock star, and the two of them are simply masters of the universe when it comes to steering political influence. They know the DC dance, and I'd be hard pressed to name anyone who can do it better than these two, except for maybe the Bush family...but THAT'S just my OPINION! "RxNc i'm sure is preparing his rebutal comments" :lol:

Sad article if all true. Yep, it is a SNAFU. But, remember Bush, had Rumsfeld(spelling?) and Snowcroft. Obama is letting the UN call the shots, and He can't get his arms around the congress. Still, it sounds like Bush and the first half of Clinton's term when they were trying to impeach Clinton.

I want us to back the Libyan rebels. I DON'T want to get mired down in another never ending liberation/police action.

I hope Obama can Pull it out, and if they run Palin, Huckabee, or Gingrich, he'll be back in for sure. Those guys plus Barbour, Romney, and Bachman are all over our state now, campaigning for President in our first in the nation caucuses.


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NC that is too funny...And yes there is the list of nations that are interested in no fly zone..."Whats up doc" I guess golf and the trip to Rio are just more important....

Clinton today on no-fly zone:


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We wouldn't need a "no fly zone" if Gipper were still with us and running the show..... I'm just saying.... One bad guy = one bomb, problem solved...

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We wouldn't need a "no fly zone" if Gipper were still with us and running the show..... I'm just saying.... One bad guy = one bomb, problem solved...

The past always seems better.

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Especially the hair cuts and Members Only jackets!

Gotta go Wang my Chung now..I'm married with 2 kids and an iPod... Duh...winning!

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After all these years, and especially Watergate, you would think that we would have learned that no matter what you see them say on television, (yes, I include Obama), or what they do or sign, its what is said or done when only a few are in the room or on a secured line, that actually determines our measly lives. There are a few good old days, but WE made them what they were. Others helped, but we each shape our own future. (Man, call the paranoid police). Sorry people.


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