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No Audio At All - 01 Ls430 Ultra With Mark Levinson


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No audio, from anything, cd, fm, am, or tape at times. Thinking amp.

Where is the mute wire on the amp?

I have a 2001 LS430 UL with the ML ( Mark Levinson ) audio, I've bypassed the Lexus link by switching the 4 connectors in the trunk on the right side trunk floor where the DVD Navigation unit is and it seems to have improved my audio issue considerably but it still doesn't work all the time.

When the issue occurs on mine the ASL button disapears, the midrange adjustment under sound disappears, and none of the options under the sound option are adjustable. I've searched this and other sites to try and find the diagnostic procedures to get in to test the audio when it is happening through the navigation window or whatever and can't seem to either find the right procedure or any real fixes.

Where is the mute wire on the amp so I can disconnect it to see if it will help at all? I'm thinking the amp is failing but bypassing the Lexus Link system improved it considerably so I'm hoping that the cell mute wire or something might get tested/activated on startup and is just not disengaging.

After the car sits for a while, most times I can go out to it and start it up and the radio works, if I drive a ways and turn the ignition off and back on the audio behaves like I said above. Most times if it doesn't come on right away it will take 5-20 minutes to turn on and everything functions like it should, more reason for me to think it is the amp, but I'm not sure if the amp was malfunctioning if it would cause the stuff in the sound menu under audio to become unresponsive/disappear.

I've been researching this car and the audio system for days, I've read most of the owners manual, and I've tried various things.

Thanks in advance to anyone that responds. It's frustrating as hell to research and find posts that explain the exact same thing you are dealing with, with no follow up or resolution.

Help me Obi Wan you're my only hope!

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I sent a PM to Jainla who also has an 01 LS430 UL. He has significant knowledge on how the audio system mute works. Be patient ... he's great about replying to issues like this.

While waiting for Jainla, you can entertain yourself by looking at the attached audio system diagrams for the 01 LS430 -- not sure if they cover the ML though.



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Hey Speedemon...I'm running out for dinner so a detailed examination of your problem may have to wait until tomorrow or Sunday but a few thoughts:

The ML (and I think Pioneer systems) don't use a conventional power/audio connection like typical CD changers do; there is an AVC-LAN bus that all the components connect to. I think EVERY component has some kind of muting wire that connects back to the amp somehow; and they signal each other to mute (or pause) when another unit is playing. I have another schematic for the ML sound system as well; when I have a moment I'll dig it out. I think someone in the AV forum discussed this; it might be worthwhile to do a search.

The mute point for the radio/phone/LL interface is in the connector for the LL system; it's pin#15 on one of the LL connectors. I think it's the one that's NOT attached to the car. If you disconnect them you'll see one of the connectors only has 6 leads; this is the connector going out to the speaker and the mic (with power and shielding leads); the mute wire is in the other one --Connector H (I think there are 12 or 13 leads). You can disconnect this and see if it affects anything; the rear door speaker won't work as well as the mic for the nav and ASL systems but it might be useful in pinpointing where the short is. There should be something indicating where pin#1 is; it's on the right side and the 11-20 pins are underneath it starting 11-20 R to L. There are no leads in spaces 9-10 or 18-20 in Connector H.

When the muting is in effect for the phone there isn't any 'phone' indication on the display or other screens; so if the amp is getting a fake phone muting signal it's possible that you won't see anything. The buttons on the display disappearing however is a bit troubling; to my recollection I've never seen that happen (although I did have all my bass/mid/treb adjusters go down to nothing; but that's only happened once).

A couple questions/thoughts:

Is there any water leaking into the trunk at all? You may have a short somewhere and there is a lot of wiring in the trunk where it could be.

Bear in mind that the LL system has 2 connectors; one to the car's amp and power leads and one to the rear doorspeaker and mic; is it completely out of the loop? Try adjusting the volume or playing recordings on the control box on the ceiling; if the radio still mutes then it's still connected to the amp and not completely out of the loop (also the lights shouldn't light up anymore).

Did this car have the cellular phone at one time? If you look on the left side of the trunk beneath the floor under that small side panel that's where the ECU would be. You'd want to disconnect that as well; it's in the same loop as the Lexus Link system.

How old is the battery? I know the electronics in these cars are very sensitive to the condition of the battery; if it's dying the system voltage can change and things go haywire.

Have you tried disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes and completely rebooting the car? Some of the early ML amps were a little flaky; it's not completely out of the question for it to be giving up the ghost; although it sounds like this one likes things better cold than warm. A reboot won't hurt anything although your radio presets might disappear.

Try those things and see what happens. When I have a moment I'll look up the schematic and see if there's any other possible avenues of investigation.

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jainla - it might be worthwhile to do a search

in the process of looking

jainla - The mute point for the radio/phone/LL interface is in the connector for the LL system; it's pin#15 on one of the LL connectors.

there are 4 connectors 2 male 2 female that I picked up from another post on this or clublexus.com that said to cross connect the connectors on the trunk floor on the right which essentially bypasses the LL system, it is its own harness that is connected to itself when doing this.

jainla - The buttons on the display disappearing however is a bit troubling; to my recollection I've never seen that happen (although I did have all my bass/mid/treb adjusters go down to nothing; but that's only happened once).

I've seen this on other posts that indicate the amp might be at fault. Not sure what internally to the amp that would cause this but I'm fearing that the amp will fix this.

After the post I made earlier the audio has proved me wrong, I can't get it to come on even if it sits for a while, it has a mind of its own, drove 40 minutes home from work today and had a stop in between and it still didn't come to life.

jainla - A couple questions/thoughts:Is there any water leaking into the trunk at all?

None that I can tell, no signs of leaks no stains/deposits etc...

jainla - Bear in mind that the LL system has 2 connectors

yeah I connected them to themselves to loop that harness

jainla - is it completely out of the loop? Try adjusting the volume or playing recordings on the control box on the ceiling; if the radio still mutes then it's still connected to the amp and not completely out of the loop (also the lights shouldn't light up anymore).

yeah nothing happens when pushing the buttons and no lights light up.

jainla - Did this car have the cellular phone at one time?

Nope the only thing on the left trunck floor is a pwr dist block with some fuses and relays.

jainla - How old is the battery? I know the electronics in these cars are very sensitive to the condition of the battery; if it's dying the system voltage can change and things go haywire.

I don't buy it, because when a car is running as long as the Alternator is working correctly the battery has nothing to do with anything, it can literally be removed from the car and everything should still operate as it should because the alternator will put out what it needs and then some.

jainla - Have you tried disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes and completely rebooting the car?

unfortunately I've run the battery to nothing in the last week, I left the park lights on and when I went out the next morning the battery was at about 6 volts, jumped it and charged it and it seems to be where it should be, if running the battery dead didn't reboot it I'm not sure disconnecting the battery will do anything.

jainla - although it sounds like this one likes things better cold than warm. A reboot won't hurt anything although your radio presets might disappear.

seems I was wrong about the cold or warm it doesn't seem to matter. Today it was cold and it didn't come on, I was idling it while fixing the sub with a hot glue gun and it started up on its own while warm and the heater runnning on full blast.

jainla - Try those things and see what happens. When I have a moment I'll look up the schematic and see if there's any other possible avenues of investigation.

I really appreciate it, this is driving me nuts, I haven't even found a source or a price for the amp (anticipating) tried dcfish but haven't gotten a response yet.

I still think it's the amp, seems on other posts even though most are incomplete that the loss of functionality in the sound menu might indicate an amp issue, although if it's an internal thing in the amp I would imagine that it could be fixed but what the hell do I know? An intermittant fault like this would be impossible to find internally if it works when it wants to.

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When trying it ice cold (it was in the 20's last night) just tried it this A.M. and it worked fine, when the temp goes up it seems to work more sporatically but the first time of the day when it is cold it works fine, by the time I get to work and it's warmed up, I can turn it off and right back on and it doesn't function. More evidence that would lead me to the amp being the cause.

Anyone have any good sources for Amps?

Anyone know whether the amp from an '02-'05 is the same as the '01?

Jainla, thanks for the response, hopefully you might be able to shed some light, and those schematics would help.


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I went ahead and disconnected the battery for a while today, and it came up with the configuration screen or something like that where everything seems to reset, and the audio issue is still happening, no change at all, stuff still disappears, and it won't come on right away, it has a mind of its own. still wondering if anyone else has dealt with the same issue and how it was resolved, someone who lost the ASL button and the options under sound.

I found a post on this or another site with the exact same issue but there was no solution, it was never updated.

I really don't want to buy a $700 amp, and give them my old one when it might not fix the issue.

Anyone have the diagnostic procedure for an 01 with the ML Audio and Nav, I downloaded a pdf that says it's for the 01 but I don't think it's for the ML.

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Has anyone ever opened up one of these amps? I'm thinking there might be a cold solder joint or something that makes a connection when it wants to, although, logic would dictate that it wouldn't be something like that only because while it is working it would still work if you cycled the key, which most of the time it does not.

Jainla if what you say is true that it is a bus and everything has a mute function well then the question I have is this - is there any mute function that would mute all speakers when active other than the LL system? If the LL ( Lexus Link for people searching posts) has been looped to itself with its 2 white connectors connected to itself is there anything else that needs to be disconnected/bypassed to remove the muting capability of the LL system? Since there is no sound in any of the speakers what would kill them all and make the stuff in the Audio/Sound menu disappear.

Jainla, also do you know how the mute functions work? Are they switched via ground or do they require 12v? I would imagine ground side switching but then again what do I know, if they are ground switched then I could (with the schematics that you might be able to dig up) clip all the mute wires so they'd never be able to be grounded to rule all of them out.

Does anyone still have a Lexus link system that can tell me whether or not when it kicks in or when it tries to, whether or not the ASL button in Audio disappears or the buttons in the sound menu become locked with the midrange disappearing as well. Posting another topic it's here http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=55536

Again does anyone have the diagnostics for this system '01 LS430 UL with Mark Levinson audio and Nav?

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Hey Speedemon I thought I had a schematic for the ML system but I can't find it. You should go to the techinfo.lexus.com site and subscribe for a day; you can download pretty much anything the dealer can about the car. I seem to remember there were a couple troubleshooting guides up there.

I have heard some people say that the ML amps are undercooled for the amount of power they use; so you may be overheating. i suspect the amp runs whenever the car is on b/c the nav system is also patched into it. Does the nav system still give voice directions when the audio is on the fritz?

If you've connected the 2 connectors that connect to the car together then you've pretty much connected it as it came from the factory. The LL system should no longer be a factor.

The mute function for the phone and the LL system works by shorting the TMUTE wire to the ground; so when that happens anywhere all audio is muted. It's possible that a wiring fault somewhere else is causing it; you might try pulling the CD/Tape player just to make sure that the wiring back there looks ok.

The ML no audio issue seems to be a common symptom with these amps; so yours might have just died; it does seem to be temperature dependent which would point to something heating up (or cooling down) and breaking a circuit somewhere. I haven't heard of anybody opening up the amp but there was a company in one of the other posts that claimed to be able to repair them.

You can also look on Ebay; sometimes I see the systems up there.

Has anyone ever opened up one of these amps? I'm thinking there might be a cold solder joint or something that makes a connection when it wants to, although, logic would dictate that it wouldn't be something like that only because while it is working it would still work if you cycled the key, which most of the time it does not.

Jainla if what you say is true that it is a bus and everything has a mute function well then the question I have is this - is there any mute function that would mute all speakers when active other than the LL system? If the LL ( Lexus Link for people searching posts) has been looped to itself with its 2 white connectors connected to itself is there anything else that needs to be disconnected/bypassed to remove the muting capability of the LL system? Since there is no sound in any of the speakers what would kill them all and make the stuff in the Audio/Sound menu disappear.

Jainla, also do you know how the mute functions work? Are they switched via ground or do they require 12v? I would imagine ground side switching but then again what do I know, if they are ground switched then I could (with the schematics that you might be able to dig up) clip all the mute wires so they'd never be able to be grounded to rule all of them out.

Does anyone still have a Lexus link system that can tell me whether or not when it kicks in or when it tries to, whether or not the ASL button in Audio disappears or the buttons in the sound menu become locked with the midrange disappearing as well. Posting another topic it's here http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=55536

Again does anyone have the diagnostics for this system '01 LS430 UL with Mark Levinson audio and Nav?

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Does the nav system still give voice directions when the audio is on the fritz?

yes it does.

The mute function for the phone and the LL system works by shorting the TMUTE wire to the ground; so when that happens anywhere all audio is muted. It's possible that a wiring fault somewhere else is causing it; you might try pulling the CD/Tape player just to make sure that the wiring back there looks ok.

I'll check this and since it's ground switched I can clip it to rule it out, do you know what color this lead is? I've got one of those cd manuals from ebay coming so if you don't I hope it's on there.

The ML no audio issue seems to be a common symptom with these amps; so yours might have just died; it does seem to be temperature dependent which would point to something heating up (or cooling down) and breaking a circuit somewhere.

yeah I know but there has to be a simple solution to this, I really can't see spending $700 for a refurbished unit, and give them my old one. I'm still curious about the settings, options disappearing, trying to get at least partial confirmation on that stuff disappearing with the LL system on the other post.

You can also look on Ebay; sometimes I see the systems up there.

there are none available and the last I saw was $450 if that's the case I might as well spend the $700 and get a warranty with it, cause I might be getting an amp that is in the same shape as mine or getting there.

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It doesn't say what color the wire is; but on the LL/tel harness it's wire 15--see my post to figure out which one of the 2 LL connectors it's on.

I drove the car this morning and muted the stereo with both the LL system and the phone. Nothing changed on the audio screen; it's a little odd I was able to cycle both the sound and ASR buttons while the system was playing; it's like it didn't know it was being muted.

If the display is going wonky there is another possibility; the amp is fine and the center screen ECU or Tape/radio player ECU is fried and sending out random mute signals. You could try disconnecting the radio and or cd/tape player and see if that makes a difference. There are directions for removing both I think in this forum or the AV forums; you'll need a 10mm socket wrench and extender to get the bolts out.

I did find a troubleshooting guide for speaker shorts; I've attached it. I'm not sure this is what your problem it would be an easy thing to rule out.

I see a bunch of ML amps on ebay right now; although I don't know which particular amp fits the LS430. I see what you are saying about the warranty issue..although some ebay places claim to have one on their products.

yeah I know but there has to be a simple solution to this

Yes and no. It could be a fuse that is going; or it could be a chip that's fried. You're not really troubleshooting a car as much as a computer system at this point.

Maybe DCFISH can help. Where are you DCFISH?


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I drove the car this morning and muted the stereo with both the LL system and the phone. Nothing changed on the audio screen; it's a little odd I was able to cycle both the sound and ASR buttons while the system was playing; it's like it didn't know it was being muted.


when the audio is muted by any one of the sources, if you have it on CD, I didn't check radio or tape, do you hear slight noise from the speakers, you know that faint hiss noise when you have power but the sound is down low, I've heard it before when using different amps with more power in other cars, sometimes corrected with a noise filter if it's real bad.

I'm guessing that if its on mute it will still hiss just not have any sound coming out, if that's the case then I can forget about the mute wires in the pdf's that 1990LS400 put up earlier in this topic, because when the buttons disappear and there is no audio, there is no hiss. I think I'm now leaning back towards the amp or the remote power on lead circuit, I'm guessing it is the ACC pin 20, inside the amp or the power pins 7 or 16 inside the amp or the ground pins 12 and 13 inside the amp.

another question concerning those mutes though, why are there 3 of them?

one on pin 4 in one of the amp connectors that goes bact to pin 11 on the stereo tuner,

one on pin 3 in a different connector on the amp that goes to pin 15 on the telephone transceiver and speaker relay (for lexus link) and one on pin 21 that goes back to pin 6 on the radio and player

I found another post on a different site that references the exact same issue I am having but there is no resolution posted, only that it would cost $900 but no explanation as to what part was ordered. I p.m'd the poster and will post here if he responds.

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You might consider calling http://carstereohelp.com/lexus.htm in Florida at (407) 830-0777. I don't know if "Bob" is the owner or manager but he is the one I and others end up speaking with. He might be able to tell you if this is something he knows how to fix or if there is something you can do. He fixed the Nakamichi in my 00 LS400 last year and I'm going to help a friend remove his radio and amp from his 99 LS400 soon to send to Bob. The local Lexus repair shop I use also sends customer radios to them. I highly recommend them.

Your problem might not be simple to track down. When the right channel of my audio went out last year, my friends and I assumed that the amp was at fault. The problem turned out to be a loose connection in the head unit. I would have never been able to find the problem on my own.

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You might consider calling http://carstereohelp.com/lexus.htm in Florida at (407) 830-0777. I don't know if "Bob" is the owner or manager but he is the one I and others end up speaking with.

Thanks, I called them and no luck, said it's a Mark Levinson, probably a bad amp, he hadn't ever heard of the buttons or options disappearing, and he said they didn't work on them because they don't have internal schematics.

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I've tried multiple procedures to try and get in to the Diagnostic Mode on the LCD screen so I can check the audio or anything for that matter and the procedures that I've dug up on here or other sites don't seem to work.

Anyone know how to put an 01 LS430 UL with Mark Levinson, into diagnostic mode?

I've tried

Start car, turn on park lights, hold down both climate and audio buttons and then turn park lights off, on, off, on, off

no go

I've also tried the Lexus TSIB from somewhere on this site to get into it and it references - cars with navigation system and external amplifier, press and hold the info switch on the navigation display while cycling the tail lights on and off three times.

no go because there is not info button on the nav screen, the only information button there is is when you go into options I think, I've tried that and cycling - no go. I've tried all the combinations with the key on acc or with the car running.

Am I using the right procedure to get into diag mode? Is it possible that something else is at fault with the module that allows test mode to happen? Rather than the amp.

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Just when I think I've got the conditions figured out for when this issue occurs something else happens to mess it all up.

I got in the car this morning and it was colder last night than it had been in a week or two, started the car and the radio took about 10 seconds to come on, so the problem also exists when it's cold.

In light of this I think I am more or less convinced that the amp is the issue, probably just a cold solder joint or something, although the disappearing buttons under audio concern me, but not knowing the internal design or what exactly each wire going into the amp does I can't say that it will or won't cause those buttons to disappear.

The mute wires have no effect on the issue and from what Jainla said it didn't change the buttons available either, I used the pdf from earlier in this post from 1990LS400 to figure out and disable each mute wire going to the amp with no improvement, the amp connections are correct on the diagram, just match the colors and pin count to figure out which connector it is, it is not top to bottom like the diagram.

I have verified that the hot at all times is in fact hot at all times and I also verified that the ACC is hot with the ignition in ACC, or On. So either a signal isn't getting to the amp from the player up front or the tuner in the rear or there is just an intermittent connection that is somewhat temperature sensitive inside the amplifier.

Also, thinking from the perspective of a Dealer and what they would do, I know the first thing they would say/do is replace the Amp so unless someone else has any feedback or ideas, I'm going to replace the Amp, cross my fingers, and hope that it fixes it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there. I started having the exact same problem this week with my 01 ML system. Radio sometimes comes on after 10-15 minutes. Just went to my car and started it up-no sound. Tried the nav and got the voice, but still no music. My midrange control disappeared from the sound screen and no bars or control for bass/treble or fade controls. I sure would like to know what the problem is as I had no prior indication of a problem before this happened.

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Hi there. I started having the exact same problem this week with my 01 ML system. Radio sometimes comes on after 10-15 minutes. Just went to my car and started it up-no sound. Tried the nav and got the voice, but still no music. My midrange control disappeared from the sound screen and no bars or control for bass/treble or fade controls. I sure would like to know what the problem is as I had no prior indication of a problem before this happened.

I'm getting a used amp, it should hopefully be here this week, I will post back here when I replace it to finish up this post. Have you tried disconnecting the Lexus Link system and all that? If so it is likely the amp, especially since it is an 01, from what I understand, all the 01's had an issue with the amp, I guess some last/lasted longer than others. I'll let you know.


The 01 ml amp part number was 86280-0w040 stay away from these on ebay

The 02 part number is 86280-0w041

Lexus apparently removes the part numbers for defective parts and updates it by adding numbers to the end of it, hence the reason why it ends with 41 now.

The documented "Lexus" refurbished 01 amps that end in 0 have a small sticker on the side by the fan, the number on that sticker would be higher than 74xx

The 01-03 amps are the same.

The 04 and newer are different and aren't compatible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting a used amp, it should hopefully be here this week, I will post back here when I replace it to finish up this post. Have you tried disconnecting the Lexus Link system and all that? If so it is likely the amp, especially since it is an 01, from what I understand, all the 01's had an issue with the amp, I guess some last/lasted longer than others. I'll let you know.

Did a used amp fix the problem? My 01 UL just started acting up. Damn!

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Still waiting on mine to be delivered, it has proven very difficult to find a functioning amp. Hopefully within the next week.

Ok. Let us know how it goes. I'm trying to compile...

1 - instructions for removal/replacement of the amp

2 - local repair shop willing to try to fix

3 - sources of replacement amps (eBay seems most likely)

4 - I might end up trying to open and fix the amp myself. If I end trying this, I will document with photos and writeup

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Ok. Let us know how it goes. I'm trying to compile...

1 - instructions for removal/replacement of the amp

2 - local repair shop willing to try to fix

3 - sources of replacement amps (eBay seems most likely)

4 - I might end up trying to open and fix the amp myself. If I end trying this, I will document with photos and writeup

1 - that's easy it's on the right side of the car between the rear quarter and the rear deck brace that runs vertically there are 2 10mm nuts holding the brackets in and 2 white guide clip/pins that click into place a little further back, you have to remove the trunk liner from the right rear where the bungee pocket thing is attached and it is just a few inches further forward.

2 - the only place I found that is not a certified Toyota/Lexus repair place was Electronics Masters in Duluth GA 678-957-0686 they were the company that supposedly fixed a unit that was for sale on eBay, I tried to find another company local to me but no one has any documentation on them to be able to fix them

3 - eBay or you can pm dcfish he was able to locate one for me. Be very patient though cause there aren't too many of these amps around and you'll be looking at between $295 - $325 for one, it took us a little over a month to finally get one.

4 - there is no point unless you have the internal schematic, I opened mine up hoping to find something to no avail, the board is coated in that rubbery epoxy like stuff to isolate everything, if you do decide to open it pull the screws on the sides and you have to pull the center aluminum strip that says Mark Levinson on it off to gain access to the FET heat sink screws. If yours is intermittent I would guess that you won't find anything because the smoke hasn't been let out of it, so it won't be burned and easy to spot. my $.02 don't waste your time.

You may also want to check around to another less busy state or city from where you are, I found a dealer in Wilmington DE 800-456-5398 that can order refurb units for $325 but you have to take your vehicle in get an RO get the diagnosis done and then they will order one for your car, so in the end you will still end up paying a lot of money because of the labor to test and install. They unfortunately will not sell a refurb unit without the rest so I guess it's just their way of making up the difference.

Without knowing what part specifically intermittently fails in the amp I don't think there is anyway for avg joe to figure out how to repair the amps.

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Very helpful information Speedemon! Thanks.

Did you drive the car without the amp installed? Other than not having a stereo - any issues?

Never drove with it removed but did turn the key on with it removed, nav screen worked for a bit and buttons were not there like when the amp wasn't working, further proving that the amp was the issue.

Then either when I restarted it or turned the key off and on the screen was completely dead, nav, lexus link, etc... goes through the amp.

I did not check the Climate controls when the screen was dead to see if I could get into them, but that might be something that you would have to deal with until getting yours back. Someone else might be able to tell you for sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Very helpful information Speedemon! Thanks.

Did you drive the car without the amp installed? Other than not having a stereo - any issues?

Never drove with it removed but did turn the key on with it removed, nav screen worked for a bit and buttons were not there like when the amp wasn't working, further proving that the amp was the issue.

Then either when I restarted it or turned the key off and on the screen was completely dead, nav, lexus link, etc... goes through the amp.

I did not check the Climate controls when the screen was dead to see if I could get into them, but that might be something that you would have to deal with until getting yours back. Someone else might be able to tell you for sure.


Any closeout on this. Did your new amp fix the problem. I have the exact same issue on my '03 ls430 with ML and nav.


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