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Who Won The Debate


Who do you think won the debate?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. McCain or Obama

    • McCain
    • Obama
    • Toss Up.

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The debate went better than expected in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the future debates. Both candidates got their shots in, but Obama clearly topped McCain because of these four factors:

1. McCain continually repeated himself as the night wore on, sometimes even in the same paragraph and sentence. He sounds more and more like a teetering old man who's been off his meds for a couple of days. He did manage to express his solid knowledge of foreign policy from time to time, but the frequent "senior moments" cancelled out his foreign policy strength far too many times.

2. As expected, Obama maintained his composure far better than McCain was able to do, especially when it was the other guy's turn to talk. We can't have another hothead (some would say warmonger) in the White House - the voters will not allow it due to universal Bush fatigue.

3. Obama nailed McCain to the wall when he hammered him on supporting Bush far too long on the pre-surge Iraq War strategies, tactics, and blunders. McCain cannot credibly use his "maverick" persona to argue the war results prior to the surge because he wasn't in maverick mode then - he is on record for supporting the vast majority of the Bush/Cheney intelligence and strategy which we have long known was faulty, in some cases flat-out concocted lies, and undeniably wrong.

4. Perhaps most importantly, McCain blew his "experience" trump card big-time when he attempted to pander to women and the religious right by selecting Palin as his running mate. As expected by experienced political pundits, she is turning out to be a disaster, staying hidden from the media while McCain's team attempts to get her through a crash course in Political Science 101 to 501. If you've seen the handful of interviews she's granted (primarily the Gibson interview on ABC and the Couric interviews on CBS), you've already witnessed what a deer in the headlights she truly is. She is at least a decade away from being prepared for the potential VP role and why McCain's army couldn't see that I'll never know. The VP debate will be the most entertaining to watch - polished and crafty ol' Joe Biden will have her for supper and she won't know what hit her.

The best quote of the week referred to Palin being taken to meet some of the various foreign leaders at the United Nations in New York. They called it John McCain's "Take Your Daughter to Work Day". Man, that's classic....

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I think they were both going around in circles a few times while trying to connect their oratory to their next thought. Both were well prepared. They stayed with their scripts so mostly it was same old same old, because of all of the rehearsing I'm sure. I did notice Obama stuttering a few times and he doesn't really get too personal except for the reference to his dad near the end.

McCain at one point almost lost it when he couldn't pronounce the Afghanni PM's name. His rep is that he has a temper. His repeated comment directed at Obama "He just doesn't get it" was tired and showed he was running short on ammo.

No knockouts, knockdowns, or even heavy blows. It did seem that they don't like each other very much. I don't think McCain looked at Obama even once during the debate. When one calls out the other for misrepresentation, the charge gets lost in the details. I think the broadcasters should verify the claims and make it comprehensible to the viewers following the debate. I think if Obama starts to warm up a bit and get more personal instead of remaining aloof and professorial, he will clean up in the remaining debates. Looking forward to the VP debates, where unfortunately, I think Palin will be exposed for how inadequate and underqualified she is as a VP candidate. Look for big gaffes in that one.

Here's a quote from the Toronto Star that I think sums it up pretty well:

"During the debate, McCain came off as grouchy and obdurate, while Obama come off as dignified and presidential. Obama would look McCain directly in the face when addressing him, whereas McCain would not look Obama in the face. McCain seemed dismissive of Obamas comments, whereas Obama would agree on compatible issues, showing a level of respect of his opponent and confidence in his ability to lead, and truly cross party lines. After the debate, Obama was the first to reach out to shake McCain's hand and Obama and his wife walked clear across the stage to address McCain and his wife."

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Nothing exciting happened.

Not surprised to see how this poll turned out ;) so far anyways!

I agree so far havent heard either one say much.... I am a republican ..not ashamed of it. Dont agree with everything that my party does but still with them... My major complaint is not real happy with either canidate...and as far as vice... Biden has been around since the Nixon administration so dont get me started on the comment of Good Ole Boys club from Dem's and Palin is new blood but personal opinion about that is or really a honest question does she have the experice to run the country...so we have one vice nobody actually hears anything out of and another that wont shutup....lol... I do know that some friends I have in Alaska that are Dem and Rep. ...all think Palin is the greatest thing since sliced bread...so that goes along way when atleast your own state likes you.... sofar not many canidates can make that claim after a short time in office...and I am so tired of hearing about they have no experience in foriegn policy....so the hell what... the ones with all the experience dont seem to be doing to damn hot right now either(considering arent we fighting with everyone). The whole Obama campaign was run on CHANGE... now there is possibility to have some and its wrong to want that too.... When even Clinton wont give a straight answer over what he thinks makes me sorta wonder..... does anyone else feel like they are watching the MTV Music awards of politics... We are the greatest nation ever assembled Under God...yes I said it... Under God... and it really is disappointing to see that we vote the public servants into office on their ability to lie with a straight face... maybe we should be watching the world of Poker tourn. for our next President.... as far as the debate... and the one tonight I am anxious to see it... I know that Biden will put on a show the same as always..but I am more interested to see how our Sara does under the eye of the nation without someone there to take the camera off and without Q cards... Biden has had 35 years of arguing in the Senate if she can just hold her own I will be impressed... and as far as president we will know in about five weeks or so who did better...I dont put much faith in polls... I am just truely devestated that with everything that is happened to the american people we still hear more about the poor nations around us, what ever happened to the poor americans...yep we are still here.... People have a tendency to get emotional when it comes to the elections and ignore facts...fact is when it comes down to it... anyone will say things underpressure and make incorrect statements..I am guilty of it myself. I want someone to give me someone that will admit they dont know all the answers and I will give you a honest answer... and the press will eat them alive. Taxes are a way of life...grewup paying them and will always pay them. Anytime a member of either party says they can give you something and not raise taxes they lie... the Economic system doesnt work that way... It takes money from somewhere... US... I dont ask for much just honesty...I wish for one CHANGE... If one of them could standup and say I dont know...instead of lying about how much they do know...but then again honesty is not rewarded it is condemed as weak... i am sure the man that just lost his home yesterday because his company went under is worried someone last night on a debate got called out for a incorrect statement he made in 1985... :( ..sorry didnt mean to get caught up... I will shut up and drink my coffee now.,

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