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Hurricane Gustav


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Blake & Ralph, hope you guys make it through the next few days ok. I know you're both in/around the New Orleans area. Be safe, we'll be thinking of you guys!

We might be dealing with one ourselves later this week, as nobody seems to know what the other one "can't remember the name" is going to do. But if memory serves me right "doubtful though", if it gets into the gulf stream anywhere around Jacksonville, it usually comes up and comes in right at the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC. We're due for ours "been 8 years", but you guys certainly aren't!

Be careful and safe, Amigos!

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Yeah its going to be a tough one, stay safe guys!

3,000 10th Mountain Division Soldiers (myself included) are on a 12 hr Deployment Activation Alert Status (DAAS)...so i will be there minutes after the storm is over if Federal Agencies deem our presence is needed.

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Army, I'm sure I speak for many at the LOC who are glad there are members who are able to help out directly.

You do an invaluable service and we're all gratefull. Take care of yourself while you're out there helping others.


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Thank god it wasn't as bad as Katrina. I'm still eyeing all the other ones that are roaming around the Atlantic.

Not good.

And Army just one thing I have to say,

Thank you.

LOL thank god they didnt need us...but the war aint over yet....

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Thanks Rob and the rest,

Seems like De Ja Vu and none the less, these years wear on us. Not one to complain, lol, Steve, Love you Guy ;) we just came back tonight and yes Lake Charles was spared but my dumb !Removed! went to Shreveport and the "Hammer", NC, would be "proud" as I had to find a chain saw to cut a path from a fallen tree back to the "safe" cabin outside of Shreveport. That was deserving :wacko: ...running to be found. Trying to save a 90+ year old and his 90++ girlfriend only to find myself in deeper crap than the solitude I left in Lake Charles. Just a blow here in Lake Charles, as I understand. You can run but you cannot hide. Lesson learned ? Think not, it was a mandatory evacuation and I knew the reasoning and it included the safety of the volunteers and emergency personel who stayed behind to insure the safety of our property and less fortunate. Tough call, these hurricanes and a lot of great community and governmental efforts to insure the safety of all since the lessons we learned from Katrina and Rita here in Louisiana. Blake was on the side that got burned and I hope he chimes in soon. Lost three cats in the last six months and have one left that I took with me. That would be my old Avatar "Winston" the Karate Kid. Needless to say he was happy to come home and I say this gently and with care.. he was glad to come back here safe, as the last two left in cages and did not come home due to kidney failure and maybe too may kisses by Dad. Winston came home in his cage safely. Blake let us know how you are my good friend. Once again, Thank you, my friends, it means a lot, sincerely, Ralph

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Glad to hear it Ralph...

Does anyone have any way of getting ahold of Blake?

Ralph, man, you crack me up! Why do I have a feeling you've got that magical litter-box in the trunk of that 460, the air set to recirculate, and just grinning ear to ear going 90mph down the freeway while the cat clings to the rear deck speaker grill for dear life! Haha... Good to see no major damage to your property! I'm sure Blake is probably ok too, heck, he's probably somewhere around DesMoines now in his new 99' LS400. He probably plugged in is arsenal of gadgets, pointed north, and his still cruisin'.

Steve, looks like we're on deck for some tropical weather this weekend. Looks to be a washout around here starting tomorrow from Hanna, and up your way during the weekend. Better hope Ike doesn't follow, otherwise we all might become lumberjacks around here. I remember in 96', Hurricane Bertha (Cat. 1) hit us, then Fran (Cat. 3) followed before the ground could dry out from Bertha....it was a huge freakin' lumberjack mess!

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Thanks so much for the concern guys! My family and I are fine. I wish I could have responded sooner, but I've been busy with my gang here. I've got a whole bunch of family members (6 people, 6 dogs, and a cat) at my house here in Ruston. We had a lot of rain here and some power outages, but otherwise, all has been well. My parents and sister's houses (in New Orleans) are 100% fine. My grandparent's house in Houma did fine. They were very lucky since that area got hit pretty hard. Only a tree and their back patio awning got blown down.

We're all dog people here, so when my sister saw this little Boston Terrier runt on her street, she picked him up and is here with us. He's only 15lbs! I thought my 40lbs Cattle Dog was small, but wow, the Boston is tiny! He's got some pale, pale blue eyes, and a touge that is so big it hangs out of his mouth 98% of the time. He likes to sleep, A LOT! He is surely for someone, and not just a stray since he is neutered, house trained, and had a current rabies tag on. We got the owner's number from the vet that did the rabies shots and are waiting to hear back from the lady who owns him. The vet told us his name is Bugsy, wow, that's a bad name. LOL

Oooh, Robert, a road trip sounds like fun!! I've been putting 3k miles on a month, but I've been dying to take a real road trip in it!!


My dad's new GMC diesel got a bit of water in it. I thought it was quite funny to add this problem to the list that he's had so far since I wanted him to get the Ford, but he didn't see it as funny as I did! haha It looks like the sunroof is leaking--soaking the headliner and then working it down to the carpet.



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