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Jd Powers Says Lexus Is # 1


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So, earlier in the year we saw a lot of talk about Lexus falling from the top in reliability/quality, and this year it actually improved from last year standing alone at the top. The ES is tops in its class as well as all the other vehicles except for the RX. And Toyota is a respectable 4th just ahead of Acura! The main reason for the improvement, as stated in the article, the ES and the RX are in the second year of production... Just as many of us had mentioned in this forum before, most of the issues with the 07 ES were first year of production issues.

So, those of you that doubted quality, does this do anything to your opinions? And, how does everybody feel about having invested in # 1? Does anybody know where Infinity and Nissan were on the list?

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Talk your smack. I believe in those rankings about as much as I believe in the tooth-fairy.
Answer to the Infiniti question, 15th, right after Ford... Here is how they ranked:


Last thing I expect to find in a forum for Lexus owners is an Infiniti owner. All I was addressing was what people had written in the past about the same and other rankings. It's obvious you don't believe in those rankings, you bought an Infiniti G35, which I agree is a great and beautiful car.

BTW, talking smack would be me going to the Infiniti owner's forum and posting something about this ranking. Kind of like going into Texas Stadium in the middle of all the hometown fans wearing NY Giants gear and yelling, "Tony who???"

So, what is your purpose here?

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I would take some of the ratings with a grain of salt, but the dependability rating are based on actual user experiences versus opinions of dashboard, gages etc so I am thrilled with Lexus 350 #1 rating there!

I had no problems and luv my car. I also liked the interior (JD Powers P called the wood grain color bad???? hahaha-it had the best in class wood IMHO) the best among infiniti, volvo compatible cars IMHO. One turn off for me on the Infiniti was the wood grain it just rubbed me the wrong way!

comfort is king in this car!

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First off I think we all mature enough and intelligent enough to know that different tones can be taken from e-mails and apparently you have taken it upon yourself to take the tone of mine as being hostile, which was not my intent. I intended the statement to be in a joking manner. When dealing with you in the future I will be sure to take time to remember that you are special and need a little extra hand holding in the understanding department. ;)

If I would have had time to write a longer comment, as I do now, I would have explained further that my problem with those types of polls is who exactly are they sampling?? Of the 52,000 car owners listed in the article I personally did not get sampled and I have owned several high mileage Infiniti's without ever having a major problem so my point is how realistic is the poll truly. How many people like me without problems or complaints did they pass up on for those who had complaints. This applys to Lexus owners as well, how do you know the number of complaints for Lexus is not even lower than the 120 stated? When you stated earlier "answer to the Infiniti question" I assumed you were referring to an earlier post on the subject of which would you prefer to buy.

As to your question on why I am on this site, well, frankly it is none of your business but if I had to share it would be this. I have been considering purchasing an ES as I am looking for a car with a bit more luxury and not so much sport as the G35/37. I thought I would poke around here and read up on the ES and what problems/ issues if any ES owners have been facing prior to making the decision to buy one.

If you think that I am somehow a Mole that is here to annoying everyone with arguments and post whoring that is not my intent. But I would prefer, if of course you do not want to receive a reply from me, that you do not bash other vehicles that you do not own and probably have never owned as was clearly your intention when you stated "15th, right after ford" actually they tied with Ford if you want to get technical. Your comment clearly states your opinion of Infiniti as being inferior to a Ford, which still has me laughing.

How nice of you to notice I am from Dallas and the football analogy was a nice touch as well, I would not have been able to figure out your point on my own if you had not so eloquently explained it. Perhaps you might want to consider taking things with a grain of salt, just a suggestion of course. :D

Talk your smack. I believe in those rankings about as much as I believe in the tooth-fairy.
Answer to the Infiniti question, 15th, right after Ford... Here is how they ranked:


Last thing I expect to find in a forum for Lexus owners is an Infiniti owner. All I was addressing was what people had written in the past about the same and other rankings. It's obvious you don't believe in those rankings, you bought an Infiniti G35, which I agree is a great and beautiful car.

BTW, talking smack would be me going to the Infiniti owner's forum and posting something about this ranking. Kind of like going into Texas Stadium in the middle of all the hometown fans wearing NY Giants gear and yelling, "Tony who???"

So, what is your purpose here?

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I may have mis-interpreted your post as having been hostile, tone is not something that can be expressed very well in writing. And, anybody else who reads that post will take the tone as being, if anything, challenging. The facts are obvious, you are the Infiniti owner in a Lexus owner's forum calling one of its members as talking smack. Just like that Giants fan in Texas stadium, he may be kidding but the remark would not be well received. I was not aiming to bash another car brand and actually complemented your G35, one of the nicest looking vehicles on the road. And, had the Infiniti owner not been here, nobody would have taken insult or think there was any bashing going on. I was not making any inferences as to comparing the quality of Fords with Infiniti. I have had Fords and think they have a great line as well. Your laughing out loud "clearly states your opinion of" Ford "as being inferior to" Infiniti. And the rule you imposed upon me to "not bash other vehicles that you do not own," is very hypocritical. And you are right, technically, Infiniti tied for 14th with Ford, so it is not inferior...

I will say it again, I was addressing what people have posted in the past about similar rankings saying that quality and reliability were a thing of the past with Toyota/Lexus. Also, the JD Powers is not a survey that gets sent out to you. It takes all the complaints the car owners in the first 3 years have and formulate a value of complaints per 100 vehicles. So you did your job by not taking your car in with a complaint. I have complaints of rattling with my dealership, so I was part of the negative side. I think the ranking is great in giving me confidence that I chose a quality vehicle but that doesn't fix my issues.

BTW banker, thanks for the hand holding, it takes a big person to extend oneself in such an unselfish manner. This is not the first time your posts may have come across as rude, always when people speak of that car line that I cannot mention. Oh, let me put at least one :D .

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Whatever dude! Glad I could hold your hand. oh yeah here you go :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I may have mis-interpreted your post as having been hostile, tone is not something that can be expressed very well in writing. And, anybody else who reads that post will take the tone as being, if anything, challenging. The facts are obvious, you are the Infiniti owner in a Lexus owner's forum calling one of its members as talking smack. Just like that Giants fan in Texas stadium, he may be kidding but the remark would not be well received. I was not aiming to bash another car brand and actually complemented your G35, one of the nicest looking vehicles on the road. And, had the Infiniti owner not been here, nobody would have taken insult or think there was any bashing going on. I was not making any inferences as to comparing the quality of Fords with Infiniti. I have had Fords and think they have a great line as well. Your laughing out loud "clearly states your opinion of" Ford "as being inferior to" Infiniti. And the rule you imposed upon me to "not bash other vehicles that you do not own," is very hypocritical. And you are right, technically, Infiniti tied for 14th with Ford, so it is not inferior...

I will say it again, I was addressing what people have posted in the past about similar rankings saying that quality and reliability were a thing of the past with Toyota/Lexus. Also, the JD Powers is not a survey that gets sent out to you. It takes all the complaints the car owners in the first 3 years have and formulate a value of complaints per 100 vehicles. So you did your job by not taking your car in with a complaint. I have complaints of rattling with my dealership, so I was part of the negative side. I think the ranking is great in giving me confidence that I chose a quality vehicle but that doesn't fix my issues.

BTW banker, thanks for the hand holding, it takes a big person to extend oneself in such an unselfish manner. This is not the first time your posts may have come across as rude, always when people speak of that car line that I cannot mention. Oh, let me put at least one :D .

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Proud lexus owner...from someone that has had an Infiniti...it is a good car cant argue... but then again..apparently considering you was surfing the lexus forum Infiniti has a good trade in value to... so what kind of Lexus you in the market for...lol..oh and :) and Im not talking smack..I just like to antagonizean·tag·o·nize Audio Help /ænˈtægəˌnaɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[an-tag-uh-nahyz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -nized, -niz·ing.

–verb (used with object) 1. to make hostile or unfriendly; make an enemy or antagonist of: His speech antagonized many voters.

2. to act in opposition to; oppose.

–verb (used without object) 3. Rare. to act antagonistically.

Also, especially Bankers, an·tag·o·nise

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Talk your smack. I believe in those rankings about as much as I believe in the tooth-fairy.
First off I think we all mature enough and intelligent enough to know that different tones can be taken from e-mails and apparently you have taken it upon yourself to take the tone of mine as being hostile, which was not my intent. I intended the statement to be in a joking manner. When dealing with you in the future I will be sure to take time to remember that you are special and need a little extra hand holding in the understanding department. ;)

No my friend, I think its you that needs a little extra help.

There would have been no negativity in this thread if it weren't for you. This is a Lexus forum, if you don't want to read pro-Lexus statements or opinions that Lexus is a better brand than other brands you shouldn't read or participate in the forum. Nobody was disrespectful to anyone but you.

If you want to disagree, fine. Do it in such a way that doesn't denigrate the poster (i.e. insinuating that they are "talking smack" or are mentally challenged). If you can't do that, we'll show you the door. Got it?

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Hey #1Banker, if you are considering an ES over your current G35x, Edmunds has a great comparison feature that you should look at. I considered the your car and the M35; along with the BMW 5 series, MB, Cadillac, and Acura (to name a few). It really is a matter of personal choice but what I found is that if you are a driving enthusiast (high speed corner, higher engine noise, feeling the road surface, etc), then the Infiniti and the BMWs are probably for you (and not the ES). If inside quiet and comfort are what you drives you (and you dont mind a little body roll in corners), the ES might be for you! Good luck in your decision.

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I would like to apologize to everyone as I don't always take the time to properly choose my words and I suppose my initial reply to this post is written so that there is no other way to take it but rude. That truly was not my intention it was suppose to be a more joking smart a$$ tongue in cheek kind of comment but whatever.

When attacked I go into attack mode myself and fire back. I know several people (not friends) who are pompous narcassistic "my *BLEEP* doesn't stink like everyone elses" Lexus owner's (and no not all Lexus owner's are that way so don't even start) but I sensed alittle bit of that attitude with the "Infiniti - 15th just after Ford" comment, which the knee jerk reaction was my smart a$$ comment. So, I do sincerely apologize if I ruffled feathers. Now if you would be so kind as to delete my profile or "show me the door" I would appreciate it as I cannot guarantee that I would agree with everything posted and after all what is the point of joining a forum if you can't engage people. (the right way of course).

Happy motoring to all ;)

Talk your smack. I believe in those rankings about as much as I believe in the tooth-fairy.
First off I think we all mature enough and intelligent enough to know that different tones can be taken from e-mails and apparently you have taken it upon yourself to take the tone of mine as being hostile, which was not my intent. I intended the statement to be in a joking manner. When dealing with you in the future I will be sure to take time to remember that you are special and need a little extra hand holding in the understanding department. ;)

No my friend, I think its you that needs a little extra help.

There would have been no negativity in this thread if it weren't for you. This is a Lexus forum, if you don't want to read pro-Lexus statements or opinions that Lexus is a better brand than other brands you shouldn't read or participate in the forum. Nobody was disrespectful to anyone but you.

If you want to disagree, fine. Do it in such a way that doesn't denigrate the poster (i.e. insinuating that they are "talking smack" or are mentally challenged). If you can't do that, we'll show you the door. Got it?

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Hey #1Banker, it is hard to put out the proper intent in typing. Hey, a little disagreement is what life is all about. We all get a little defensive every now and then. I guess Infiniti owners are proud of their cars like us Lexus owners (of course we were higher in the JD Power ratings............no just kidding .... ha ha....). By the way, that could be taken wrong by some but I am guessing by your last message you can take a joke! Anyway, as I said before, Infiniti makes a good car, Lexus does too. I don't own stock in Lexus or Infiniti so I am not going to take offense in any decision you make...........cause it will be the right one for you. I like my 08 ES UL and I have friends who like their G35s!

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Disagreeing with people is fine, just loose the attitude.

Even in that response...still full of attitude. Again, its a Lexus forum, Lexus is going to be people's favorite car. On Infiniti forums I'm sure its Infiniti.

Engage people all you want, just cut the personal jabs and insinuations. Instead of calling the poster retarded for instance, share why you think Infiniti is better. 5th grade stuff.

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If I were looking to attack you, I would have to know you were there and direct it to you. My first two posts were not directed at anybody personally, yours were directed at me. I said it, last thing I expected was to find an Infiniti owner on this site! If I had not purchased a Lexus I was somewhere between an Infiniti and a Mercedes, I do not have this rivalry where Chevy and Ford people can't even be friends. I have mentioned it before, I think the Infiniti is a fine automobile and would not at all hesitate to own one. I don't see the need to have Steve show you the door or delete your profile, just as Steve said, we are writing about cars and our opinions of them, not about people and their potential lack of sense of humor or ability to grasp intent and/or concepts.

BTW, a couple of weeks ago, we got my wife an 08 Toyota Highlander Limited with Nav! Happy to see it on top of the list as well, so far I am loving it! The only downfall is going to the Toyota dealership for service, no loaner, etc..

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AZ, Really? How do you like it? I'd love to trade our Prius on one, but the other half insists it be a Hybrid and I don't want to pay $47k for the Highlander Hybrid.

The new Highlander is a great vehicle.

As for Mr. Banker, if he needs guidance as to what are appropriate ways to participate in an exchange on this forum he needs to only look at his own posts in the other thread. Absolutely nothing wrong with them...

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It is great, the ride is fantastic and the same engine as the ES350, plenty of HP with great mileage. I was surprised, as close to a Lexus as can be, and the new ones look great too! My wife is extremely happy!

My boss has an 07 Hybrid HL, never heard a single complaint about it. And as you know, when it is running on batteries, you can't hear a thing!

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So, earlier in the year we saw a lot of talk about Lexus falling from the top in reliability/quality, and this year it actually improved from last year standing alone at the top. The ES is tops in its class as well as all the other vehicles except for the RX. And Toyota is a respectable 4th just ahead of Acura! The main reason for the improvement, as stated in the article, the ES and the RX are in the second year of production... Just as many of us had mentioned in this forum before, most of the issues with the 07 ES were first year of production issues.

So, those of you that doubted quality, does this do anything to your opinions? And, how does everybody feel about having invested in # 1? Does anybody know where Infinity and Nissan were on the list?

When the time came to trade my 97' 5 series BMW, I decided to try Lexus quality. Consumer Reports ranked the 07 ES350 as the best. I bought the ES350 and the very next issue of Consumer Reports rated the car as only average. My wife drives an 06' BMW 3 series and our personal experiences indicate that the Lexus is not as reliable. If I hadn't been misled by Consumer Reports and other media, I would have gotten another 5 series BMW. This attitude is partly because of poor service from my Lexus dealer. :angry:

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So, earlier in the year we saw a lot of talk about Lexus falling from the top in reliability/quality, and this year it actually improved from last year standing alone at the top. The ES is tops in its class as well as all the other vehicles except for the RX. And Toyota is a respectable 4th just ahead of Acura! The main reason for the improvement, as stated in the article, the ES and the RX are in the second year of production... Just as many of us had mentioned in this forum before, most of the issues with the 07 ES were first year of production issues.

So, those of you that doubted quality, does this do anything to your opinions? And, how does everybody feel about having invested in # 1? Does anybody know where Infinity and Nissan were on the list?

When the time came to trade my 97' 5 series BMW, I decided to try Lexus quality. Consumer Reports ranked the 07 ES350 as the best. I bought the ES350 and the very next issue of Consumer Reports rated the car as only average. My wife drives an 06' BMW 3 series and our personal experiences indicate that the Lexus is not as reliable. If I hadn't been misled by Consumer Reports and other media, I would have gotten another 5 series BMW. This attitude is partly because of poor service from my Lexus dealer. :angry:

Based on my personal experience and a number of other thoughts here... and JD Power's own website that compares 07 to 08, I think the '07 ES350 is of inferior build quality. I think Lexus knows that but are unwilling to accept it because it would cost them waaaay too much to fix their problems with 07. Typical problems I have heard of ranges everywhere from poor steering and transmission flares (me and the dealership tells me it works as designed!), trans flares that others have reported, parking assist issues, brake pad wear and OEM tire wear (my MXV4 gave me 45000 miles on my VW Passat and it does not provide anything close to that on Lexus) and rattle noise from the moonroof and every other part of the car. Like so many have said, it is not a good idea to buy a first year model of a new design and Lexus, being the one with an eye on quality, should have done better to break that jinx.

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I would agree. I have to 2008 Lexus ES fully loaded and it has been flawless. no issues zippo! I love it. luv it luv it.

2007 first year of production re-enforces the golden rule for cars IMHO wait till at least 2nd year of production

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I would agree. I have to 2008 Lexus ES fully loaded and it has been flawless. no issues zippo! I love it. luv it luv it.

2007 first year of production re-enforces the golden rule for cars IMHO wait till at least 2nd year of production

I waited too. My 08 UL ES is the most flawless car I have ever owned. It's my first Lexus, but it won't be the last! :)

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(my MXV4 gave me 45000 miles on my VW Passat and it does not provide anything close to that on Lexus)

Different tires. The tires on your Passat were probably MXV4+, the tires on your ES are MXV4 S8, the S8s seem to be shorter lived. The tires on your Passat may have been H rated too, the ones on your Lexus are V rated.

Michelin has already replaced the S8s with the Primacy MXV4 tire, so soon after their launch I'm sure treadlife is a reason why.

People have been complaining about tire wear on these cars forever, they ship with soft rubber quiet tires which are a bummer for tire life. Has nothing to do with the car.

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(my MXV4 gave me 45000 miles on my VW Passat and it does not provide anything close to that on Lexus)

Different tires. The tires on your Passat were probably MXV4+, the tires on your ES are MXV4 S8, the S8s seem to be shorter lived. The tires on your Passat may have been H rated too, the ones on your Lexus are V rated.

Michelin has already replaced the S8s with the Primacy MXV4 tire, so soon after their launch I'm sure treadlife is a reason why.

People have been complaining about tire wear on these cars forever, they ship with soft rubber quiet tires which are a bummer for tire life. Has nothing to do with the car.

Just went to NHTSA's website to view the number of issues against the 07 ES350 and the 08. 08's have 3 and 07's have 30 times as many. The one that scared me was about the "automatic" acceleration (this is not related to the all-weather mats although the dealers insist so or say they were no "codes" that indicated mal-function!). General belief now is the fact that 07 (and afar less number of 08s) have a problem that Lexus chose to hide under the all-weather mat saga. I went back and checked ES models from different years and do not see as many issues (even first-year models). It seems like Toyota really dropped the ball on this one.

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(my MXV4 gave me 45000 miles on my VW Passat and it does not provide anything close to that on Lexus)

Different tires. The tires on your Passat were probably MXV4+, the tires on your ES are MXV4 S8, the S8s seem to be shorter lived. The tires on your Passat may have been H rated too, the ones on your Lexus are V rated.

Michelin has already replaced the S8s with the Primacy MXV4 tire, so soon after their launch I'm sure treadlife is a reason why.

People have been complaining about tire wear on these cars forever, they ship with soft rubber quiet tires which are a bummer for tire life. Has nothing to do with the car.

Just went to NHTSA's website to view the number of issues against the 07 ES350 and the 08. 08's have 3 and 07's have 30 times as many. The one that scared me was about the "automatic" acceleration (this is not related to the all-weather mats although the dealers insist so or say they were no "codes" that indicated mal-function!). General belief now is the fact that 07 (and afar less number of 08s) have a problem that Lexus chose to hide under the all-weather mat saga. I went back and checked ES models from different years and do not see as many issues (even first-year models). It seems like Toyota really dropped the ball on this one.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Are you saying that for 08's there were 3 complaints and the 07's had 90 about the automatic acceleration? And all 93 of these were not an issue with all-weather matts although the dealer denied it by saying that there was no error code in the cars system?

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(my MXV4 gave me 45000 miles on my VW Passat and it does not provide anything close to that on Lexus)

Different tires. The tires on your Passat were probably MXV4+, the tires on your ES are MXV4 S8, the S8s seem to be shorter lived. The tires on your Passat may have been H rated too, the ones on your Lexus are V rated.

Michelin has already replaced the S8s with the Primacy MXV4 tire, so soon after their launch I'm sure treadlife is a reason why.

People have been complaining about tire wear on these cars forever, they ship with soft rubber quiet tires which are a bummer for tire life. Has nothing to do with the car.

Just went to NHTSA's website to view the number of issues against the 07 ES350 and the 08. 08's have 3 and 07's have 30 times as many. The one that scared me was about the "automatic" acceleration (this is not related to the all-weather mats although the dealers insist so or say they were no "codes" that indicated mal-function!). General belief now is the fact that 07 (and afar less number of 08s) have a problem that Lexus chose to hide under the all-weather mat saga. I went back and checked ES models from different years and do not see as many issues (even first-year models). It seems like Toyota really dropped the ball on this one.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Are you saying that for 08's there were 3 complaints and the 07's had 90 about the automatic acceleration? And all 93 of these were not an issue with all-weather matts although the dealer denied it by saying that there was no error code in the cars system?

I dont think I made myself very clear. Sorry about that :). There are a number of instances that point to the "sudden acceleration" for year 2007. My concern were about certain of them specifically stating that they either had the new all-weather mats or did not have one in their cars. Somehow it tells me that Lexus determined that it was far cheaper to blame the all-weather mats and replace them (and put the customer's life on the line) than replacing the transmission on every car. What I meant to say was that the 2008's do not have as many such complains as 2007's do. It is possible that I am taking my sample a little too soon on the 2008 and should probably wait for another year to see if they generate the same number of issues. The fundamental point I was trying to make though is that Lexus have taken short-cuts with this vehicle. I am stating facts as much as possible here but I have been severely letdown by Lexus and their dealerships (read my other thread regarding the same) and thats probably contributing a little (just a little) to my rant here :)

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