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Before I begin, please let me state that for those of you who do not believe in a Deity, or a superior being, or a God, please do not share hateful words among us, and please keep them to your self.

While I was watching television, I had a thought about what makes us Human.

Is it our clothes, the color of our skin, the car we drive, the way we physically look, or is it our materialistic goods? In my opinion, I believe what our human insanity is our soul. What is our soul? Is it the divine power that drives us to do what we need to do on a daily task? Is it the conscientious remains of what belongs to our personality? I personally believe that our insanity is the will power, and the personal interest in doing something in benefit to ourselves, or unto others. In enlightenment of this subject, I would like to bring up the extreme power of the Human Brain. The Human Brain consists of neurological pathways that are connected to our spinal column, which in return is connected to our bodies, in which we interact with one another, and do all sorts of things.

Could it also be the power of the brain that gives us our sanity? Let me supply you with an example. Let's say that there is a woman, by the name of Georgia. She's attractive, tall, and healthy. She's normal like all of us, she eats, sleeps, works, and other tasks through out her life. However, she has no remorse, or affection to which she commits a sin, or a crime. Let's say Georgia walks into a store and steals a bottle of Head and Shoulders. She continues to do so until she is caught in the act. In her jail cell, where she will probably serve her offense, she is troubled by her insanity to never do it again. The guilt, the pressure, and the ignorance has been "stored" into the brain, in which she can remember what she has done, so that in the future, she would think twice. These factors, guilt, pressure and ignorance could probably play a role in her insanity as a human. Could her insanity of a criminal act, send her tumbling into the understanding of who she really is, and what she needs to do?

Now leaving this subject, in matters of another. Personality.

Could personality bring the inner Humane Insanity out of one self, and truly show what makes us human? In my opinion, I believe as a species, correction, a dominant species of Planet Earth, we have the ability to throw our selves into a massive community, in which we ignorantly oblige to ignore. As a dominant species, we tend to separate our selves from those of color, physical appearance, wealth, good values, and religion. Is it in our insanity to do so? Is it our will power to do so? These are the questions that come into mind when I think of the word, "Insanity." Do you?

Please do share your thoughts on this, as this idea / theory has struck me with great intent of learning about Human Behavior. How we live, how we interact, how we share this one planet, and yet we still seem to destroy its' natural beauty, our home, and our birth place. There is none like it, and there shall be none after it. Come on people, let's clean up our act, let's save my home, your home, and your neighbors home. Do a good deed, share the common wealth, share the knowledge, and share your love for one another.

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#1) I think you'd have better luck asking what insanity is over on the Benz' forum, not the Lexus forum. To me, an act of insanity is paying six figures for a depreciating asset, especially one that has Chrystler minivan parts and begins to fall apart after 3 years. :lol:

#2) 11:45pm posting....subject line of insanity....deep thoughts.....hmmmmm, reminds me of someone I use to know prior to getting married who had the middle east situation all figured out, along with his buddy, Mr. Budweiser.... :D

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Just before I fall into a deep sleep, I am looking at the back of my eyelids, The next morning I wonder why???

I know the answer, Do you ?

I avoid insanity by making positive changes that improve my todays, Do you ?

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well, in any case, I don't beleive that religion forces a higher moral standard by any means. Let's not forget that there were many civilizations before Jesus, Mohamed, Budha, and the rest.

Insanity is repeating yourself over and over and expecting different results. If you want to break out of the inner insanity than all you have to do is learn contentment. It's not getting what you want, It's wanting what you have. Perception is everything. Take Georgia, the theif, what if she was poor and felt she needed that bottle to wash her hair so she could go to an interview where perception would once again play a role in whether or not she would get a job so she could get out of her plight? Suddenly our perception of Georgia changes also. Let's take that same scenario and say she was stealing it for a friend who needed it to get a job. Now that even adds a bit of nobility to the act. Again, changing our perception of her, and the act itself. And if she were to go to prison, wouldn't that be the continuance of that noblest of acts, a sacrifice for someone other than ourselves? Let me throw this up:

If you were to line up several people and heve them look on as a man stikes another man on the chin, knocking him to the ground. The first witness laughs out loud, almost unable to stop. the next person is horrified in shock that a person would strike another like that. the next witness becomes scared and instantly seeks refuge in fear for himself. The next witness gets upset with the man who strikes the other and wants to step in as defense. Yet another witness gets angry at the man who got struck for not defending himself, and encourages him to stand up and fight back.

Who is right? Who is wrong? How is it that we can all see the same event, and have so many different reactions to it? It's all about perception.

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yep, its all about that inner contentment

book suggestion:

The Tao of Pooh

very relaxing and enlightening read :)

As someone who hasn't quite figured out his own inner insanity, i'm glad that others who have, or at the very least believe they have, can share their perspectives so freely...

even on the lexus forums lol :cheers:

"In a clear and crisp voice, Hoff explains the central tenets of Taoism and further illustrates them with familiar excerpts from The House at Pooh Corner stories, Chinese proverbs, maxims, and tales from Lao Tzu and others. The result is at once thought-provoking and charming. This is a small literary event that will leave all who experience it a little more serene." Library Journal

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as to insanity, i believe it is the foregoing of social sense, our group presence as humans. A universal dismissal of our unspoken and unacknowledged bond we have with all our fellow men and women. Without it (while insane), we are adrift without a moral compass. I agree with smooth that religion is not necessary for positive moral alignment but communication and intermingling with others I feel is the best way to maintain stability and not succumb to insanity.

Taking pleasure, knowledge, ideas from the people around you (whether good or bad)= personal sanity/life/fulfillment

Being alone, feeling the presence of no one, not taking personal joy in anything= INSANITY

but thats just me...

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