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Denz Relationship Woes


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Well...somebodys had to pay for her painful recovery...

Well, had you not STRUCK her in the first place, you wouldn't be paying for a recovery. Jeesh! Think first, then act..... oh you boyz will never learn...

Hehehehe! <_<

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Well...somebodys had to pay for her painful recovery...

Well, had you not STRUCK her in the first place, you wouldn't be paying for a recovery. Jeesh! Think first, then act..... oh you boyz will never learn...

Hehehehe! <_<

yoooohoooo, over here!!!!!!!! :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot:

How bout we hit the idiot Tim over the head! Pretend like it was an accident or something! lol... :whistles:

I get to see her tonite, somehow, I hope! lol.. :ph34r: This time I'm thinking of spicing it up for that *BLEEP*, yup and you know what that means, time to roll out the GX! :snoooorrrtttt: :cheers::cheers:


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time to roll out the GX!


Ok, but most girls wouldn't want a physical altercation to break out in front of them... It might not help the situation to INTENTIONALLY make Tim feel bad with your fancy ride. I think we need to know, does Alex like (love, whatever) Tim?

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Ok guys, i'm currently txting her as i type this... lol... What should I pick!

Ok tonite parents are gonna be gone for awhile, so i decide that maybe I can do something with her (keep a clean mind here people! lol).. Now she's asking me if I would prefer tennis with her, or go to her house, get food and watch a movie?!?!? hmmm... kinda tough choice actually! lol... :blushing:

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Ok, well that kinda makes this situation a bit complicated.

I'm gonna play devils advocate for a second. Let's say you had a girlfriend, who you were crazy about. But she had a guy friend that you knew he liked her & she talked to him, hung out with him. How would you react if the tables were turned?

If she likes Tim, I know this sucks, but don't you want her to be happy even if she's not with you? If she wern't happy, then that's another story....

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Ok, well that kinda makes this situation a bit complicated.

I'm gonna play devils advocate for a second. Let's say you had a girlfriend, who you were crazy about. But she had a guy friend that you knew he liked her & she talked to him, hung out with him. How would you react if the tables were turned?

If she likes Tim, I know this sucks, but don't you want her to be happy even if she's not with you? If she wern't happy, then that's another story....

I know. You just figured out that this whole thing was a complicated situation! lol lol.. jk jk ;)

But wow, my theory of "If i plan something with her, usually it will NEVER push thru" still is in effect. She txts back and says that she got stitches, that she cant play, and that she's got a job interview at 6pm! Ayyy! :chairshot: :chairshot:

But i told her if she wasnt doing anything to let me know, she said she would, but idk! Damnit! Just when I have NOTHING to do, parents arent home, and im free to do whatever, she aint available! grrrr!!!!!!!! :chairshot: :chairshot:

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I know, this is hard. Thinfs will work themselves out. :)

I hope so.. I was talking to my friend last nite, and he tells me that he's got a gut feeling (and he says that MOST of his gut feelings are correct) that someday she'll realize that tim's not a good guy, and that she'd end up with me, but eh, still remains to be seen..... <_<

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Yep, could happen. But you can't change someone else's mind. Have fun this summer, life's short!

Haha, Thanks. Well I kinda want school to start NOW really. lol.. :whistles:

Moving on (kinda) <_<

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Have fun this summer, life's short!

I can't believe that I'm actually following this thread...

Take some sage advice from someone who's been there

So Tim's a !Removed!, but you're an even bigger !Removed! for trying to move in on his girl. You wouldn't want someone doing that to you. He's probably only a !Removed! to you anyway since he sees you trying to move in. Maybe he doesn't have all of the material things that you do, but that doesn't make him less of a person or less of a boyfriend to Alex. Think about it like this - he's obviously got something that you don't (other than Alex) or he wouldn't be where he is....

You could go around strutting your feathers and rolling out your Dad's GX, but that's all show and good for Alex if she recognizes it. If she hops ship because you're driving a GX then she's probably not the kind of girl you want anyway. Even if you did hook up or date or whatever - chances are that you wouldn't make it through your first year apart at school - they probably won't either so wait until next summer.

Rya's right. You should be out chasing everything you can and have a blast. Don't waste your time on something that you can't have. You don't realize it now, but life is short! Don't wallow in your sorrows about a girl or you'l;l completely regret it when you're older. I remember my summer between HS and college. My girl for 3 years just broke up w/ me and I was initially devistated, but once I got past it - it was one of the best summers of my life. The girls, the parties.... I wouldn't have had 1/2 the fun I did had I still been with her or even trying to get her back. Find a friend w/ a good fake ID and have a blast. I could tell some crazy stories.....

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Find a friend w/ a good fake ID and have a blast. I could tell some crazy stories.....

But no drinking & driving.... and really drinking underage, well bad things can happen (Brand - we can find out who has crazier stories!). I broke up with my HS b/f about half way through our Freshman year of college. We went to different schools. He CRIED like a baby!! :censored: It drove me insane. Now, looking back, it was the best thing for both of us. He now has 2 kids & has been married for several years - we still email (he's always asking for "pics" & wanting to meet - we live 4 hours apart!). I figured out that I didn't want kids. We both would have been unhappy if we were still together. Now we have fun emailing each other. College is your time for FUN!! Go out, do.... things & get it out of your system (safely of course). Plenty of time to settle down latter. I promise - the right person is out there for you, just be patient and wait for the right time. Join a Fraternity - crazy, crazy parties. Ohhhh, the college years.

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haha, ok guys ok you got me.. :pirate:

I am currently enjoying my summer vacation, don't worry! She's not getting in my way, honestly! Want a little scoop into what I've been doing? Well let's just say, when my friend gets a loaner C230 when his mom's car's in the shop, we take the loaner out, and kinda do some burnouts with them. :whistles: :whistles: (in a quiet, away from the crowd street obviously lol)... Otherwise, everything me and my friends do are legal, trust me. ;)

Sometimes I feel bad doing the burnouts with the C230s, cuz the two C230s we did burnouts with, one had only 600 miles on it, the other had 1,000 miles on it. :o :o lol.. But no worries... I've seen other people that do WORSE than that, driving the loaners offroad and whatnots, and we didnt do that. :D

And branshew, I just realized today that this topic is up to page 3, which I didnt quite expect! lol.. So what is it, 8 pages from the prom thread, and 3 pages of this, total of 11 pages!!!!!! :wacko::wacko:

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Agreed here...been following Denz and my advice is move on and if she follows it was meant to be and in agreement with the Dawg and Lovely Rya there are plenty more out there. Move ahead with your life in ways that advance you and don't slow you down. Good Luck buddy.

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Bran, LOL I know. Its like a novel you just can't put down.

My advice? I'd give her some space. Some women love to be persued and they'll be a lot more interested in you if you suddenly find other things to be interested in. She sounds that way. She is absolutely aware of your feelings for her, girls are a lot smarter than boys. Remember that for the rest of your life lol

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Bran, LOL I know. Its like a novel you just can't put down.

Guilty pleasure. What makes me giggle is all of the advise you guys are giving in the relationship department. A little awwww moment for me!

girls are a lot smarter than boys. Remember that for the rest of your life lol

You just explained the secret to a happy relationship! We let you make decisions once in a while so you think it's equal. (just kidding!) :P

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  • 2 months later...

Ok Rya, you will NOT believe what just happened.. Ok I'll update you guys a little (I hope you guys wont get mad at me for reviving this thread again lol)

I have a relative here in the Philippines, well on the southern island, that decided to be friends with my high school drama (aka Alex!). So they've been penpals for almost 2 months now.. Anyways it was because of my relative that I was finally able to TELL Alex how I feel about her (yes and 6k miles away from her also).... She's ok with it, but here's the twist...

ALEX BROKE UP WITH HER BF! (about a week ago)

:cries: :cries: :cries: :cries:

Well I'm happy that she's not with that idiot that, no offense, has no future, but what really *BLEEP*es me off is that I've been waiting for the longest time for this moment to arrive, it arrives when I was forced to live far far away from her! :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot:

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Se la vie! Fate always has a way of intervening at the wost times. I'm sorry the timing isn't working out. The good news is - you're still only 18!!! Love is out there for you, just have fun while you're young!

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Well, true... 18, eh.. lol... Funny, I FINALLY have my first set of new friends (havent started skol yet) cuz i was forced to go to this retreat, 3 day 2 nites, it was fun i guess but we became really close friends... Anyways I'm kinda liking this one girl, but only problem most of these ppl are done with college, working, and are around 25-27! ugh... Even though they dont look like it, but still lol... What is with me, why cant i find someone, my age (roughly), single, good looking, and will just "work"? geez...

Anyways, you guys curious to what the girl looks like??? hehe.. my CA friends (the guys) hav been asking me for photos of local Filipina girls here... hehe... Well luckily I have new friends, makes me feel a little more "in" here... :cheers:

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