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$91.25 Cdn To Fill Tank.


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Hi Guys!! :)

I hope you're OK.

Yesterday - I paid more to fill a gas tank then I EVER have before. It cost me $91.25 CDN to fill up my 1993 LS400. That's just horrible. Premium [at the Esso station I went to] was $1.30.9 a litre. That works out to $4.96 CDN per U.S. GALLON. [or $5.95 per IMPERIAL - U.K. - GALLON] Throw in the fact that my LS is only getting about 16.8 miles per U.S. GALLON [on average] and the 'fun' of going for a 'drive' has all but vanished.

Trouble is - even if I decided to trade it in - the difference I would end up paying [trade-in difference plus all of the taxes] would make just 'paying for gas' seem NOT all that bad. I wonder how expensive gas has to get before I think otherwise.

What is it costing YOU to fill YOUR tank?!

[And how much is premium gas per gallon where you live?]

Craig!! :(

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Hi Craig - I am doing well thanks and hope you are too!

Of course I pay the same being about six miles away, but I use 92 octane in my car and I have told the wife to use 89 and 92 alternately in the LS. That makes it about 90.5 on average as I have also told her to keep the tank above the quarter full mark at all times. I don't run the level down out of respect for the fuel pump.

My brother in law is in England and they pay nearly double what we do, and their standard of living is somewhat less. So I suppose in the big picture we are still OK.

Buy oil company stocks and energy trusts. Takes the edge off.


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Hi Craig - I am doing well thanks and hope you are too!

Of course I pay the same being about six miles away, but I use 92 octane in my car and I have told the wife to use 89 and 92 alternately in the LS. That makes it about 90.5 on average as I have also told her to keep the tank above the quarter full mark at all times. I don't run the level down out of respect for the fuel pump.

My brother in law is in England and they pay nearly double what we do, and their standard of living is somewhat less. So I suppose in the big picture we are still OK.

Buy oil company stocks and energy trusts. Takes the edge off.


Hi All,

Here in the Uk we are now paying 1.00 GBP per litre for super unleaded ( 97 octane) and to fill the tank costs around 90.00 GBP ( 185.00 CAD or 167.00 US$).

Also they never have a buy one litre get one free like they do at Walmart on groceries!!! I wish!

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Like steveuk says its over one pound per litre over here in the uk :chairshot: and most of that is tax straight into the governments pocket.It cost me £70 to fill my fuel tank up the other day :rolleyes:

Try living in Rip Off Britain.


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Coincidentally, I was just telling my wife a couple of days ago I had the most expensive fill-up of my lifetime… $61.00 US for 18.5 gallons of 92 octane ($3.299/gallon). <_<

I feel a little better after reading the other posts, but sad for the future of the world’s economies, as there is little to make me believe this will not be a more or less permanent situation. :unsure:

Historically, we’ve been spoiled here in the USA when it came to cheap gasoline. It had to catch up to us sometime.

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