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What A Defining Roar


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Steve, I understand your cut off of the thread as it was somewhat temperate :whistles: ..and you have been known to deal a zealous hand :chairshot: ..but are you not dealing a blow to our liberties of expression? We were working it out, as far as I was concerned :wacko: , and all "silenced" for one reason or another as fellow Americans expressing our most potent of liberties and one of the few that we have left?. "Freedom of Expression" ;) Bet I'll pay for this one!!! Goodbye guys and remember to always fight for our country and what

"you" believe is right!!!

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Steve, I understand your cut off of the thread as it was somewhat temperate :whistles: ..and you have been known to deal a zealous hand :chairshot: ..but are you not dealing a blow to our liberties of expression? We were working it out, as far as I was concerned :wacko: , and all "silenced" for one reason or another as fellow Americans expressing our most potent of liberties and one of the few that we have left?. "Freedom of Expression" ;) Bet I'll pay for this one!!! Goodbye guys and remember to always fight for our country and what

"you" believe is right!!!

RFeldes, Don't let one mans action take you out, Stand tall and above a single opinion. ;)

That better not be a Real Goodbye there big shooter :cheers:

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Ralph, man, you've got to quit huffin' that cat's !Removed! man. Open the window and let that litter box air out! Don't make us send FEMA down there, again....opps, I mean, don't make us send FEMA down there, period. Swo3es might call a shot that you or I or others may or may not agree with, but he's the boss, and it's his responsiblity to call those shots. He's also the one who takes the heat for it, and he knows that, and has done so in the past, quite well too might I ad. Part of being the boss, is being the perceived bad-guy and takin' the heat for it. He nor I nor any of us are *BLEEP*in' on your stance. :cheers: I just think that thread was probably getting a little too personal, and mixing that with religous debate motivated by 9/11, might be just a little too much heat for here. Infact, that Osama thread I started a couple months ago started to go down that road too, and I PM's Swo to shut it down for me, as I didn't want it to go into personal attacks. Hey, I had a few that night, I know it, I own it. He's done it before on other threads relating to tires, car models, etc... Anywho....you better not be leaving this site! Or I'm gonna come down there, find 3 bottles of Big Momma's Champange and set you & that "Jaws on Paws" looking cat of yours straight.....oh....and on YOUR credit card! Those things are like $500 a bottle....or they were back in 96'....I'm still carring a balance on my credit card for that one....hahaha. So hurry up, shake it off "shake it more than twice and you're playing with it" and get back in the car, we've gotta roll. Got newbie's showing up that have the standard issue problems "clunks, creaks, shakes and shimmies", and I'm not talking about how I feel on Monday mornings either. ;) :cheers:

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This is a private website, liberties of expression don't count here. Anyways, everyone is free to talk about whatever they want, as long as they follow the rules. That thread was closed because you and another member did not adhere to the rules dragging the thread off topic and the point was beyond beaten to death. It had nothing to do with anyones opinions.

As far as my moderation style being hard handed, again I could have given you warnings but I didn't. What nc said is true, he's contacted me before and asked me to close threads that he felt were about touchy subjects and I've refused. Everyone is free to discuss anything they want, as long as they follow the rules.

Political discussions get heated, but that doesn't mean we're going to tolerate people treating each other that way on our site. I could ban you now for doing this AGAIN, but I'm not going to because you haven't created any issues in so long.

If you want to start a new thread with the same topic, go for it. As long as nobody gets childish and starts wailing on each other it'll stay open. If they do, it'll be closed.

Confused about the rules? There are only two. Don't advertise or use the membership for personal purposes of gain without asking the management first, and don't treat fellow members rudely or post in a manner to start arguments, flamewars, *BLEEP*ing contests, whatever you want to call them.

Do me a favor and don't start doing this kind of crap again. You PMed me about this and before I could even explain to you you go and start this thread creating more of an issue out of something that really isn't an issue (sorry I didn't PM you back immediately, I do have a life to live and a business to run. This site is not my only responsibility, and its not my primary responsibility).

Again, and you know this because you've been moderated for this before, ifyou have an issue with a moderating call take it up with that moderator. If you have an issue with a moderator take it up with the admins Matt or Steve. DO NOT POST THREADS IN PUBLIC FORUMS WITH DRAMA TRYING TO CREATE PROBLEMS WE AND THE REST OF THE MEMBERS HAVE TO SIT THROUGH. You can leave if you want, but thats a bunch of drama you're creating for yourself.

Thread closed.

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