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$1000 For Water Pump, Timing Belt, Tranny Flush, Gasket?

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Long story short: last week I was told by Lexus that I should elect to replace the timing belt and have a transmission flush at a cost of $400. This seemed reasonable to me. Today I was told I need the above two repairs plus a new water pump and gasket. All total $1000.

The second thing is that as recently as yesterday they were waiting on my proof of oil changes, maintenance through fax from the place where I took the car for such things. Then today, they just call with the above info and say they are done fixing the sludge and that they've been working on that from day one, six days back when I gave the car. I thought it involved a virtual rebuilding or at the least is an extensive job that takes weeks. Something about all this doesn't sit well with me. Or am I just being paranoid?

I also don't like the fact that the service rep kept underscoring the point that all these repairs cost $7000 total, including the 4 mentioned at top, and Lexus is picking up $6k of it, he kept saying this in a way to imply that a thousand bucks is chump change and I should be happy I am only getting stuck with such a small bill. I'm grateful to Lexus for this repair but on the other hand, if they have a warranty out for it, and it has produced a large number of complaints plus the fact that my car has been well-maintained, I don't really see the amazing favor they did me.

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yea I agree, he is sucking you up to not feel bad about the 1000-.. The Timing belt, waterpump cost 493 at the toyota dealer. The tranny flush should only have cost about 150 to 200 tops. Make him squirm. Tell him the prices at the toyota shop are a lot cheaper, however you are a lot cheaper than Roseville Lexus which quoted me 1400 for the timing belt and waterpump only. good luck

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yea I agree, he is sucking you up to not feel bad about the 1000-.. The Timing belt, waterpump cost 493 at the toyota dealer. The tranny flush should only have cost about 150 to 200 tops. Make him squirm. Tell him the prices at the toyota shop are a lot cheaper, however you are a lot cheaper than Roseville Lexus which quoted me 1400 for the timing belt and waterpump only. good luck

I think $400 for a TM and trany flush is not bad. Now that being said I would NOT do a trany flush. Asking for trouble, big time.

PLus a 150 to 200 for a tranny flush! Little over priced here by about 90%.

To close, I had my Tb, water pump, drive belts, cam and crank seals done for around $700+ tax (MA). the Toyota dealers around here are the same. Plus location (state to state) have a big impact.

I do my tranny filter every OTHER drain. The filter and gasket are like $30 plus I add Amsoil ATF. Complete job is about $60 and last 35 to 45K miles.

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$100 for the transmission flush, sub $500 for a basic tune up / timing belt / water pump replacement. Sub $600 at most.

Pull the dealer's foot out of your back side & shove it back in his mouth.

yea I agree, he is sucking you up to not feel bad about the 1000-..


Tell the guy he can go F himself.

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The second thing is that as recently as yesterday they were waiting on my proof of oil changes, maintenance through fax from the place where I took the car for such things. Then today, they just call with the above info and say they are done fixing the sludge and that they've been working on that from day one, six days back when I gave the car. I thought it involved a virtual rebuilding or at the least is an extensive job that takes weeks. Something about all this doesn't sit well with me. Or am I just being paranoid?

They asked you for proof of oil changes and maintenance... did they provide you with proof that they have fixed your sludge?? I'd be wanting to see some kind of paperwork, replaced parts... anything... to show that they've done more than just a good superficial clean and shine to get rid of whatever sludge you can see. Their word is OK but... hard proof is all that matters. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to this kind of thing too.

I'm grateful to Lexus for this repair but on the other hand, if they have a warranty out for it, and it has produced a large number of complaints plus the fact that my car has been well-maintained, I don't really see the amazing favor they did me.

You shouldn't feel grateful - you don't owe them anything. They aren't your friends, it's a business to them. They are trying to keep you as a customer, not do you favors.

Tell them to drop the attitude. Who cares if they're feelings are hurt? It's your money, if you don't feel right about what they are telling you... go elsewhere and be sure they know why.


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Yeah, I know you guys are right. Unfortunately, I couldn't find this website earlier in the day or week when I needed to. The method I had been using to locate it didn't work. Finally I found it typing in my screen name, but by that time i had already agreed to the work.

I asked the guy if the work could wait and he said I would be spending a lot more money as right now everything is taken apart and this would be the best time. Talking about leaking water pump, and this and that, and I gave in. I think part of the reason for my acquiescing was the guilt over having such a big job done for free. Also having a loaner brand new es 330 for the last week, when my own es 300 is worth not even 10k. i felt the loaner was waaaay out of proportion to my car.

all this is beside the point. the people are lying. he tells me last friday and even yesterday that they can't do anything until the service receipts have been faxed and then today says they have been working on the car since last wednesday when i took it in.

somewhere along the way in life i went from confrontational when necessary to excessively timid and polite. i think a big part of it is i know they hold probably most of the cards. they probably could find a loophole out of fixing the engine sludge. plus, what's to stop them from purposely !Removed! up my car if i don't agree to their blackmail?

mind you, i still don't know they received the service records, and i don't even know that the records are adequate. my dad was driving the car the last six years, and he's the type who changed the oil two months back to back out of forgetfulness but probably went several months or even eight-nine months without changing it at times. i simply don't know. maybe i should ask firestone for a copy of the service records.

right now, i am just really mad at myself for giving in and agreeing to the thousand dollar repair job. and frankly, i want to just sell the car and buy a honda civic. i love es300s, but my present station in life doesn't allow at all for massive repair bills.

i just let myself be swayed by the argument of the service rep that it would be more costly to do it later as someone would have to take it apart again, and why not do it now while it's already apart. but firestone would have done it all for half the price, and my experience is that they do good work. what to do, too late now, i already ok'd the work. but i thank you good folks for your input. wish i had had the bright idea to type my screen name into the search engine a little bit sooner than i did. i would be a thousand bucks better off. worst part is, my student loan BETTER come in tomorrow or i am REALLY screwed. (it is supposed to be wired to me tomorrow or thursday)

The second thing is that as recently as yesterday they were waiting on my proof of oil changes, maintenance through fax from the place where I took the car for such things. Then today, they just call with the above info and say they are done fixing the sludge and that they've been working on that from day one, six days back when I gave the car. I thought it involved a virtual rebuilding or at the least is an extensive job that takes weeks. Something about all this doesn't sit well with me. Or am I just being paranoid?

They asked you for proof of oil changes and maintenance... did they provide you with proof that they have fixed your sludge?? I'd be wanting to see some kind of paperwork, replaced parts... anything... to show that they've done more than just a good superficial clean and shine to get rid of whatever sludge you can see. Their word is OK but... hard proof is all that matters. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to this kind of thing too.

I'm grateful to Lexus for this repair but on the other hand, if they have a warranty out for it, and it has produced a large number of complaints plus the fact that my car has been well-maintained, I don't really see the amazing favor they did me.

You shouldn't feel grateful - you don't owe them anything. They aren't your friends, it's a business to them. They are trying to keep you as a customer, not do you favors.

Tell them to drop the attitude. Who cares if they're feelings are hurt? It's your money, if you don't feel right about what they are telling you... go elsewhere and be sure they know why.


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Yeah, I know you guys are right. Unfortunately, I couldn't find this website earlier in the day or week when I needed to. The method I had been using to locate it didn't work. Finally I found it typing in my screen name, but by that time i had already agreed to the work.

I asked the guy if the work could wait and he said I would be spending a lot more money as right now everything is taken apart and this would be the best time. Talking about leaking water pump, and this and that, and I gave in. I think part of the reason for my acquiescing was the guilt over having such a big job done for free. Also having a loaner brand new es 330 for the last week, when my own es 300 is worth not even 10k. i felt the loaner was waaaay out of proportion to my car.

all this is beside the point. the people are lying. he tells me last friday and even yesterday that they can't do anything until the service receipts have been faxed and then today says they have been working on the car since last wednesday when i took it in.

somewhere along the way in life i went from confrontational when necessary to excessively timid and polite. i think a big part of it is i know they hold probably most of the cards. they probably could find a loophole out of fixing the engine sludge. plus, what's to stop them from purposely !Removed! up my car if i don't agree to their blackmail?

mind you, i still don't know they received the service records, and i don't even know that the records are adequate. my dad was driving the car the last six years, and he's the type who changed the oil two months back to back out of forgetfulness but probably went several months or even eight-nine months without changing it at times. i simply don't know. maybe i should ask firestone for a copy of the service records.

right now, i am just really mad at myself for giving in and agreeing to the thousand dollar repair job. and frankly, i want to just sell the car and buy a honda civic. i love es300s, but my present station in life doesn't allow at all for massive repair bills.

i just let myself be swayed by the argument of the service rep that it would be more costly to do it later as someone would have to take it apart again, and why not do it now while it's already apart. but firestone would have done it all for half the price, and my experience is that they do good work. what to do, too late now, i already ok'd the work. but i thank you good folks for your input. wish i had had the bright idea to type my screen name into the search engine a little bit sooner than i did. i would be a thousand bucks better off. worst part is, my student loan BETTER come in tomorrow or i am REALLY screwed. (it is supposed to be wired to me tomorrow or thursday)

Don't beat yourself up over it - I've done the same kind of thing in the past. Every situation is different, sometimes it works out to your benefit, other times maybe not. As long as they actually do the work they said they'd do, you didn't do too badly. Could have been worse.

You mention maybe selling the Lexus and buying a Honda Civic. Just remember - Hondas have timing belts, water pumps, and all the other parts that need repair or replacement too. I have found that my Lexus (I've owned 2) have actually been cheaper to maintain over the long run than the Acura I had before. Just a thought!

Look at it this way - after this, your engine is good to go for many, many thousands of trouble-free miles. Just do your oil changes, etc. and enjoy it.


** When you pick your car up, ask them for proof of the sludge repair and see what they do and say. They told you the cost was $6000 ?? They could probably have replaced the entire engine for that much. Ask to see the bills or other evidence. If they give you a runaround - call Lexus HQ and complain. Screw 'em.

** Ask for your old parts (water pump, timing belt, etc.) back. Good shops do this without being asked, in my experience. If they try to double-talk you about this - call Lexus and complain. Make sure you tell the dealer you're going to call. Then do it and let Lexus HQ worry about it.

Enjoy your Lexus... I love mine!


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Yeah, that's crazy. $6000 and the work was supposedly done in a day, well six days according to their newly minted lies.

I know Civics break down and all, but a new one won't for several years, and I really am steamed at my slipping up today and authorizing this thousand-dollar job. Part of it I'm a medical student in a very busy part of the term and when they keep bugging me and describing these doomsday scenarios, it worries me and that's why I gave in. But I am broke and counting on my student loan coming in tomorrow, which it won't because tomorrow there is a blizzard.

The following is the text of the letter I am going to send the service manager:

Dear X,

While I appreciate your service department's undertaking of the warranty work on my car, I am troubled by a few things:

I took the car in last Wednesday, and as recently as yesterday, I was told the work had not begun due to not having received the maintenance records. Then today, I was informed by Gary that the work had been ongoing since last Wednesday, even though he himself numerous times had told me they couldn't proceed with the work until receiving the maintenance records. Assuming you received them yesterday, that means the engine sludge was cleared up in less than a day? I was under the impression this was a lengthy and extensive job.

Secondly, Gary said last week that the car needed a new timing belt and transmission flush at a cost of $400 to me, but today he amended that to say that it needed both of those and a gasket and water pump as well, and that the total would be a thousand dollars.

Third, please stop the elective work that is unrelated to the warranty and engine sludge. While I don't doubt your department's veracity in describing the problems and risks associated therein, I am a medical student here and don't have the kind of money at this time for these repairs. I will pay for whatever work has been done that I authorized, but given that the authorization was given at 3:30 pm today, leaving only little more than an hour in the workday, I can't imagine that too much headway was made in the elective work. Again, I apologize for the reversal, but fear led me to hastily authorize the elective work which I am not in a position at this time to finance. To reiterate, whatever elective work you have done regarding the 4 items mentioned which were discovered after I took the car in, I will pay for of course but I ask in good faith that you cease any further work that is not covered by warranty.



That's the gist of it. I am going to wait a bit before sending it so hopefully someone here can give feedback. I really need to learn not to be swayed by fear and clever sales pitches. Normally I am not, but living as I do in the north pole, virtually, and having to drive a ton every day, I really didn't want to take a chance.

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Well, I called the dealer at 8 am this morning and asked they stop any further elective work on the car.

Even though I authorized the work at 3 30 pm yesterday, they say ALL the work is already finished, even though their resident liar service rep said yesterday the work would be done late day today.

Reason: their mechanic stayed until 10 PM to finish this job so he could start the next one.

Exactly what kind of goddamn idiot do they think I am?

First they call me everyday for for four days asking for the maintenance records saying they can't do anything until they receive that and then approval from their district manager. Then on the fifth day, the work is suddenly miraculously completed. To top it off, this morning in our conversation, the service manager said that engine work had been done before and valves were incorrectly installed, hence the sludge, and that technically this should not have been warranty work but they were ignoring that fact since they already received approval for it.

This was a veiled threat......he's basically saying that they are capable of playing very dirty.

There has been no engine work and the car has been well-maintained, the proof is there in the receipts. Why do I get the feeling that I am being blackmailed for a thousand dollars and I strongly sense there is now a lot more mechanical breakdown after having been in the hands of these evil *BLEEP*s.

This is messed up, lies after lies after lies........and they think they can run roughshod over me.......maybe they can. But I shouldn't take it lying down. Who can I call or email at Lexus to deal with this thing?

I am surprised, when I took the car in, the person I dealt with and who I've not spoken to since, seemed very reasonable and gave no hint at what was to come.

I wasn't even so upset yesterday except at myself for being suckered into authorizing this thousand-dollar boondoggle, but now I am just *BLEEP*ed that they think they can repeatedly lie to me and change their stories constantly and get away with it.

If anyone can offer advice, I would appreciate it.

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Well, I called the dealer at 8 am this morning and asked they stop any further elective work on the car.

Even though I authorized the work at 3 30 pm yesterday, they say ALL the work is already finished, even though their resident liar service rep said yesterday the work would be done late day today.

Reason: their mechanic stayed until 10 PM to finish this job so he could start the next one.

Exactly what kind of goddamn idiot do they think I am?

First they call me everyday for for four days asking for the maintenance records saying they can't do anything until they receive that and then approval from their district manager. Then on the fifth day, the work is suddenly miraculously completed. To top it off, this morning in our conversation, the service manager said that engine work had been done before and valves were incorrectly installed, hence the sludge, and that technically this should not have been warranty work but they were ignoring that fact since they already received approval for it.

This was a veiled threat......he's basically saying that they are capable of playing very dirty.

There has been no engine work and the car has been well-maintained, the proof is there in the receipts. Why do I get the feeling that I am being blackmailed for a thousand dollars and I strongly sense there is now a lot more mechanical breakdown after having been in the hands of these evil *BLEEP*s.

This is messed up, lies after lies after lies........and they think they can run roughshod over me.......maybe they can. But I shouldn't take it lying down. Who can I call or email at Lexus to deal with this thing?

I am surprised, when I took the car in, the person I dealt with and who I've not spoken to since, seemed very reasonable and gave no hint at what was to come.

I wasn't even so upset yesterday except at myself for being suckered into authorizing this thousand-dollar boondoggle, but now I am just *BLEEP*ed that they think they can repeatedly lie to me and change their stories constantly and get away with it.

If anyone can offer advice, I would appreciate it.

Have you thought of this:


Email the Lexus Customer Assistance Center with your concerns. Some things to remember:

** Be polite! Don't go off at them right away - they won't want to respond to you if they think you're being unreasonable. Just be very matter-of-fact, let them know exactly what you're upset about and why. Tell them you don't like the way you've been treated so far.

** Make sure you mention that you are a med student - hence a possible future customer! Tell them that their response to your concerns will influence your future car buying decisions.

** Keep copies of any email correspondence with them - yours and theirs. For future reference, if need be.

** Give them a chance to respond! If they don't, you can call the 1-800 number and try that route.

I've never done this, but it's what I would try first.

Anyone else here have experience (good or bad) with Lexus customer assistance?



Even though I authorized the work at 3 30 pm yesterday, they say ALL the work is already finished, even though their resident liar service rep said yesterday the work would be done late day today.Reason: their mechanic stayed until 10 PM to finish this job so he could start the next one.

the service department of my nearest Lexus dealer is open Mon - Thurs until 2:00am! So they might have had time to do your repairs, if they have similar hours.

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Smells like sh*t! If they actually did the complete repair, they should've replaced valve stem seals as part of the job. Cams are out at that point so is the timing belt. They should only charge for parts, there is only about 20 minutes of labor to replace the water pump and open a bag and install a new timing belt. What is parts are billed out on the repair order? I'd do some digging and see how much labor you were charged for them to open a bag and put on new parts that they already took off and got paid for by Lexus.

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Well, I'm fixin to find out since I am headed out to go get it. It was running beautifully at all times before, that was never the issue, it was the miserable fuel economy. i just know it's going to start breaking down now. which is exactly the reason i don't like fighting and feuding with people who have my car.

they said with an ominous tone in an email that they will note on the bill that i declined tranny flush and rear brakes. why do i get the feeling that my car will have NO rear brakes today.

How is your ES running now that supposedly all this work has been done? :huh::unsure:

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