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Braking Maintanance 2005 Ls430


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Just a quick question (survey) to see if anyone out there with the same car (model/year) had the same situation.

I took my LS430 for the 25,000 miles service. $149.00 (down here in Florida). The service person called me and told me that I need it to replace the brakes already. I agreed and then the bill jump to almost $500.00.

I felt no difference on the braking what so ever.

After 2 weeks the service department called to advised me that I was geting a survey and I did express my concerns about returning to the dealer since I felt I did not need the brakes. Within 5 minutes, my service specialist called me and advised me how dissapointed he was that I did not called him first to express my concern and how he needs for me to check YES on the 2 important questions they will ask on the survey.

He explained to me that the braking system in the LS430 (05) has sensors and that if the brakes are not replaced then you can damage the sensors and then you have to replace rotors and pretty much the complete braking system.

I just want to know from people out there with the 05 models with the same amount of milage if they had to replace the brakes already. C'mon, such a great car (luxury) and the brakes needs to be replaced at 25k?

Thanks for your input.


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Yea i agree. I have a 92 LS. I think about 1 1/2 to 2 years of straight driving. But it also depends on the driver too. Some people like my dad brakes really heavy. So he has a tendency to wear out his brakes. I dont know about the sensors and stuff.... but generally i usually get them changed about every 2 yrs to 2 1/2 yrs. So it sounds correct to me.... but thats just me.

I think it would also depend on the type of pads you have.

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My wife just went over 21,000 miles with her 05 LS430. The only thing that needed replacing (@20,000mi) were the tires. Boy were they bad!

Lexus hasn't told me that it needs new brakes yet...i'll let you know at 25,000 miles. We've only owned the LS since May.

So far the LS is bug free!

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As with any other car, the front brake pads have a minimum acceptable thickness (in millimeters) published in the factory service manual. You should have asked the dealer "what percentage thickness have my pads worn down to so far"? If, for example, at 25,000 miles your pads were 70% worn, then you'd still be able to drive approximately 10,000 more miles before the pads would need replacement.

The rate of pad wear depends on driving style and driving conditions. I brake gradually with light pressure on the brake pedal when I approach stop signs and stop lights and I get phenomenal front brake pad life (over 150,000 miles). Other drivers brake abruptly with firm pedal pressure and may wear down the pads in as little as 25,000 miles.

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Thanks to all for all the answers I got. I can honestly say that I it is great to have this type of forum for lexus owners.

I do all my driving in the city and do brake lots of time abruptly so the service person was correct on informing me on the replacement. I'll be ready now when I hit the 50k mile mark.

Happy New Year 2006 to all.

Jay in Florida. Right now, 75F. ;)

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