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Brake Bleeding Question


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Hi everone,

Is the brake bleeding nut only visible when you remove the black rubber cover (top left corner in the picture attached) or is it the big nut seen in the center.

To be specific I am talking about the nut that has to be loosened after pumping the brakes few times.



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It seems I cannot attach the picture. But my question is - The nut that supposed to be loosened - is it covered by the black rubber cap.




Yep, that's the one. Do yourself a favor.........Buy some clear plastic tubing 1/4 inch inside diameter (I think) that you can attach to the barb on the end of the nut. Run the other end into an old coffee can or whatever you use to catch brake fluid/waste oil. Use clear tubing so that you can see when air bubbles no longer come out with the fluid. When only fluid comes out, you're done with that brake.

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I don't mean to be rude, but brakes are a critical component as you well know and if your not sure about which is the bleed screw then I highly recommend that you either get the manual and read up, have someone who has done this help you during the procedure, or have it done somewhere. This procedure can be done by yourself but it's much easier and quicker to have someone there to pump the brake before you open and close the bleed screw.

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