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Daizen Bushing Review


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lexls is just trying to point out the fact that the cars are different and supposed to be driven different. anyone who owns an SC would drive different than someone with an LS. you also have to look and the size of the vehicle and the weight which all affect handling and cushion. i would assume that the bushings for the SC would be a little different than the LS ones, if not why are they sold different? but what went wrong with TM? did they mess up or the bushings?

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lexls is just trying to point out the fact that the cars are different and supposed to be driven different. anyone who owns an SC would drive different than someone with an LS. you also have to look and the size of the vehicle and the weight which all affect handling and cushion. i would assume that the bushings for the SC would be a little different than the LS ones, if not why are they sold different? but what went wrong with TM? did they mess up or the bushings?

Same sub frame, same engine and tranny, same bushings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had Daizen bushes on my car for 6 months and havn't had any problems thus far, no squeeking at all and slightly tighter feel. Maybe the mechanic didn't grease the bushes enough. Have a look on www.lexls.com as there are 2 different ways to install all with hi-rez pics.

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I've road with Daisens and I think they are crap, go with a good poly bushing on Ebay you will save money and enjoy them more. The daisens are to soft, and spungy feeling, and can cause steering drift. I've got a set of Daisen lower control arm bushing sitting in my back yard collecting dust. I removed them for a reason. Just my opinion.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi just an update on Daisen bushes on a gen 1 after 14 months use. I decided the other day to go back to the original bushes which are now back in. Upper control bushes only. Lowers were stuffed when i took them out so i am stuck with daisen lowers. You may be asking why do this. Answer is a few little things, 1 the front tyres have both worn on the outside edges, 2 car was not tracking as well as it should. Don't get me wrong but this was my personal choice to do this, its been going though my mind for ages. After removal the Daisens showed little wear and were not squeeking. I sort of think that they should be of a one piece design instead of 2 and did not meet in the middle with about a 1/4" gap. Anyway the old ones are back in and it feels like the car used to. As some of the other posts state they are not for everyone. :)

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Gents, I am seeing lot of mails regards to the Daizen bushings being bad and noisy, But I have to disagree to some members about Daizen being bad, But I also own a First Gen model, and these bushings I have myself fitted in personally, My experience with these bushings were dont fit exactly into the housing assy, a bit of rubber shave has to be done and use the lubrication grease give by them itself, now it has been 1yr 7 months years since i have fitted it, and still going strong no noise, no squeaks or any other defect noticed. The suspensions is as good as the OEM itself. Earlier to these I had bought from lextasy and they are crap, just did not last long, as lexls quoted, it differs from state to state the harsh weather conditions also. I think in hotter states these work superbly !!!! Maybe the colder state members may have a different view.

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Fellas, fellas....Ok try installing a new set of OEM bushings after riding on the Daisens and you will see what I mean....As far as some wearing out fast and others not is possible...The problem with the Daisen bushings is that they do not have ribbed sides to hold the grease in like OEM's and others, the grease just slides out...Also too much material and rubber so the bushings start to mushroom out at the sides over time..lastly the feel is too spungy in comparison to OEM's....

These are the facts and they are undisputed from my experiences........The grease moves out, the bushings wear and dry up fast and then you get noise... My friends daisens started making noise after 3 months and he greased the heck out of them, mine the same.. I had mine professionally installed too.........Two true story's, two negative experiences...I have become a bushing expert almost from that experience...

If you really want perfection, go to the nearest Toyota Dealership and pic up a set of 1993-1998 Supra Lower Control Arms for around $500 and install them on your SC.....3 big bolts and a wheel allignment and you are done..Oh and don't pay a mechanic a ton of money for the swap it is so easy and I did it myself in about 45 minutes.....The LCA's come new with OEM bushings installed and the new pivot ball joint.They come complete...

That is what I did on my 1992 SC4 and that is better then any type of bushing replacement, and probably ends up costing not too much more, etc.....Those arms are the exact same fit and bolt pattern and mount flawlessly onto the SC's.....My daisens and other bushings are gone and history and I can't be happier with the Supra LCA arms...Responsive, stable and good too go for many years to come...

That is my two cents....

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Jibbby. You keep writing as though the LS400 is the same front end as the SC and talking supra lower control arms, but they are completly different in all aspects. The only thing common is the motor and thats about it................Moving on.. On my LS after 14 months use (back 3 posts) the grease was still in all the joints, did not make any noise, do have ribbed sides. I was just not 100% happy with the proformance and felt in my own mind that they (upper c/a) moved around with the flex of such thick bushings. The wear on both tyres was on the outer edges of both. The lower bush on the other hand is much thinner and would not flex as much. Opinion only!

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Jibbby. You keep writing as though the LS400 is the same front end as the SC and talking supra lower control arms, but they are completly different in all aspects. The only thing common is the motor and thats about it................Moving on.. On my LS after 14 months use (back 3 posts) the grease was still in all the joints, did not make any noise, do have ribbed sides. I was just not 100% happy with the proformance and felt in my own mind that they (upper c/a) moved around with the flex of such thick bushings. The wear on both tyres was on the outer edges of both. The lower bush on the other hand is much thinner and would not flex as much. Opinion only!

Your right, I am only speaking of the SC's and not the LS's.. I did not understand that you were talking about the LS's, my bad,.......Maybe the arms and bushings are different for the LS models. I don't know, maybe the daisen bushings even work fine on a few SC's too....What I do know is that my set off Daisens and my friends new set of LCA Daisens failed....That is not opinion either that is fact.......I would bet that knew OEM bushing would still ride better on your LS then the Daisens, now that is just opinion...

I am very happy for you that the Daisens are working out great on your LS.. You are luckier man then I...I hope they continue to hold up for you....

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'course Jibby, your experience with them could have something to do with the 9,000,000 HP you're running throught that beast! :cheers:

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'course Jibby, your experience with them could have something to do with the 9,000,000 HP you're running throught that beast! :cheers:

Oh come on my car is not that fast...It's pretty fast but not absolutely rediculous.. Did you know you can really get those LS400's moving too....Just a few mods here and few mods there and your zipping down the road in your luxury 4 door sedan....A true sleeper, think about it...

.Impressive throttle response is fun for everyone....Believe it or not you will actually get better gas milieage too when modifing your exhaust, intake, etc.. makes the engine work less hard to turn those rear wheels which saves gas....... What do you think are you ready to hotrod your LEX and make the wife upset and kids scared?

See ya :)

PS...I didn't know the President drinks Budweiser.....Can beer make you wiser? It made Bud wiser...Will it make Bush wiser?

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PS...I didn't know the President drinks Budweiser.....Can beer make you wiser? It made Bud wiser...Will it make Bush wiser?

Right now I just hope it makes him too drunk to speak in public. God knows back in the day, it did for me. Some say it's sad that I can receite the label word for word on demand. "This is the famouse Budweiser beer, we know of no other....." But, that's for a different thread.

I've thought about some minor modifications here and there. But with my car and it's history, it probably can't handle it. I must say, the picture of your car with those wheels on it, has opened up my eyes to the SC400 as a second car, down the road. Sure would be nice to wake up in the morning and decide "sedan or coupe today?" And, knowing I'd have both, fully restored, for way less than the price of just one new one. But, got a house to buy first, then furniture....and possibly a trip to Europe next spring for our 1st anniversary.

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Sure would be nice to wake up in the morning and decide "sedan or coupe today?" And, knowing I'd have both, fully restored, for way less than the price of just one new one. But, got a house to buy first, then furniture....and possibly a trip to Europe next spring for our 1st anniversary.

Yep, & the rest of us will be laughing ourselves silly when you post that the wife comes home one day & says "Honey?, Guess what?"............. (dangling participle intentional.......). Hopefully though, at least her side of the gene pool runs both deep and wide........That certainly was the only thing that saved my daughter.............

Thats when the shiny, 4 color brochures for the last latest hot-rods all go in the trash.

Not to worry though, it's all worth it the long run.........


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Sure would be nice to wake up in the morning and decide "sedan or coupe today?" And, knowing I'd have both, fully restored, for way less than the price of just one new one. But, got a house to buy first, then furniture....and possibly a trip to Europe next spring for our 1st anniversary.

Yep, & the rest of us will be laughing ourselves silly when you post that the wife comes home one day & says "Honey?, Guess what?"............. (dangling participle intentional.......). Hopefully though, at least her side of the gene pool runs both deep and wide........That certainly was the only thing that saved my daughter.............

Thats when the shiny, 4 color brochures for the last latest hot-rods all go in the trash.

Not to worry though, it's all worth it the long run.........


Hey, hottrodding is not for everyone, but it is nice to be able to have the power to call upon when needed in a certain situation, or just for fun....Just for you info, the LS and SC really are built to handle the same power....My friends LS400 is as fast as my SC400 and he has had no problems with stuff breaking...He slapped a turbo on his stock V8 motor...The LS is a great car, huge moon roof, good room inside...May be a better choice then the SC....I have owned one in the past, but being a single man the SC was the only way to go for me....

I take it you don't like Bush very much....Also I take it you think he is not too bright either....Your probably right, I think he was evaluated as having the lowest IQ out of any President in history...You could be onto something, and without his fathers help and concelling he would really be in trouble....

I happen to like Bush, I guess, maybe....The middle east affair is a war that had to happen sooner or later...Those hard core Islamic Arabs that hate our Amercan ways and people, will continue to fly planes into buildings, be-head innocent people, and blow themselves up too take out more innocent people....Even if Clinton was in office I think this war would have been unavoidable....Too bad there are politcal sides to our country- Republican vs. Democrats we are one nation and should not be divided...It's a shame it is like that....We should all work together to make the world a better place for everyone....

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The middle east affair is a war that had to happen sooner or later...Those hard core Islamic Arabs that hate our Amercan ways and people, will continue to fly planes into buildings, be-head innocent people, and blow themselves up too take out more innocent people....Even if Clinton was in office I think this war would have been unavoidable.

I pretty much agree with everything you've said........

The one issue I'm a bit torn about is the fact that the fundamentalists hate our western decadence......things/behavior/people like Michael Jackson.........Sounds terrible, but I can't say I blame them, at least not on that one. That's not to say that I, in any way condone any of the violence, because I don't.

More troubling is the fact that I don't think things are going to calm down anytime soon......rather, I think they are going to get even worse. I'm no more or less "addicted" to oil than anyone else, but can you imagine what would happen if the worlds' oil supply were suddenly "shut off"? For those of you who would counter by saying "we have all kinds of contingency plans in place, etc.", I'd then ask the question of "how would you rate the local, state & federal relief agencies' performance during & after the Katrina relief effort"? This question is asked, regardless of politics, Republican/Democrat, Liberal/Conservative. My point being is that you had better be prepared to take care of yourself and your family, independant of any government agency. I'm not slamming the government, but practically speaking, there is only so much any organization can do in a given period of time in response to an overwhelming disaster. The government cannot protect you/us against everything.

Yes, I know and appreciate (and apologize) that I've gone off topic, but, we could have to deal with this sooner rather than later. Let's all hope not...................

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This is an interesting thread to watch, because I have the Daizen front bushing set waiting to install, so time will tell as to the durability of the set.

As for the political situation, things could get out of control really quick over there. Hizbollah don't seem to take much notice, historically speaking, of what happens when an Arab country or Islamist militant group takes up a fight with them. Every time somebody goes to war with Israel to "wipe them off the map" their military assets get destroyed. The problem is if Syria gets into the fight, Iran will get into it. How many oil producing states will back Iran? If Iran invades say through Iraq, we're involved. If the Israelis are cornered, they've got nukes, and they would not be afraid of using them. What happens then? What if a good chunk of the oil fields in the region get irradiated? Iran may already have a nuke or two, and could certainly make a dirty bomb. If they do a first strike against Tel Aviv, Iran gets turned into a sheet of glass. All of that worst case scenario of course. I think the major powers need to stay out of it and let Israel take on Hizbollah. Trying to create a cease fire would only delay the inevitable IMO.

Okay, I've made my contribution to the hijacking!

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Well not much more to be said about the Daisens...

Dasines and Politics should be the name of this thread now...

I agree with both of you, yes we could be in for tough times ahead....The middle east is in a very delicate state....Israel is lucky they have us to back them up, and by doing so that makes us the enemy too... A good Middle East cleansing is needed if you ask me.....Irak is just the start... The only problem is the other world powers are getting nervous because of our aggreassion in the middle east, and also the fact that we may dominate the oil supplies, etc...That is why you see N. Korea trying to make nukes, Russia trying to make a come back, and who knows what the leaders of China are thinking.....These are troubled times for sure, but as history dictates a war is over due...

When you have several religous groups that are willing to kill themselves to kill others in the name of their God, What you have is a growing problem..They need to be delt with immediately if not sooner....Imagine what Hamas, AL Queda, Etc..are willing to do if they had long range nukes, I know they are not afraid to fly planes into buildings, behead innocent people, etc...... I am against war, and am always in favor of diplomatic solutions...However, you cannot create a permenant peaceful agreement with terrorist organisations, they cannot be reasoned with when they think we are evil...

I agree that the moral decline of our nation is upsetting to most religious groups, and I can't blame them either......However, I don't see other extreme religious groups like Orthedox Jews, Born agian Christians, Buddist Monks,, etc...plotting terrortst plans to wipe out sinful people. ... Any religion that preaches violence instead of peace should be delt with accordingly before real damage is done...They should reach out to sinful people and preach their Islamic message of peace, rehabilitate and not illiminate....That is my two cents....

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The one issue I'm a bit torn about is the fact that the fundamentalists hate our western decadence......things/behavior/people like Michael Jackson.......

You talking about republicans? :)

Back to the the LS.....where's a good place to order the Daizen bushings from?

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I recently installed the Daizen bushings to the lower sway bars and I have to say that it feels MUCH better than before. Most likely because I have a 93 first gen which probably had original bushings which had gone to much anyway.

The first bushing I installed was a MESS because I unloaded the full pack of grease into it (which is what you are supposed to do)... so on the next bushing I only did 1/2 the pack to make install easier... but now I see why you unload the whole package as it seems like the grease may wear out and cause squeaking. I guess I will know if the left rear side of my car starts squeaking (the one I did 1/2 on)!

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As said the right amount of greasing is sufficient enough, dont over stuff as when they get hardened around the bushing itself, making the rides miserable at later stage. I have to be frank, they are just too good as the OEM, as said in LEXLS ensure the old rubber is cleansed out properly and run a the sand grit out with a smoothe paper, and if u have a bench press just ensure you do the pressing from both end simultaneous pressure, this rubber would sit in the housing perfectly. I missed one note was prior to greasing the bushings just do a dummy runup on the axle itself to see if when pressed would they sit tightly into it or would it be any bulge when pressed, U may need to shave with a handgrinder a bit of the rubber execess as required dont do it too much, otherwise they would tend to loosen out. After the bench press is done, just wait for ten - 15 minutes for the grease to settle in and absorb the vacuum space left and then you go ahead and fit. Ensure this last stage, as some usually rush up. because this grease is silicone based synthetic grease. Have patience and you will see the result. cheers :)

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Daisens do not hold grease, noise and deteriation will occure it is only a matter of time.....Don't take my work for it, look into the forum Lextreme.com and search Daisen bushings....You will fine I am not the only person whom seems to think the daisens are crap.... The daisen steering rack bushings are outstanding, the LCA's are not...

Good luck with your Daisens I do hope they work out better for you then they did for me and others......

I believe ADUS and ARMSTRONG bushings are a much better choice...Go to Lextreme.com, then use the search function and type "ADUS bushing" read the post on daisens and other bushings...there are pictures shown on how and why the Daisens wear out....If I knew how to link I would....

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