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The Unthinkable........an Accident


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I am sick.I was in an accident in my '94 ls 400.A kid was coming over an overpass and hit me as I was turning left; so we were both going in the same direction.He hit my front passenger side wrecking the bumper cover, passenger headlight, and passenger fender...............the cop said I could have been ticketed but I wasn't I would have been angry if I had been.............I heard no brakes slamming and I saw nothing I was just all of a sudden banged into and spun around so I believe subjectively of course that he was going too fast and had no time to stop.

Anyhow the car was a gift from my brother.That is the good news.I paid nothing for it.But I do want to have it fixed and I know a body man that will do it.....the car being quite old I had no collision coverage.

There are many places on line that sell after mkt parts.Which places are best? Is there any thing I should know that might not be common knowledge for a body repair person?

I taped up the bumper cover and drove the car home and it ran fine and the body guy said it looked sraight so that there was no frame damage so it seems worth it to repair.

Thanks for reading my long post any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated.............believe me I am literally sick over this which may sound selfish considering the plight of so many these days.....I am trying to keep it in perspective............thanks all......

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Should of had collision insurance, i still am not sure why some have a Lexus but not spend the few more $ on complete coverage.

It all depends on how you want the car fixed and how bad it is . None of this anyone over the internet can tell you as someone needs to evaluate the car in person.

I prefer Lexus parts for both of mine and things done the right way.

Judging by you calling it an old car and probably treating it that way, it may not matter the condition it is repaired in as long as it isn't falling apart. So any body shop can put it back together again .

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Frankly I would prefer you not make value judgments about me.You have no way of knowing categorically how I cared for my Lexus.So the comment that I must treat the car like it was old is frankly a dumb and uninformed thing to say.

It is not unusual to not have collision on a car that is almost 12 years old.So that comment is uncalled for as well.

I asked a simple question.How are after market lexus parts? I can't believe no one has ever gotten into an accident and might have some info.

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I certainly don't want this to be about personalities.I took good care of my car. But I would have paid in 2yrs time(insurance) more than the car is worth .So it was not a cavalier thing that I did not have collision.I wished I had.But since the car was given to me I feel that paying somone to fix it and not just slap it together might be what I should do.

My question is how are after mkt parts?

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umaa, no sweat amigo, it's all good. :cheers:

To answer your question: They are aftermarket parts, not original. Therefore I would not expect the car to be as good as it once was before the accident. I have only used one type of aftermarket parts, and those are my front brake pads. They suck. Got dust flyin' off of those things like you can't believe. Will the car be ok with aftermarket parts? Probably so, I would think it would be. Will it be like it was? nope. It might be for a little while, but not for long, is my guess. The true beauty of these cars are the incrediable parts used when manufactored. The ability to withstand so many years of driving, bumps, and so forth all while maintianing their "day 1" composure is the true glory of a Lexus. Any Lexus, but especially the flag ship LS400. But, I understand where you're coming from as well. Putting more money into a sinking investment can be viewed as a lost cause. I struggle with this myself, and judging by my signature below, you can bet I've lost a few hairs on the ole' head with this dilema. I choose to look at the bigger picture of having a world class, judged by all others, super luxury cruiser machine for a total price "including new parts" of less than your typical Hyndia. So, it's really six in one, half a dozen in the other. Aftermarket will work, but not as well and for not as long. Expect rattles, squeeks and constant maintance after awhile with aftermarket.

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in addition, to help price out the parts with a discount, check out part.com and drill down to your make and model. get to know the site, you'll love it. You'll also find that you can get oem for aftermarket prices in general. Steve, hope i'm not advertising too badly.

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Hey man there is a website for junkyards. You request the parts you need and people email you back the price.

They damn near have everything since they have like 1000 junk yards. The ones in the south are so kewl they have the cars on tire blocks and you just go and get stuff for dirt cheep.

Man get the parts any way you can. Junk yards, ebay and where ever. Just get the parts. I have after market rear and front bumper lights. They are fine!

As for the insurance screw it.. You saved 5k by not having it so now you just have to fix the LEXUS.

As for your driving always make sure when you are going into the other lane look carefully and move slowly. I say this since there probably has been 10 times when me and another car are going into lane same time. One of which when I was 18 and I moved to quick. Just missed the guy or he just missed me.. Now I am really slow and cautious.

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Actually IMHO used OEM Lexus parts will be better than new aftermarket parts...

akewl- The test for those lights will be how long they last, I've never seen a set of aftermarket lights stay clear and water tight for over a year.

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Another problem is that the plastic is lower quality and tends to yellow so I'd keep on top of them with some plastic polish to keep them clear.

Gotta think about it this way though, you could replace them once a year and it would probably take you 3-5 years to equal the price of OEM lights LOL

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Also bear in mind that the insurance company will not repair the car if the cost of the repair is more than the bluebook value. They will total it.


I agree for most older cars comp and collision does not make financial sense. I'm not sure about Lexus but Mercedes and BMW comp and collision is very expensive relatively speaking because part costs are so high.

If someone else hits you and they are at fault then their 3rd party property damage should cover it. I had something similar happen to me and my insurance decided not to go after the other party and instead paid their claim (even though they hit me).

Just one of those things.....I did remember seeing however a Lexus-specific junkyard link in one of the other forums...try a search for parts and see what happens. For headlights, mirrors, etc this might be a good choice. Body panels however I would probably go OEM..

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Good points Jainla_ the guy I have looking at the car told me because of the age if it was insured the ins co would demand after mkt parts be used........

Thanks for all the suggestions.I have put in a request for the parts I need on one of the internet salvage sites; bumper assembly i.e. bumper cover, reinforcement, also a passenger fender........my friend says he could fix the fender but that it would take a lot of work..........but the way some of you are talking maybe that is the way to go_ keep the original fender.

What site has oem parts? Part.com seems to be out of service or is it just my ancient computer?...........again thanks to all for the suggestions.

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Gotta think about it this way though, you could replace them once a year and it would probably take you 3-5 years to equal the price of OEM lights LOL

I found this very interesting! I have more time than I know what to do with right now, so I compared the prices.

Ebay auction for the lights:

-BIN price of $36.88 add $14.95 shipping, comes to: $51.83

Park Place Lexus (Plano):

-Turn Signal lens: $38.54 x 2 = $77.08

-Orange side marker lens: $38.02 x 2 = $76.04

Total: $153.12


That's roughly a 3:1 price ratio, so Steve, you were right on, Chris can replace them once a year for 3 years instead of one set of OEM lenses! ;) Wow! :o Gotta love Lexus prices!

University, I would try http://www.car-part.com. Also try:


For OEM parts try: http://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...m?siteid=213808


http://www.irontoad.com (give them a try, they pick and choose which parts they'll sell through the mail.)

Consider it your lucky day that you didn't get a ticket! Regardless of the other motorist's speed, it sounds like you turned in front of him-violating his right-of-way. I know a few people who have been in accidents like this, and they were demed at fault and ticketed.

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Gotta think about it this way though, you could replace them once a year and it would probably take you 3-5 years to equal the price of OEM lights LOL

I found this very interesting! I have more time than I know what to do with right now, so I compared the prices.

Ebay auction for the lights:

-BIN price of $36.88 add $14.95 shipping, comes to: $51.83

Park Place Lexus (Plano):

-Turn Signal lens: $38.54 x 2 = $77.08

-Orange side marker lens: $38.02 x 2 = $76.04

Total: $153.12


That's roughly a 3:1 price ratio, so Steve, you were right on, Chris can replace them once a year for 3 years instead of one set of OEM lenses! ;) Wow! :o Gotta love Lexus prices!

University, I would try http://www.car-part.com. Also try:


For OEM parts try: http://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...m?siteid=213808


http://www.irontoad.com (give them a try, they pick and choose which parts they'll sell through the mail.)

Consider it your lucky day that you didn't get a ticket! Regardless of the other motorist's speed, it sounds like you turned in front of him-violating his right-of-way. I know a few people who have been in accidents like this, and they were demed at fault and ticketed.

Thanks for those websites; I have emailed two of them.I think finding lexus parts is the way to go even if I have to wait for used ones.

Believe me I do consider myself lucky.I still think he was going too fast.But your take was similar to the deputies.And once he said he was not gonna ticket anyone I kept my mouth shut.The area where it happened has seen a huge upsurge in traffic and the deputy said there are all kinds of accidents similar to mine; so he did not ticket me...............anyway again thanks for the sites

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