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What Is The Best Cell Phone Company?


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and with the 3G CDMA able to use the GSM netowrk, will sprint even need to "upgrade" to GSM?? thats my other question.

Probably not, unless the GSM service becomes more reliable here in the US. Right now its terrible...

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Could any of you knowledgeable gentleman recommend a good cellphone that has a 2-way speakerphone and NO camera. I have Verizon service and I'm in area code 11235? I am considering the LG VX4500, but I'd like your opinion. Thanx.

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the Motorola MPX 200. thats about the only one from motorola i would reccomend...  can only be had through AT&T tho.

Thanks for your response, but I don't think the Motorola MPX 200 has speakerphone ability and even if it did, I don't know whether I could use it with my Verizon Wireless Service. :(

P.S. One other question: Do you feel I made a mistake by ordering an all digital phone rather then a tri-mode? As you can probably tell, I'm really not to well versed in cellphone technology. :wacko:

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Thanks for your replies. I went ahead an ordered from Verizon the LG VX4500. It got a decent write up and has all the necessary things that I was looking for. If I don't like it I can return it within 15 days. :rolleyes:

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  • 4 months later...

I switched to Verizon in early Janurary, and I can't help wonder how in the hell how this company is still in business. All they do is brag that they have the fewest dropped calls, but I can't remember any dropped calls when I was with Sprint. I have atleast one dropped call a day with VZW. They have replaced my LG(I forgot what number it is. 6100 maybe?) twice thinking it is the culprit, but that has done no good at all and wasted 2 hours of my time. I can't wait to cancel the contract with these people over the summer(when I'm not under the unemployed tax bracket). I knew we should have gone with Cingular; I could save a bundle with their free roaming part. In my first bill, I was charged $20 in roaming fees. :o And what makes it even better, is this stupid phone indicates roaming by flashing a triangle the size of a pin head on the top of the display...yeah I might notice this. My old Nokia clearly marked "ROAMING" on the display banner, and if a call came in that was roaming, it had a different ring(came from the factory this way), so that you know not to answer.

I go to school in a one horse town, but New Orleans is not a one horse town, and I still get dropped calls there. If I'm at home, I have to go outside the house to talk. My neighborhood's powerlines are underground fiber optics, so maybe that's causing problems?? This is a real !Removed! when it's raining. Oh yeah, forget about text messaging if you are not in the "VZW" network which is tough to find in LA.

Anyone else have problems with VZW??

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blake- Verizon service is not at all what it used to be and not what its cracked up to be, overrated Sprint was much better.

I'm paying $350 to get out of my Sprint contract next month, thats how much I don't like it.

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The best company, by far, is Verizon!!!!!

The best phone, ???? I have an old Star-tac that works great!!!

My work supplied phone is through Alltel---"No-tell" The service is awful!!!

The phone is a Motorola Flip 720. Not bad.

I really think they all suck!!!

Lets go back to the land line and smoke signals!!!! B)

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How can a company that deliberately disables features of phones supported by other manufacturers to force their customers to use their pay per use features and strong arms phone companies into crippling their phones by threatening to illegally blacklist ESNs be "the best".

Verizon may spend a lot to brainwash people into thinking they're "the best" but every dealing I've had with them (including a drawn out experience trying to get my peice of garbage V710 repaired or replaced) has told me that they don't diserve anyone's business.

I will be paying my $350 to get out, and I will make it my personal mission to dissuade as many people as possible from buying Verizon service. They are such an unethical company it should be (and may be depending on the outcome of these lawsuits) criminal.


Sprint is almost as bad. Looks like the last best hope lies with Cingular.

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How can a company that deliberately disables features of phones supported by other manufacturers to force their customers to use their pay per use features and strong arms phone companies into crippling their phones by threatening to illegally blacklist ESNs be "the best".

Verizon may spend a lot to brainwash people into thinking they're "the best" but every dealing I've had with them (including a drawn out experience trying to get my peice of garbage V710 repaired or replaced) has told me that they don't diserve anyone's business.

I will be paying my $350 to get out, and I will make it my personal mission to dissuade as many people as possible from buying Verizon service. They are such an unethical company it should be (and may be depending on the outcome of these lawsuits) criminal.


Sprint is almost as bad. Looks like the last best hope lies with Cingular.

Then how come Consumers Reports always rates Verizon heads and shoulders above the rest??? :rolleyes:

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Thats a VERY good question.

I think its because of the service, most people never have contact with the SUPPORT side of Verizon. The phone service is good, no doubt about that, but the customer service is the worst of any company I've dealt with. Do something fun, go into a big Verizon store (one that does equipment service) and just sit there for 30 minutes. Never in my life have I seen SO many unhappy and frustrated people. I've been to 5 different stores trying to get my phone replaced and I did not find one where at least one person wasn't ranting and raving about how horrible Verizon is. In fact, I had long conversations with a lot of them an got some insight into why.

1. Omnipitance. Everyone at Verizon be it in a store or in their help department over the phone is content in their complacency, they have the attitude of Benz and BMW dealers, that you should be honored to have their very great and wonderful service and because of that, they don't have to work for you as a customer. I have not found one person who would help me happily and finally got what I wanted (a new phone to replace my defective one) after a 2 hour wait in the store because I made a huge scene in front of the manager on a particularly busy sales day. He caved to what I want to protect his business, not because he or Verizon felt any need to stand by the products they sell.

2. Lack of appreciation for their customers. Never have I encountered a company that has NO interest in keeping my business. I've had Sprint and Cingular before and had problems with each, but both problems were solved over the phone because I threatened to pull my service and they wanted to keep me. Did the same thing with Verizon, I got "Okay".

3. Unethical business practices and price gouging their customers. Deactivating the bluetooth features on their phones that make Bluetooth what it is, and cause the phones not to work in built in Bluetooth systems which is why many people buy them, and not being upfront about that at the point of sale is not only a poor business practice, it is illegal. It is misrepresentation. It speaks too much of their history as being the Bell subsidiaries where they used to gouge people for their phone service. I will be thrilled when the government takes the final blow at these scumbags and makes blacklisting ESNs illegal. They will.

4. Ignorant systems of dealing with customers in store. I've had Sprint and Cingular, and had equipment problems with each. Sprint will take your phone back real quick while you wait and diagnose it, Cingular doesn't ask any questions and just replaces it, Verizon thinks its a Buick and makes you leave it all day. Thats unnaceptable. The reason people pay for cell phones is because they need to be in contact. I'm self employed, leaving my phone for an entire day is simply suicide, I can't work. Best part is, they may or may not fix it after all that time. I told them I was having a power problem I diagnosed myself to the battery. Well they keep it for 4 hours and "we cleaned the charging ports, here". I'm like, well thats not going to help the problem of the phone cutting off randomly is it? He's like "no, but we dont have any batteries". So, I caused a scene and forced the manager to give me a new one out of the box. This was the 5th time I had tried to have this phone fixed mind you, at 5 seperate locations.

Some stories. One woman was having her phone replaced because it was submerged in water through her insurance. They bring her out the new phone but it has an old scratched up battery attatched to it. She asks why. The guy says "We don't replace the batteries, only the phone" well, the phone was submerged in water and the battery doesn't function. She had to pay $50 for a new battery, plus the $50 deductible on the insurance, its like she said she could have bought a new phone.

One woman bought a new PDA phone and someone called her to tell her they could transfer her phonebook for her. She got there after rushing from work early only to hear theres no such thing, no idea why someone called her. She asked if someone could show her how to use some features, nobody could. So she left with her $600 phone no one can show her how to use.

One man put his daughter's phone in for service and they updated it without telling him, and it erased all her pictures AND destroyed the phone. Being 14 she was very upset. The manager of the store was not helpful or remorseful at all, he called Verizon online service and niether were they, he cancelled his service and went down to Sprint.

Its really unbelievable. I've never seen so many furious people in one place at one time as inside a Verizon store. How they sell any phones next to people ranting and raving is beyond me.

Horrible, horrible company. Just because they have good service doesn't give them the right to treat their customers like garbage. The service is good, but no better than Sprint and not a LOT better than Cingular. Sprint has deactivated bluetooth functions too so I guess Cingular is it.

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Thats a VERY good question.

I think its because of the service, most people never have contact with the SUPPORT side of Verizon. The phone service is good, no doubt about that, but the customer service is the worst of any company I've dealt with. Do something fun, go into a big Verizon store (one that does equipment service) and just sit there for 30 minutes. Never in my life have I seen SO many unhappy and frustrated people. I've been to 5 different stores trying to get my phone replaced and I did not find one where at least one person wasn't ranting and raving about how horrible Verizon is. In fact, I had long conversations with a lot of them an got some insight into why.

1. Omnipitance. Everyone at Verizon be it in a store or in their help department over the phone is content in their complacency, they have the attitude of Benz and BMW dealers, that you should be honored to have their very great and wonderful service and because of that, they don't have to work for you as a customer. I have not found one person who would help me happily and finally got what I wanted (a new phone to replace my defective one) after a 2 hour wait in the store because I made a huge scene in front of the manager on a particularly busy sales day. He caved to what I want to protect his business, not because he or Verizon felt any need to stand by the products they sell.

2. Lack of appreciation for their customers. Never have I encountered a company that has NO interest in keeping my business. I've had Sprint and Cingular before and had problems with each, but both problems were solved over the phone because I threatened to pull my service and they wanted to keep me. Did the same thing with Verizon, I got "Okay".

3. Unethical business practices and price gouging their customers. Deactivating the bluetooth features on their phones that make Bluetooth what it is, and cause the phones not to work in built in Bluetooth systems which is why many people buy them, and not being upfront about that at the point of sale is not only a poor business practice, it is illegal. It is misrepresentation. It speaks too much of their history as being the Bell subsidiaries where they used to gouge people for their phone service. I will be thrilled when the government takes the final blow at these scumbags and makes blacklisting ESNs illegal. They will.

4. Ignorant systems of dealing with customers in store. I've had Sprint and Cingular, and had equipment problems with each. Sprint will take your phone back real quick while you wait and diagnose it, Cingular doesn't ask any questions and just replaces it, Verizon thinks its a Buick and makes you leave it all day. Thats unnaceptable. The reason people pay for cell phones is because they need to be in contact. I'm self employed, leaving my phone for an entire day is simply suicide, I can't work. Best part is, they may or may not fix it after all that time. I told them I was having a power problem I diagnosed myself to the battery. Well they keep it for 4 hours and "we cleaned the charging ports, here". I'm like, well thats not going to help the problem of the phone cutting off randomly is it? He's like "no, but we dont have any batteries". So, I caused a scene and forced the manager to give me a new one out of the box. This was the 5th time I had tried to have this phone fixed mind you, at 5 seperate locations.

Some stories. One woman was having her phone replaced because it was submerged in water through her insurance. They bring her out the new phone but it has an old scratched up battery attatched to it. She asks why. The guy says "We don't replace the batteries, only the phone" well, the phone was submerged in water and the battery doesn't function. She had to pay $50 for a new battery, plus the $50 deductible on the insurance, its like she said she could have bought a new phone.

One woman bought a new PDA phone and someone called her to tell her they could transfer her phonebook for her. She got there after rushing from work early only to hear theres no such thing, no idea why someone called her. She asked if someone could show her how to use some features, nobody could. So she left with her $600 phone no one can show her how to use.

One man put his daughter's phone in for service and they updated it without telling him, and it erased all her pictures AND destroyed the phone. Being 14 she was very upset. The manager of the store was not helpful or remorseful at all, he called Verizon online service and niether were they, he cancelled his service and went down to Sprint.

Its really unbelievable. I've never seen so many furious people in one place at one time as inside a Verizon store. How they sell any phones next to people ranting and raving is beyond me.

Horrible, horrible company. Just because they have good service doesn't give them the right to treat their customers like garbage. The service is good, but no better than Sprint and not a LOT better than Cingular. Sprint has deactivated bluetooth functions too so I guess Cingular is it.

Wow! You really have it in for Verizon's services, but that's the name of the game, whether it's support for cellphone companies or ANY hi-tech area. I have learned to deal with crappy support......not that I like it.....it's all over the place. You ain't going to change how things are unfolding. :huh: Good luck.

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I swore off cell phones and pagers in 1997. I grew tired of lousy coverage and support as well as the hassle of having to carry around still more devices in order to stay "connected".

I thought about it for a few days, remembered that I had been both personally and professionally successful in the days before cell phones proliferated the planet, and decided I could become that way again. I turned in my hardware, cancelled the services, and never looked back. Folks can call me at my home office, and if I'm not in, they can leave a message and I'll get back to them. Some things never change - thank goodness. And I'm a lot happier as a result.

I don't miss my cell phone one iota. And a hell of a lot more of my time actually belongs to me now....

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I guess my Verizon experience is different. I actually found the instore and "800" service people friendly and helpful; however, I do think it was classless of the sales associates to ask for $10 per phone to transfer our phone numbers from our old phones to the new ones. They should have done it for free since we bought 3 phones and 3 different lines of service. My problem is with their cellular service. Frankly, it sucks; so many dropped calls are just unacceptable. Sprint's cellular service was um-teen times better, but their customer service was laughable. The main thing I hated about Sprint was that I had 2 phones to choose from since I didn't have the visions(I don't care for all of that business. I like phones that just make calls. I have a laptop and digi cam for internet and picture taking.).

That's interesting to hear bad reviews of Alltel. Their coverage map looks quite impressive. What's funny aobut them is they still assign a certain number of night and weekend minutes. :lol: I think a "good" cell service is subjective to your location, but I seem to hear nothing but good things about Cingular. :whistles:

Steve, what's a black listed ESN??

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Wow! You really have it in for Verizon's services, but that's the name of the game, whether it's support for cellphone companies or ANY hi-tech area. I have learned to deal with crappy support......not that I like it.....it's all over the place. You ain't going to change how things are unfolding.  :huh:  Good luck.

I hate them, and thats really saying something as I tend to give companies the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. I don't think I've ever disliked a company as much as I hate Verizon.

Steve, what's a black listed ESN??

I think I explained it further up in the thread...but its a long thread lol.

Right now the US is pretty much the only country that still allows the blacklisting of ESNs. An ESN is a phone's particular signature, its VIN to use an example. Ever wonder why if you switch from Sprint to Verizon you have to buy new phones? Even when Sprint and Verizon operate on the same frequencies? There is no reason a Sprint phone wont work on Verizon and a Verizon phone won't work on Sprint. Its because each company blacklists the ESNs that are assigned to the other company to force you to purchase phones from them. Thats also why Verizon and Sprint get away with disabling all of these features to force you to use their pay per use services, because you have to buy the phone from them and they can do whatever they want to it. You'll buy it because you have to pay $175 a line to cancel your service. Look around on ebay or on Cell forums, they have info on how to trick Verizon and Sprint into activating each others phones all the time. The GSM carriers like Cingular and T-Mobile aren't really like that because of their background being from countries where this practice is not legal.

In other countries buying a cell phone is like buying a normal landline phone. You buy what you want and plug it in. There is a bill before congress to make blacklisting ESNs illegal because it gives the cell carriers too much control over their customers. I expect it to pass just like number portability did. When that happens companies like Verizon and Sprint that think their crap doesn't smell will have to sit up and play nice.

You're too young to remember, I almost am, but it used to be that way with telephones too. C&P and Bell telephone cos wouldn't let you plug just any old phone into their system, you had to buy the phone from them. They were so expensive you used to have to rent them like cable boxes. I remember as a kid standing in line with my mom to turn in old phones and get new ones at the AT&T store. That ended when the government broke up the Bell monopoly.

Ever wonder what company still exists from the breakup of that monopoly? Verizon.

I guess my Verizon experience is different. I actually found the instore and "800" service people friendly and helpful;

Oh yes, because you haven't had a problem yet. Its a whole nother group of people that "help" you when you have a problem, and they are niether friendly nor helpful. I know people who have actually been cussed out over the phone by Verizon reps. Search the web, some people have these conversations saved for you to listen to or transcripts for you to read. The Verizon hate squad is strong...

I swore off cell phones and pagers in 1997. I grew tired of lousy coverage and support as well as the hassle of having to carry around still more devices in order to stay "connected".

I wish I had the courage to do that LOL. My fiance's cousin and her husband who we're really close to don't have cell phones because they know once they have one they could never give it up.

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OK, first off, SW03ES. If you had a problem with your Motorola phone and were unhappy with the way you were being treated, then you could have PM'ed me for Motorola's Address, and sent it here to be repaired. You know I work for them in the warranty repair department, and i would have made ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that your V710 went to a technician immediately upon recieiving it. I would have taken it there myself.

For future reference (and anyone here having issues with motorola phones) here is the address:

North American Hi-Tech Center

Personal Communications Sector

5555 North Beach St. Door 40.

Ft. Worth TX, 76137.

Attn: Gloria Burkmier

Oh and on the subject of blacklisting ESN's, its called a subsidy lock. IF YOU SEND IT TO MOTOROLA WE CAN REMOVE IT.

Your carrier cant do that, only the manufaturer. This can be done with cingluar, AT&T and any other GSM company for sure, not sure about CDMA's though.

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Steve, what's a black listed ESN??

I think I explained it further up in the thread...but its a long thread lol.

Right now the US is pretty much the only country that still allows the blacklisting of ESNs. An ESN is a phone's particular signature, its VIN to use an example. Ever wonder why if you switch from Sprint to Verizon you have to buy new phones? Even when Sprint and Verizon operate on the same frequencies? There is no reason a Sprint phone wont work on Verizon and a Verizon phone won't work on Sprint. Its because each company blacklists the ESNs that are assigned to the other company to force you to purchase phones from them. Thats also why Verizon and Sprint get away with disabling all of these features to force you to use their pay per use services, because you have to buy the phone from them and they can do whatever they want to it. You'll buy it because you have to pay $175 a line to cancel your service. Look around on ebay or on Cell forums, they have info on how to trick Verizon and Sprint into activating each others phones all the time. The GSM carriers like Cingular and T-Mobile aren't really like that because of their background being from countries where this practice is not legal.

I don't think you did-it was mentioned umteen times, but never spelled out since you and Josh know a few things about cell phones, so it wasn't necessary; this is just one big GSM v. CDMA post. lol Thanks for the great explanation-a cell vin...perfect! ;)

I guess my Verizon experience is different. I actually found the instore and "800" service people friendly and helpful;

Oh yes, because you haven't had a problem yet. Its a whole nother group of people that "help" you when you have a problem, and they are niether friendly nor helpful. I know people who have actually been cussed out over the phone by Verizon reps. Search the web, some people have these conversations saved for you to listen to or transcripts for you to read. The Verizon hate squad is strong...

I've had plenty of problems with this laughable LG 6100 phone and VZW service; that's why I dug this thread up. The routine dropped calls and lack of service is truely irritating, and I'll most likely get out of the contract this summer. They replaced my LG 2x. I didn't have to threaten anything though(it was very inconvient though. I think they went to China to get the data cord with the amount of time it took them to transfer my numbers.); I guess they are a little friendlier down here. That's another thing-no more LG products for me. Part of the flip has so much play in it, it feels like I could break it off at any second. I don't plan to keep it long since I don't take very good care of my phones-they tend to fly out of my hands frequently, or my favorite is when I forget I have it in my lap and I get out the car and there goes the phone lol; if I can continue to stomach VZW, I'll probably get that old school V60 they have. B)

I couldn't agree more, Steve:

As for cameras and video feed, I've had a camera phone now for about 2 years (I got the first camera Sanyo) and still don't understand them. Sure they're cool for setting wallpapers and photo caller IDs but the pictures are terrible.

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Army- I would have but the issue is being WITHOUT the phone! I wanted it repaired while I waited to minimize the problem.

As for the company, yes the manufacturer does it but at the order of the cell carrier. Thats the difference between the US and say, Japan. In Japan the cell carriers have no say over what phones you can have, as long as they operate on the correct bandwidth. Carriers here decide what hardware you have access to and what features they're going to support. Why should Verizon have the right to say you can't use a feature that has NOTHING to do with their service?

Its like selling you a computer and saying you can't save to a disk. That all files must be sent through the company's web server at a cost to you.

Thats why we don't get all the cool features phones have in other countries, because we only get what the cell carriers decide to pick up and they're very careful about new technologies (like Bluetooth) that they can't charge you for based on your use.

The latest thing they've done to the V710 is disable the transflash card slot. If you have your phone updated at verizon they (unbeknownst to you) disable this feature on YOUR PHONE, AFTER YOU'VE BOUGHT IT. Why do they do this? To make you pay to transfer files over their network.

This is like Lexus deciding you don't need to listen to CDs anymore when you're in for an oil change and disconnecting your CD changer without telling you.

I give the examples because people need to think of cell phones as what they are, your property. These companies are messing with your property and brainwashing you into thinking they have the right to do that.

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Army- I would have but the issue is being WITHOUT the phone! I wanted it repaired while I waited to minimize the problem.

As for the company, yes the manufacturer does it but at the order of the cell carrier. Thats the difference between the US and say, Japan. In Japan the cell carriers have no say over what phones you can have, as long as they operate on the correct bandwidth. Carriers here decide what hardware you have access to and what features they're going to support. Why should Verizon have the right to say you can't use a feature that has NOTHING to do with their service?

Its like selling you a computer and saying you can't save to a disk. That all files must be sent through the company's web server at a cost to you.

Thats why we don't get all the cool features phones have in other countries, because we only get what the cell carriers decide to pick up and they're very careful about new technologies (like Bluetooth) that they can't charge you for based on your use.

The latest thing they've done to the V710 is disable the transflash card slot. If you have your phone updated at verizon they (unbeknownst to you) disable this feature on YOUR PHONE, AFTER YOU'VE BOUGHT IT. Why do they do this? To make you pay to transfer files over their network.

This is like Lexus deciding you don't need to listen to CDs anymore when you're in for an oil change and disconnecting your CD changer without telling you.

I give the examples because people need to think of cell phones as what they are, your property. These companies are messing with your property and brainwashing you into thinking they have the right to do that.

yeah i saw that right after i posted you said that you had to have your phone.

in addition to the GSM phones having a subsidy lock that can be removed, many CDMA phones do as well. the problem is, your VZW phoen will not work with sprint, as they are using 2 different networks.

VZW= 1xCDMA and 2xCDMA

Sprint= 3G CDMA.

the networks arent compatible. as such the phone woudl hae to be re flashed.

sprint and VZW are the only 2 major carriers who are all CDMA, and they arent compatible anyway, so it doesnt matter. but you can use an AT&T GSM phone on a Tmobile network, as long ads the subsdy lock has been unlocked my motorola.

AFAIK, verizion is the only company blacklisting ESN's after contracts have ended. im not sure why they do. i really cant tell you, ecept for maybe they want you to buy another phone.

steve, please understand you can PM me anytime if you are having issues with your phone, i will get with you ASAP as to how best to handle it. f you couldnt have gone without your phone, i would have kept trying a different store until SOMEONE did what i asked, btu that is just me. i undertand you were very frustrated nd i dont blame you.

also, to all viewrs of this thread: the disabling of bluetooth and other features is not the fault of Motorola. i just want to make that clear. it is VZW (Verizon Wireless) that is repsonsible, and we are looking into it.

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Sprint still supports the older 1x and 2x CDMA phones that they've sold in the past though. You would simply be unable to access features like their Vision service (which is no catastrophe trust me). I know several people who have conned each company to activate the other's phones and they work fine.

Take a company like Alltell then, exactly the same as Verizon yet Verizon won't activate their phones (Alltell has the V710 with fully intact Bluetooth.)

And no, Motorola isn't responsible for the deactivation of the Bluetooth features on the V710, if anything they're just another victim of VZW's bullying tactics.

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