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Using Vinegar To Remove Water Spots...

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OK, I have some very faint spots on my black ES. After reading some stuff on lexuscare I would like to try some vinegar to remove those spots. Questions...

Do you use pure vinegar or do you cut it ?

if so by how much ?

Any dangers to the paint ?

Thanks, George

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first, make sure you dry your car after you wash it, that will eliminate the water spots from appearing

first i would just use some quick detailer on the spots, that should do it

i don't know about the vinegar i've never used that b/f, don't know if it'll take the wax off or not.

there was a thread on it not to long ago, you might want to read up on it.

good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...


I had a similar problem recently. I had parked my car next to the automatic lawn sprinkler head at work. It went off while I was at work and watered the front hood and both front fender panels. The hot sun then dried the water leaving major water spots all over the front of the car. My solution was to use Dupont's Car Polishing Compound. It required a little elbow grease on my part, but I lightly applied it to all areas that showed water spots. When it dries to a light haze, wipe off with a clean cloth/towel. The spots were completely gone. I then had to reapply a coat of wax since the compound does remove not only the water spots but the wax as well. But now the front of the car looks like new. Hope this helps.

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~ One man’s opinion / observations ~

Water Spots:

Water spots on the paint film surface are caused by industrial fallout, high calcium content water or the water from a light summer shower that that dries on the surface leaving a calcium / sodium deposit. If left for any length of time they will etch the paint film surface leaving a circular mark.

These can usually be removed by using detailer’s clay to remove any hardened deposits, and then using a solvent type (Meguiar's Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner or Klasse All-In-One) cleaner. If the surface has been etched then a machine polish should be used to level the paints surface and a surface protection reapplied

Removing water spots from paint film surface-

·Use detailing clay to remove any ‘hard’ granules

·Use water/distilled white vinegar or a 5:1 Isopropyl Alcohol solution (adjust ratio as required) or try equal parts distilled white vinegar, Isopropyl Alcohol and distilled water to dissolve the alkaline-based mineral water deposits.

·Use a clean spray bottle and a 100% cotton Microfiber cloth to apply the solution to the surface

·Wipe off any residue from and dry with a damp waffle weave towel

·If any ‘water spots’ remain apply Distilled White Vinegar un-diluted to a 100% cotton micro fibre towel, using a medium/heavy pressure on the surface.

·Wipe off any residue from glass and dry with a damp waffle weave towel

·Inspect for smoothness and repeat if necessary.

·If this does not remove the ‘water spots’ use a machine polish

The only constant is; Always use the least aggressive product first, evaluate the surface, then only if necessary, ‘step-up’ to a more abrasive products

~ Hope this helps ~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ Jon

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