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What Do I Need To Do?

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Hope everyone is enjoying the 4th of July weekend. B)

I have been meaning to ask you guys this. Along time ago I asked about it, if the car had a Lexus phone in it before. I have a 1993 LS400 and there is a phone jack in the passenger side and a small square speaker in the driver's sun visor (but don't have the pics of it).



As you can see there are 4 holes already in the car; one of the previous owners [2 of them] probably had a stand or something hooked on there.

My question is how can I make that usefull to me. Buy a Lexus phone or a phone kit which will hook up to my cell phone or what?????

Please bear with me, I don’t know much about car phones and things like that.

Thank you.

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If you are certain that it is for the cell phone then your best bet is to trace it to someplace where the model number or manufacturer is written -- then write down that info.

Following that, you will need to find out which phone it is compatable with and find out if that phone is still available.

From the looks of it, something is missing as you might already know. So the odds are that you will have to buy the whole kit just so you can get that bracket where the phone is supposed to rest in.

I hope you figure it out.:-)

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My car also has the 4 holes in the trim and the cable...theres also a aerial which looks as though its built into the top middle of the rear window,the aerial was unscrewed and i found it in one of the storage bins which are on the backs of the front seats...

Ive justed tucked the cable up under the carpet...out of sight out of mind :D

In the uk here the law only allows the use of hands free kits which you can buy and place your mobile in...the laws on mobiles and there use well driving are tighting up over here.

Lets us know if you get another car phone and get it up and running.



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Thanks guys. I thought no one knew the answer to this one. So, I had it moved to the Audio/electronic section from LS400/430, thanks to Steve(admis.) I will let you guys know how everything turns out.

My university is going to be 2-hours away from my house. So, I'm going to be on the highway a lot more and on the road on weekends. I just hope it doesn't cost my parents big $$ to get this up and running.

Thanks again for replying guys. B)


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It's for some aftermarket phone because Lexus phones are mounted in the console. Also, on the Lex phone, the microphone is mounted inside the control module on the steering wheel. There was a guy in LOC who was making some kind of adapter for the Lexus phone to work with other more modern(like non analog phones!!!)...I want to say dogboy??? You might want to PM him to check on the status of his creations. What make and model phone are you trying to make hands free???

I'm guessing that all of the hardware in your car is worthless. :( It was probably for a phone that exclusively stayed in the car, and most likely an analog only phone.


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Blake nailed it. The phone hardware in your car is probably worthless and you could remove it and have the vinyl patched. Dogboy seems to have dropped out of the forum early this year. He used to live a few miles from me and now lives near Seattle - I spoke to him by phone earlier this year.

A handsfree car kit for a handheld phone is nice but it has been quite well proven that a person talking on the phone while driving - handsfree or not - has an accident rate approaching that of a drunk driver. I'm probably even more biased since the last of several people who rear ended my previous LS was talking on the phone and in "la-la" land until the moment of impact.

But a handsfree kit is still nice to have to accept brief incoming calls, is often cheap (less than $150), easy to install (if you know how to do a bit of interior disassembly) and can often provide more features than OEM and dealer installed phone systems. Here is a pointer to a MS Word document on how I installed a Nokia car kit and hooked it up to mute to audio system in my current LS: http://home.kc.rr.com/colchester/phone/Nok...H%20install.doc

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