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Everything posted by LexSC400328

  1. well im sorry to hear that..i think it was you who posted in my own thread about this same thing happening to me at a gas station...i actually put into effect the plan of stealing a traffic cone and putting it in the spot next to me and so far its worked well...im not sure what could be going wrong with your engine but that sure sounds like a rough day... <_<
  2. awesome man...glad to hear it...i had those awful disgraceful headlights too and i used some good cleaner wax, and a buffer machine for like 10 minutes straight and i was pumped when i was done and they were clear again ! its a great feeling
  3. i wish i had a picture to show you but here it goes...it is on the drivers side of the engine towards the rear of the engine. its a small black rubber hose thats is bent downwards and goes straight into the top of the head. here is a youtube video of someone doing it. good luck
  4. nope i never actually got to figuring the load resistor...im still curious though so if you find it out could you please let me know? thank you ;)
  5. merry christmas to everyone here who has offered their generous help and suggestions!! one of my gifts was a t-shirt that says "Lexus Owners Club" and i love it and wear it with pride :D
  6. ohh ok so suppose i floor it with it in economy mode the engine will shift sooner and not as quick, and then switch it on and i get quicker higher rpm shifts..thats really cool...and about the gas suppose there are no check engine lights on.... <_<
  7. hey everyone..im sure we all know we have a button on our center console that says ECT on it. i read in the manal its for aggressive driving, but could someone please tell me exactly what it does regarding the transmission? what happens differently ? also, im glad gas is so cheap now because im averaging 10 mpg (driving normally i swear) something isnt right...cause i can smell gas every now and then when i get out of the car...but anyways besides the gas situation, everything else is fine. shes got 157,000 and her and still looks/ drives like she has 5,700 on her. i live in the heart of New England therefore we get pounded with snow and close to zero degree temps every day in the winter..and my SC starts right up for me everyday no problem. and also its greaat in the snow, MUCH better than i was expecting..all i had to do was throw on some snows and it hasnt gotten stuck even in 6inches of pure snow. ;) i love this car and im just curious of what exactly this little secret weapon button is up to when i put it on PWR
  8. yeah man...he looked right at me and had an "OH NO HE SAW ME!" look on his face...if only i could come across him again in the near future
  9. yes for example when your battery is dead and you cant get the car to let you move the shifter, you just take a screw driver, pop open the little door for this device, and presto...you can now move your gear to say neutral to move the car of serve what ever purpose you need to do
  10. hahhha thats a great idea...im sure i can swipe 2 traffic cones from somewhere around my city..i might actually consider trying that ;) and i love the cartoon of the guy just holding his new doors, however we all know the doors of an SC weigh more than i do so now my trunk includes: spare tire, med kit, nak amp, 2 Peabody Police traffic cones, and a Very heavy lead baseball to throw at people like the driver of that Audi :D
  11. mannn i was so *BLEEP*ed off..and yes it makes me want to carry around a sledgehammer in my back seat...cause logically nothing else is going in the backseat of and SC..lol..so yeah i buffed it hard and got most of it off except for about a 6 inch long scratch... you know what was funny though? the cop said to me right before he pulled away..."your windows are illegally tinted and your license plate covers are too dark and they are both illegal"....now have a good night young man :D haha and he drove away...so yeah to everyone who has a lexus this is why we park 5 miles away from the nearest car in a parking lot <_<
  12. yeah dont buy a new one its like 1400 bucks...anyways i just replaced my MAF on my SC400. its a 93 with 156k on it...yeah i bought one from ebay for 170 and it worked beautifully. but you have to be careful of who you buy it from cause i bought one and it didnt work and i had to eat the $...i had to buy another one so good luck to you !
  13. mines at 156000 and still beasting. ;)
  14. yeah so i park outside a gas station and go inside to get a candy bar...and so i come outside and there is some jerk in white Audi A4 backs up into my SC400 and hits the driver side...then the guy see's me and floors it out of there and takes off onto the highway and leaves me with paint damage on my bumper... so i go back inside and ask the guys behind the counter to replay the video and get his plate number...and they do, and guess what?! their cameras dont have good enough resolution to make out license plates so all they have is the car and the dude and nothing else...so im basically screwed cause it will cost me 500 either way unless i can buff it out... i'm going to fight him if i ever see him driving along!!
  15. hey yeah thanks man my SC is a 93 so its OBD 1...as for tires i ended up getting a really awesome deal on some BF Goodrich ultra high performance all seasons...from tirerack.com they were Z rated too which is up to 170 mph lol :D but yeah im still smelling gas while im driving and right after i shut it off... <_<
  16. ok well back in my home town in peabody MA nobody seems to agree on anything...first off my summer high performance tires will not move my car 1 inch in the new england snow, so i need all season tires. every tire place around here is trying to screw me with tires and estimates 700 bucks for 4 all seasons....HA! i was told that both V and H rated tires will be fine for my SC400, since i dont plan on going up to 130-150 MPH, i dont tihnk it matters but thats my first question. V or H ? BIG price difference...wat should i do? and secondly, my car is obv running rich because i can smell gas when i get out, i have a lot of exhaust comin out, and my MPG have gone WAY down...not sure what the cause is but its aggravating. and it doesnt seem like anyone around here can diagnose a car w/o telling me i need to rebuild the entire car haha ;) so thanks again guys there is no place more reliable than this site.
  17. idle pulley!!! i BET its that...my last car was an altima and i decided to go like 120 on the highway once time for like 10 seconds and that did it in...it whined and seemed to be in sync with the RPM...turns out it was the idle pulley that was making the noise...try that out
  18. alright i could possibly try switching the plug...but i have however noticed a severe decrease in MPG...i was getting about 19/21 city...and now im getting about 12/ 14 city for some reason.... <_<
  19. it smells like bad fuel sometimes after i turn the car off...but the whole head gasket situation was just established that it wasnt one all last week (if you remember my last thread on the SC400 dieing) so im just wondering what i could do about this ceramic crack you speak of?
  20. it has successfully passed a compression test...there is no coolant in the oil..so im really glad to see there is none..its jst that ONE sparkplug where i guess its wet / dirty. im not positive its coolant, its not green, its just like moist with carbon and what not and they are 2week old plugs..all others are clean its just this one thats all moist and blackened
  21. what could be some possible reasons for a spark plug being wet with coolant at one cylinder?
  22. hey brian im just wondering how the appointment went today if you did end up going to see one on this thursday? if you did im assuming you loved it :D
  23. its absolutely not something to not buy the car over....i dont know if you realize what kind of a machine is sitting there waiting to be bought... and only 78k thats NOTHING you will have that car for 200k more miles...its a stereo...stereos can be worked on and swapped out, an SC400 in that condition is not something to just change, or overlook. buy the car if you can afford it i guarentee you will be very happy.
  24. well i am very happy to say that i have excellent news. i got a second opinion (the 1500$ garage) and they ran some tests...they wrote on my receipt that there is "NO evidence of a blown head gasket" they went on to say that the problem! was the original wires that the first garage ($3,000.00 ) had put on. apparently the wires were installed faulty and one of them was rubbing against the timing belt causing it to essentially RIP. here is a picture of the while "Tom's Auto " expertly installed.... <_< <_< now my baby runs like an SC400 SHOULD and there is no sound out there like the growl of a healthy SC400. :D let me just say im very grateful for the help/concerns of Julian (Lethal Threat- your SC is nasty bro :D ) UCF3, & wallball & sidex...i had this idea to make like an SC400 collage of the best pictures of all our SC's. let me know what you guys think . thanks again
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