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Everything posted by mburnickas

  1. Are you kidding me????? Lights where much easier when I had a Ford; on the dash with a big light symbol on it. My lexus is on the stick (like a wiper), good move Toyota. I do not think any car is different with high beans. They all function the same, you move the lever front to rear or the other way. Not to hard here. Open the trunk is the same in my Lexus of my parents Ford’s. Wipers are 180 degrees a$$$ backwards in a Lexus/Toyota then any other car I have owned or driven. Then again I know my grandkids (and even my own) can turn on all these functions faster then me and without issues. I know Sk is correct with the interior feeling cheaper but then Toyota/Lexus. But so is the initial cost of the purchase. I do not see a Ford 500 in the $40K price tag either. So in the end they both have pros / cons and what you like or used to.
  2. I was going to posts that yesterday. I know most dealers will beat local bank rates and terms.
  3. Sw- Might want to watch this! LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1J7d2ssc3Y...9%2D4496%2Dad7c
  4. They are saying i have to wait a certain number of miles and intervals before the computer learns my driving habts and resets itself!! Is this true? I cant pass without the components being ready for the emissions test! They said it has to broken in like a new car!! I think "they" are right since I know in my state when you go fo a sticker, the computer (state) know if the ECM was cleared in the last miles.... I would drive it for a few days then go back. .....70 miles is a guess on their part.
  5. I tried another key FOB this am real quick and nothing. I am going to try the internal lock tonight (see if it works, check door and ECM fuses, and see if everything else works (lights, radio etc). Outside of that I need some help.....
  6. Problem: I can NOT unlock the doors via the Key FOB. It does however lock and open the trunk (from the key fob) but no unlocking the doors. Any help? Maybe fuse or something simple? Any signs that might stick out? I could not look at fuses etc since it was before work.
  7. Just being a wise !Removed! here.... But what if he already knows his "Preperations steps"... and was just curious about wax!? I have not "waxed" a auto since 1994! http://home.comcast.net/~burnick/car_clean/car_clean.htm
  8. I agree 100% Steve. Problem is the above oils will not do much better (if at all) then standard 5w-30 oils. There cst are so close @ 100C .
  9. No instructions per say. There is various posts on it so do a search. Really it is nothing short of disconnecting battery and then putting something plastic to keep the butterfly open (in TB). Then it is clean with cleaner and wipe down. You can remove it too but I did not. Also I would clean the IVAC at the same time. Again there are posts on it. Many in fact. The EGR is one I would also like to know .It is about $140 to buy new.
  10. That is why at the time, I got my 2001 ES. ;) BINGO! that is why I never upgraded yet. Now the 2007 looks very nice. Now the only thing that is keeping me is the poor MPG on the new ones. It has to be an XXX% improvement not laterial. I can't go down or even, I need to go up.
  11. BINGO!!!!! To this day I never figured that out. People send $200 to $600+ a month for a car but will not spend $20 to $30 on an oil test. But ha, we all do things in life that make use happy...
  12. The very best way is to do an oil test and see what the outcome is. Since your engine is specific to your enviroment, fluids, heat,driving etc etc I have been dealing with Terry at DA. http://www.dysonanalysis.com/pages/1/index.htm I have learned that there is no best. Since you need to find one that is good to you. Are you looking for longevity, price, lowest wear, etc. I have started using LCD products. It has made my oil better then ever. The thing I am looking for is the best/lowest wear and the longest use...Hard thing to do so I need some help/options. This is where Terry comes in. I do not want to turn this into an oil debate so I am leaving brands out.
  13. On my 4th round (clear stuff) all by myself right now!!!! :D
  14. I would do a search on Timing belt etc just to make sure. Most times. It is water pump, cam and crank seals, timing belts and I would be drive belts. plugs I think are due at 60K miles but I am not sure since I do not have your year car. I used Denso for what it is worth. I also would clean the throttle body and add some cleaner to the fuel (to clean injectors and the rest). I use FP60 and it works great!!!!! Welcome to LOC!!!!
  15. I thought E85 very corrosive and a poor lubricant? Like MTBE? Plus poor BTU’s = less mpg? E85 is like a ban-aid in my opinion. I think we need to do other things to lower our depend for oil. Problem is nothing or not many people are changing their lifestyle (myself included). Will it help, sure be we need to look for other options. FYI: good reading. http://www.e85fuel.com/
  16. I think you had a few already LOL Thanks blake! I think I have to, to deal with them at times and others...
  17. I never stated what my loan is either. You should not assume here. It is possible since I do not have a loan for 165K. I put down more money (ENOUGH) to lower the payment bigtime. If I did not have money I would have to take out a larger loan. I stated what I did since after all this posting that is the way I see it. I have a loan and you think I should refi it to an ARM. For example here. Next I stated the 6 years since, well, I posted on it already. As I stated above, “If you want to know more then me about this, great, knock yourself out.” I am not fighting. This is called having a debate here or discussion here. Nor did I discredit you. If I did I am sorry but that is not spelled out here or above. My “holy war” over on ClubLexus was due to people posting out of fiction not fact. My “discussions” of issues over there was with a select few
  18. I think we all need a few "happy drinks" I know I do have watching the kids!
  19. Sw03Es- You are either taking this WAY to much to heart. To sum it up: SW03Es, like leases, likes adj. rate mortages and thinks people should invest in lots of this and that. Me: I like buying items, dislike leases and ARM and people should not over extend themselves and try to make money here and there. I can quite my job today and I lost nothing and nothing changes. I do not have to do ANYTHING. From bank rate.com "Someone taking out a $165,000.00 10/1 ARM at the current average would pay $1,007.36 a month for the first 10 years of the loan. The rate would change annually thereafter." That is all fine and good but I pay about that for a fixed 15 year here. Sorry. Nevemind the higher rate then I have now. FYI: To close I never asked to know your background on loans nor did I personally care too. You jumped in the pool first did you not? Again did I ignore it, no, but I do not care to even know about this these things you posted on. I never asked....Kind of like when some mods here jump all over me for oil testing. I do not posted here; I go to another website for oil related issues. Since you brought it up, I would like to know why would my membership not remain active here since I have been pretty darn good over the last few months. Been banned from CL is not intergral to LOC here. Unless there is some "tie" here. Also I have never had any banned for a week, month etc. Like the others noted by you. If you want to know more then me ont this, great, knock yourself out. I bring up your age since you think you talk about 1980’s like you where there. I remember the 80’s pretty good. That is great you know all about investments and I hope I see you and Mr Trump together. LOL Arrogant no, try 6 years or leaning can make or break something, bigtime. PLus this is not even the issue here. Nor do I care. I brought it up for 2 reasons. You talk like you "worked the 1980" in the market ( I remeber the 80's) and #2, I would not trust a 24 year old person with a few hundred K of my money or what to do with it. Sorry, just stated how I feel in genereal about the age deal. I have even asked for other brokers that are older. with stocks Just a personal thing. Just like work, I will/would take a 40 year engineer over an engineer with a few years under his/her belt. I never thought your where dumb either; you seemed to assume that for some oddball reason. I do not have to “punch whoever disagrees with you in the gut”. I just have seen some people that know this and that and talk about there behind too. I can disagree and that is 100% fine too. I can be stubborn too; which is 100% fine. Again I have been banned from clublexus and that means what in this conversation or related how? Nor do I really care ONE BIT about Jragosta or Monarch. If they left, good for them have a wonderful life. Again I have bigger and better things to worry about then this too. If I remember correctly, Jr left after his whinny post. You even helped. I can disagree like I have in a professional manner (which I have). Just stating the way I see it without getting nasty as you stated. I have personally been pretty darn good. Yup, I am stubborn and I like that too. I do not get pushed around by workers, people, sales, etc. When I do a job I have to answer to higher people (government etc) I stand my ground. That to me is a good thing rather then listening to others when most times, they are just talking for no reason. Why you are taking this thread so deep I have no idea.
  20. I am not slamming you at all. If you did not understand it, I do not take advise from young people about $$$ and sure as hell not online. I will take someone with a life long career in investing and has lot of experience under then belt. I know what I was like has an engineer with only 6 years. I am a lot smarter now; I had good intentions but nothing (not even a degree) can take the place of real world experience. I will pay older people for this. I was 24 I bought a house, already had a nice car, sorry. A car in life is not a lot of money here. I called a VP at Lincoln Financial and talked with her. She is my co-workers wife. After bsing for a short time, in the end even she stated an ARM was not for me and why. I asked about leasing autos and she even leases her RX and going to buy it something next. Tired of leases she stated. She did give me pros and cons on both cars and homes. Some was what I understood and some was new. All options have things to look out for and the ARM on homes you can get in deep trouble with (payments can get high quick in a few months). Home are good but are dropping in sales due to rate increases; nothing new. So now you remembers the 80's? Were you not born in the 1982? I just remember that the houses in MY areas were hard to find, same as now. But what do I know, I just live here. So take it as you will but I am pretty much set on gambling my $$$ I have. Feel free to do as you wish with your funds. I know why I did and for valid reasons.
  21. I see your ways and I dislike it as I stated. Robin Hood if you do not know is what you are trying to steal money form one thing and do something else. Hence you take your home with an ARM (bright move), buy another, lease your car and put all your eggs on the line. Great moves here. You can get burned pretty badly here and have seen it many times. You want me to refi my house with an ARM (BONG) just to make you happy. Just because you have this attitude that you are right is great, have at it. Too bad you do not know my $$$$$ nor am I LOOKING for advice here on this forum. THis forum is about Lexus and auto's right? I also NEVER stated to know all. I just know there is more to it then you are posting here. Feel free to contact your buddies jragosta and Monarch and talk more about it. Since I for one could careless about what "free" advise you post at 24 years old, nor did I ask for it. Talk about high risk is not the words... Go play with someone else money, not mine. I know why I do and why I did it. If you where doing great you would own your car and not lease it; pay cash. You would also be on some island with the rich and shameless not here. LOL
  22. I am not rich but I am not robbing peter to pay Paul and hope Alice can make money. You plan has too many if’s, average (as I stated). One things goes down, you are screwed. With your plain (interest only, but more real estate, lease cars) if something happens (which they do), you just got porked. Nice. Yes my house has gone up that much. I played very little and now that price is WAY to high. Removed my in-ground pool and added about 30K to the end line. Again it helps to know people in the business. What I could get for it is scary and only a fool would pay that much. I OWN the home and I would not pay what they say I can get. It is all fuzzy numbers or inflated by banks. I can get at my 401K anytime I want with no penalty. I also like the return on it and I can max it out at 25% of my pay (which I am going to do). That I know is a fact since I have called my corporation on it. I invest more into my 401K since it has a slow and steady return. Unlike houses that can go up some and down. Sorry, I did not work for my money to throw it all away. The other way you can have the money lose more of your money. I know several people that played your game of “investment properties”. You can crash and burn pretty hard here. Sorry I will take my 8-to10% growth (always) and keep going. Next is your housing market is over inflated and it FALLING now. I see more prices reduced signs now; almost like in the 80’s here (remember)?. Again you are gambling here and I know what I see and people I talk too. I am not saying you are wrong but you are leaving MANY open loops and nothing is that simple. Nothing. Next is it is 2006, not 2000 here on the average miles per year. Again I know what people I work with and personally care nothing about averages etc. I care about what I do and what is around me. Never mind the 6-year-old data. Again, the 15K miles is an AVERAGE, that does not mean most. Averages are just that. Again $4,000 tax savings is putting back YOUR own money. #2, if your income changes, all your #’s are out the window. Too bad when done, you still have nothing. I can get those savings now. Next is your “average car loan now is 60 months”. I again do not care about averages, I care about what I took and why; which is 3 years. Wifes car is done along with my tractor. With your long loan, you obviously can't do a smaller term loan since the payments are too high. Add that to your interest only home (which most can’t afford a real loan) and your other real estate and you are banking a lot on everything. Sorry, bad way to live as I see it. You are investing, gambling etc. It is all the same thing. Just a fancy way of putting it. If I listened to those people I would have lost A LOT after 9/11. You are playing the odds to what you THINK will happen. I know with your strategy (if I had it) I would loss lots if I lost my job and my family would be out on the street. As I did it, I could lose my job and be 100% fine. Sorry, too much gambling here with your way. To close, thanks for the “closed minded” comment, I am shocked to here that (not really). I am just stating your tactics are nice and fine but you are gambling here, big time. I also never called your ways stupid, if you go back and read you will clearly see that. I will take a different route that is more stable for me and my family, having something to show for it and not have Robin Hood tactics. I have seen enough losing money with ways like this. If I was single and in my 20's maybe. In my 30's with a family and a good job, no thanks. I learned a few things in my life so far then listen to all the "if's, could's etc" and the salesmen approach.
  23. Again define “enormous befits” since a few K is a joke when buying large items. It is like whining about a dishwasher on a 500K home. Again you need a big income in to get your own money back. You can't just sell avon and think everything is a write off, which most do. There is more too it then bam, writing off a 30K plus car. It does not work that way. I have a 15 year mortgage since I can afford it. I just stated what I am doing. I do not care that it is not the normal. It is an option that to me is the best on out there. I also thinking to doing a bi-weekly to drop it even more. I also upped my retirement (401K) to over 15% and my company MATCHES that. My wife’s money is all “play” money. Interset only is not worth my time…sorry. You stated not many people own a home or keep in 10 years. I guess many of my co-workers are not the norm. Hell I am about a select few that even use a loan. Many pay cash for there home. If people want to hope the house goes up 50% and that is it, that is great. I would take my house 66% paid off house AND the valve increased. Again, more then an interest only here. I house is a lot better investment then a high yield investment. My house has gone up 300X (in only 5 years) and I own over 66% of it. Not going to get that 66% with interest only here my friend. I do not do business in houses (nor care too) just have family in the business/real-estate. And again, most people in my area can ONLY afford home with this tactic. Unless you can afford a 500K+ house to 850K and the cheap ones are about 250K good luck. Hell, I was looking at a larger home but a 700K house is not going to cut it. I want to say in 6 more years I am done with home payments (for good); unlike interest only people that will have (own) nothing in that time. Then, it is max out 401K. Again you HOPE the property is increase. You are gambling here. I have seen them go down. So now all the people you stated it was a good deal are now screwed. Unless you live in a small city, 15K miles is a joke. I have people/co-workers (many) that drive over 1.5 hours ONE WAY to work. Many 1+ hour. Hell, I can drive over 40% of your “average” on my bike alone (in a few warm months). So now an average 15K is “most”? I do not see percents here. Hell, my wife was over 28K per year. I was over 20K just driving back and forth to school for my last degree and to work. That is it. Then you have the people that say you can deduct you mileage to work etc. Anyother drop in the bucket, like again medical on taxes. Not worth your time. I get more miles from driving at work. I can get more $$$ from a single quarter on my 401 that is before taxes. You are stating a lot of if’s, not many, SUBSTANTIALLY, averages and buts here. I know what I make and what can own, afford and want to afford. If you pay off your car in 3 year (like a normal person) you OWN it. I do not like renting a car and paying for time. some might, that is great. But in the end, you will have zero to show for all the payments you made. I want to OWN that time, not give someone else the money. In that time, I have something to show…… So now you want me to refi my home at a higher rate then I have now (4.125%) and then put money down on other areas to gamble? sorry, but I will take my house, almost paid off unlike others, take my paid off cars, tractor, bike and say I own something. Then I can take the “free” party cash and do something with it. Then look back at all the people who are still paying on nothing (leasing or interest only homes) or buying time and in the end, nothing to show. Having a zero bills before 38 is a nice picture. Agian, as I stated before, some think leasing is great; have at it. Some think owning something is great; have at it. Find what works for you since there is NO cookie cutter answer for all. I just know I like to having something after I make payments on something.
  24. Fp60 should get rid of the ping.
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