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Everything posted by Lazar1389

  1. I actually think there is a small margin of difference between *most* products. Meguiars was always the company with a decent product and the WORST packaging. They finally figured it out... the entire NXT line is the best packaged stuff on the planet. I want to buy it all on looks alone. Like I said before, because I'm in NJ and getting Zaino in NJ is like finding oil in Ohio, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The stuff is good IMHO, just not worth the extra hassle.
  2. Actually my point was that on the internet you can pretty much find anything (guys who say the government dropped the buildings on 9/11). I don't even know that the link I gave was reliable, just that it was out there. My opinion comes from my experience. I actually thought Zaino is pretty good, just not better or worth the extra steps to getting it.
  3. I totally agree and I get the leaf blower (I've tried it myself), but a chamois, by its nature absorbs better than a cotton towel, thereby eliminating wipes. A good friend of mine drives black CLK and he is a Zaino user and swears by it. To be honest, it's not so much that I think there is a significant difference between Zaino and Meguiars, its just that I live in NJ and getting Zaino here is difficult and I find Meguiars easier to use. I don't doubt the results, but I think all such tests are apt to have subjective conclusions, see this http://pages.sbcglobal.net/gheumann/zaino_test/ In any event, I use the NXT Tech Wax, which is a polymer sealant (much like the Zaino stuff). Pretty much everything I use is Meguiars, except for my clay bar, which I prefer clay magic.
  4. You mean... they permit such cars to be sold in Saskatchewan??? LOL :P Actually, I'd imagine you've got some nice, long, straight and uncluttered roads up there where you can really let her loose! I'd imagine it be a good place for a radar detector (although I know they are illegal in most Canadian provinces).
  5. I love the GPS false canceling on the 9500i, but from what I've seen, the V1 probably out performs it (although the V1 is a false alert magnet) - probably the most annoying detector I've ever used.
  6. Anyone using the Zaino line of products knows that Sal Zaino is not a fan of the Chamois, preferring to go with a high quality 100% cotton towel purchased from a Bed Bath store (not Walmart or Kmart). Although I'm not a Zaino user (I have tried it, but prefer most Meguiars products), Meguiars pushes synthetic drying towels (although they sell natural chamois'). What's the beef with the natural stuff? Sal Zaino claims that little dirt particles can get caught up in a Chamois and scratch paint, whereas with a high quality cotton towel, it is less likely to occur. Other than this claim (which I think is overstated), what's wrong with a natural Chamois? I think they are unparalleled at absorbing water, which makes life easy. My second question has to do with the rims on my '08, IS350. They have a different finish than that of my '07. Does anyone know the difference? Is it paint, is it material is it just how they are finished? Also, for '08 owners... what are you using to clean your factory rims and how are the results?
  7. First one: 2007 IS350, Tungsten Pearl Purchased July 2007 with Luxury Package, Nav, no ML Sound. Multiple problems. Dealer could not fix. At 1,800 miles, car in for service for a total of 27 days. Finally figured out it was the ECU (electronic control unit). Allegedly "fixed" it after 27 days in service. When I got it back, car was averaging about 18 mph (highway) and about 13-14mph (city). Substantial reduction in power and increase in noise when it was "fixed". I didn't car to fix new problems because I made a Lemon Law claim (successfully). Last week, exchange my '07 for: 2008, IS350, Starfire Pearl (black interior) Same package as 2007. So far, so good. MPG is better, power is back. Experience with Lexus has been a disaster.
  8. Funny, when I bought my first one, I wanted BWB but as many have already said, the dealership couldn't find one. My second choice was Glacier Frost Mica, but guess what... couldn't find one of those either. I backed into my third choice, which was the Tungsten Pearl (with Black Interior). One day, while I was at Lowe's, someone parked a new IS250 beside me which was BWB. That was the first time I was happy I didn't get my first choice. Of course, this is ENTIRELY subjective, but to me the TP was much nicer. When I exchanged my '07 350 for my '08, I again wanted GFM (I've only even seen it in pics and I LOVE it), but I got the same old Lexus song and dance (it will take at least 3 months). So, I opted for the Starfire Pearl (white). I'm very happy with the color and actually prefer it to the TP '07 I had.
  9. Fort Lee Brushless Car Wash (201) 461-8050 1620 US Highway 46 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Give these places a call and find out. http://newyork.citysearch.com/bestof/winners/car_wash
  10. 1. You have EVERY right to be upset. *Most* people by Lexus because they have high expectations of reliability. However, that does not mean perfection (even though some of us - like me - expect it). 2. Good that it is covered by warranty. 3. Service seems to be handling it promptly and efficiently. 4. Compared to what happened to me, you're in paradise. For those who know me from the "IS forum", I had a 2007 IS with 1,800 miles on it replaced last week pursuant to NJ's Lemon Law. Top that! LOL Now I've got a brand spankin new 2008.
  11. You happen to be right, except that the place that I go to is not high volume and although I only use it in rare occasions, thus far I've been pretty lucky. They use the same wash mits I use at home and soak the car down pretty good before washing. Although not ideal, my experience has been good thus far. In any event, here is the info for the place: Elite Car Wash 22-40 Maple Ave Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201) 791-6300
  12. Maybe ill check that place out... i go to NJ often, you got a name or a location? Thanks! I don't know the name but here's how you get there... Cross the GW and take Rt. 4 West for about 10 miles. Once you pass the Garden State Mall you'll see a sign for Rt. 208. Take Rt 208 (north is the only direction you can travel). Drive about 4 miles North to "Maple Ave" exit. Take exit west (go under bridge). Drive 200 feet on Maple. Wash on the right. I'll get the name and post it later.
  13. Well, I think you already said you had a "writing" of what the car came with. Essentially, if that is the case, you have a contract and if the dealership delivers anything but the EXACT car you had on paper, they would be in material breach of the contract. You'd certainly be entitled to specific performance (meaning they'd have to get you the car they said they would - in a "reasonable" amount of time). Reasonableness is up for interpretation, but I would say anything inside of 90 days.
  14. Yeah, ditto what the others have said. You have to drive it yourself to know for sure, but I can see it being too much of problem, unless you drive "straight up" like grandpa (which is how I drive). I'm 6'0" and I drive VERY upright, but I still have a bit of headroom (although NOT an extra 3 inches). I mean, I've seen some guys drive so slouched that they'd probably fit in the car if they were 7'3".
  15. A couple of options for you. I live in Northern, NJ, 15 minutes across the GW so suffice it to say, we share the same weather. I would avoid the "swirling" washes if you can and go to a good quality touchless wash, if you must, but there are other options. Generally, my routine has been to really to a top notch self wash as late in the season as possible (this usually means around Thanksgiving). I have a very long process which includes "claying" my car, using cleaner waxes and a litany of other products that concludes with a Polymer based wax (I use Meguiar's NXT Generation Tech wax). I like the Polymer based waxes better than a Carnuba based wax because I think they last much longer. This buys me about 1-2 months where the car stays pretty clean, because not too much adheres to the finish. In the interim, I have local hand washing places close to home (I think there are quite a few in the Bronx as well, just have a look). The place by me is $8 for a hand wash (which is a bargain). They don't do a great job, but good enough to get me through the winter. Additionally, we often get a stretch of warm weather in January or February. If and when that happens I take advantage of it with a home wash and wax which usually gets me through the rest of winter. I also pretty much wipe down my rims after EVERY drive (yes it sounds like a lot and is definitely a result of my "type A" personality), but I find this is the only way of keep the rims really clean.
  16. I think you might be under a misconception about radar detectors in general. They can be useful in certain situations (I've been using one for about 5 years now), but there is no such thing as a radar detector that "will never fail" you. Here is why... Most upper crust radar detectors (Valentine and Bel/Escort) do a pretty good job at detecting the three types of radar bands (X, K and KA), however NONE of them do a good job of detecting Laser. I currently use a Escort Passport 8500 X50 and have used a standard 8500. I also used a Valentine 1 for about 3 months while my best friend was in Europe. See, radar is relatively easy to detect because radar guns shoot a very wide band of "radar" which bounces off trees, wall, other car etc... As result, both the V1 or the 8500 does a good job. My tests proved the V1 to be better at detecting X, equal at detecting K and a bit worse at KA bands of radar, but NO detector gives you enough time to detect a cop with a laser gun. At 1000 feet away, a laser band is only 18 inches wide, so if the cop aims at your license plate (like he is supposed to do), you might not even get the signal from your detector. If he aims at your hood or windshield you probably will get the warning, but usually by then it is too late. The most effective form of protection against Laser guns are "laser jammers". They are legal, but expensive. Escort makes a laser jammer which works in conjunction with its detectors. V1 does not. True story.... I was driving on I-81 South through Syracuse and the highway goes from 65 to 55 to 45. When I entered the 45 area, I was still traveling about 65mph. I come around a corner and my detector is silent. As I go through the corner, I see a cop standing on the shoulder (outside his car) with a laser gun. Just then, my detector screams "LASER". I slam on the brakes and he gives me the "pull over wave". While I'm pulling over, I pull the detector off my dash and my wife (who was 7 months pregnant at the time hides it). I talk my way out of a ticket (because he didn't see the detector), by telling him my wife really has to pee and I was trying to get to the next exit. My point is this... Don't let anybody lie to you about the effectiveness of detectors. I primarily use mine for local street driving with local cops who DON'T use laser guns (because they are too expensive). I'm also not a HUGE speeder, but do speed just enough that the detector is useful on local streets. There is still more to say about detectors (like the use of "instant on" radar guns), but suffice it to say, if you think dropping 400 bucks on a detector is a guarantee of no tickets, you're fooling yourself. The only guarantee is to drive the speed limit.
  17. I purchased my 2007 IS350 in late July and I bought it from TriCounty Lexus in Northern New Jersey. In my area, I had three dealerships to choose from and didn't "shop around" because I was really pressed for time to get my car (long story - but it had to be done quick). I chose TriCounty because it was in the least afluent area and past experience has taught me this actually has an effect on price. The other dealerships (Prestige and Lexus of Englewood) are both in much better parts of town. I had read some "less than stellar" reviews about the dealership, but really didn't pay them much attention. I also come from a family of Lexus owners so I've seen the "Lexus experience" for my family members and expected the same. My Dad has an ES330, my mother an RX350, my sister and GX470, all of us bought from different dealerships (except my parents), because we live 500 miles apart. So, go to the dealership, get salesperson "x" and I tell them I'm interested in a IS350. Sorry, we have none to test drive, I'm told. Huh??? Would you like to try a 250? No, not really, because I don't think it will have the power I'm looking for, I say. Nope, salesperson insists it is plenty powerful. It wasn't. She makes arrangements for me to come back two days later. An hour before I'm supposed to go, she says, sorry, can you come tomorrow, I have a delivery now? I say yes. Test drive it the next day, love it and start negotiating. We make a deal two days later (I left that night on account of not getting my price). Two days later... "we can't get the color you wanted". Huh??? Okay, fine, color is not that important, get me the silver one (I love silver anyway) and I'm not all that picky. Done! Car is ready two days later. Oooops, no Levinson as I ordered. Again, I don't care except that I paid for Levinson. Now we renegotiate the price. No big deal. I get money back and Levinson wasn't all that important to me. She also told me during the negotiation, "all of our cars are flat bedded in and have 0 miles". Mine came with 45 miles. :chairshot: Driving home, back window looks like some finger painted with olive oil. Cleaned it when I got home. Car was not all that clean to begin with, but wouldn't have time to wash it until the weekend. Weekend comes... wash car for the first time and realize my rim (passenger side front is damaged). Immediately call dealership and advise them of it (car had 52 miles - original 45 + 7 I needed to drive home). It wasn't major but I didn't inspect closely at time of purchase to catch it. After a month of complaining they repair it (they did a nice job) at no cost to me. So, I'm driving my car around for about 3 weeks (with the temp plates) and they are going to expire in about 3 days, so I call the dealership. "We do not know what the delay is". Temp plate expires and nothing. Call them and they say "well get back to you". Three days later, they say "come in and get a loaner car". I get an RX, but I say what is taking so long. Here is there response (and this is NO joke). "There is only one person at Lexus (in all of New Jersey) that does plates and she is on vacation, so your plates won't be ready until she comes back from vacation". :cries: 10 days after the expiration of my temp plates, I get my real plates. There are MANY other things which transpired as well, which I won't even go into, but suffice it to say, I think this is the exception, rather than the rule, but it was really an awful experience. Having said that... I LOVE my IS. Test drove about 5 competitors (or pseudo competitors) and to me this was the best by long shot. Howzat for an experience?
  18. You're exactly right, only, you actually have to "retrain" yourself not to do this and I can totally understand how someone can leave without pressing the button. I've done it myself, only I've never actually left the vicinity of the car.
  19. Certainly not, but can't there be some happy middle ground. My greater concern came up when my secretary told me her husband had left his car running (not pressing the button) to shut if off and went to a friends house while the car remained running on the street. Because he had his "smart key" in his pocket, he had just assumed the car was off (as it would be with a normal key). Meanwhile, it was sitting on the street just humming along. A car thiefs dream. Luckily it did not get stolen.
  20. I suppose I could just consult my manual, but considering I'm at work, maybe one of you could give me the quick answer. I vaguely remember my sales person telling me (when I bought the car) that if the smart key is removed from the car, the car won't operate. Is that true? If it is, I tried it out the other day and it did not work with my car. I had the key in my pocket and I told me wife to take the car for a spin (better she gets stuck somewhere than me - lol). She drove around my neighborhood and the car had a message of "no key detected" but she continued to drive it for at least 10 minutes without it shutting down. She was never more than a mile from my home (and me) with the key. Is this how the smart key is supposed to operate?
  21. So what's the deal with all the brake dust on my 2007 IS350? Will it subside or at least slow down? Do the 250's have a similar problem? I mean, I am amazed at the accumulation of brake dust. I just washed my car over the weekend and really did a job on the rims and tires. When I was done, I took the car out for a "post wash celebration ride" and 10 minutes later, I could NOT believe the accumulation of dust on my rims. I did not push the car to hard during that time and maybe came to a hard stop once. Is the unusual or the norm?
  22. When I purchased my IS, I wanted "Satellite" radio and I was told I could EITHER XM or Sirius (even though they only seem to offer XM at the dealership). I actually prefer Sirius, but opted for XM when the sales person told me that their quality control had been very poor with Sirius. The point being, is that I was told it could be done, but it had to be connected to the stock stereo and they add a Sirius module behind the stereo which connects to the roof top sharkfin. I hope this helps.
  23. Has anyone tried the OptiSeal sealant, instead of Zaino. They are the same company that makes the ONR wash, which gets good reviews on this site. They also claim to get 9 months between coatings, lots of gloss from multiple coats, etc. Also claim their product's polymer formula cross-links with previous coats to make it more durable. I have ordered the OptiSeal and spray wax, but haven't received yet, so can't give my review yet. Here is a link to the Optimum products forum, in case anyone is interested. http://optimumforums.org/index.php?act=idx Never heard of it. Let us know how it goes, especially length of time between waxes. On another note... I have a question about the whole "claying' thing. Every so often when I would do it, I would hit a spot on the car that was dry and the clay would really "jam". Do you think you run the risk of damaging the finish by doing this? I tried to be careful, but it happened at least 3-4 times.
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