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Everything posted by Rya

  1. Naw, too late to change. I'm sure my hubby would have a heart attach if I said I wanted to change and take on another car payment while trying to sell the first vehicle. I'm not leaving you guys, having too much fun with my new friends. :)
  2. Thanks! We might have some GooGone still.... had a dilemma with some tape-on accessories that came off of my old Cherokee. I know - no more tape-on stuff... ever! (I was in the industry, mfgs sent samples that just happened to fit my vehicle).
  3. OMG... trying to pimp a Lexus??? Oh the humanity!!
  4. Ok, thanks for the info. I have not driven an MB yet, so I wouldn't know.
  5. Ok, truth be told, my fist choice for my next vehicle was the M-Class. I looked for one when I found the RX, but there we're none in the area in my price range. Now the dealership where I got the RX has an M-350. It's a 2005 (1 year younger than my RX), has 6k more miles than my RX had & costs $2k less than my RX. The color isn't as preety as the RX, but I'm still kinda bummed. Please tell me about all of the problems with the M-Class so I'll feel better. :(
  6. Rya

    Car Art !

    Maybe having a female point-of-view is good once-in-a-while. <_<
  7. Nope, I didn't have the option. But just the fact that this technology exists.... cool! Maybe in my next vehicle! :D
  8. Wow, that's cool. I didnt' even know that this existed with any vehicle (but you all know I'm learning still about this car stuff still). Thanks for the info!
  9. Ooops, don't have my contacts in yet. Just a typo.... Fun ;)
  10. Can dvd's actually be viewed on the navi. in-dash screen?
  11. Rya

    Car Art !

    Denny.... just wait till you get to college. All of the preety girls around, you'll be on overload. Be respectfull, be safe, don't do anything you couldn't tell your parents about. Your first love will be in your heart forever, but your last love will be with you for a lifteime (we'll just ignore the divorce rate for this conversation). Love & relationships are hard work, you can shape your future. Live every day like it's your last.... no regrets, and next time don't wait to ask the girl out!!
  12. Is a microfiber towel ok? I know not to use paper towels on the painted surface.
  13. Rya

    Car Art !

    Still guilty...
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