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Everything posted by eatingupblacktop

  1. I repeat, use only OEM wires and plugs! Plenty of threads here on this. Read up on this before you decide to go aftermarket. Shop around for best price, then compare with dealer's.
  2. Hey Army, belated HB. You must have been banking some good karma.
  3. Get a referral to a reputable/trustworthy shop and have them do some tests. Checking the timing/ignition wires takes no time at all. I was going to suggest a prob with the cold start injector, but you say it idles cold at 2500 rpm, so that's not it. You might have wet plug inserts from the hcv job if they spilled coolant.
  4. Welcome to the club! About time you joined the mix! Nice Scoop! Looks llike your arrow is pointing to the L bank coil connection to the distributor. Take off the tb cover and trace it yourself. I would say you could use a new ignition wire set. Stick with oem for both wires and plugs. Shop around for best price.
  5. In case you don't already know, Never pressure wash the engine! You've got water/vapour in the electrical connectors/JB's/plug inserts/sensors, etc. You now have to inspect and blow dry anything you got wet during your wash. Next time, hand wash/clean only.
  6. Yeah, could be a vacumm leak. Check the lines. Could be a sticking injector when it's cold. I would also put a timing light on the plugs and check that the plug wires aren't arcing. Your start idle at 2700 is too high.
  7. Props on some excellent investigative work and documentation wigs! Looks like a mess alright. Can't give you a price offhand. Shop around to compare with dealer's prices.
  8. I've taken for granted (maybe I shouldn't) that you've gone through the basic checklist: connections/grounds are clean and tight, s belt isn't slipping, etc. If you've done that then I'd check your charging system.
  9. How old is your batt and is it fully charged? Also check your alt output.
  10. Welcome to the LOC! Obviously you've got something shorting somewhere. Have there been any mods done by the previous owner? Since you're a diy, I'd suggest tracing the circuits one by one for each prob until you find the source(s). It'll take some time but I'd check the relays/wiring/connections/proper grounds/junction boxes, etc. as well. If you're blowing fuses, you should be able to find what's creating the draw. For dead ciruits, check for continuity in the wiring and switches. Trace back to where you actually read power.
  11. Welcome to the club! It always helps to provide as much info/details about your prob as you can. Such as, when does this ocurr, idling, driving, braking, at what speed, what condition is the car in, any work recently done, etc. You'll be asked these questions anyway, so may as well post the details right from the start. You should also update your personal info to include the year or your LS. This way you won't have to remember to post it every time.
  12. Since you've seen improvement swapping the filter, it would seem fuel related. Injectors would be logical next step. I would also check the air supply. I know you cleaned the tb, but I would double check that there isn't a spot where either the throttle cable or butterfly are temporarily sticking.
  13. Goodonya for the update! That's how we make these forums really work to help others.
  14. Be prepared when riding the net. Sometimes you can wind up like this:
  15. How does it idle when it's shaking - smooth or lumpy? Does it stumble and come close to stalling?
  16. Yeah, averona, I totally misread that this happens even when the car is warm. What is it idling at when this happens?
  17. Since you've done all that work recently, I'd check all your connections first. Another easy check to do is the relay.
  18. Ya think? Someone's asleep at the wheel! Shoulda bin dun looooooonnnnnnnnngggg time ago! :chairshot:
  19. It wouldnt do me any good... only a moron would think my car is low mileage. I dont have the digital speedometer anyway. You almost made me forget how much this must hurt .......
  20. Wait for the car to warm up a bit more and the idle to drop.
  21. Welcome to the club! Adding fluids? Cleaning parts? Yup, all good. One way to start scraping your knuckles is to read through http://www.lexls.com/ then pick out one or more of the easier jobs that look interesting or you think you can handle and get to it. Pay special attention to preparation - correct replacement parts, correct tools, correct instructions, and safety - correct workspace, correct ventilation, etc. Search this forum for more info on any job you've picked or post questions if you're not sure. Don't take on anything you have doubts about, can go wrong real quick and discourage you from continuing. Take your time with any task you decide on. Don't pay attention to how long it takes a pro to do it. Go at your pace, and take some time to absorb what your doing. When you get into more complex tasks, documenting your work with drawings/pics is always a good idea, especially if there are a ton of parts/wires etc involved. Good luck and enjoy your new LS!
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