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Everything posted by alexus

  1. search, it was long time ago.. i dont remeber
  2. it comes seperatly, you can order from same place where you got your tte grill, i install it on my cars looks freakin awesome
  3. 20"s?:) heeh good choice, i have 20"s on my GS400, lowenhart ld1, damn good lookin one
  4. i would suggest you to go with coilovers instead of shocks and springs
  5. get RAZOR, those are the best one out there.. at least in my opinion
  6. most likely you got hid bulbs seperatly from your hid modules, you need to find compatible or you can rewire existing one.. i'd suggest you to take all this stuff to local sound/alarm store they either will do it for you or at least they can refer you to another store who can do that, there is about at least few dozens where i live..
  7. he's right.. turn off trac control, turn off overdrive and set it to power mode
  8. i might be able to find better deal for you guys.. once you finnalize list of people i'll give a call to couple of my buddys and i'm sure i can do even better price then this, especially if we going order a lot..
  9. maybe that idea isn't that bad.. but i'm sure i'm speakin on behalf of a lot of members we dont want to wait till summer we want meet now! (or at least sooner) i say .. april 17th!
  10. so who's up for race? *prrrr* :) :chairshot:
  11. wow.. i heard a legend and i even saw it on some video clip how ls spinin tires.. hehe would love to see it in a real life..:) vmf.. care to show?:) i never done it with my GS400 that.. hehe
  12. i'm afraid he's right or else you going sell it cheaper then if you'd sell car and parts seperatly.. less headache though.. and more "i want this car" from the customer rathen then "ahh, lets go look at another one"..
  13. oh yeah.. tune up is also good idea.. :)
  14. dude here are few suggestions.. that doesn't cost _at all_ a) take spare tire out of your trunk B) in fact.. take everything out :) and while you cleaning your trunk take all junk out of thrim as well :) c) have about 1/8 of gas in your tank that doesn't cost _that_ much a) intake ( will give you some hp gain ) B) exhaust ( will give you some hp gain too ) that cost _more_ a) turbo charge?:) but then again.. if you ending up with installing turbo kit you'd want to have your car on stuck level already pretty high.. so i would suggest you to upgrade your car from LS400 to GS400 :) thats what i did, i had a '94 LS400, nice car.. but its just not a racing car.. its a luxury car, it always was and it always will be.. ever though what LS stands for? [L]uxury edan, it never meant to be a racing car.. never.. so what i did, i sold my LS400 and got myself a nice GS400, then i put intake, ecu, and now I have 330hp-350hp right there.. an ultimate pimp mobile.. heh.. even two, i like car so much i got myself two lexus gs400 :) or there, look at VMF :)
  15. is it 'cuz he also has LS400? :D i'm actually both hand up for meetin in brooklyn ;) i think there is no place better then meetin here at floyd bennett field :P it's the most open space you can find around anywhere, we can cook bbq you can see here is at least four meeting that was held by other lexus owner(s) at floyd bennett field http://alexus.fotki.com/cars/lexus/clublexus/
  16. i have a black on black .. make me an offer.. it's a 1998 GS400, i have some pictures here http://gallery.alexus.org/black or http://lexus.gs/modules.php?set_albumName=...=view_album.php i also have a lot of pictures here http://alexus.fotki.com/cars/lexus/gs400
  17. we should tell folks at CL about that..
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