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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. Well, I've gotten the RX350 as a loaner. I have the '08 ES 350 today and neither one compares very well with my 400h. It's not because I own the 400h, it's just a fact. Drive them yourself. The 400h feels like it has more power especially on the freeway. I drive the same freeway from the dealership to home and with both the RX350 and this ES 350 they both feel like they hesitate a little on acceleration and on the sloping upgrade there's really no comparison. The RX 400h pulls you quickly and smoothly on the freeway and the upslope doesn't make one iota of difference to my "Princess". I also live atop a beautiful and high hill and the changing of gears was very evident this morning with the ES as was with the RX 350 and nothing that I feel with the CVT of the 400h. I was irritated by the rattles that I had when I first bought the 400h but then I found the causes,yes, more than one, and now it's quiet. I love that I get 400 miles per fill up (I get just over 26MPG for the past 2 1/2 years)... great, especially here in L.A. where gas is already $4. I have gotten 450 (27+MPG but not enough to claim that I get 27 regularly because I don't...) The only thing that I loved in the 350 that I didn't get was the wooden steering wheel...which I now have thanks to eBay! I drive mostly city but a good amount of freeway also from time to time...but here in L.A. , the freeways are like parking lots many times so my MPGs actually get better when I am on the freeways more often. L.A....I love this city but I can't imagine not having my hybrid here of all places! Many warm wishes, Rey Bustos in L.A.
  2. Well, it shouldn't be the battery after two years, besides, the second key that I've kept in a drawer doesn't work either. Would that be right? Two sets not working? It's kind of frustrating but I'm going in tomorrow and I hope it'll be a quick,easy fix. Thanks, Rey
  3. I have a 2006 400h, bought brand new in 1/2006. This is the second time that I have gotten out of my car only to find that the remote doesn't work. Anyone else have this problem? I have an appointment to take my car in on Monday to get my 25K service and will have this checked out . This is how it's happened; Everything is fine and then I park, get out only to find that the steering wheel doesn't go back in as it usually does once I take the key out. I then find that I can't lock the car with my remote key and have to do it the ol' fashioned way, with the key put in the lock. The hatch doesn't react to pushing the button either, nothing. On the phone the dealership has never heard of this. Can anyone of you help? Anyone else have this happen? Rey
  4. If you do find the plastic inserts please let me,let us all know. As I said, I just add-libbed that part and it looks good but not perfect. Rey
  5. Very good Kevin. I just have my mortgage, no car payments and no one else to take care of so it's easy for me to have my nice little Lexus and even though I do live in L.A., I live very nicely and with little stress.....I might be one of very few in this town to say that! No big commute, no freeway driving to speak of and all of the things that I already said plus Kevin's $.02 is all good. I am glad to be a part of such a nice forum. Warmly, Rey in L.A.
  6. Income is relative, meaning that I live in Los Angeles where you have to make over 100K just to be OK. Too many people know me ,my real name, here to be anonymous, I don't mind, but I won't say how much,it's not necessary for me to do so. The point is bigger than the specifics because there is a varied amount of income necessay to do well from state to state,county to county. Anyway, in a nutshell, it all depends on where you live and how much the other factors fall in, such as the mortgage prices in your specific area, the general cost of living varies GREATLY from place to place even here in SoCal. Since both you and fiance make a good amount and together it's a very decent amount for your age, it seems as if you are not over your head at all and probably better off than I am considering I am in this VERY expensive part of the country. If I told you how much my condo cost you'd shudder! Granted it's a great condo in an amazing area,but still.... So that's a hard one to say anything about since so many other factors play in. I am also single so if I were married and with a child, I wouldn't have bought this great car, maybe...maybe a smaller hybrid, I don't know. I LOVE this car though. I'd say relax, you are in great shape, you have a fiance' and,God willing, a whole lot of time ahead of you. You are better off than most humans on this planet, keep that in mind. Be well, Rey
  7. Thanks Dave, you're a peach. Take care and happy Easter, Rey
  8. Silly goose.... What can I tell you, I'm an artist, nothing else works like a Mac...anyway, I did it before so there shouldn't be any reason that now I don't have a little picture by my silly posts!
  9. Thanks, it was actually the same exact size that I used...150X 102, so I don't know why it's not taking the image...hmmm, thanks.....I don't give up so I'll try something else. Oh, I have a Mac. Rey
  10. Hmm, the picture that I am accessing is small,about 2X3inches at 50 resolution,like a big postage stamp... or about 150X 102 pixels? If it got any smaller it would be half the size of what appears on everyone else's page...I'll keep trying...thanks, Rey...Oh, the picture that you can see on the beginning of this post is a bigger version of what I've been trying to download...I now reduced it again to about 1 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches or 100 by 68 pixels and it still doesn't work. It's really tiny...I'll put it with this response...thanks again...
  11. I looked up "URL" but I still don't know what I need to do. I had a picture before and now it's gone so I know I uploaded a picture before and now I can't. Hmm, weird...
  12. It's been a long time and I still can't get my picture up...hmmm
  13. No big woop, I'm just glad that you understood why I was mixed up...anyway, I have never liked leasing but then I have never leased so it would be better to say that I like OWNING. Everyone has a different lifestyle and miles that one drives. I would be a good candidate to lease in that I only drive about 10K a year. But I like owning since I keep my cars for a long time and this great car I am planning on keeping at least ten years. Since you might lease, put as low as you can get away with and just keep the car two or three years and get something else after that. When you say you and your fiance' make a lot of money, all of this may be a moot point. "A lot" of money is relative. I think I make a good living but it may make some of you giggle compared to what some of you make. For me, I prefer to own and especially since I like to modify my cars, make them my own and keep them a long time. I feel like leasing is like renting, I'd rather not. But then some think it works best for their needs, business wise or what not. Again there are so many factors in every person's life to be able to make that opinion count for anything. If you like the new car feel every three years, lease. If you want to own it and keep it for more than 5 years, buy it. It's a Lexus, it'll last a long time! I had my first car, a 1970 Toyota Corona Mark IV, for 13 years and that was a 7 year old car at the time that I bought it! These Toyota/Lexus hybrids will outlast most cars on the planet, don't let people scare you to worrying about them not lasting. You make a lot of money, if that happens in ten years, then buy something else. Toyota/Lexus make cars to last and be relatively trouble free. I have other things to worry about in life but fortunately I have a pretty blessed life so I make sure that I enjoy this time on Earth and why not do it in comfort and luxury. I love my 400h. I just got back from working, a Sunday in the Valley, 25,miles from my home. The one day that I commute, and coming back there is some traffic. I love my car best when I get in a little bit of traffic, when I am in total electric mode and the MPGs go up and I am not polluting one iota! It really takes the frustration out of the sitting and idling that killed my mpgs in anything else in the past. Good luck and congratulations again on your upcoming union! Warmly and respectfully, Rey in L.A.
  14. Yes, there were NO 400hes on the lot without all of the goodies when I bought mine in Jan/2006. The only option that I had was whether I wanted the entertainment system in the back for kids or not. Since I don't have any, I didn't want DVDs in the back. Anyway...I will try to say this respectfully....this original post was so badly written (sorry) that I misunderstood the writer and felt a little foolish for giving my long, drawn out advice. If in fact you make a lot of money, and your future wife as well, why only put 5K down when buying? Anyway, I'm planning on having this great car for at least ten years and there's absolutely no reason why ANYTHING made by Lexus wouldn't hold up for that long. It's not like Toyota/Lexus is experimenting with hybrids, they really know what they are doing. I'm wondering how the American hybrids are going to do. I know that Ford procured the rights form Toyota to use their technology but I figure they would still goof up somehow but we'll see. I don't have much faith in American cars after having a couple of them in the past. Rey
  15. How many miles on the dog? Nice jet black finish, does he match your Corvette or your RX? Rey That's a "she", Rey and she rarely gets to ride in either leather-seated vehicle! :D Dave Yikes! I hope she didn't get to the email before you did, females hate being mistaken for males. I stand corrected... beautiful dog just the same. Rey
  16. Sorry should have been 68,500 miles and 10,000 miles towing Ron Ron Remember , Dave is full of bologna. Now, why is that spelled that way? Anyway, we knew what you meant. Happy sailing, Rey
  17. How many miles on the dog? Nice jet black finish, does he match your Corvette or your RX? Rey
  18. That was very funny...was that you that passed me up that sunny day in June 2004 when I had my PT? You were only faster on your bike when we went uphill though so be fair! You're right, I don't have a lot to compare it to but I really like my car and since I teach at many places, the traveling anatomy show, I love all the room that I have to carry my "bones". Warmly, Rey Bustos in L.A.
  19. Are you kidding? It's not even the fast 0-60 time that is great especially for an SUV, it's the 70-100 time that is amazing! I have never been in a car that accelerates as well on the freeway and that includes the RX350. Yes, this hybrid is really fast and smooth when accelerating. It doesn't have any of the usual belts and impeding things and the tranny is amazing.... Anyway, I will admit, I don't have a lot to compare it to I just know that I love the feel when on the 101 on my Sunday morning drive to the Valley from L.A that I can really open her up and the CVT is smooth and to me, amazing the power it has...so there! Toodle-loo, Rey
  20. Every RX400h already has a factory Cold Air Intake, so don't even bother with that aspect of a performance mod. Eibach makes lowering springs, but I have yet to hear of anyone buying a set. I thought about lowering it but then I really don't want to compromise the nice ride that I enjoy. I'll wait until someone plays the guinea pig, tries it, and then posts results. I know it's a little mushy on turns, improved by the Toyo tires, but honestly, I drive like an ol' lady most of the time so I don't mind......no offense to you ol' ladies out there...., you know who you are! Take care all, Rey
  21. 68.500 miles with about 10 of that towing a 1300 lb sailboat / tailer combination. Ron RX400h is being facetious, I knew what you meant...RX400h is just plain silly! Lol....so, we take it to mean 68,500 miles and all is great,eh? I like hearing that. Thanks for the response, Rey
  22. Nice job RXREX, did you do the wood trim on your steering wheel? how hard is it? Kikogirl, Read the post about the steering wheel just above this one, that was to answer your question......Rey
  23. No performance mods. I went from PT Cruiser to my 400h, THAT was my performance upgrade! By the way, give me advice on what performance mods that would be appropriate for a hybrid. On my PT I changed the exhaust to a Borla, it gave it a rumble, and I added a cold air filter which also gave it a little bit more growl. On the 400h I don't want it louder, I want it quiet, and I am still getting used to how much power it has already. I love it but I will take any suggestions if they are simple and easy and for me, appropriate. Oh, about the steering wheel. I got it on ebay and it was very simple for my mechanic to change. I still have the leather one that I will sell n ebay in about a year when there are more RXs that might need one due to whatever. He charged me $50 and I guess it's an easy fix. Don't take it to Lexus because they'll charge about $300 to change it. You should be able to find a wooden wheel from $100 to $400, depending on the seller. They are gorgeous and I love it so much more than the leather one that came with the car. The wooden wheel just feels more luxurious to me and it looks great. Happy trails, Rey
  24. No chrome rims. I might at some point look for other rims but I actually like the ones that I have and they are really good quality. Too much to spend to change them when, at this point, I like them. I don't make the same money that rappers make so I can only do so much! I think that's a good thing or I'd be out of control. Toodle-loo, Rey
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