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    GS 300

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  1. Brake jobs are easy and so should definitely be performed by your local reputable Toyota/Lexus shop. The dealer should only be used for the "difficult" stuff where special equipment is required. I would definitely not replace pads at 40%, maybe <20% if it's convenient. The best way to find a good mechanic is to ask others that have a Toyota/Lexus. Maybe find out for Ohio on this board. You can check out most businesses on bbb.org to make sure they don't have any major issues. And remember to keep all your receipts in case something comes up in the future. Sometimes the smaller shops don't have the efficient filing systems (or computers) of the dealers. Make sure they right down everything on the receipt including some minimal detail on diagnostic work they performed (and you paid for). I had an issue with this in the past but luckily I still had the detailed receipts and it worked out. - Sean
  2. Yes it's Verizon. I knew before I bought the phone that the complete address book could not be put in all at once. I did think from past postings here that it could be done one number (contact) at a time. I must say that in using the Bluetooth feature in the RX with the E815 phone, I have found the sound quality (voice) in both directions to be excellent. I just wish Motorola/Verizon would enable the phonebook transfer feature, or someone finds a work-around... :cries: ← This is completely a Verizon issue. Motorola builds the phones with full support. - Sean
  3. Yeah, my current GS does have a run flat - just talking about the new cars since I re-entered the market recently. Replacing the tires is really expensive so not sure that is a good option either. - Sean
  4. Roger that - Boston area (see location in my profile summary!). I will be selling my 16" Lexus OEM rims with Blizzak tires in the for sale forum once I reach 20 posts. Hang on, that's now. I'll post soon and email you.
  5. Yes, this would be a choice between the Audi & Bimmer for me. Audi makes beautiful interiors for sure. Mind you, if this is his last car before retirement, reliability should be a major factor. And that really brings it down to just one car - the LS. Maybe the Infiniti Q a close second. - Sean
  6. Well Verizon settled which is a partial win. I would have preferred the judge to rule that they had to fully support Bluetooth but that would be wishful thinking. <<< The settlement offers either a $25 credit for customers that wish to continue their Verizon service, or the ability to return the V710 and any purchased accessories for a full refund so that a new phone can be purchased. If the class member does not wish to continue Verizon service, they can return the phone and accessories for a full refund and break their contract without a cancellation fee. Persons that already canceled their Verizon service are entitled to recoup their cancellation fee. >>>
  7. The other thing that sucks about run flats is that your local tire shop in general is not going to be able to fix a flat. The dealer has to do it for about $300 (at least that's the case with BMW). I've heard a lot of people recommending the tire insurance which runs about $400 for 3-4 years. It will pretty much pay for itself with one flat. It's a shame that full size spares aren't still an option in all cars. I would certainly not mind paying more for one.
  8. I change mine to snows Thanksgiving weekend and take them off first week of April.
  9. I do not believe there is a Lexus equivalent for StealthOne. There probably isn't nearly as much of a market with Lexus vs. BMW. For other folks wondering what the heck we're talking about: http://store.stealth-one.com/
  10. Huh? They are starting to use them again? Why? Speed?
  11. 530xi is full time AWD. I like RWD a lot - my 95 M3 is RWD but mostly for the track. If I had my way, I would get a 550i w/SMG but my wife has more sense than me. I really like where this GS450h is going but I'd be hesitant to buy it in the first year. I know Lexus is generally good but the first hybrid sports sedan is just asking for reliability/efficiency problems, especially the way I drive. The direct link for anyone interested is: http://www.lexus.com/2007gsh_preview/index.html
  12. That is just crazy on any road. You have big b*lls. :) - Sean
  13. They've done it again - top of all the lists for reliablity: http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/10/26/cr_mos...able/index.html Infiniti has top for M (just like GS) but worst for QX (huge SUV). - Sean
  14. And on a general safety note, if any of your old seat belts are frayed (small wear "cuts" at the end), you should really get them replaced. They will likely tear in an accident and not work as expected. While we're on the subject...
  15. I'm surprised that there isn't more talk about this on the forum. This seems like a very interesting car and unique in the market. Is there any chance of an AWD version? How will mileage & performance compare to the 430?
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