Hey guys, I currently own an LS 400 1992 unfortunately it is reaching its 200.000 mile point, where I have to sell it. It is at 198.000 miles, so I have to sell it fast before the car loses its value. I am eyeing the ES 300.
I tried checking the Lexus official site but its already updated with the newest 2007 ES, and does not give me any specs for the older models. Preferably I am looking to get 2003-2004 ES 300/250. However before going to the dealer I would appreciate if I have these basic questions answered from all the pros here.
1. How long do these cars last, If I decide to finance one, in the 2002 range with about 40-50 thousand miles, can I expect this car to run up to 200.000 miles with proper maintenance.
2. How much do these cars go far ( Year 2003-2004 | 40-50 thousand miles )
3. With the gas prices today, especially for me I am a New Yorker, how does this car go city/highway. ( if possible include the hp and the engine size ) I am guessing it might be a bit better than my 18/23 V8 4.0
4. What are some major cons and pros in this car.
Any answer would be helpful. :)