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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Do a search for power steering, you'll see a few threads, with pictures and instructions.
  2. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/445498/robot...g_refrigerator/ THIS is the only fridge anybody needs!!!
  3. My 95 LS400 does this, and is getting a little worse by the day. I have new control arms, ball joints and outer tie rods. I do not have new inner tie rods though, or rack. I am thinking maybe the inner tie rods are worn out, which judging by the conditoin the outer tie rods were in, would not suprise me one bit, and that was 30k miles ago. I'm now up to 126+/-k miles. Question, when driving down the smooth highway, do you have slight play in your steering, maybe a centimeter or so of left to right with no response in the steering? When you're stopped and turn the wheel back and forth quickly, do you have a faint clicking/clunking noise? I have also heard the U joint in the steering column can come loose after time too, which just requires a retightening of the bolts..
  4. Yep, that's the one. You can put it in your gas tank, and your oil right before you change it. It's some great stuff!!! Make sure you have the right can though, they do make some for use in your transmission "i don't recommend doing that". It's clearly labelled, but looks the same in terms of can size and color scheme of the label.
  5. a big Thank You yeah, you know what i mean amigo :D
  6. This reminds me of the old slogan about boats..... The best boat is your buddy's boat... you get to enjoy it, he gets to fix it! Actually, I think these days, except for MB, most cars are pretty darn good in general.
  7. NC211: There is a country highway in south eastern NC, down by the coast. Many many moons ago this little highway was the "locals" secret to getting around all the tourists in the summer. I use to live down on the coast for 8 years, and it gets log-jammed with traffic in the summer from all the people coming down for the weekends. Now, I live in the Raleigh MSA, and have become one of those people I use to cuss about, but still take my secret pathway to the coast that the tourists don't know about. 211 is also a song in the hymm book of a very special church in Wilmington, that saved my sanity in my early to mid 20's, that I have never, and will never reveal, it's my little secret.
  8. nc211


    I think I've got it killed. I juiced up Spybot to check for tracking junk, ran it, it found a few things in the registry already, and fixed them I haven't seen the pop up since. DC, that is exactly what I did, minus the updating XP through Microsoft, as they see my key code, know it's a student package, and won't update to SP2 without forcing me to buy it. So I am stuck on relying on third party help. In the past, I have never, and I mean NEVER had a problem like this, this badly. Only once, back in 01' did I have something like this while living in an apartmetn building. Found out the guy next door was running a !Removed! site, and everyone in the building was getting pop ups, all the time. He had infected the entire token ring of computers in the complex. That is, until one of those computers was a cop's, who had the Birmingham police track it down, and that's how we all found out what was going on. I live in a super IT neighborhood, as most folks work for SAS, IBM, Lenovo, Motorola, etc... out at Research Triangle Park, so someone in my area has a really infected computer and it's bouncing out to the others around it, or so that is my guess. But, I think I have it killed off now, lets hope anyway. But yeah, I killed the partitian, created a new one under the Fdisk command in Dos, formatted with the xp, then put on Norton, the spybot, scanned the computer on the basic definitions, nothing found, then the second I turned on the cable modem for NOrton to go out and get the updates, BAM, got that pop up on the computer. I mean the cable modem hadn't been on 10 seconds before that thing popped up. I about launched this thing through the second story window out into the driveway. Seriously making me think about a Mac, that's for sure. But, messing with SpyBot's advanced settings, and juicing up XP's settings, I think it's gone. Now if I could just get to my yahoo email account, as the computer won't let a site redirect to another site anymore, thanks to the settings, then all will be good in the kingdom.
  9. nc211


    Ok, redid the computer, when on the internet to update the definitions and such for norton and spybot. The second I hit the internet...BAM, pop ups all day long for some crap called registrycleanxp, keep coming up. Even when the internet isn't up. I do have cable internet though, so it's always on. I think it's running around in my token ring in my neighborhood, and the second I went on, I ran into it. The system can't find anything, got anti tracking, I have molested Spybot to look for every possible thing, along with Norton looking too. Nothing is found... I just think it's come crap in the internet stream, probably teenage neighbor's computer putting this stuff out. So, question... Is there a program outthere that I can buy or download that will make me completly invisible on the internet, so these things don't see me out ther? Like a more user friendly vpn setting or something like that?
  10. Here kitty kitty, got a dance floor for you!
  11. nc211


    HOLY CRAP!!!! THAT'S A TON OF SNOW!!!!! Dude, DC, time to relocate man, seriously! If not for the change in temp, for the fact that we would be shut down for WEEKS if we had that much snow.....AKA...free vacation at home! Heck, we'd be shut down for days if we even had a 15% chance of getting 1/8th of that amount of snow! Gryphon's got a point....why do i think this thread will reappear in a few months, with DC firing back at us? Hahaha....
  12. I would definelty replace it. One good rock shot on a cooling hose, vacuum hose, etc.... could really cause some problems. Plus, it keeps the crap from getting tangled up in your belts, connectors, alternator, coolant hose, etc.... Personally I would be more concerned about the protection aspects it offers than the noise aspects. Think about all the sticks that thing has blocked from getting tangled up in your engine bay, or accidental road kill guts, water, dirt chunks, broken glass, rocks, anything and everything you encounter on the roads....etc....
  13. Oh, I've gotta ask........ What did you do?
  14. He won't show.... I tied his shoe laces together in gym class.
  15. Ahh, the Vette', I always forget about the Vette. Yeah, that's a good one, and God-awful fast! I always think of the Chevy Cavalier, at 90mph, with the rear view mirrors falling off. hahahaha.. SKperformance is one of the members on here, that is very well versed in the braking department for our cars. I will send him a message to check out this thread, and see what he has to say. He's a nice guy! Well, good to see Chrystler has made a positive impact on MB..... As an american, I offer my appologies. There should've never been a blending between a 560SEC and a Caravan. Translate for me if you will.... Brake Saddle = Brake Calipers? I'm very interested in this thread and how it turns out.... I'll go get SKperformance and see what he says
  16. nc211


    HAHAHA!!! Don't mention it, just trying lend a helping hand, to my Yankee friend, for some odd reason has decided to make his home in the great white north! I've told you about the decision to move to N. Carolina back in 1995 haven't I? Was going to school at the Univ. of Kansas, in Lawrence. The state of Kansas has one freakn' hill in the entire state, and some genious decided to put the university on top of it. I'll never forget that day for as long as I live. February, walking up the eastern side of that hill to class, crest the hill, and a face full of sub-zero wind coming from the plains smacked me dead square between the eyes. I turned around, walked back down the hill to my apartment, called my parents to tell them I was done, and would pick up college somewhere else, in a warmer climate. I was sitting on Wrightsville Beach, NC by August of that same year, never returned.... Spent the next three years making movies and TV shows at the film studio "Dawson's Creek, Matlock, etc...", went back to school in 1999 at UNC-Wilmington, graduated in spring of 01' with finance degree, and the rest is history. I have never set foot in Lawrence Kansas since the day I left, and now since we have Roy Williams back home here in Chapel Hill, I never will set foot in Lawrence again.
  17. nc211


    I don't thing God drinks. And I seriously doubt anyone can help but him. However, it's about 70 degrees down here, with the ever so slight hint of spring in the air.
  18. Actually the cars name is K.I.T.T. ( my bad ) here is a sample. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HaeazyUGX0 Actually pretty korny now that I see it again... Kitt never had anything on the General Lee! And if you don't believe me, I'll meet you at recess behind the tire swing, and we'll settle this.... :chairshot:
  19. Sorry fella's forgot to post this up last night, got distracted by that HOT chick on American Idol... Try this before you spend the $1,000 at the dealership. Infact...don't spend the money at all, there HAS to be a better way, even if it required a trip to Radio Shack for a tiny motor and soder it in.. Here is the TSB... 45.pdf
  20. Man, we need you German guys to sign in to the Mercedes forums as Lexus owners, and get them off our backs! Hahahaaa.... $7,000 for rotors from Brembo? Something is being lost in the translation there. I think SKPerformance would be your best bet on who could answer this one. The only braking mechanism we know of here in the States that works for anyone going 125 MPH, is a spike strip, compliments of your local Sherrif department. I am suprised however that you do not have more options in Germany for high performance brakes? You guys invented high speed, there has to be someone in your area that can answer your question and provide you better service than us wallowing Americans. I mean, ever driven a Chevy 125 MPH? See....we're not built for speed. About the only American company I can think of that could build a rotor that wouldn't warp at those speeds is NASA. SK, the stage is yours amigo.... PS: I'll be in your neck of the woods this September "Heidelberg", any suggestions on proper manners that you notice most Americans fail to display in your country? I know we're not the most popular these days, and certainly don't want to offend anyone. I freakin' LOVE Germany!!! The one country I really really really want to visit! Going to see the Black Forest too!
  21. Maybe this is why they're slipping to 7th place in customer satisfaction... I mean if the trunk hinge wiring harness is that well known to cause these sort of wierd glitches, then why in the world would his dealership tell him to tear down his dashboard?? It almost seems intentional, so they can generate future business for themselves, when you come back with all of your expensive parts torn up and you can't get it fixed on your own. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=35582
  22. there is a tsb "technical service bulliten" on this one, it's actually a simple mistake in the wiring. The wiring in your steering column is taped too tightly. The tsb suggests unwrapping the tape by a few twists, to give the wires a little more slack. I had this too, and still do on the rare occasion, even with the fix. Mine would not retract all the way back. the wires get tugged on by the motor, and they get pulled from their connectors by just a hair, but enough to trick the computer into thinking the wheel is where it should be. i don't have the tsb here at the office, but i'll post it up from home, unless one of the other guys has it already. basically, just open up your steering column cover, look for taped wires, and unwrap a couple times.
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