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Everything posted by nc211

  1. I'm ready to replace my subwoofer, but not quite sure how it's done. I have the manual in pdf. format, and much of it is printed off "mechanical wise". The problem, is that the rest of it sits in my yahoo email account, pdf by pdf, and it's taking hours upon hours to download the rest of the files. They're all labled 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc... so I have no clue what's on it until I download it. Yahoo has that "scan everything first" default setting, which just kills my downloading. I'm curious if I can just pop off the screen cover on the back, or do I have to actually remove the seat to get the back deck off. Or, can it be done from underneath? I'm stumped on this one, and trying to find the easiest way. NOTHING irks me more than doing a ton of work, only later to realize that it was just a simple pull-n-plug process. Thanks fellas!
  2. I'll be up there in a couple of weeks, I can swing by your office and change your oil for ya' for $99.99. Of course you might get some comments on what a dude in a suit is doing under your car, and what's that black crap flowing down the entry drive? Hahaha!!! I looked at my car wrong the other day, and wouldn't you know it, a $100 charge hit my credit card for "visual abuse of an elder". Damn car...
  3. i think it's just through the dealership. Toyota might have the same access though too. If you're planning on passing the car down to your son, then I would definetly pass on the air system. You know teenagers, and it's a lot easier to replace a damaged strut than a blow out air bag. One bad curb-check on the air system, and it's leaks-ville USA. Have any pictures of this car, or a website with them on it?
  4. this sounds like a heatshield on the upper converters have come loose. If it's a rattle, then just ping around underneath until you find something loose. My guess....heatshield has come loose... it happens.
  5. I would recommend running the vin# by the dealerhship, no matter what car you're looking at! They should beable to see if the 90k service was done, which is the big honker "timing belt, water pump, plugs, rotors, caps, wires, fluids, etc..." It is the biggest service to the car, period. Honestly man, at that miles, and if the shocks are stock from day one, they're probably pretty close to done, if not bandaided to just get it sold. They are very expensive, and I'd bet that if you took a poll on here on wether to buy an air system at 138k miles or not, the overwhelming majority would say not. It's just too costly to repair, and now that prices have started to come up on parts, shocks particularly, too expensive to convert too, if you're not the DIY type. My honest opinion Viking.... keep looking. I'd let that one go. You can mix-match aftermarket parts on these cars, but it won't ride as nice. And that's the main reason why people buy these cars, is for that quiet, smooth Lexus ride. Get the vin# and call the Lexus Dealership. Be very nice to the service guy, as this is strictly a "favor" he'll do for you, and not a required service. Mine even show's report enteries from other shops that weren't Lexus/Toyota related, simply because the shop entered in the vin # and put it somewhere on some database that Lexus picked-up on.
  6. Ah, SWO, have we forgotten about us Gen II guys with bad ECM's that cause the car to stall after haighway driving, and/or off-throttle-shock due to the ECM dropping the fuel supply too quickly to the engine upon removing your foot from the gas? :whistles: That's why I recommend buying a G35 over the ES anyday. Plus, it just makes the driver look cooler! Not all "mr. responsible real estate big shot!" Hahahaa!!! benalex, can the LS be pricey to repair? Yes, it can. But will you have your head under the car every weekend repairing something that has prematurely worn out, or repairing something that you've alread repaired? Nope. Once it's fixed, it's fixed for another 100k+. The trick is picking the RIGHT LS to start with. Any car will have problems if abused. Case in point, I have aftermarket rear carrier bushings on my back wheels. If you ask the guys on here if they've had to replace their set within 40k miles, they'll probably say no. But, I am facing that repair again, because I ABUSED the car a few months a go when I did a pedal-to-the-medal spinout on a dirt road then hit pavement and left some serious rubber on the pavement. Too much torque when the wheels where spinning at 40 mph, then hit the pavement has loosened up the bushings. Oh geeezzzz....another $100 bucks down the drain.. Basically man, if a $100 bucks is too much for you to consider a minor repair for a car, then the LS might not be the ride for you. To me, a "C" note is a lucky repair.
  7. I think time will tell this tale. I've always wondered if a car is sooo good, then why does it need such a long warranty, but that's just my theory. Name branding aside, I actully like the Camry way more than the Azera in terms of styling and interior. I think the Camry looks fresh, unique and modern on the inside, I especially like the blue lighting myself. I think in a world of standard dash arrangements, the Camry's is a deal maker, but I also understand where some could see it as a deal breaker too. I think the Azera looks like a Buick, with zero flare and aggresiveness, as where the Camry looks swift and sporty. Todays Camry has something that dare I say a Camry has, which is "uniqiness". Gawd, never thought the words uniqiness and Camry would go together. But then again, it's just a matter of time before there is a Camry on every street corner, and in every driveway, but there is a reason for that too. Toyota just took GM's spot to now be #1. Like I've said before, #1 isn't exactly the best spot to be in. You might as well paint the bullseye on your back, because you're now target #1. The Korean's have done one thing that I like, and that is make all other automakers take notice! The options these Korean cars come with at such a low price break has the other's manufactors starting to do the same. Point in case, my wife's new Mazda 3. Thing has more options on it than many upper luxury cars. Rain sensing windshield wipers, power leveling HID's, traction control, heated seats, 6 disc in dash, volume sensing Bose stereo, auto climate control, 8 air bags, trip-tronic tranny, sat radio, i-pod connectivity, tire pressure monitoring, and more... for the high teen$ to entry level $20's. The salesman told me that Mazda & Ford are trying to answer the Korean's with the options list. But, the test for the Azera is how it holds up over 50,000 miles of normal driving. I would love to see a long term test comparison of the Azera. But if you ask me, Toyota still wins in terms of styling. Azera looks like a knocked-off Buick. I think it's just a matter of time before Hyundai is in upper leagues, and I understand the ad's end-target to just get Hyundai and Lexus/BMW/MB etc... mentioned in the same sentence. It's a good idea, as long as the market accepts it, and doesn't just laugh at it and say "what are those idiots doing? That's like comparing a Yugo to a VW GTI?". Just depends on time.... and I think time is definetly on Hyundai's side!!
  8. there should be a switch next too the gear selector that reads "normal / high" or something to that effect. If you see one switch, that's the normal/pwr mode for the tranny shift points "all LS's have that one". If you see two switches, then best bet is the other is the air suspenison setting switch.
  9. Hahaha... Got too much going on these days in my world, trying to figure it all out I guess. Had the house painted last week, which meant all the screens had to come out, and window insets. This weeks chores are to paint the insets to match and repair the back deck railing where it came loose from the painting crew. Someday I'll get back to the car, which needs a little attention in the engine area. Got a bearing sound going on, thinking it's the fan clutch starting to creak. And, I think those rear carrier bushing replacements the dealership put on about 35k miles ago are worn out again, got a very loose tail end these days, car feels loose. Oh, and the subwoofer I just got from DC, that had been sitting in our big box portion of the mailbox tree downstairs, that nobody told me about for weeks. Oh well.....
  10. Ahh, one of the many little washers and rubber rings that I too faced about two years ago. If you're seeing oil dripping around your tranny mount, then it's coming from higher up in the engine area, or, the ever sneaky tiny rubber o-ring that seats between the dipstick tube, and the engine. They cost like $1.50, little o-ring about the size of your pinky finger. They sit between the tube shaft of your dipstick, and the engine. Mine was leaking too, and man was I HOT about it, especially since it just came from the dealership for the lower oil pan. Turned out to be that tube seal. I think they charged me a wopping $36 bucks for the repair. No leaks since. The ring just wears out over time, all the wiggling around of the tube with checking the oil just wears it out.
  11. Air Suspension is usually a no-no on these cars, simply because the cost to repair them, and at that mileage I'm assuming they're getting close to needed repair, could cost upwards of 80% of the car's purchase price. My opinion is steer clear of air suspension. Bobby Knight fan too?
  12. I've seen these ads too, and I just shake my head. I'm sorry, Hyundai might be upping their game, but for them to think that they can compete with Lexus, is foolish. MB, BMW, Jag, Bently, etc.... yes. Hyundai? Oh hell no!!
  13. Stook1, that is a great deal! Don't worry about the age and rubber components. Yes, you'll have to probably replace a motor mount or two, and so forth, but trust me, trust all of us here, that when I say that LS400 is light-years ahead of that Buick you've got. You could park a brand new Buick, let it sit for 10 years, and it would look and drive like a 10 year old car. You do the same with a Lexus LS400, and it'll look like a 10 year old car "due to design changes", but drive like a 1 year old car. $5,500 bucks is a steal for that car, especially knowing it was well maintened and not abused. It's a steal, and if I were you, assuming you're correct that it is a creampuff, I'd buy it on the spot, because you ain't gonna find that again. A LOW mileage LS400, sitting in the owner's garage, for sale? With records from the dealership service department to boot? Fogetabutit'. Just doesn't happen very often. BUY THAT CAR, YOU WON'T BE DISSAPOINTED!!! By the way, my 95, with 130k on the clock, driven every day, on rough roads, is still perfect in terms of the rubber seals. I did replace the weatherstipping around my front door, but honestly, kind of wish I didn't, because the car is soo air tight, that I've actually closed the door, only to realize in the morning that I didn't really close the door, and the interior light was on all night long. I have to slam the door when the windows are up to get it close. It's like a vault. Buy the car Stook, or tell us where it is, and I'm sure one of us will buy it! And... 95's down here, which are a newer design, are selling in the $9,000 - $10,000 range with 125k miles.
  14. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=11775 Check out that thread, i think you'll find everything you'll need to know, and them some..... Hoosier or Boilermaker? Or.... God help me, Cardinal? Dad is a Cardinal, mom & brother Hoosiers, along with everyone else in my family.... except for me.... Tarheel / Seahawk! Welcome to the club!
  15. VB, I was washing my windows tonight and was thinking about you. I wasnt' sure if you were a student, fan, or parent of the "Hokies." I am quite happy to see this thread, and that everything is ok in your world! My best wishes for you, your family and especially your daughter, as I'm sure some painful feelings, questions and emotions are probably coming to the surface.
  16. "Culture" is the word of problem... Fellas, you aren't saying anything wrong. You're saying what is true today. I think we all know what the problem is, and honestly, where it lays. Do I think this horrible incident would of been "contianed" if someone had a gun on them? Maybe, if that person had the chance to act. But from what I've read, the classroom stuff was done so quickly that nobody had a real chance to comprehend and react. Plus, I have to question the existance of the base of American culture if we're all walking around with guns. I mean if I can't trust my neighbor, then why am I even here, and not living next door to Alex in Sweden? And stalking the hell out of Shania Twain?? Haahahaa. Rf, I understand where you're coming from, and I don't disagree one bit, we as men/women have the dna obligation to protect ourselves. And a 3 foot shotgun is one hell of a way to do it. Dens, you're right on point too, and I think we're going to be talking about that for years to come. It's so sad when we live in a culture where progress is envoked by reaction, instead of proaction, but I think that impeads on that part about trusting my neighbor. All of you guys know me, and you know my feelings on today's world. I've made some strong comments on this website over the years about things that probably have no right to be posted here. And I thank the moderators for tolorating me. I'm going to say something now that I honestly feel, and might probably shock some of you that know me.... BUSH!!! I learned today that he allowed the semi-automatic ban to expire in 2004. That does it for me, I'm done backing this guy. Congrats Mr. President, you're the only idot in the history of this country to go from historical approval ratings, to historical disapproval ratings. I've stated many times my support for the war, and I still back it, although weary these days. But I will NEVER follow anyone who thinks guns are good for civilians, especially semiautomatic guns. How in the hell can a leader think legalizing weapons for their followers is good? I'm sorry, but Bush is no leader, he's a follower, a follower of the dollar. He served his purpose after 9/11, and I think was the right man for job, in consideration of the choices. But, in my eyes, allowing a protective law like that to expire, makes him an enemy of the country. In my mind, there is no difference between someone who intentionally points you in the wrong direction, and someone who doesn't point out your mistake while on that path in the worng direction. No difference. I think our principals have been prostituted for war rights. I think our gas prices are so high due to an agreement that gave us fly-over rights to invade Iraq. He says "history will tell this tale". I think it will too, and it won't be as kind as he thinks. I mean come on! How can he not be held responsible for the fact that the killer "honestly & legally" purchased these tools of death in our country? McCain, you lost my vote too! Why are our soldiers fighting in the streets of Bahgdad to get rid of the guns, when we've got millions sitting in pawnshops in our country? Having a shotgun under the bed is one thing, and I have NO problem with that. If you've got the guts to break into someone's home, then you've got the guts to get a face blast of death. But a glock in your backpack is another. Anyway, back to topic. I no longer support Bush. I'm done. Why are we fighting in Iraq, only to have semiautomatics sitting over here for anyone to buy? Why fear some terrorist, when all it takes is a pina'coolata slurpie, a blockbuster card and a warped mindset from hollywood and video games to buy a semiautomatic hand-cannon and start shooting people?
  17. This is one of the saddest and unexplainable days in human history. Just so uneccessary to act like this. I hope this produces positive results within the halls of law to finally address the gun issue at hand. We're embarrassing ourselves in the eyes of modern societies by allowing people, any people, to buy a gun with your Listerine. Sure, there is a waiting period, and a background check. That kid did both, and yet this still happened. Why does a college student in a prestigeous university need a gun, much less two of them? As a 33 year old man, having lived through the hormonal changes of my late teens and 20's while trying to figure out my path in life, I think anyone going through that themselves does not need a gun around. But, I think there are more underlying issues at hand that we as a nation need to address, and realize that certain freedoms need to be reexamined under phycological terms. STARTING WITH HOLLYWOOD!! Shame on the standards and ethics board of the FCC!!! Just turn on your TV anymore, and you'll now hear "*BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, god damn, bull*BLEEP*," etc... as standard acceptable language for our kids to hear. Turn on the radio and its "killed that !Removed! like it aint' no thang, give me that snatch !Removed!". And don't give me that crap about it's all on the parent's shoulders to shield them from that kind of stuff, that is pure, lazy, appathetic and chicken-*BLEEP* cop-out crap from those who are too weak and scared to fight those who control our air waves. I hope the NRA burns for this, I really do. I understand the need and desire to buy a hunting rifle, to hunt with. But what I don't understand is how in the HELL can any civil organization say we also need handguns at Walmart, semi automatic armor pearcing ammunition and extented clips to hold more rounds. AND, to argue that the laws in place to prevent guns falling into the wrong hands are too strict. That kid was from S. Korea for crying out loud! Born and raised in a freakin' war zone, living under the fear of war with N. Korea, 24/7, yet he gets to buy TWO hand guns here? What the HELL is that all about? NRA says we can't preclude a "legal citizen" from the right to bear arms, otherwise it's discriminating. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what enemy are they fighting? Who am I supposed to be looking out for? Should I go to Walmart at lunch, fill out my paperwork for a pair of Glocks, wait 72 hours, and then head down into the rough part of Raleigh and just start killing everything that moves, because that's where most crime happens? Or should I exercise my right to bear arms by paying my taxes so the Police "who are properly trained and phsyco-examined" can have enough equipment to bear arms to protect me, while I'm living within the means of the law and trying my best to contribute something positive to this world during my spin on the globe? I just don't get it. I really don't, and it makes me SICK and down-right FURIOUS to think this time next month, those guns will still be sitting on the shelf, just waiting for some kid to pull up in his car, jamming out to Chuck D's "Die Motherf*cker Die" to come in and buy one, for no reason other than he thinks it's "cool". Just makes me sick, and ebarrassed for our country. And I don't like to be embarrassed. Having said this, and before everyone jumps on my tail for it, also understand I'm part of a family who is led by a 30 year retired federal agent. My father in law was one of the most decorated agents within the state bureau of investigations, with many wild stories to tell. My brother in law is in the military, and my father is a retired colonel from the air force. So, I'm not exactly shielded from weaponry. And, The Right To Bear Arms was written in the context for the assembly of people to form a protective agency, and give them The Right To Bear Arms to enforce their job. NOT for everyone and anyone to buy a hand gun! We pick a Sherriff, and give him a gun. Haven't had a rant like this in a few years. My heart breaks for those at VT. Words can't express my sadness and sorrow. Many prayers will be said Sunday morning.
  18. if your car wasn't a pre-98' model, I would instantly say the TPS was going out. This happened to me on a test drive of a 98' GS300, scared me to death. But, since it is a pre 98, I'm wondering about your alternator. Not to over do it right out of the gate, how are your battery connectors? Might want to buy one of those little terminal scrubbers at auto-world and clean the connectors and see what that does. When your alternator starts to go, the symptoms are quite similar to what you had. Do you hear a whinning noise from your alternator? It's tough to tell sometimes if you have your a/c running too, as it whines also. But if your alternator is really hummin' along, like Paris Hilton singing Opera, then it might be time for the repair hit of bearings and new brushings. But check your battery terminals first.
  19. The Avalon would be my choice too. In all honesty, the Toyota quality has been blended so much these days, it's a little tough to tell what the difference is between a Lexus badge and a Toyota badge. My folks have one of those Solaro "i can never spell that right" convertibles, and it's one of the smoothest, quietest and nicest cars I've EVER driven. When it come time to pass on my LS, I'm going to give the Avalon a good hard look. If it's anything like the Solaro in terms of operational smoothness, it just might trump a higher mileage used LS430...might... not positive.
  20. tell u the truth im fed up with lexus peace of !Removed! ....so does my dad new 2000ls400...thats a great waste we ever have done ....i will never recomnd anyone to buy lexus...........................i send mine to junkyard yesterday .and guess what ppl asking me its looks great.. why u doin it lol---i offer em free they stll dont want it so good buy to lexus...u buy lexus u dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... agree or disagree aint matter ... soon or leater u will die .. never buy a used lexusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss DID YOU GUYS HEARD NEVER BUY A USED LEXUS ...................IF U DO BE READY TO CRY ...My DAD gonna cry soon lol .. anyway bro .. not sure abt main seal .. i just changed my both side velve cover gasket and thats it ... i think u saw lil oil .. there due to engine oil change i guess its nothing to worry abt ! Ah, OK, whatever you say dude. Guess we won't be seeing you around here anymore. Take care
  21. 8 gears is too many for a passenger car if you ask me. In all honesty, this has been my main area of interest with the new LS, on how people will accept the 8 speed tranny, all the shifting around, and how it will hold up. I'm sure many will like it, and being Toyota in general, I'm sure it'll last forever, but I honestly think if you need 8 gears on a passenger car, then you might as well have the CV transmission instead. I think 5 is the sweet spot, maybe even 6. I have 4 in mine, and I have no complaints until about 80mph, then I start to hear the engine hum a little, which is normal, and just so happens they changed it to a 5 speed right around the same time the government upped the speed limits to 70mph and so forth. I hope the 8 speed tranny doesn't turn out like the GX's driveshaft problem, that most people have complainded about.
  22. If there is anything that I hope new people learn from me and my posts on this site is that: DON'T over react! It's not a cheap car to own, BUT it gets down right expensive if you over react from the get go. Trust me, In terms of repairs, let's just say I've gone to NYC via LA several times,so to speak. Term, my guess is that your drain plug probably needs a new crush washer gasket. I'd start there. If the previous owner had the car's oil changed at the quicky-lubes, then you could be getting close to having stripped out threads in your drain plug. Mine were soooo bad, that it was like 10lb's of torque, and out they went. Walmart did it, and they split the bill with me to have the lower oil pan replaced. It's that NYC via LA thing, could of had it retapped, but didn't want to risk it, and with them paying half, a new lower pan and seal was a deal at $250, via Lexus dealership. Question, have you switched over to full synthetic recently?
  23. 1) not that I'm aware of 2) not that I'm aware of, but I don't think so 3) Yes, it's normal, the handle won't operate the locking mechanism 4) Other than the oil slick and smoke screen, it's basically a bullet proof rolling living room that will impress you for many many many years and miles. Oh, and chics dig it, even if they say they don't "too big, too boring, too old-manish". Trust me, just threaten to sell it, and see what she says. You're in for it now buddy, hope you like the car, because once your girlfriend and ESPECIALLY your wife rides in it, it's yours forever!
  24. n: Uhhh.............What color are the spots?.......... It's definitely spring in the N.W. All the bugs that end up on my windshield sure are "ripe". After getting whacked, diving 40 miles, then parking, the goo still runs down the windshield........ Hahaha... yeah, you guys definetly have some monster bugs flying around!
  25. Not that it matters to folks who can afford the 460 to begin with, as most probably pay cash at that level. But, you realize the $98k model equates to a $310,000 mortgage, assuming both notes are at 6.25%, one on a 5 year run, the other on a 30 year? One appreciates, one depreciates. One offers tax benefits, the other "under personal title" does not. Where is that article about the reasons why you're not rich?
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