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Everything posted by nc211

  1. NC211....use to be a camera geek in movies.... I worked on a film WAY BACK IN THE DAY with Bill Paxton...who was in Apollo 13...with....The Baconator. Need proof? Here's a picture of me and Paxton one day goofing off at lunch. I think I was all of 22 years old then. EDIT: For some reason, I can't attach anything, so it's my avatar instead. will try later... got one of Marky Mark and his Funky Bunch too..the real "entourage".
  2. Hahahaa....and sharp too! Wholy Crap...I just hit my 2,000th post with this one.
  3. Firing order: Middle Management on down, but keep the interns "they're free".... Oh wait, my bad, thought this was the Mortgage Subprime posting board at Federal Reserve.
  4. Saw one of these last weekend in Philly, on vacation with wife and inlaws to catch the King Tut exhibit, and all the other stuff in that city "feet and lower back are killing me". However, I must say, as my mother-in-law pointed out with her mispronunciation of the cars' name....they need to change it to avoid an embarrasing moment.... "Pavenis? What kind of name is that for a car?" Kind of in the same lines as when Taco Bell came out with a new burritto thingy back in the late 80's, as my father, a retired colnel in the air force SHOUTED out his order to the lady "Give me two of them MAXI-melts".
  5. Ok... fine... I'm gonna get to the point, you chickens.... RYA...you sound HOT!!!
  6. nc211


    The snow finally melted yesterday. If you need some in the future I'll ship it for free, You can have it Hahaha.... I'm suprised you didn't find Jimmy Hoffa under all that snow this winter!
  7. I'm curious.... who was the first member "outside of the originator" of this site? And what did they post? I'm curious, because every now and then, some post from the freakin' Vietnam War days pops up, with someone actually answering the question. It makes me wonder, who was #1, and what did they ask? Mods? You guys have the power to search the boards by date? Would be amazing to see...... DC, if it was you, I'm having Kathly Lee Gifford, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters, Rosie O'Donnel and Jerry Springer come to your house for a Wet Tee Party. yes, I spelled it correctly.
  8. nc211


    "Gryphon's got a point....why do i think this thread will reappear in a few months, with DC firing back at us? Hahaha...." We are now entering into another week of triple digit heat and humidity to match.... Wouldn't mind jumping into a big ole' pile of snow these days.... Hey DC, got any left over from a few months ago? I guess what goes around, comes around..... Sincerely, BURN'N'UP NC211
  9. Freebird Live = "play it pretty for Atlanta" live.. "Sweet Home Alabama" = Burn down your local Kentucky Fried Chicken for stealing the song. All my rowdy friends have settled down...
  10. it happens, usually if you start the car cold, move it slightly, then turn it off and don't start it again for like 24 hours. And if it's on a slope with the front end facing downward, it's enhanced. I think it's the fuel injectors putting in too much fuel when you turn the car off, then when you start it up, there is that extra fuel sitting on the pistons. Kind of acts like it's flooded? I started my 95 the other, after it sat for about 5 days, and did it ever shook, shake, sputter and rutter for about two or three minutes, then it settled down. One thing to consider though is the oil filter you use. There has been conversation on here regarding certain oil filters that might not hold enough in it's reserve for a cold start on synthetics. I use OEM filters myself.
  11. Except for the recent ticket I got in my wife's Mazda, which was a complete fluke on all accounts...I haven't a speeding ticket since I tossed out my last radar detector along I35 in Kansas City, in 1992, as I was being written a ticket. My opinion, detectors provide a false sense of security which tends to make you speed. If I arrive at my destination 20 minutes after a speeder, so be it. I'm also more relaxed, not wired up from speeding, and ready to party, instead of decompress from having to drive so hard. Any cop will tell you that nothing beats your eyes...ease up when coming to an overpass, pay attention to those around you, watch for brake lights, etc... run the "ginniepig". Plus, you'll have a greater chance at a warning if you don't have one of those things sitting on your dash, and an even better chance to have it reduced by a lawyer. Cops will almost always nail you for the full-on offence with your radar detector. It says "I speed, a lot!" The other problem with that sense of security isn't in the speeding ticket, but in the event of the "what if"... What if, being defined as a completely innocent accident caused by you "say a tire blow out"....cops measure the skid marks, witnesses say you were speeding....and your insurance has cause to drop you due to that speeding....and guess who is gonna face the lawyers, unprotected, to settle for damages??? Now, having said that, I can see where they can come in handy. But my rule of thumb is 9 over...keep in a single digit, and you'll stay a pace ahead of the 90% of the traffic, and not risk a ticket with points on your records. And, still get there within 20 minutes of everyone else, not matter how fast "thanks to traffic".
  12. I'm the same.... NC211.... http://www.toyota-4runner.org/showthread.p...2560#post252560
  13. The question is...have you found me Dens...aka....Jesus...aka...ladykiller....aka...rx900 :whistles:
  14. SK, we're on the same page, I just finished wiping down the plastic panels, dash and glass with Mr. Clean....took 5 sponges! And after the 5th or 6th ringing of the sponge, I had to toss the water for new. It was yellow. All doors, back area, and every piece of plastic and glass look brand spankin' new. I new it was a smoker's car because the inside of the sunroof was coated in smoke. A tell-tale sign. It doesn't smell that bad, they obviously had the window down when they smoked, bit it's there. Much better now though.... On a side note SK, I was in your neck of the woods last week for the Canadian open. We have a bunch of golf course loans in your area, and I was on inspection for three of them, plus a few gallons of wine, and the open.... Funny story that you'll appreciate.... stayed in Markem "Markum, Markam, whatever..."at the Hilton on Warden Road"aka Embassy Suites". Rented a car from Avis at the hotel to head down towards SW Toronto, Milton area... Going down the 407 at 8:00 am, half hungover from the night before, half swimming in my coffee. EVERYONE IS SCREAMING PAST ME, and tailgating the hell out of me. I'm thinking "damn land of Celion Dion! Screw you guys!!!! I'm going 70 for cryin' out loud!!!""""........wait for it......you know what's coming...just wait for it....... A few clicks down the road, I see the speed limit....says 100. I didn't believe my eyes, so I pulled out my glasses and waited for the next sign....all the while really ticking off everyone, as I add sugar and cream to my coffee....and then I see it...100... Now, I'm thinking to myself "Jesus, they drive fast up here!" Then, as I go to adjust my cruise control, I notice the dashboard says........wait for it.....you know what's coming...... KILOMETERS per hour, not MILES per hour! I was going about 40 mph on the 407 in rush hour traffic! So.... DAMN AMERICANS!!!!
  15. Oh yeah man, they're amazing on glass! And headlights! If you have a fireplace with those glass doors, they'll clean the inside grime like a knife through warm butter. One swipe, and it's like new! Figured this out in the old house, tried everything to clean the inside glass "covered in years of smoke and dirt". Couldn't get them clean, everything just seemed to smudge it and make a mess. Best thing I've ever seen before for glass, bar none. But, like you said, I wouldn't use them on tint film, no telling what it might do.
  16. Ozoned.... interesting suggestion! I recall back when I was with the credit union, i provided financing for a very small start up compnay called enviro-fix. The dealerships would hire these guys to come out and "eliminate" all odors in their used inventory, including in the air vents.... I think I've got a discount benefit with them...
  17. Hahaa!!! You know it DC, you know it!!! Only thing better than Cheetos and Beer.... is FREE Cheetos and Beer!
  18. yeah man, I was really afraid I was going to get caught with something that I couldn't handle myself on the LS. So now it sits in the garage, waiting to be cleaned up, and put in the paper. All the dealers I spoke with advised me to sell it myself, as it would probably go quickly for the right price. It's been a big year for the ole' wallet, that's for sure. Replaced the wife's high mileage civic for the new mazda, and now the LS for the 4Runner. Funny thing is, at the end of the day, I'm in no worse shape that I was with the older cars. Payments are a wash. Mazda and Honda are identical, nearly to the penny. And the 4Runner is about $60 more, but taking into consideration the maintenace cost of the LS, it's a wash, if not a better deal. It's easy to get a $750 repair bill a year on the LS...annualize that over 12 months, and it's even, dollar for dollar. Only thing that really jumped is housing. Had a sweet deal on rent of the old house. Jumped about $700. But, new job took care of that concern quite nicely. No more big ticket items for the NC211 household. Gotta start saving up for the big ticket repairs, like a/c, water heater, etc..... My tail is hanging out a little too much.
  19. I'm patiently waiting for the "favorite snack" thread..... :whistles:
  20. Honestly, I've found Mr. Clean Magic Erasure bars to be the best for the inside, following with a dry clean towel. Seems to be effortless, and I've never had any streaks afterwords.
  21. Tried to search, but you wouldn't believe how many hits "smoke smell" comes back with!! Looks like Lexus has a smoking problem. Hahaha... Anywho, just bought a 05' 4Runner, cloth interior. It is very apparent that the previous owner was a smoker, and the dealership tried to cover it with odor killer spray, which is worse actually. I have one of those Brissell steam cleaners with all the attachments, was thinking about using it to clean the seats and carpets. Would you recommend using it on the headliner as well? Very gently on the headliner, not to soak it to mess up the glue? Or simply use the normal vac to pull out the odor from the liner. Or do you guys have something different that you've done in the past that worked. The seats need a cleaning, I can tell. And the Brissell is one bad-mamba-jamba when it comes to cleaning! I've used it on my light cream colored sofa and chair a few times, and it's amazing! Thanks amigos! PS: I can add any kind of detergent needed into the machine. Think Woollite would be safe for the seats? Or just stick with the water only, let it sit in the garage with the windows down for a day or so to dry.
  22. You mean to tell me that you haven't talked to her in a few weeks, and the 1st thing she says is "what did you buy me?" RUN LIKE HELL!!!! hahaa!!!
  23. Be cautious of Leith, run your carfax on them, especially the Leith Euro on Capital. They own the Pennsylvania auction, and most of their cars are coming from NYC area. I looked at a QX4, and the rims were bubbling up from the road salt. Was an 04' with only 42k miles. Drove great, but rusting already. Don't touch Acura in the Cary autopark. They were scumbags to us, nearly lost my temper Saturday with the pushy and insulting salesman, who upset my wife. And Volvo of Cary has a manager there that has NO IDEA what cars are worth. They have an 04' Subaru outback limited. I tried to negotiate, but was insulted with a trade value of $4,000 for my car "$1,000 under carmax for cryin' out loud." Wouldn't negotiate. I bought this 4Runner from the Porsche shop in Cary autopark. I think it was a Leith store, but higher end stuff. Great experience. Fred Anderson Toyota was wonderful to deal with as well, just couldn't find the right car. I think I might of seen one of those hondas at Unlimitied Imports out past Brier Creek on 70. Google them, they have a good website.
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