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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. I thought about you while I was at lunch. My seats got so cold I had to turn them off. :D
  2. It was a beautiful morning, top down, stereo blasting...I thought, If you have to drive to work, this is the way to do it. B) Once again, I love this car!
  3. Nice! Looks brand new. Welcome!
  4. 13IS250C

    My IS250C F-Sport

    Check out that shine!
  5. 13IS250C

    My IS250C F-Sport

    Here is my baby after her detailing Saturday. I have 2 coats of Zaino on her now and will get 2 or 3 on her soon.
  6. Makes me want to move there and become a cop! Wait.....what am I talking about?!?!? Women can't drive over there.
  7. Thx! It won't be too long before we have 100 degree days and I'm going to want the top over these black leather seats! HOT!
  8. Mine work great. Being in the south with black leather seats and the top down, they are a must have. Sorry yours aren't working correctly.
  9. Whenever a get a wax buildup or anything like that on my glass, I used good ole rubbing alcohol. Gets it squeaky clean.
  10. Love it! What a beautiful car. In Memphis it wouldn't be the speed bumps, it would be the pot-holes!
  11. I agree. I vote. Usually who I vote for doesn't get elected. I don't know much else I can do.
  12. How about building a warehouse and storing a bunch of '67 Z/28s and '70 Hemi Cuda's?!?! That would have been a fun investment too.
  13. I think we need some good ole '60s style protests. Social Security and the healthcare bother me more than any other issues. I will be 60 next year. I have worked hard and paid into the system since I was 18. I'm sick of hearing the word "entitlement". Nobody is entitled to anything. You work for what you have. I wish I had all the money I put into SS and I had invested in it Apple stock. I would have a lot of Lexus's then. (Is plural of Lexus Lexi?) ;)
  14. It is AWFUL! Even at the local level. We have more mayors in court than citizens. I don't know what to do to stop it. I'm so sick of watching what is being done with my tax dollars.
  15. That is weird. Do you have a "heads up" display or anything else that might make your glass different?
  16. Thanks Paul. I'm really enjoying my car and I'm glad I found this site. ;) You are correct, as long as I'm happy with it, I don't care what those writers think. They probably drive a Prius. I like your avatar. I think I'll put Young Frankenstein on my Netflix cue. I would like to see it again.
  17. Gosh, I remember back in the olden days when they would actually screw little metal nameplates onto your car.
  18. Since I have bought my car, I have done some Googleing around to read up on some of the reviews for it. OMG! Why does it get such bad reviews? I have had a lot of nice cars in my life and this one is by far my favorite. Things I have read..... "Bulbous rear end" - Really?!?!? It isn't that bad out of proportion. Ok, the backside is a little big, but my gosh...the top has to fit in there and I still have room for 5 or 6 bags of groceries. "Lack of engineering" - Again....Really?!?!? Just the way the top raises and lowers is amazing to me. I can't think of anything (except the cupholders) that I would change. "You can't see the gauges with the top down" Gee...I'm glad to know that. I sure don't have any problem with it. The plastic covering them is tinted and I have no trouble at all seeing them. "Sluggish" Ok, I really don't see why Lexus could only get 204 h.p. out of a V6, but I haven't had any trouble getting around anybody that I want to get around. "The styling is tired" Ok, I know the body style is a few years old, but I have to ask you. DOES THIS CAR LOOK TIRED TO YOU?!?!? Sorry to rant and rave, but I really don't understand it at all.
  19. I'm afraid mine are going to be a target for thieves. I already had one thuggy looking guy follow me into our parking lot here. We have survailence cameras, but that won't stop him from getting them if he wants them. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg!
  20. The first thing I always do is remove any dealership badging! They don't pay me to advertise for them. Second, a nice license plate frame. Multiple coats of Zaino next. I bought my specific car for the rims, so they stay put. I love them. I'm also a debadging freak. I hate emblems. I'm thinking about removing my IS250C and getting a dark chrome Lexus emblem. That would go good with my rims. Anybody know a good place to get the emblem? That is probably all I will do to my car...drive it and enjoy the heck out of it.
  21. Pretty!!! Your rims do look like mine. That is why I had to have THIS car. Mine has the F-Sport trim package, that includes these rims and stiffer suspension and other trim goodies.
  22. Go to zainostore.com It is the best stuff ever. Pricey, but worth it. I just bought their leather care and did my seats. I love it. Not smelly or greasy. All the guys on NICO raved about it. I just sold a Z28 that I had had for 17 years. I had tons of coats of Zaino on it. You wouldn't believe how beautiful that paint looked. People would ask me who painted my car. I would just tell them a robot on the GM assembly line. Teeheehee......
  23. Lawdy child...you better swing by Tennessee and give me a ride in that bad boy. Gosh they are beautiful cars.
  24. Mine is called Ultra White. I think it is an F-Sport color. I don't know if you have ever heard of Zaino polish, but that is what I use on my cars and when you get 4 or 5 coats on it...the color will really POP! I only have one on mine so far. I can't want to see what it will look like when I get it right. It is such a beautiful pearl metallic. I was buzzing down the interstate yesterday about 80 with the top down. Weather was perfect. Gosh I love this car!!!
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