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Everything posted by bbsal

  1. heres some newer pics of my car.i will post more in the gallery also.
  2. heres one that cought the purple a little.
  3. another.they look very white with a little tint of purple/blue.more purple then blue though.
  4. well i got some pics of my lights now that the hid is installed.for those who didnt read the earlier posts i put 6000k philips hid in the other day.heres some pics so let me know what you think!also the pics dont do its justice because they are much nicer in person.
  5. i was talking in that thread also and i dont see it yet?not that i care but i guess its about more people disliking the 03 then poeple that like it.i was interested to see how many people was going to respond whether they liked it or not.i hope it comes back.
  6. i agree you have to stay on top of your leather seats or you will pay the price of cracks later on.most drivers dont even bother doing anything to there seats because they think o its leather and its invinceable but there the ones that trade in there cars with nothing but cracks in the leather!treat it with lexol,cocobutter,or woolight or anything is better then nothing!
  7. no studys but my car just feels better with 94.thats all i use in it because thats what the car likes.some say its a waist of money but think about your timing being retarded and carbon builup and lower gas milage!that alone makes me stay with ultra. i mean think about it.some of you that ask these questions have 60,000 dollar cars and others have 30,000 dollar cars so why risk it over 30 or 40 dollars per year???stick with the manual of your car or just use high test!
  8. glad to see your keeping the car now!it will feel alot differnt after all the things your doing to it so it will be like a new car to you!
  9. no i never use it as a final topper.i use the #3 pure carnuba wax as the final toper.i do agree it looks awsome for a few days then starts to fade off.the ex sealent is very good and i used it a couple weeks ago after you told me about it and that did last longer but still faded away after 2 weeks.better then megiuers though! :D
  10. if you have the master code then it will open it most of the time.if not the dealer should still be able to open it because of a certin code on the back of the radio that they look up and find the proper master code for it.i did this before and the dealer opened it for me on a ford.not sure about lexus but i think there all the same.
  11. what kind of car year etc..most people dont reply because they dont know what kind of car your talking about.there is usally a manual release button of some sort in the back of it.if not take it out and take it apart to get it out because you probably got a cd stuck.
  12. did you check around at local jumk yards?and the internet?if not then i guess if you really want it then it will cost from the dealer or try a local stereo store that sells nakamichi stuff and see if they could order it cheaper for you.
  13. try junk yards for it but its still going to cost alot to do it!if i was you i would just go buy a aftermarket nav.pioneer,alpine,kenwood etc..it would cost somewere around 1500 for a screen and the nav or 2000 for a flip screen and the nav.hope this helps.
  14. i think they have the kit were all you do is stick a tape in the tape deck and then you can run the xm from that.hope this helps
  15. dont know what kind of car you have but you can allways get upgrades from the dealer.first one is free but dont know what year you have because it might of been upgraded already and in that case would cost you.
  16. hmm did you check all the fuses?maybe theres a seperate fuse for the cd and radio.i doubt it because you said it works with a tape but give it a shot.if not its probably burned out and in that case you will need a new one.check ebay and local junk yards for a new one.hope this helps
  17. meguires #2 sealent and glaze is what i put on it last.i have to say it works pretty good.i was suprised because i didnt think meguiers was that good.then i use #3 pure carnuba wax.
  18. very easy its the same as most cars.only thing you need is most likey brake bits but might even not need that.im sure a socket set ect..and of course something to push the caliper in with like a c clamp.if you did them on other cars then you will be fine.
  19. naa i download all my music anyway!! :P
  20. i dont think he meant to never wax the car because wax gives it a great look but in your case he said just put sealent on it because it lasts longer then wax.i use sealent then wax and it comes up great but i have black so its harder to take care of.white is very easy to take care of so it should be easy for you.hope that helps
  21. hmmm for some reason every time i put the sealent on my car it makes it darker and adds depth but the wax seems to do more gloss.maybe its the stuff im using or the glaze thats mixed in with the sealent thats giving it the depth but i know for sure if i just wax it then i just get gloss but no depth.
  22. hmmm you dont like the smell of real leather??i personally love it!try putting some kind of cleaner on it and that should help kill it. :D
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