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Everything posted by 98es

  1. soo i'm way late in on this thread. But just wanted to correct one thing real quick. I was reading a book over the weekend that had a chapter on all the fallacies in FH 9/11. Ko90ls mentioned the whole oil pipeline deal as a motive for us going int Iraq. The UNICAL oil pipeline deal was actually something that the Clinton administration fought for, and was COMPLETELY off the table by 1998. I'm still reading this book, and i found it very interesting. Tried to watch FH 9/11, but had to turn it off when the burnt bodies of our GI's were being beaten in the streets. It's appaling how Moore could pass FH 9/11 as truth when it is everything but....
  2. My 98 es was rear ended a few months back. Toyota body shop replaced bumper cover and absorbant thing behind cover for about $850 out the door.
  3. You just need to replace the LCD. Pioneer sells it direct from their website for around $90. Do a search in the ES300 forum and you'll probably find the link to the website. Good luck.
  4. Yeah... i just got through watching the whole thing... I'm really not impressed. I went into it with an open mind, but if you just take a step back and look at the big picture that this guy paints, it doesn't fit together. Very interesting though.
  5. Congrats Josh! I too am taking the plunge later this summer, and actually had my first marriage counseling session with my fiance tonight. I wish you and your fiance the best of luck! If there was one thing I could recommend, it would be a book called Preparing for Marriage. My fiance and I have been going through it and it has been great. Same to you NC. It really kinda lays everything out and lets you know each others expectations. Anyways- enough about that. NC's got some great advice! I wish you the best!
  6. Always fun :) I just returned from driving school tonight. That cost me $100, but my ticket didn't go on my record.
  7. lol... after reading back through all these replies i realize how big headed us guys are (especially me). So I apoligize for being so opinionated... they're just tires! haha LF i really appreciate the way you state your opinion, always considerate of everyone else.. i wish i could say the same for myself! It's funny how we've all gotten into a peeing match and the original poster is nowhere to be found, we left him a long time ago!
  8. Well, here's what I think. You CANNOT compare the michie's to the falkens. There really is no comparison in my opinion, because they're designed for different cars. The falken suits army's escort, and the michie's suit the lexus. I feel fairly qualified in my opinion because i own cars with both MXV4+ and falken 512's. I understand we all have our brand loyalties, but I would have to agree that putting falken's on a LS would be a shame. If you can afford Lexus' top of the line flagship model, i assume you can afford some decent tires designed for a luxury car. Now that being said, inflating the cost of the michie's doesn't make the falken's a better tire. I only paid about $145 per tire installed WITH tax for my MXV4+'s (V rated) on my 98 ES300 and am very happy with them. I agree that $200 per tire is rediculous, I wouldn't pay that much either. But we're not comparing apples to apples here guys, these are different tires.
  9. agreed. If you have the $$$ to get something like the MXV4+'s or something comparable I'd do it (sounds like the triplethreads are good tires as well). If not the Falken's are a decent tire for an excellent price.
  10. I completely agree. I just purchased the car and the owner had put brand new continental's on the rear for some odd reason.... If i had the funds I would have replaced all 4 but I couldn't bring myself to do it considering they were new and i'm about to get married ($$$ is kinda tight and i just dropped $600 for MXV4+'s on the ES about a month ago).
  11. I just put two new falken 512's on the 02 camry se i just bought. I'm really amazed at the grip. It's a manual transmission so having these tires on the front really keeps the wheel's from spinning even in wet weather. The grip is a lot better than the MXV4+ on my es, but of course the ride isn't as smooth. But I'm not really too worried about a smooth ride on the camry. I had to get H rated because they don't make V rated falkens for 16" wheel on the camry. Hopefully lowering your tire pressure will help out some, I haven't noticed any tire noise since I put them on.
  12. 98es

    Hey Bin Laden

    I think the scores and scores of Americans who died to provide our freedoms would disagree. Beware things done in the name of "keeping us safe" and beware the civil liberties and privacies you so readily give up or our government might just look a lot more like Iraq's in your lifetime. Regardless of that, wiretapping without a warrant is against the law, plain and simple, ragardless of the purpose. Hmm.. Clinton did it... the left seemed to be okay with it then, why is it different now when we need it more than ever? I think the scores and scores of americans who died on 9/11 would disagree with YOU. This type of wiretapping would have almost certainly prevented 9/11 from happening. Thank you ACLU for that. This administration isn't "spying" on domestic calls made within the country. If you are someone in the US, american citizen or not, and your calling overseas to a KNOWN terrorist, we can't wiretap your phone call? Makes no sense... just my two cents
  13. I think you misunderstood (of course, you were there an I wasn't)- They need your drivers license so they can run a background check. I doubt he meant just flash him your license and your out the door with a firearm.
  14. It sounds like some of you are not educated on what it takes to get a gun and even more so a carry permit. To get a gun you must pay for a background check, and if you've ever been convicted of a felony you have lost your priviledge to even OWN a gun. You can't just go to your local wal mart and buy one over the counter without any type of background check. Now for the carry permit. SW states that it needs to be harder than "getting a drivers license". I won't hold this statement against you because apparently you don't know what it involves. In the state of TN (like most other states), it's not an easy process. Not only does it cost over $200, but you must attend an 8 hour class taught by a professional (99% are cops). This class teaches you the LAW and the consequences of using your weapon. You are then given an exam in which you must make 100%. After about 6-7 hours of classroom teaching, you have to pass a "firing exam" where you fire about 30 rounds at a target. If you can't hit the target, you can't carry a weapon. Most of all the cops I've talked to love that carrying permits are on the rise. Of course like anything, there are a few morons that can't seem to remember all the laws (ie NO weapons on school grounds). But I feel the good outways the bad in this situation.
  15. You know- it's a good thing the framers of our constitution realized how important the right to bear arms is. Do all you anti-gun people think they were wrong? I'm just trying to follow the logic... The way I see it is gun control= no guns for law abiding citizens= more guns for criminals. How would you feel more safe with the criminal felons and the few servicemen being the only ones with guns? Why shouldn't law abiding citizens have the right? Enlighten me....
  16. thieaux- i think next time you should definitely just try to give him a hug or something... that's all he really needed! Or maybe you could have just talked him out of it... NOT You obviously have had your carrying permit class and you made the decision that you felt fit the situation. I'm not sure how I would have reacted, I do have my carrying permit and a 40 cal semi-auto and hope to never have to pull it. Maybe this low life will think twice next time he tries to steal someone's hard earned property. It's because of jerks like this that our insurance is so high. And if he does try to come and find you, maybe he'll get to experience first hand how that walter ppk fires. Owe him an apology!??!? Am I hearing you correctly??????
  17. 98es

    Hey Bin Laden

    blake- those are great!!!!!
  18. 98es

    Hey Bin Laden

    I'm more of a Sean Hannity man myself... but they're pretty much one in the same.. :)
  19. 98es

    Hey Bin Laden

    Now we just wait and see who's the first politician to use this tape for political gain... HMMM!?!? will it beeeee.... Ole' Teddy "Lets take a swim in my car into Chappaquiddick" Kennedy??? Or will it be Hillary "Bush runs the Senate 'plantation'" Clinton??? Mark my words. I don't even give the anti-war left libs a week until they start spewing: "Bin Laden says were losing..... HE MUST BE RIGHT!!! WHY WOULD HE LIE!?!?" Did anyone else pick up on the transcripts how he PRAISES the anti-war anti-bush left?!?!?! HELLO??!?!? THEY'RE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!!! Who knows.... between Hillary's plantation comments (TO a black audience ON mlk day IN harlem... hmmm you think shes fishing for the black vote? ) and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin saying he wants N.O. to be a "chocolate city" i've just been overwhelmed by these peoples irresponsible comments...... there's my rant....
  20. The accord we had checked out and they said it was normal. The 02 es300 doesn't do it all the time, but you can hear it when it does. My 98 does it every morning, it never fails. It seems like its always the first time I brake after I've backed up out of the driveway/parking space. After that I don't hear it again. It's not something I was ever worried about since I remember them explaining it to me on the accord, which made the EXACT same sound be much louder. I honestly don't think it's anything broken, I've just gotten used to it. I'd be interested to know what your mechanic thinks it is. Good Luck.
  21. My 98 has done that ever since I had it. My mom's 02 does it to, but only after the first stop after backing out of the driveway. When we had an 03 honda accord it did the same thing, but even louder. I was told it was normal.
  22. I'm only in my early twenties and I really like the way today's minivans drive. My stepmom had a '99 Sienna that had the toyota v6 in it and it drove like a 6cyl camry, pretty impressive. IMO, I like the Sienna's better. Honda seems to have been plauged with tranny issues since the late nineties. I'm not sure if they've corrected this yet or not, i know it was still an issue in '02. Anyways, either minivan would be a great car and you'll be surprised how they drive. I've got a friend with a brand new sienna limited, and it's amazing how much it looks like a lexus on the inside. It's even got the laser cruise control. Good Luck!
  23. Finally after weeks of searching, I found the perfect car for me at the right price! It's a 2002 Toyota Camry SE 5 speed w/77k miles! It's got the 157hp 4cyl which is exactly what I wanted. I've been wanting another stick shift since my first car, a '92 accord 5spd. My fiance is going to drive my 98 ES, and I'll be driving the Camry. I'm giving up a sunroof and ABS, which kinda stinks, but I'm really happy with the purchase. I haven't had a chance to detail her yet, or even name her!! But heres the autotrader pic. This is my first car ever with tint, so i'm kinda getting used to it. It looks good, but it's pretty dark and I can't see a dang thing backing up at night. Maybe one day I'll put a sunroof in it, i'm really gonna miss that. Anyways, here it is!
  24. Really??? My 98 has BAD wind noise and I always wondered if it had always been like that or what. What was the cost for the weatherstripping? Is it a DIY??? Thanks!
  25. Army- Stupid question but did you shop your ins. rate? I understand your in the military and use USAA but those premiums sound crazy. I'm 22 and have full coverage through nationwide on my '98es and pay $394 every 6 months. Even when I was 19 driving an explorer with 2 tickets it only went up to $2400/year. I do realize that I was able to carry over quite a few discounts from my parents, but OVER $300/month for insurance is insane unless your hanging on the edge of being dropped or you have DUI's. I wasn't aware that insurance classified 2 door 4 cylinder cars (escorts) as "sports cars" and charged you the rate of a Maserati. I'm adding my 21 y/o fiance onto my insurance with a 2000 Solara V6. She has 1 ticket and it's still going to be around $500/6 months. Maybe i just have really cheap insurance.... Oh, and good luck with that ticket :) When's the court date again?
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