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Posts posted by 92Lex

  1. It's basicly the same job (smog checks) but this is a test and repair station. I'm currently at a test only center, I'm happy here but this I want to learn how to rebuild a tranny and this guy is willing to teach me. The actual move for me would be hard because I have 2 houses up here...one's for rent and the other is for my family (parents & siblings)and I.

    I spoke to the owner earlier this morning and was trying to turn it down but he insisted that I take more time to decide. He also threw in that the commute everyday is going to extremely hard/dangerous and offered me a place to stay at his house....he definitely has my respect.

    Traffic is a b*tch!!

    Hopefully I will be able to come to a decision within a week or so. Thanks for all the advice.

  2. I have no kids...I just have a gf that acts like one :D. How I spend my days is the reason why it's so hard for me to come to a decision. The extra money would be nice but that would leave no time for me to do anything. I'd have maybe 2 hours a day to do my own things. I've considered moving closer to work but the cost of living in the bay area is sickning. Do you guys happen to know anyone that travels 3+ hours a day (each way) to work and has no complaints? I haven't done it yet so I'm not sure how long I could hold up...maybe I'll get used to the commute?

  3. I've been offered a job 120 miles away from where I live...I plan on commuting to and from everyday. It's normally an hour and a half drive but in California traffic that becomes a 3 hour drive. My hours would be 8am till 5pm, Monday through Saturday...so I'd have to be up at (the latest) 4:30am to make it to work on time and wouldn't be home till 8pm. I sat down and calculated the cost of commuting and it came out to about $700 a month. My question...is all this worth it for an extra $24k over my current pay? Would you guys go for it?

  4. I've never had to change out a flat on any of my cars but I carry it just incase there's an emergency or I have to be somewhere and I afford to be late. I've never had a need for the spare so I can relate.

    It doesn't hurt to have a little extra weight on the rear tires of your M3 though.

  5. Nah, I'm not interested in a b18c at the moment, unless you know somebody that has b18 block with a b16a head. Keep me informed on that motor though.

    I was heavily involved in the import scene before I bought my LS. It's a great hobby but I hate the fix-it tickets that go along with it. I'm planning on building myself another toy car soon.

    Good luck on finding that car!

  6. Drain about 1/2 gallon of coolant from your radiator.

    Follow the radiator hose back to the block and there should be a metal housing that the hose is attached to.

    There's usually 2 screws that hold the thermostat housing in place...remove those 2 screws and you should see the thermostat.

    I can't really see which hose leads to the thermostat in the picture though. I wouldn't really be able to tell you exactly which parts you need to remove unless you give me more pictures. Maybe someone who has an SC3 can chime in.

    Take some pics from the driver side of the car.

  7. Does anyone recommend specific rotors and pads??  I am somewhat handy - have replaced disc pads before on other cars - would it be overly complex for me to change out the rotors and pads myself (I don't have a manual).??

    Your choice of pads and rotors should be based upon your driving style. If you want a factory feel then you should stick with OEM parts...it's hard to go wrong with OEM.

    It's very much a DIY job. Try this link to the tutorial: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...10822&hl=brakes

  8. If you never smoked weed and took a hit, it would only be detectable for maybe a week max. In your case it was a little second hand, its not concentrated enough to show up in the test so you shouldn't worry.

    If you're real worried just start eating real lean food till the day of your drug test... the reason for this is because cannibus clings to your fat cells. That's why cannibus stays detectable in your system longer than any other drug.

    I agree with barkat...just leave it as that.

    He chose to smoke and you chose to walk. You can't really point any fingers now... you know what I'm saying?

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