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Posts posted by 92Lex

  1. No, a Federal certification doesn't make passing smog in Cali any harder. The only difference between a Federal and a California/Federal certified vehicle, is the required emission control components. Federal (only) certified vehicles, get away with slightly higher "maximum allowable" emission readings than a California/Ferderal vehicle would.

    Which part of Cali are you moving to?

  2. ive seen people run RXP through there car and it would come back and pass the test with flying colors. just make sure it get it all out of your tank before going back to test or you will fail.

    Does Texas test for NOx emissions? I thought that you guys still use the "two speed idle" test?

  3. I can't understand why/how Lexus screwed up to over torque those fixtures onto the feul line...everyone has trouble getting them off. Good for 200 thousand miles...I don't think so.......... Lexus dealers I've contacted refuse to replace them..........

    You need flare wrenches to make the removal easier. The fuel filter connectors were not over-torqued by the factory. The reason everyone has trouble getting them off is because the filter is not housed in a sealed enclosure, so they have been exposed to many elements, over hundreds of thousand miles.

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