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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2024 in Posts

  1. I drove the Mirai a few years ago at a Toyota press event and one of the questions I had for the technical chaps was to enquire about the H2O button on the dash. They said it is to release the stored water generated as a by-product of the hydrogen conversion. Apparently, it is advisable to release the water prior to parking in your garage. I then also asked whether it was pure water or any other contaminants. They replied it was indeed pure water and although you could probably drink it maybe it wasn't the best source to get a drink. However, if it converted to Beer, then I am definitely putting my name down for a Mirai 🙂
    1 point
  2. That could be one of the reasons they have postponed to 2026. The more power you want an engine to deliver the more fuel it will need and for hydrogen that will mean more water. Toyota is refining both combustion and fuel cell and only the combustion is sounding like a race car. Do not think the Mirai is pouring out much water when driving https://www.toyota.com/mirai/ but only people living in California have filling stations so it would be worth driving one. No filling stations no hydrogen cars. Still think that even stupid politicians sooner or later will find out why all the electric cars they are pressing people to buy are not helping getting pollution down when the cars are charged with electricity from more than 50% not green power and the power used to make the batteries is many places coming from coal. Sure the electric cars do pollute so much where they drive, but making them just moved the pollution to another place and pollution need no visa to move. Here we had 48 degrees Celsius for a first time on the south side of the island; yes weather is getting more extreme everywhere.
    1 point
  3. This life is temporary. Be thankful for the good times you have had when they were still here.
    1 point
  4. Did you call Sirius/XM? I've called them at times to verify my subscription. They are very helpful.
    1 point
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