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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2015 in all areas

  1. I need some advice from ANYONE who has heard anything similar about what I am going through with my IS250. I have had problem after problem with this car and I am about to pull my hair out!! The car is an '07 with 27k miles on it. I am currently in need of my THIRD set of tires on the front and am on my second set on the back. Let me first mention that I do not drive this car hard.....never over 70mph and I baby it to the point of ridiculousness. Anyway, we took the car back to the dealership when it had less than 10,000 miles on it because although there was very little wear on the back tires, the front tires were cupped so extremely that the road noise was horrendous and it felt as if the vehicle was out of alignment. Anyway, the lexus dealership argued that the vehicle met specs, and it could not be an alignment issue. They suggested that we contact the tire manufacturer because the tires were probably defective. We argued back and to make a long story short, lexus put two new tires on the front and "fixed" the alignment problem (that they originally said did not exist). We've heard the whole "they are sport performance tires, so don't expect them to last much more than 15,000 miles" but I just took the vehicle by a shop yesterday and once again the front two tires are not worn excessively, but excessively cupped unevenly and need to be replaced. This repair shop checked the alignment and although it read to be within lexus's specs, we were told that it is so close to being out of spec that I will never be able to keep tires on the car because of the camber (not sure if I am explaining this just right). They also told us there is no way to repair this issue by just "aligning" the vehicle. Now I am in the process of contacting Lexus again, but I am afraid that what I'll hear is....the vehicle meets specs, end of story. I am just SICK thinking that my first "luxury" car will be one that will cost me a small fortune in tires and drives worse than our Chevy Pickup that has 200k miles on it!! Not to mention I've had MANY other trips to the shop with this thing.....squeaky dash that had to be removed, rotting trim around windshield, etc. If anyone can give me ANY advice on what to do at this point I would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
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