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New Car Tech We Hate


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"New features/technology we hate". This is an interestting essay/overview about all the tech based features being added by all car makers. This writer says most of it isn't very good, or dosen't even simpllfy the task.

You HAVE to have an opinion on these. For me, if I have to read more than 10 pages to learn how to use it, I'll wait for something enginered more elegantly.

What do you think??? Give us your opinion.


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I dislike touch screens in automobiles and love the Lexus remote touch.

No opinion of hard drive based music. Use an iPod/iPhone

Have no or very few Bluetooth audio problems.

Would rather listen to music, rather than engine/exhaust noise.

I've already said I don't like touch screens in automobiles - Lexus has it right

I rarely touch controls. No opinion on capacitive touch controls

Lane departure might be okay, if you've ever fallen asleep at the wheel, you might like it.

Night vision might be nice if it saves me from hitting a deer - not likely

Facebook and Twitter - not needed while driving

Ergonomics - Lexus has it right

Cameras - a tool so use them, just don't forget to use your mirrors

Automatic Parking - some folks need it and it may well be the future on all cars

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I never understood the necessity of having ipod integration in the car. This was a "big thing" but in the end, it's just too much of a pain to use.

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I haven't seen the 2013 integration of the iPod/iPhone USB, but if they improved scrolling that would be a big plus. Adding alphabetical selection would help.

Improving the in-car voice command system would be nice too, recognition is error prone. Will wait to see how SIRI integration works out.

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I really like the Bluetooth streaming. The quality is pretty bad in the Jeep, so I plug the iPhone in (MUCH better integration than the Lexus), but the streaming quality in the Lexus is great.

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