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So now that I understand that we have already been paying for healthcare just like I said for people without than tell me what is the difference? Where is the money coming from to pay for those people.

And SW, and Paul I'm a conservitive. I don't think I'm better and people like me are better than anyone. I contribute a large amount of money each year to different charities and that is my choice to give. I'm just sick of this freeloader society we have created. Keep giving and giving and look what you have got... These government entitlement programs are abused and there encouragement to get people off of them. What do you want me to say...I didn't want to go to war, I don't want to give out the money we do in foreign aide, I don't want to give the politicians raises? I pay or will pay for private school for my kids...but I still have to pay for public schools too...I am putting away $10,000 a year for my kids college...but my kids won't get grants but my taxes will let others go to school with my taxes? I pay for my cell phone, now I have my tax money paying for cell phones for people who are on government assistance? These WIC and Independence cards now have cash benefit allowances... Come on guys making a society of people to be dependant on the government is sick. There is no shame in it, and one of the best things that Bill Clinton did because he understood that the government could no longer afford it was to reform welfare...now look. As far as I am concerned we should help those who can not help themselves. The others that want to live off of society can get water, beans, and rice. But I guess that makes me a jerk because I don't feel like someone living off of a handout should be able to go and purchase steamed crabs! Is that a right or a privilege?

As far as health care I will say it once more...cost is the issue. I don't care that they are going to make people have it? Although they are doing it with a TAX. My thing is how do you make someone have it when they don't pay anything in at all, OH that's right you give it to them...and make everyone else pay for it. Should I have better access to health care? Well let me ask you both...are you going to go check in at the free health clinic when you are sick? No you will find the best Doc you can right...should everyone be able to do the same YES, in a perfect world no one would get sick and if they did the best Doc in the world would make everything better. Well my friends if everyone is trying to see that DOC bet you might not have access to the same care you have now. This is why people come to this country for healthcare because we have the best. It isn't about thinking I am better than anyone...it is this isn't addressing the issue which is the cost of insurance.

It is unfortunate that some people don't have access to care...although if more states used Marylands MHIP program it wouldn't be as big of a problem. That's right you must not have known that if you are turned down by those NASTY insurance companies the state of MD has a program that you can enroll in to get healthcare? So why can't someone get health care in Maryland? MD small groups have NO health questions at all...that is why it is so expensive...and it is getting more expensive too.

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What we basically have is a re-distribution of wealth. The Have nots dont want to work and the Have's have to pay for it. At least give us a write off on our taxes for the new dependent that we acquired without the delivery room experience. As Lexirx330 said you can provide articles that support one side or the other, (works both ways) but the bottom line is the remainder of the work force is going to pay for this, and is given no choice. It isnt really reform, it is just another give away.

Funny years ago a great democrat started the piece corp, (good thing) the thought is giving money didnt work. Giving the skills to people to support themselves was the real solution. So we sent young and old to foreign countries to raise their standard of living by sharing the skills to produce their own food, shelter, etc. That is real reform, get people back to work, let them contribute to the system to buy their benifits, and than fix all of the broke stuff in the health care industry. The list is already there... 1. Fraud 2. No coverage 3. Tort reform 4. Price fixing these are all problems. Put some people in the 535 of the royal family and make them solve these issues, not create another huge bureaucy.

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So now that I understand that we have already been paying for healthcare just like I said for people without than tell me what is the difference? Where is the money coming from to pay for those people.

The difference is if they are insured the overall cost to the consumer from a cost of service standpoint will go down. As I said, plenty of places to get the money. I'd take the money from defense and foreign aid.

And SW, and Paul I'm a conservitive. I don't think I'm better and people like me are better than anyone. I contribute a large amount of money each year to different charities and that is my choice to give. I'm just sick of this freeloader society we have created. Keep giving and giving and look what you have got... These government entitlement programs are abused and there encouragement to get people off of them. What do you want me to say...I didn't want to go to war, I don't want to give out the money we do in foreign aide, I don't want to give the politicians raises? I pay or will pay for private school for my kids...but I still have to pay for public schools too...I am putting away $10,000 a year for my kids college...but my kids won't get grants but my taxes will let others go to school with my taxes?

You complain about welfare, but how do you think we break the welfare cycle? You don't want to pay for welfare, but you don't want your tax dollars educating people who aren't your kids...or can't afford to educate their own kids? Should we just gas these people? Maybe make them all live in North Dakota and just fence it off?

Giving people a hand up isn't creating a "freeloader society". If we're going to have public schools...they have to be paid for. Want to send your kids to private schools? Fine...still have to pay your property taxes. MOST people can't afford to send their kids to private schools...but its still in your interest as an American to see that our children go to school. If everybody didn't pay for public schools, they wouldn't exist or they would be far less effective.

Its to your benefit as an American to see people who don't come from means go to college. College is expensive, I'm happy to have some of my tax dollars provide a grant for a bright, low income kid to go to college. Godspeed.

I pay for my cell phone, now I have my tax money paying for cell phones for people who are on government assistance? These WIC and Independence cards now have cash benefit allowances... Come on guys making a society of people to be dependant on the government is sick.

We need welfare reform...but some people need welfare. Hard to get out of welfare and get a job when you don't have a phone. Can't be so shortsighted. Its in your interest as an American to have people employed and housed, and OFF welfare.

As far as I am concerned we should help those who can not help themselves. The others that want to live off of society can get water, beans, and rice. But I guess that makes me a jerk because I don't feel like someone living off of a handout should be able to go and purchase steamed crabs! Is that a right or a privilege?

But what this recession has shown us is that some people need help so that they can help themselves. People don't *want* to live off society, they do because they don't have any clear idea how to not live off society. How do you design a system that helps people but also provides incentives for them to get off of the program? Thats a conversation we need to have.

Anyways...how much do you think people get for welfare checks? Steamed crabs? Get real.

As far as health care I will say it once more...cost is the issue. I don't care that they are going to make people have it? Although they are doing it with a TAX. My thing is how do you make someone have it when they don't pay anything in at all, OH that's right you give it to them...and make everyone else pay for it.

BUT WE ALREADY PAY FOR IT! ITS BUILT INTO THE COST OF SERVICE BECAUSE HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS EAT THE COST OF THE UNINSURED NOW! Do you seriously not get that? You're in the insurance business, who pays for uninsured motorists? We all do in our premiums.

If everyone was insured, cost of service would go down, and the cost of our healthcare could go down.

Where would the money come from to provide subsidies for those who cannot afford coverage now? Pick a place. Tax loopholes for the rich, defense, foreign aid...

This is why people come to this country for healthcare because we have the best.

You and I have the best because we're upper middle class people. Ask my dead friend's family if it was the best, I'm sure they think it sucks.

It is unfortunate that some people don't have access to care...although if more states used Marylands MHIP program it wouldn't be as big of a problem. That's right you must not have known that if you are turned down by those NASTY insurance companies the state of MD has a program that you can enroll in to get healthcare? So why can't someone get health care in Maryland? MD small groups have NO health questions at all...that is why it is so expensive...and it is getting more expensive too.

If you are turned down. He wasn't turned down, his healthcare just would have been extremely expensive. He didn't have access to a group.

Anyways who do you think covers much of the cost of the MD MHIP program? YOU AND ME BUDDY! We pay for it. The program provides coverage for those who cannot be covered in a traditional plan, includes subsidies for people below a certain income level...sound familiar? You like the MHIP program, but hate the Affordable Care act?!?! You don't make any sense.

What we basically have is a re-distribution of wealth. The Have nots dont want to work and the Have's have to pay for it. At least give us a write off on our taxes for the new dependent that we acquired without the delivery room experience.

I'm not even going to bother responding...

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The reason you wont respond to the redistbrution of wealth is because that is what is has been said by Obama. Its called class envy....But instead of hitting the pavement and trying to improve yourself many just want everything handed to them. Beware of a government that takes your money and gives it all to others.

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Paul... I read your article. I have posted a few of my own...did you read mine.

Absolutly; and I appreciate the information and insight. Interms of suggestion, my comment was not meant to make you think, nor anyone even close to your zip code.

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The reason you wont respond to the redistbrution of wealth is because that is what is has been said by Obama.

No, its because you can't have a rational discussion with you because your viewpoint is irrational when you throw out meaningless statements like that. For one, Obama has never said he wants to redistribute wealth. He wants people with high incomes to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as lower income Americans, which they aren't doing now. I make a good living, shouldn't I want LESS taxes?

But instead of hitting the pavement and trying to improve yourself many just want everything handed to them.

You're very naive. How is someone supposed to "hit the pavement" and better themselves when they can't get healthcare, can't go to school, can't go to college, and have no access to any technology? Even people who have masters degrees can't "hit the pavement" and find jobs...it doesn't work that way anymore. Someone can't become CEO of a company without a college degree anymore. In your day you could compensate for lack of education, my Dad was an executive and made $400,000 a year before he retired and had a GED. It just doesn't work that way anymore. You have to go to college to have any opportunities in this world.

Beware of a government that takes your money and gives it all to others.

LOL! Who is giving ALL the government's money to others? These programs are a small percentage of the total federal budget. We're talking about grants and subsidies to give people opportunities to better themselves, who can't get access to those opportunities on their own. We're not talking about giving people money to sit on their asses...nobody wants that.

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real world, all of those programs are abused. We give illegals free college tuition, and I have seen and read of the wonderful abuses that happen when we have done training programs to lift folks up, only to find them back on the streets because their original problem (drug addiction etc) was not monitored. Government creates programs that they never monitor, and it creates classes of folks that work the system to do nothing.

Your idea of rational discussion doesnt always follow the real world, blue collar common sense world. Everyone in this nation is not ivy league educated and living in a world of theories that have been proposed and tried and failed. We average folks live pay check to pay check and respect hard work, with the satisfaction of knowing that pride comes in what you complete. It is my belief that when family values and hard work come back to this nation that many of our problems in society will be reduced. There are too many that have come up with these crazy think tank solutions that seem to only perpetuate the decay of our nation.

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Sure they're abused, and require reform. Its impossible though to weed out ALL abuse.

We give illegals free college tuition


Your idea of rational discussion doesnt always follow the real world, blue collar common sense world. Everyone in this nation is not ivy league educated and living in a world of theories that have been proposed and tried and failed. We average folks live pay check to pay check and respect hard work, with the satisfaction of knowing that pride comes in what you complete.

You don't think I'm "average folk"? I come from a long line of "average folk", I was the first in my family to go to college, both my grandfathers were coal miners in WV. I work my !Removed! off, every day. I had a nice childhood, my family was able to put me through college, and that certainly set me off on the right track but I maintain the single best gift my parents gave to me was a strong work ethic. I'm not a trust fund person...everything I have I worked for.

What you fail to realize is the world is changing. Hard work isn't enough to get ahead anymore. I mentioned what my father was able to achieve without a college education, and his father before him was a simple coal foreman but he was always able to provide food, a warm little house to live in. Its not that simple anymore. The economy of the 21st century isn't an "effort" economy, its an "intelligence" economy. You need education to succeed, the jobs that are left where you don't are minimum wage jobs. Or if they aren't...they will be. You could be the best at something and not even get in the door for a job without a college degree. Hell...the first 3 rounds of interviewing is done by computer looking for "tag words", you can't even impress anyone anymore unless you've survived all the computer rounds.

It is my belief that when family values and hard work come back to this nation that many of our problems in society will be reduced. There are too many that have come up with these crazy think tank solutions that seem to only perpetuate the decay of our nation.

No offense (seriously, no offense), but just because you don't understand a proposed solution, doesn't make it a "crazy think tank solution". There is nothing crazy about the idea of providing grants for kids from poorer backgrounds so they can go to college, nothing crazy about the Affordable Care Act, its actually pretty simple. Would you as a taxpayer rather support someone on welfare forever, or provide a grant so they can go to college, get a successful job and start CONTRIBUTING to society?

You fear educated people and their ideas. No reason to do that, we have complex problems in this world...we need educated people to solve them. Look at George W Bush, I wholeheartedly believe his intentions were good...but his lack of, frankly, intelligence really screwed this country up.

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OK. Let's start with MHIP. I never said I liked it AT ALL. I just said you couldn’t be turned down...because of your health. YOUR Dead friend...how expensive was his plan? Source please? You are making a general statement SW. He could have found a plan he could have afforded. It would have been a high deductible plan. But preventative care as we all know is covered in full. There are loads of plans that someone can use a primary and the deductible will not even apply. I just had a guy call today...family plan he was 33 wife 3 kids...quoted around $400 a month for all of them. This wasn't even that high of a deductible...the cheapest plan for all of them was $150 a month. I guess I just don't think that is that expensive for what it covers. I can't see how someone in the middle class cannot afford $150 a month to cover his or her whole family. But I have seen these costs increase and increase over the past few years so much that it is getting to the point that it is not affordable to have traditional coverage with 10/20 co-pays anymore. I agree and I have said over and over that COST is the main issue but I still don’t see how most middle class families can not prioritize and budget health insurance…some type of plan anyway.

I don’t see these types of things as hand-ups? I have no problem helping others…who need help.

You say that if they are all insured that the cost will go down? I understand spreading the RISK. I got that…what about all of the mandated coverage? No lifetime caps, no deductibles for preventative care, etc. You don’t think that will increase cost? Why have they revised the numbers up and up as to how much it will cost? As far as paying for it cut it from defense, cut it from the foreign aide, I don’t care. PAY FOR IT…they never do. They just keep printing money and spending money they don’t have. Monopoly money…

Now regarding the Independence Cards, WIC cards, Welfare, government assistance in general. SW can you honestly tell me you don't go in to the grocery stores and see people walking out with their carts filled with things that they shouldn't be able to get? I know you are in a much different area than I am…but buddy come here and walk in to any grocery store and I bet you will change your tune. It is sad… Do you even know about the cash allowance that is available? http://www.dhr.state.md.us/ebt/ YEA...I am saying that they are buying seafood...STEAMED CRABS...that is right. Want me to get REAL…here you go…look at the website. Here is a source for you…look what you can use discover, visa, independence cards http://cravincrabs.com/menu.html it appears I can use my independence card? Get Real? There is a seafood place that I drive past every day...has a huge sign that says independence cards accepted. My mother in laws business refuses to accept it. She had it set up and people came in buying seafood and steaks with their credit cards and debit cards. Well people came in to use their Independence cards she decided she didn't want that type of business... Please don't tell me that they aren't eating steamed crabs since I have seen it, I know businesses that do it, I know business owners that have told me about it. I have seen it with my own two eyes and it makes me sick. Want to see what they can buy? http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailers/eligible.htm

I know what you are saying about people that don’t have kids have to pay taxes for schools…I get it. I just want responsibility. The problem with the way the government is running things is they think that if they toss enough money at a problem they can fix it. We are raising a society that it is rewarding people to be dependant on the government. If you look at only one link that I put on here look at this one… http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/07/julias-mother-why-a-single-mom-is-better-off-on-welfare-than-taking-a-69000-a-year-job/

My wife is a school nurse...it is pathetic what our schools have become. A DAYCARE...and a lot of the parents don't care. I won't even start with the abuse...the drugs...the language...oh...yea did I mention it is at a Elementary School. After her working in the public school system I have just about made my mind up that I do not want my kids in it. Again I am blessed that I can afford to put them in another school I know many people can’t. But you know what I will pay for it! I am not bitter about paying for others...I am just sick of the abuse of the system.

My mom worked for the state and actually worked with qualifying people for food stamps for years...she got so disgusted with the abuse she transferred out into child support enforcement, which wasn't much better.

I am not a bad guy…I want to help the less fortunate. And I do, I volunteer my time to help…my money to help…and I pay more than most people make in a year in taxes. I am just disgusted with the abuse and the sense of entitlement that I am seeing in this country. I will raise my children the way I was raised. IF you “want” something you “WORK” for it. I am honestly blessed and feel fortunate to be as successful as I am…I am not ashamed of having nice things or going and buying a GX460, my wife’s BMW, or my CVO Harley…I work hard for it. I pay for it…but yes I have a problem with “our” tax money getting used to reward people for doing nothing. A hand-up is no problem in my book…a HAND-OUT is.

I watched a report that John Stossel did on poverty in America and it is amazing what people “need”. I teach a junior achievement class “need/want” it is amazing that you don’t need a TV, or a phone, or a play station, they are wants and if I can teach a class of 3rd graders to understand that, than the government should be able to explain to their parents that you “need” this and we will provide this for you…if you “want” this GET A JOB. Many of the people that he interviewed in the segment had large flat screen TV’s with more cable channels than me, game consoles, you name it they have it…and wow you see this is a hand-UP? I am sorry but someone I feel sorry for is the senior citizen that has paid in SS their whole life that gets a $1,000 check and has to live off of that each month. I will HAND-up to them all day long…but the 22-year-old girl that has learned she can go out on disability, have 3 kids, and come in to pay her insurance on her Freaking Infinity…that I have a problem with. Tell me how do we break the welfare society? It appears what we have been doing is not working…

I guess my main thing is that I sleep well at night. I work hard provide a nice home, nice things for my family. I am tired of watching people all around me live off of the system WHEN they don’t have too…but they want too! You and I see things differently since I see people who have learned the system and learn to live off of the system…and you think that no one wants to live off of the system.

As I said before…I still like YA! :) :lol: And one day you and I are going to go to lunch or dinner and if it is around here…I am going to take you to that seafood place and let you sit in the parking lot and watch what I see.

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OK. Let's start with MHIP. I never said I liked it AT ALL. I just said you couldn’t be turned down...because of your health.

Um, did I just misunderstand?:

It is unfortunate that some people don't have access to care...although if more states used Marylands MHIP program it wouldn't be as big of a problem.

Why would you suggest that if more states used Maryland's MHIP plan it would be less of a problem if you didn't like Maryland's MHIP plan?

I just had a guy call today...family plan he was 33 wife 3 kids...quoted around $400 a month for all of them. This wasn't even that high of a deductible...the cheapest plan for all of them was $150 a month.

Apparently I need to call you LOL. We're paying $275 a month just for the two of us with no kids. Now, we have a good plan.

YOUR Dead friend...how expensive was his plan? Source please?

It would have been over $700 a month for decent coverage is what I was told. After our last conversation I looked up what coverage would have been for him through MHIP...nearly $700 for a low deductible plan. $700 a month is a lot of money...high deductible plan...the guy still wouldn't have wanted to go to the hospital because he didn't have the money for the deductible...

You say that if they are all insured that the cost will go down? I understand spreading the RISK. I got that…what about all of the mandated coverage? No lifetime caps, no deductibles for preventative care, etc. You don’t think that will increase cost? Why have they revised the numbers up and up as to how much it will cost? As far as paying for it cut it from defense, cut it from the foreign aide, I don’t care. PAY FOR IT…they never do. They just keep printing money and spending money they don’t have. Monopoly money…

The idea behind the no deductibles for preventative care is that if you encourage people to stay healthy it saves expense in the long run which reduces cost.

I don't disagree with you about the need to balance the budget and pay for things...

Now regarding the Independence Cards, WIC cards, Welfare, government assistance in general. SW can you honestly tell me you don't go in to the grocery stores and see people walking out with their carts filled with things that they shouldn't be able to get?

Sure I do. Like I said, obviously there needs to be reform, its never going to be perfect.

We are raising a society that it is rewarding people to be dependant on the government. If you look at only one link that I put on here look at this one… http://www.aei-ideas...000-a-year-job

Thats not an unbiased source of information, its a site that has a political agenda. Just look at that article on the first page with all those inaccuracies about CFL bulbs? Not interested.

My wife is a school nurse...it is pathetic what our schools have become. A DAYCARE...and a lot of the parents don't care. I won't even start with the abuse...the drugs...the language...oh...yea did I mention it is at a Elementary School. After her working in the public school system I have just about made my mind up that I do not want my kids in it. Again I am blessed that I can afford to put them in another school I know many people can’t. But you know what I will pay for it! I am not bitter about paying for others...I am just sick of the abuse of the system.

It is a problem, and its one here that we really are sheltered from because of how good our public schools are in Montgomery County. Thats a local issue though.

I am not a bad guy…I want to help the less fortunate. And I do, I volunteer my time to help…my money to help…and I pay more than most people make in a year in taxes. I am just disgusted with the abuse and the sense of entitlement that I am seeing in this country. I will raise my children the way I was raised. IF you “want” something you “WORK” for it. I am honestly blessed and feel fortunate to be as successful as I am…I am not ashamed of having nice things or going and buying a GX460, my wife’s BMW, or my CVO Harley…I work hard for it. I pay for it…but yes I have a problem with “our” tax money getting used to reward people for doing nothing. A hand-up is no problem in my book…a HAND-OUT is.

I agree 100%

I watched a report that John Stossel did on poverty in America and it is amazing what people “need”. I teach a junior achievement class “need/want” it is amazing that you don’t need a TV, or a phone, or a play station, they are wants and if I can teach a class of 3rd graders to understand that, than the government should be able to explain to their parents that you “need” this and we will provide this for you…if you “want” this GET A JOB. Many of the people that he interviewed in the segment had large flat screen TV’s with more cable channels than me, game consoles, you name it they have it…and wow you see this is a hand-UP?

Again though, John Stossel is not an unbiased newsman. You can cherry pick specific people who will present a certain way. For every 1 person who abuses the system in the ways that you mention, there are 10 that don't. BUT, those people don't provide him with the story he wants to tell.

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Tell me how do we break the welfare society?

We get the next generation out of it by helping them get an education, and we create an economy where hard work and education pay off again. We have to find some way of showing them what life is all about...because their parents aren't going to do it.

As I said before…I still like YA! And one day you and I are going to go to lunch or dinner and if it is around here…I am going to take you to that seafood place and let you sit in the parking lot and watch what I see.

For sure! Just two people having a discussion as I've said before...

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My reason behind MHIP is because it provides a option for you if you do not have insurance and can not qualify based on your health. I don't sell it or process the paper and get paid the fee that they pay us to enroll people...but if it is in someone's best interest I will get them set up with someone to enroll them. I don't think it is great or anything I certainly don't like it, it is just that if more states had a option like this than people would have had access to insurance if they had been turned down.

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By the way don't read the article then look at the chart. It was created by the secretary of public welfare. It shows you exactly why someone wouldn't want to earn more. I could get the chart from another website but it wouldn't matter. The chart is what I wanted to show...should have said that.

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My reason behind MHIP is because it provides a option for you if you do not have insurance and can not qualify based on your health. I don't sell it or process the paper and get paid the fee that they pay us to enroll people...but if it is in someone's best interest I will get them set up with someone to enroll them. I don't think it is great or anything I certainly don't like it, it is just that if more states had a option like this than people would have had access to insurance if they had been turned down.

What about it don't you like?

By the way don't read the article than look at the chart. It was created by the secretary of public welfare. It shows you exactly why someone wouldn't want to earn more. I could get the chart from another website but it wouldn't matter. The chart is what I wanted to show...should have said that.

I did both, it is a problem I agree. The question is how to solve it.

Same thing with unemployment, you shoot yourself in the foot by taking a cut in pay or part time work because you loose the unemployment.

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I think it would be better run if I was like MAIF, instead the state has a insurance company administer it (Carefirst) then pays producers a fee to enroll people it it but will not allow them to help them with anything at all. The problem with MHIP is most people that need it are unaware of it. Most agents take the hands off approach and don't reccomend it at all(which is wrong)...but when it started out it was horrible...we had a few people that we had signed up when it started. They came in with complaints we would call and they wouldn't discuss anything with us. They took the agents out of the picture. MAIF has been run successfully because they understand the agents are the ones enrolling the people in the program and will be the ones who help service the policies. I think it is what it is...you don't want it but it is better than nothing.

And I know...why don't they offer bonuses to get off of it! One time bonus to get off and stay off of it for a year! The state of MD has a plan that they buy a car and pay someone's insurance for single moms who want to go back to work. (not 100% sure if they are still doing it). I have written several policies for them...the state worker would bring people in to me to get them insured. Cars would be maybe 7,000 or so...insurance had to be full coverage 1,500 or so...and the mom got the grant to get off of government assistance. It worked I still have many of them insured and guess what I would say the bulk of them are holding down good jobs! They got rewarded for working not staying on the system. I wish they had more programs like this. I have a feeling this has been cut since it has been awhile since I have heard about anyone quoting one of them lately.

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And I know...why don't they offer bonuses to get off of it! One time bonus to get off and stay off of it for a year

Because the person still can't get insurance on their own! Its not a question of ability to pay, its a question of ability to get coverage.

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And I know...why don't they offer bonuses to get off of it! One time bonus to get off and stay off of it for a year

Because the person still can't get insurance on their own! Its not a question of ability to pay, its a question of ability to get coverage.

No SW...I wasn't talking about the health insurance! lol I know that...I was talking about unemployment, or government assistance.

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  • 1 year later...

Okay I would like to bring this back from the dead!

Guess what at my renewal my group rates went up by 30%! I have had more small groups drop plans, individual rates are raising and even the med a gap plans are going up too.

So I know the exchanges are not set up but who thinks this healthcare law is still a good idea? Look what is happening nationwide with employers and their health plans. Loads of them are dropping spousal coverage because of the cost of Obama care? Seems to me this whole thing is a mess!

Here we go......... :)

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  • 2 months later...

Come on where are you guys that defended this. Not rubbing it in but I told you so...told you so. Now even Obama knows how bad it is and is trying to change it. Premiums on the individual market are going through the roof! Group exchanges ha where.... And premiums going up! Just finished my B--- S--- training for the health exchange. And let me confirm they don't have a clue. They couldn't answer half of the questions asked and are begging us agents to try to enroll people in to this. Hope everyone who supported this law loves their new premiums if they can get signed up! It's just ashame how all the politicians won't have to or all the people Obama gave waivers to. And all of these people loosing their plans well I got one for my group and it is a great plan-I know. (The reason it is discontinued is there is no dental) however I pay for a much better dental plan for all of my employees but that doesn't work UNLESS you do it through the exchange. MORE BS! I had a great plan for my family and staff. Getting discontinued do to ACA I have until my next renewal and I will have to change it. I just hope by then America wakes up.

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Actually the belief out in the field of voters is that this was exactly what Obama wanted. A complete disgust with the Exchanges and Insurance prices as well as dropping people because of coverages. This will lead to exactly what this Administration really wants which is a one payer, government ran monopoly. This is what happens when a bill is ram rod thru the legislative process without any type of consensus and problem solving. This is just a further move to destroy the middle class and make us a copy of what the socialist were doing in Communist Russia and Socialist Europe. There will only be the have's and the have nots.

We will be a second rate, third world country with no work ethics or moral values. All do to the radical left thinkers from my generation raised by communist parents which emcompass the sick and very secretive lying advisors that this administration has put together. What did you expect from the likes of Axlerod, Bill Ayers, etc. They want nothing more than to destroy Free enterprise and eliminate the middle class to make us all the same (poor and without any rights). This is the prime example of a President that will not bend with the will of the people and act like a dictator. He has shows absolutely no willingness to admit that this is filled full of major trainwrecks and move toward fixing the problems. And that my friends is because he doesn't want it fixed. Obamacare is doing exactly what he dreamed, destroying the American Dream. So here we have it we add 25 million people and drop 25 million people, What exactly did that accomplish.? And the corruption is rampart, and the contracts for fixing it are out of control. Nothing, and I mean nothing is ran well with big government. But as long as 48% of the people are on the dole and voting for this nonsense we are doomed. Russia is laughing at us as we meet the predictions of the old Stalinist. Folding under the Government that has successfully taken our freedom's away, and destroyed your children, grandchildren, and their childrens future under the burden of a 17 trillion dollar debt that can never be repayed as long as we have Politicians that think they can buy their power with our money.

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