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So Snopes Covers For Obama


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Here's another thing that I don't understand about Newt. He's made soooo many enemies inside the halls of power, that how in the world does he (or his supporters) expect to get anything done, if he were President? Can you imagine all of the scandals we would have to listen to? All of the dirt this guy is clearly trying to hide? I mean, Bob Dole, who has been silent for YEARS, practiclaly has one foot in the grave, has even made a public appears to air his opinion on the guy (and not a good one either). I'm just stunned that people can be so easily influenced by a single 90 minute debate, and ignore all of the documented facts about how this guy operates, that goes back 30 years. Heck, even Reagan (his almighty of the Republican party) had a few documented snippets about him. Yet, there's Newtie, on CNN, saying he's more like Reagan than anyone else. I bet the Gipper was reaching for his six-shooter when he heard that one...

The moon? Really? Hey Newt, no need to build a space ship to get there, just have the Treasury print you out $16 trillion one-dollar bills, stack them up, and you could walk to it...

Newt needs to be a high school history professor in Bizmark, ND. NOT President of the United States! (they have lots of free ice cream in North Dakota)

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From my chair, the problem isn't Newt....or Romney for that fact. It's the fact that the whole slate of candidates is so bad that the Republicans are wanting to say "none of the above", but they have no other choice. Looking over the last two or three presidential elections I can not recall a time when the Republicans have given themselves such a weak set of choices. None of them can compare to a John McCain for example.

Santorum won Iowa by getting on his knees and promissing the evangelicals a Bible in every school desk. Romney is a rich guy with nothing more than a shoe shine and a smile. He looks pretty, but when you do the scratch and sniff test there's nothing underthe surface but the smell of a Swiss bank vault. Newt has more enemies than friends. If elected the Pentagon would probably call up Seal team 6 for a little late night patrol.

I'm going to hang with Obama. I am well aware that congress, even with an aprovall rating somewhere around 20%, will not have the brains to do something to improve it,( like working together with the other side,) will take no action on any Of Obama's ideas for jobs. This will be the Republicans attempt to make the Democrats look bad and thereby, hopefully lose the election. I hate both parties. They are destroying our government and leading us to a country that only the wealthy will control. If you don't think so, go back three years and read about Goldman-Sachs.

Vote early, Vote often

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Sad, money is the winner on both sides of the spectrum...We need a true moderate that motivates and works with congress to fix this nations problems...Obama has obviously destroyed any possible solutions, I dont like Romney, however he may get the independents. Anybody would be better than the destructive policies that OBAMA has generated. This may well be one of those vote with your nose held tight. To bad there isnt that candidate that is really willing to work with both sides of the isle. Obama has proven, and failed in his feet to the pavement when it comes to fixing this nations problems. The pendulem needs to swing to the middle and throw out these left and right idiots. I say start over and get rid of 535 representatives and get a new president....

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I'm going to jump in before Lenore replies, and you two have at it.....

In his "State of the Union " adress, Obama listed initative after intative and asked the congress to pass legislation to put in to ACTION those inisative/policies. Remember when you speak of policies, the President has very limited authority to do anything on his own withouth the "Advise and Consent" of the Congress. The President can layout a frame work for foriegn policy for example, but can make no treaties without congress's approval.

The various departments of the federal government can make and implement policy within there realm of interest, but again congress can pass legislation to override that. Throught out Obama's first term, the Republican leaders in the house have stated publicaly that there only job was to see that Obama was not re-elected. Their actions stalling and blocking at every turn any of Obama's plans have been proof of that.

Don't blame everything on the President. I agree this time with Lenore....(the earth shakes) Get rid of the god da.. people in congrees and start over with real people. Not lobbyist.

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Unfortunately his policies are only his that he introduces, He does not use the committee recommendations after forming the committees...It is either his way or the highway. The trillion in bailouts and trillion in debt is going to destroy this country...He killed the pipeline from Cananda, gave all of our oil rights to Brazil. Nothing that creates jobs except government jobs which do not grow our economy. He is worse than Jimmy Carter....He talks the talk of working with congress, but when the committee are formed with bipartisan folks, he ignores their recommendations. I understand his hands are tied by congress, but he is not willing to sit at the table with an open mind. It is all for show....

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Even this guy is fed up with all of this "poopie"!!

I don't know who his mother is, but she has bad taste in colors! Probably some southern-stubborn hottie though.....

I kid, I kid.... we grew restless this weekend with moving-in chores, realized we haven't even seen DC yet (I have due to my years of work, but my wife hasn't). So we decided to get out of the house this morning to sight-see. Wouldn't you know it, we saw SWO down on Pennsylvania Avenue handing out old free LOC stickers to kids who'd pose wearing this jacket and hat! I'm really starting to worry about him. I even heard a rumor that he actually let a stranger wash one of his cars this past weekend! We might have to discuss an intervention here fellas.... :ph34r: :cries:


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...and that's not even the worst part! He threw in a free LS400 key chain if this poor, victimized kid, would "lean".........to the left!


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...and that's not even the worst part! He threw in a free LS400 key chain if this poor, victimized kid, would "lean".........to the left!

Kid is adorable. .....Leaning left is good.

Already put intervention in place for SW, but for a different problem.

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I changed my avatar back to "Dubbya".

I really miss a country that, if for a brief moment, gave it's unified support to a cause. Selfish of me to say that though, considering that cause, came at the cost of thousands of innocent lives, and thousands of lives of our best and bravest.

But still. It felt great to have our American Pride front and center. I miss it. I'm so tired of feeling like we're wondering around in the dark these days. I'm so tired of mixed messages of leadership and direction, confusion and apathy, and hearing "it's not my fault" from our leaders. If you are an American citizen - THIS is YOUR fault! OWN IT, DAMNIT.

I do....

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I changed my avatar back to "Dubbya".

I really miss a country that, if for a brief moment, gave it's unified support to a cause. Selfish of me to say that though, considering that cause, came at the cost of thousands of innocent lives, and thousands of lives of our best and bravest.

But still. It felt great to have our American Pride front and center. I miss it. I'm so tired of feeling like we're wondering around in the dark these days. I'm so tired of mixed messages of leadership and direction, confusion and apathy, and hearing "it's not my fault" from our leaders. If you are an American citizen - THIS is YOUR fault! OWN IT, DAMNIT.

I do....


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Actually - Clint Eastwood said everything I was trying to say here during his super bowl commercial. He just said it far better than I did!

An Italian owned, American car maker, in Detroit, hires Dirty Harry to do an ad, and it had more of a patriotic message than anything I've heard by any of these candidates for President. Nicely done, Crystler! Nicely done indeed!!

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Too bad we didnt let the highest bidder take over GM, Bank of AMerica, Freddie Mae, etc. That is true Americanism, But no we bail them all out....."It was a great civilization while it last." So half time and we have 14 trillion in debt, 9.3% Unemployment (however its probably higher because employment to our government means part time jobs) and They still cant balance a budget....kick the can until we become Greece, Spain, or Euro. I heard an analysis that the Greek bonds are going to be 50% of face value coming soon. Heck we dont even have to use rockets to the moon, we could just stack the Dollar bills of debt and climb there. I sure hope the second half is a winning team and not one bent on destroying the dignity of the American people......Wise up, or we face economic doom.

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Last night I was watching 60 minutes. I was interested because I've got a new neighbor who is moving up from Cocoa Beach, Fl, a Nasa guy. He has two kids, both early teenage years, lived in Cocoa Beach their entire lives, this will be their first move. I watched 60 minutes to confirm what he told me about Cocoa Beach, that it's basically being wiped out with this decision by Obama and Congress to not only stop flying the shuttle (Congress), but to stop working on it's replacement (Obama). The decision to offer our national space program to the private sector... Want a fortune cookie with your space walk? What shocked me last night during 60 minutes, is that Obama cancelled the future project to save $3 billion dollars. Future of space travel, gone, for $3 billion dollars. How much did we pay for the Chevy Volt again? Congrats, Mr. President, you're "that guy" dumb enough to trade a space ship, for a friggin' Chevy, that apparently catches fire days after you turn the thing off!

This got me thinking of other elements of facts today that we're all seeing.

One: When gas prices were this high four years ago, oil was peaking at $148 barrel on the heels of an economic boom! 4 years of recession, national demand remains way down, oil prices of $108, yet gas prices are heading north of $5. News reporter said it's because the demand in Chinia and other countries who are having an economic boom of the middle class are hurting our prices too. That, just doesn't make sense to me, completely.

Two: In 2006, one of the cleanest and highest respected banking outfits in the nation's history paid $50M in compliance costs to do business. Today, that same bank is paying $342M. That's $292,000,000 in lost payroll oportunity. This bank has been mentioned by numerous industry analysts and reporters as "being the model of how it should've been done during the boom, and especially how it should be done going forward."

Three: Last weekend Japan lowered their corporate tax rate. Congratulations everyone, we now have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD. Now, I know what you're thinking - why would any major employer want to keep their cash assets on US soil? I don't know. I wouldn't myself. But, that's not the real problem. The real problem is the guy who wants to start a business. Do you think small town USA can handle this tax rate? The sandwich shop that you love along main street usa, can handle paying 40% taxes and stay in business? I don't understand how some of these politicians can sleep at night, knowing the blue-collar element of our society, the back bone, can't afford to perform their trade anymore. I mean seriously. How can we really expect Elkhard, Indiana to really recover when everytime someone with the guts to try, gets taxed out of their own motivation to try in the first place? If small business is truly the supporting vehicle for employment growth in this country, then how can we really think we're on the right path? Unless of course, we charge $10 for that donut. Considering the price of gas, I don't see too many $10 donuts being bought in Elkhart, Indiana (or Cleveland, Dayton, Philly, Champaign, Topeka, Fort Meyers, Little Rock, Biloxi...)

Four: "It's an unjust war". I'm not going to say anything on this beyond the words "Lybia, Syria, Egypt..." At least in Iraq, we didn't kill it's leader than give the rebels our guns as we back tracked to cover our foot steps..

Five: Race relations: "If I had a son, he'd look just like Treyvon". I'm curious, Mr. President, if you had a white daughter, would she have looked like Eve Carlson? Would you have fueled the fire of racial tension as the story of the University of North Carolina's student body president, was murdered in the street in cold blood by two dudes wearing "hoodies" from Durham in 2008? http://en.wikipedia....r_of_Eve_Carson

I'm not marginalizing the tragic situation in Florida that is going on right now over this teenager being killed by a neighborhood watchman. I'm just saying that why is the nation's first and only black President making these kinds of remarks? What would've happened if either of the Bush's, or Clinton, or Reagan, or Carter, had made a similiar statement? Oh wait...I already know.. "George Bush hates black people." That's right, I almost forgot..

Last night, after watching 60 minutes, I went outside to water my lawn for about an hour. During this time alone (rare in my home with two kids), I came to a conclusion. I walked inside, went over to the computer, googled Mitt Romney, and donated $500 to his campaign. Not because I think he's better or worse, or because he's white or black, or because he's a republican. But because as I stood there in my yard, holding the hose, I felt guilty for what I was doing. Watering my new sod in the backyard of my new house, feeling like somehow I had cheated to get this. Feeling like I was watering a lawn on borrowed time. For the first time in my life, I engaged the politics of this country beyond voting day and internet chat boards. And I've got to be honest, it feels really good.

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Last night I was watching 60 minutes. I was interested because I've got a new neighbor who is moving up from Cocoa Beach, Fl, a Nasa guy. He has two kids, both early teenage years, lived in Cocoa Beach their entire lives, this will be their first move. I watched 60 minutes to confirm what he told me about Cocoa Beach, that it's basically being wiped out with this decision by Obama and Congress to not only stop flying the shuttle (Congress), but to stop working on it's replacement (Obama). The decision to offer our national space program to the private sector... Want a fortune cookie with your space walk? What shocked me last night during 60 minutes, is that Obama cancelled the future project to save $3 billion dollars. Future of space travel, gone, for $3 billion dollars. How much did we pay for the Chevy Volt again? Congrats, Mr. President, you're "that guy" dumb enough to trade a space ship, for a friggin' Chevy, that apparently catches fire days after you turn the thing off!

This got me thinking of other elements of facts today that we're all seeing.

One: When gas prices were this high four years ago, oil was peaking at $148 barrel on the heels of an economic boom! 4 years of recession, national demand remains way down, oil prices of $108, yet gas prices are heading north of $5. News reporter said it's because the demand in Chinia and other countries who are having an economic boom of the middle class are hurting our prices too. That, just doesn't make sense to me, completely.

Two: In 2006, one of the cleanest and highest respected banking outfits in the nation's history paid $50M in compliance costs to do business. Today, that same bank is paying $342M. That's $292,000,000 in lost payroll oportunity. This bank has been mentioned by numerous industry analysts and reporters as "being the model of how it should've been done during the boom, and especially how it should be done going forward."

Three: Last weekend Japan lowered their corporate tax rate. Congratulations everyone, we now have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD. Now, I know what you're thinking - why would any major employer want to keep their cash assets on US soil? I don't know. I wouldn't myself. But, that's not the real problem. The real problem is the guy who wants to start a business. Do you think small town USA can handle this tax rate? The sandwich shop that you love along main street usa, can handle paying 40% taxes and stay in business? I don't understand how some of these politicians can sleep at night, knowing the blue-collar element of our society, the back bone, can't afford to perform their trade anymore. I mean seriously. How can we really expect Elkhard, Indiana to really recover when everytime someone with the guts to try, gets taxed out of their own motivation to try in the first place? If small business is truly the supporting vehicle for employment growth in this country, then how can we really think we're on the right path? Unless of course, we charge $10 for that donut. Considering the price of gas, I don't see too many $10 donuts being bought in Elkhart, Indiana (or Cleveland, Dayton, Philly, Champaign, Topeka, Fort Meyers, Little Rock, Biloxi...)

Four: "It's an unjust war". I'm not going to say anything on this beyond the words "Lybia, Syria, Egypt..." At least in Iraq, we didn't kill it's leader than give the rebels our guns as we back tracked to cover our foot steps..

Five: Race relations: "If I had a son, he'd look just like Treyvon". I'm curious, Mr. President, if you had a white daughter, would she have looked like Eve Carlson? Would you have fueled the fire of racial tension as the story of the University of North Carolina's student body president, was murdered in the street in cold blood by two dudes wearing "hoodies" from Durham in 2008? http://en.wikipedia....r_of_Eve_Carson

I'm not marginalizing the tragic situation in Florida that is going on right now over this teenager being killed by a neighborhood watchman. I'm just saying that why is the nation's first and only black President making these kinds of remarks? What would've happened if either of the Bush's, or Clinton, or Reagan, or Carter, had made a similiar statement? Oh wait...I already know.. "George Bush hates black people." That's right, I almost forgot..

Last night, after watching 60 minutes, I went outside to water my lawn for about an hour. During this time alone (rare in my home with two kids), I came to a conclusion. I walked inside, went over to the computer, googled Mitt Romney, and donated $500 to his campaign. Not because I think he's better or worse, or because he's white or black, or because he's a republican. But because as I stood there in my yard, holding the hose, I felt guilty for what I was doing. Watering my new sod in the backyard of my new house, feeling like somehow I had cheated to get this. Feeling like I was watering a lawn on borrowed time. For the first time in my life, I engaged the politics of this country beyond voting day and internet chat boards. And I've got to be honest, it feels really good.

Now that we've heard from the John Birch Society view of American society's ills , let me make one correction.

Our daughter and son-in-law, (a deputy sheriff) live in Melbourne, Fl, the heart of the Space Coast. Over the last 13-14 months, as NASA has been closing down the shuttle program, so far 5-7000 employee's have been let go. As you can imagine, it is very difficult for these type of specialized workers to walk out and find a job. For example, how many main street stores need a launch control specialist?

In response to the insinuation that Obama made the decision to scap the shuttle progrom, it was Congross, who began beating the drum for getting rid of the space exploration program, since in their opinion, it had no value, served no purpose, and was sucking the budget dry. Congress makes the bills and controolls the purse strings.

Obama disagreed entirely, except for the need to re-target and re- prioritize the budget.

We have the best congress money can buy, Republican or Demorcrat. IMO, my $500 goes to the local Food Bank where I know it' goes directly to the end user.


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People want him to cut things from the budget...but not things that they see are important.

Spending billions of dollars on the space program is not only fine, its vital to the country's interests...but making investments in American companies and banks to save jobs and prop up the economy is wrong? You can't in one vein decry spending and then admonish him for reducing spending...it just doesn't work.

I would rather see a scrapped space program (and it isn't scrapped by the way) than see us loose medicare or social security.

I'm not marginalizing the tragic situation in Florida that is going on right now over this teenager being killed by a neighborhood watchman. I'm just saying that why is the nation's first and only black President making these kinds of remarks? What would've happened if either of the Bush's' date=' or Clinton, or Reagan, or Carter, had made a similiar statement? Oh wait...I already know.. "George Bush hates black people." That's right, I almost forgot..[/quote']

Because he was asked a direct question and answered it. He didn't call a press conference and speak out on the subject. Anyways, its something a couple of upper middle class white guys like us can't understand. He's the first black president, but he's still a black American...you take what he said completely out of context.

Two: In 2006, one of the cleanest and highest respected banking outfits in the nation's history paid $50M in compliance costs to do business. Today, that same bank is paying $342M. That's $292,000,000 in lost payroll oportunity. This bank has been mentioned by numerous industry analysts and reporters as "being the model of how it should've been done during the boom, and especially how it should be done going forward."

2006 was an entirely different world. Unfortunately for that outfit, many of their competitors did not do business the way it should have been done during the boom, and it changed the reality of doing business in their industry likely forever, and they suffer the realities of that.

We had rampent deregulation...and it nearly bankrupt the world.

The real problem is the guy who wants to start a business. Do you think small town USA can handle this tax rate? The sandwich shop that you love along main street usa, can handle paying 40% taxes and stay in business?

Its not that cut and dried. There are PLENTY of ways for a small business to structure themselves where they don't pay 40% in taxes. I own a small business and I can promise you I don't pay 40% in taxes...nowhere near it. I would imagine I pay FAR less than you do.

PLENTY of ways for big business to get around it too...which is why they keep their assets on US soil.

I walked inside, went over to the computer, googled Mitt Romney, and donated $500 to his campaign. Not because I think he's better or worse, or because he's white or black, or because he's a republican.

Then why? The reason you feel the way you do is not because of Obama, and Mitt Romney is not the solution. I don't know that there is a solution. We have a LOT of problems in this country, fundamental problems that have been lurking under the surface for years...and the policies of one man over the last 3 years have not caused them...and they cannot solve them.

As much as I want to like Mitt Romney, and believe me I do because I see some of the issues you're talking about, he has just proven himself time and time again to be a spineless face talker who will do or say ANYTHING to get elected. Everybody was up in arms over this "Etch a Sketch" thing, but that was the first TRUE statement to come out of his campaign since it started. Its EXACTLY what will happen because its EXACTLY what he did when he was in the private sector, when he ran for congress, ran for governor, and ran for President. He is a different man each time...and he will be again when he runs in the general. Just watch...he's going to be WAY more moderate...

So...who is Mitt Romney and what does he stand for? We honestly have no idea. He's pro-choice...but pro-life (remember "I'm more pro-choice than Ted Kennedy!". For Romney-care...but against the similar Obama-care. For a path to citizenship...but against a path to citizenship, thinks Ronald Reagan is the devil...then he's the messiah, for the brady bill and assault rifle ban...then he joins the NRA, believes in global warming...then he doesn't, against a constitutional amendment to ban !Removed! marriage...then he's for it.

It just goes on and on. You can't elect someone to the highest office in the land who doesn't believe in anything but getting elected. Because once he becomes President...all he's going to care about is getting re-elected and we're going to be stuck in 4 more years of bullsh!t. His own party sees it...which is why he can't close this damn primary election. People just don't trust him...and for good reason. All along he's been the "front runner" but people have these flights of fancy for EVERY other candidate hoping that they can get somebody...anybody else who can win...he's the candidate of last resort. I mean...they'd rather elect Newt Gingrich!

People don't come out and vote for the candidate of last resort.

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It really bugs me when I have to do this, but I agree with most everything you've said Steve.

The mistake we keep making as a country every four years, is believing we our choosing a leader. That is no longer a working constitutional premise. In a country this large, we all have to follow the example of those, him or her, we elect, and all kick in and be leaders. If we don't pull together, we'll end up with a life time of the congress we have now, and eventually all eating Egg Drop Soup,

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Bugs me too, Paul, but I probably have to agree with him too, and that's my rant he's dissecting!

That's what happens when I pay too much attention to the news. I get into this circular thought process an get find a solution. It is my nature under those situations to scrap the whole thing and start over.

I will say though, I have grown tired of our politicians becoming celebrities of sort. I've also grown tired of trying to figure out why we're running up this massive amount of debt, yet I don't see any tangible production from it. All this money, and my years in Illinois showed me no real change other than a rapid and continued decline. My BS alarm won't stop ringing these days, and when I see the costs of commerce these days, matched by unemployment issues that continue, something doesn't compute other than over regulation and too much red tape for capitalism to grow. At some point, folks have to be held accountable on an individual basis for choices they've made. Like that occupy protestor with tattoos all over his face, protesting that I'm the bad guy because I don't want him in my office. Not saying some of these entitlements are an issue, but the social component of us seems to be deteriorating at a scary level.

My simpleton solution? Scrap the team and try again. Right or wrong.

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I'll also ad that I kind've like the fact that Romney flip flops on his issues. Makes me think he'll listen to the public a bit more. We've had two presidents in the immediate past that have been very opinionated. Not that it's a bad thing to be a leader of conviction and passion, but we had everyone screaming at Bush who were on the wrong side of his beliefs, followed by everyone screaming at Obama who has been on the wrong side of his beliefs on how things should go. I'm sure if Romney wins, folks will scream as well, but I think he'll give them less to scream about.

Obama has done some fantastic things for us! And I firmly believe the democratic party is a more compassionate party to the masses. I also think they're an expensive party too. That concerns me as we continue to leverage today on tomorrows promises. I sell debt for a living, and I'm pretty good at it I think. I think as a nation on a whole though, we've bought too much of it over the past 3 years, and haven't given the private sector a chance to try and fix things. Deregulation via the bush era was reckless in some regards, but not all. If I were to lay blame at the feet of a single player in the economy who failed us all, it would be the SEC. Does that tie back to an overly relaxed Regulatory environment that flows from the top down? Sure does. I think we've gone from one extreme to another though, which I'm fearful will cause yet another swing that'll be too much. It feels as though since the private sector raided the cookie store while the SEC wasnt paying attention, that the private sector has been put on house arrest a bit.

The part of my rant about the Florida thing, I'll admit, was out of line. Comment of passion and frustration misplaced at a situation unrelated to the overall topic.

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You guys agree with me because I'm just such a wise and age-d scholar ;)

My simpleton solution? Scrap the team and try again. Right or wrong.

Unfortunately its not that simple. Sometimes continuing to scrap the team and trying again creates more problems than giving the team the time they need to get the job done. You're a Washingtonian now...look at the Redskins. Dan Snyder is famous for bringing people in, and firing them when they don't produce instantaneous results and what has that gotten him? A losing team. Now he's learning he needs to give his team a little time to work, and its going to pay off just watch.

Its not just the Obama administration in control here, he has an INCREDIBLY hostile congress to deal with on top of the issues facing him that are unprecedented during our lifetimes. Gotta give him time before we'll see if he's been successful.

What I do see is a HUGE turnaround from where we were in 2009, its not where we want to be...but progress is certainly being made.

I'll also ad that I kind've like the fact that Romney flip flops on his issues. Makes me think he'll listen to the public a bit more. We've had two presidents in the immediate past that have been very opinionated.

You can't trust someone who believes whatever is convenient. Theres a difference between someone who adjusts his goals based on the desires of his constituents, and someone who panders to whatever audience he is speaking to. Romney is the latter.

We need someone in the White House who can LEAD. You can't lead when you have no convictions of your own. You can't sit down in the big chair and say "Okay, now do whatever you want to do". He's like the used car salesman who says he hates green cars, then when you mention you love green cars he says "I know, me too!" We can't have a President at this juncture in our history who just sits there and does nothing...we need someone who can make the tough decisions and unpopular calls necessary to get us back on the right path...and I see nothing in Romney that makes me think its him.

I also think they're an expensive party too.

People always say that, but some of the biggest deficits in this country's history have been run up by Republican administrations. Reagan...Bush (both). W came into an economy with a SURPLUS and look how that turned out.

Its just not that easy to say "Democrats are going to cost us money, Republicans are going to save us money" because history has not shown us that.

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