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Crazy Sob!


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My wife and I went to Atlantic City and on the way back in DE around Harrington this crazy asz SOB in a little ford ranger pick up truck starts honking his horn and flashing his lights throwing his arms and pointing at my GX. I was kind of like WTF! So I slowed down and let the idiot pass me. On the back of his truck window was written I kid you not "danger Lexus/Toyota drivers ahead". This guy obviously wasn't all there. He slammed on brakes started swerving when I tried to pass him. He kept yelling out his window and pointing at my GX saying that's a piece of SHI! I started to give him th finger but my wife was just like just ignore him. So I just got pass the guy As fast as I could and then he turned off. WOW? NUT job...

And I actually left with a few $$$ in my pocket!

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My wife and I went to Atlantic City and on the way back in DE around Harrington this crazy asz SOB in a little ford ranger pick up truck starts honking his horn and flashing his lights throwing his arms and pointing at my GX. I was kind of like WTF! So I slowed down and let the idiot pass me. On the back of his truck window was written I kid you not "danger Lexus/Toyota drivers ahead". This guy obviously wasn't all there. He slammed on brakes started swerving when I tried to pass him. He kept yelling out his window and pointing at my GX saying that's a piece of SHI! I started to give him th finger but my wife was just like just ignore him. So I just got pass the guy As fast as I could and then he turned off. WOW? NUT job...

And I actually left with a few $$$ in my pocket!

That story wins the "Supper Dooper Nut Job" of the day award. Don't people, like that on the road, just make you wonder from what parallel universe their from; And with gun laws now, you have to be careful about giving them the fickeled finger of fate for fear their packing, and crazy enough to use it over something silly like that. Maybe he wrote for comsumer reports!


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That story wins the "Supper Dooper Nut Job" of the day award. Don't people, like that on the road, just make you wonder from what parallel universe their from; And with gun laws now, you have to be careful about giving them the fickeled finger of fate for fear their packing, and crazy enough to use it over something silly like that. Maybe he wrote for comsumer reports!


Paul that's why my better judgement (my wife lol) took over... I have to admit my type A personality would have taken over...

CD... I don't think this guy knew where he was? He seemed just NUTS...I told my wife I wonder what would happen if he drove past a dealership? I bet he would flip out...

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What do you mean "And with gun laws now"? Where do you live that the law would allow someone to fire on you as a result of a traffic dispute? Nowhere in the USA allows this, so you must be from some foreign country. Gun laws "then" and gun laws "now" have always prohibited this type of behavior.

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What do you mean "And with gun laws now"? Where do you live that the law would allow someone to fire on you as a result of a traffic dispute? Nowhere in the USA allows this, so you must be from some foreign country. Gun laws "then" and gun laws "now" have always prohibited this type of behavior.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as you can see by my sig. on the left, I am from Iowa. Here, as of the first of the year, anyone who wishes can wear a firearm openly, anyplace, or carry it concealed at anytime and may use it to protect themselves if they perceive themselves threatened by deadly force with no retreat. I am guessing, a dangerous thing, such as a car trying to push you off the road would be considered a threat upon your life. However, in this scenario, I am talking about an irrational person, who's anger is out of control, pulling out their gun just because you *BLEEP*ed him off. To such people, like this one, law books are not the first thing they consult.


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Do you have any facts to back up your slander of those who choose to carry firearms for self defense? To just spout off that "gun laws" mean that people are now going to start shooting because someone *BLEEP*ed them off on the road makes you sound small and narrow minded. Anyone who wanted to do that, could have done it before the "gun laws" were changed. Gun laws don't make, or permit, anyone to do anything. It's people who do that.

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Do you have any facts to back up your slander of those who choose to carry firearms for self defense? To just spout off that "gun laws" mean that people are now going to start shooting because someone *BLEEP*ed them off on the road makes you sound small and narrow minded. Anyone who wanted to do that, could have done it before the "gun laws" were changed. Gun laws don't make, or permit, anyone to do anything. It's people who do that.

TX. You may be taking Paul's comments out of context. I don't think he intended to insult people who choose to have guns legally. I think he just meant that it was a good thing this fool didn't have one! Either way I am all for peoples rights To bear arms. I also know from Paul's post on here he is anything but narrow minded.

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LEXI - I wouldn't worry about that idiot in the Ford Ranger pick-up truck. He probably went home, parked in the garage, and then watched as his truck caught fire and burned down his house....

Guns, simply put, suck. They are designed to offer nothing, produce nothing, generate nothing, make nothing....but death, misery, and tragedy. Worst day in the history of the NRA would be me being elected as President, because the first thing I would do is outlaw ALL guns to everyone except the military - which by the way, some believe the Right to Bear Arms is meant to be enforced - allow this country to form an army and give them the tools to defend the land. Not walk through the candy isle of your local Piggly Wiggly with a friggin' Glock in your purse, and expect me to think you're responsible enough to not use it in a wrongful manner.

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LEXI - I wouldn't worry about that idiot in the Ford Ranger pick-up truck. He probably went home, parked in the garage, and then watched as his truck caught fire and burned down his house....

Guns, simply put, suck. They are designed to offer nothing, produce nothing, generate nothing, make nothing....but death, misery, and tragedy. Worst day in the history of the NRA would be me being elected as President, because the first thing I would do is outlaw ALL guns to everyone except the military - which by the way, some believe the Right to Bear Arms is meant to be enforced - allow this country to form an army and give them the tools to defend the land. Not walk through the candy isle of your local Piggly Wiggly with a friggin' Glock in your purse, and expect me to think you're responsible enough to not use it in a wrongful manner.

Thanks NC... :cheers: I just think back to when I was young and dumb if he had pulled some :censored: like that. Now that I am "old" err I mean a responsible father, and business owner...I am just like :whistles: I don't have time to mess with your crazy _____! I've got real problems to deal with...

But you can't have my guns! :pirate:

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TX: Now that you've lost your temper, I'll assume you've recomposed and I will respond to your comments. I too have owned guns in the past and in my younger days spent many an hour on our land hunting pheasant, deer, rabbit, and squirrel. I never had the patients for ducks. Over the years, I began to dislike the killing and gave up hunting and now promote conservation and catch and release fishing.

In terms of guns and gun laws, I am with nc. Guns serve no purpose other than to kill. But when in the hands of my son-in-law, a Deputy Sheriff for 15 years, it can protect and save lives. Through him and his career I know a damn good amount about the gun laws you wrap yourself around, and I would invite you to ride around with your local officers some Saturday night on domestic abuse calls and bar fights and see how effective your "laws on the books" are when people are drunk or high on meth.

The right to bear a deadly weapon, whether it be a gun or a surgeons knife, should be held as a sacred trust. Not to be given out to anyone just because they can sign their name to a piece of paper. A surgeon has to go to school for 7 years, residency for at least 2, and then on to a fellowship for 1-2 depending on what their specialty would be. Yet, we will let a guy sign a paper, get a gun, buy a quart of beer, and walk down the street with the gun tucked in his belt.

The right to bear arms is not absolute.


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Guys it is illegal to use drugs too...so a lot of good the law did that says it is illegal to use them. Do you honestly think the criminals will turn their guns into you President NC? Do you think illegal guns will stop coming across our borders? So I ask who will you take the guns from? Me someone who grew up hunting shooting guns and has a load of them? To be honest I haven't fired a gun in over a year...

I just don't understand the logic of taking away peoples guns...and as MR T said "I pitty da fool" seriously though you will never stop criminals from having guns...

By the way there are many...many deaths caused by intoxicated drivers and that is against the law. Should we make alcohol or cars illegal?

Now I wasn't trying to be a jerk about this I just have a much different point of view on this.

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Do you have any facts to back up your slander of those who choose to carry firearms for self defense? To just spout off that "gun laws" mean that people are now going to start shooting because someone *BLEEP*ed them off on the road makes you sound small and narrow minded. Anyone who wanted to do that, could have done it before the "gun laws" were changed. Gun laws don't make, or permit, anyone to do anything. It's people who do that.

TX. You may be taking Paul's comments out of context. I don't think he intended to insult people who choose to have guns legally. I think he just meant that it was a good thing this fool didn't have one! Either way I am all for peoples rights To bear arms. I also know from Paul's post on here he is anything but narrow minded.

Thank you Lexir. I try very hard to be open to all opinions and beliefs.

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You can't really take away guns that are out there in people's possession already, and you're right, changing the laws about carrying guns won't stop criminals. If you made it harder to buy handguns though, you would make it harder for people like that yahoo who freaked out on you to get their hands on them. If you look at other countries that restrict the purchase and ownership of guns...like the UK...the proof is in the pudding, gun related deaths per capita are MUCH lower than they are here.

You can't really compare drug related or alcohol related deaths to gun related deaths. The first two are accidental, for instance getting drunk and driving around in a car trying to run over somebody is a lousy way to plan to murder someone. You don't in a fit of rage get drunk and drive your car into someone, you don't in a fit of passion get drunk and try to drive over the guy sleeping with your wife. But...if you have a gun or access to a gun...

For instance I think the punishment for drunk driving needs to be far, far more severe. I don't think people convicted of drunk driving twice should ever get behind the wheel of a car again as long as they live, personally. The two are totally separate things.

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Just saying that drunk driving causes many deaths...are we making everyone use breathalyzers? It would stop drunk driving... I do realize that they aren't the same.

I agree that having easy access to firearms is a problem when someone flips out and shoots their whole family...but is it justified to take away peoples rights to defend their home or family to stop a small percentage of nuts? That is the reason I used the DWI example...we don't punish everyone who drives because of a rather small percentage of people who drive drunk.

I think many penalties need to be much more severe than what we have now. And to be honest it is a shame that the criminals have so many rights! Just like the nut that shot everyone that you mentioned would it not be easier to skip the trial...why is it needed? Death penalty, or life in prision! NOW! Public hangings...bring them back! It is time to punish the criminals not the other way around to make more loop holes that people who obey the law have to deal with.

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Just saying that drunk driving causes many deaths...are we making everyone use breathalyzers? It would stop drunk driving... I do realize that they aren't the same.

I agree that having easy access to firearms is a problem when someone flips out and shoots their whole family...but is it justified to take away peoples rights to defend their home or family to stop a small percentage of nuts? That is the reason I used the DWI example...we don't punish everyone who drives because of a rather small percentage of people who drive drunk.

I think many penalties need to be much more severe than what we have now. And to be honest it is a shame that the criminals have so many rights! Just like the nut that shot everyone that you mentioned would it not be easier to skip the trial...why is it needed? Death penalty, or life in prision! NOW! Public hangings...bring them back! It is time to punish the criminals not the other way around to make more loop holes that people who obey the law have to deal with.

If you wish to skip the trial, then go back and tell the constitutional convention members that the provision they put into the Constitution was a lousy idea. Yes, some days it does seem like the bad do literally get away with murder. But, just as the right to bear arms was included so you COULD protect yourself against enemies foreign and domestic, so was the right to a fair trial to protect you from being rail road-ed to the gallows by someone who simply doesn't like you and has the power and authority to get away with it.

We, meaning those of us on this forum, will never come to an agreement on this topic, but I think it's terrific that we live in a country where we have a right to openly discuss the merits and issues, and complain about the laws regardless of which side you take.


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If you wish to skip the trial, then go back and tell the constitutional convention members that the provision they put into the Constitution was a lousy idea. Yes, some days it does seem like the bad do literally get away with murder. But, just as the right to bear arms was included so you COULD protect yourself against enemies foreign and domestic, so was the right to a fair trial to protect you from being rail road-ed to the gallows by someone who simply doesn't like you and has the power and authority to get away with it.

Paul I know...just spouting off! :angry:

We, meaning those of us on this forum, will never come to an agreement on this topic, but I think it's terrific that we live in a country where we have a right to openly discuss the merits and issues, and complain about the laws regardless of which side you take.

And you are correct sir! That is what is great about this country! :cheers:

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I agree that having easy access to firearms is a problem when someone flips out and shoots their whole family...but is it justified to take away peoples rights to defend their home or family to stop a small percentage of nuts? That is the reason I used the DWI example...we don't punish everyone who drives because of a rather small percentage of people who drive drunk.

Again we're not talking about taking away people's rights, we're talking about making it much harder to get a permit to be able to purchase and own a handgun or other more serious gun. I'm not even talking about hunting rifles.

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If you wish to skip the trial, then go back and tell the constitutional convention members that the provision they put into the Constitution was a lousy idea. Yes, some days it does seem like the bad do literally get away with murder. But, just as the right to bear arms was included so you COULD protect yourself against enemies foreign and domestic, so was the right to a fair trial to protect you from being rail road-ed to the gallows by someone who simply doesn't like you and has the power and authority to get away with it.

Paul I know...just spouting off! :angry:

We, meaning those of us on this forum, will never come to an agreement on this topic, but I think it's terrific that we live in a country where we have a right to openly discuss the merits and issues, and complain about the laws regardless of which side you take.

And you are correct sir! That is what is great about this country! :cheers:

If I had a nickel for every time I spouted off I could afford another Lexus of my choice!!!LOL


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Getting back on topic...

I am so tired of these narrow minded yahoos who think that because the drive a GM, Ford, or Chrysler that they are doing some great thing and saving the USA. Around here there are cars all over the place with bumper stickers about buying American "Out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign.", most of which are old, run down, rusted out, pickups. They have no realization of how many thousands of people in America have jobs because of Toyota alone.

What I wonder is how many of these people still consider Chrysler American. People say even though Toyotas are made in the US they are still a foreign company, well now that Fiat owns Chrysler they are in the same boat... made in America, owned by a foreign company.

Arrrggghh, these people just grind my gears!

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Getting back on topic...

I am so tired of these narrow minded yahoos who think that because the drive a GM, Ford, or Chrysler that they are doing some great thing and saving the USA. Around here there are cars all over the place with bumper stickers about buying American "Out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign.", most of which are old, run down, rusted out, pickups. They have no realization of how many thousands of people in America have jobs because of Toyota alone.

What I wonder is how many of these people still consider Chrysler American. People say even though Toyotas are made in the US they are still a foreign company, well now that Fiat owns Chrysler they are in the same boat... made in America, owned by a foreign company.

Arrrggghh, these people just grind my gears!

Mine too.

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Getting back on topic...

We never stay on topic! :D :lol: :D

I am so tired of these narrow minded yahoos who think that because the drive a GM, Ford, or Chrysler that they are doing some great thing and saving the USA. Around here there are cars all over the place with bumper stickers about buying American "Out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign.", most of which are old, run down, rusted out, pickups. They have no realization of how many thousands of people in America have jobs because of Toyota alone.

What I wonder is how many of these people still consider Chrysler American. People say even though Toyotas are made in the US they are still a foreign company, well now that Fiat owns Chrysler they are in the same boat... made in America, owned by a foreign company.

Arrrggghh, these people just grind my gears!

I have had this argument quite often... The other thing look how many of the parts that are manufactured and built in foreign countries on GM's and Ford's too.

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We've been thinking about trading the Prius in on an SUV...I went and drove the new Jeep Grand Cherokee and the new Ford Explorer. I had a very annoying Ford salesman (man...you really do slum it when you go down to a non-luxury brand in the dealer network). We were driving the Explorer, drove it around the block. He asked me what my wife drove...told her a Prius. He asked me what I drove...told him a Lexus. He looks at me and says "Shame on you, how can you drive foreign cars and put Americans out of work?" Now...this guy could barely speak english...

I put the car in park and told him that I worked hard for my living and bought what I wanted, and if Ford and GM could build a car that wasn't a complete peice of !Removed! and lost 70% of its value in 3 years, serviced and sold by dealership personnel who could put a complete sentence together and didn't look like they belonged working in a shipyard...I'd be happy to drive one. Got out of the Explorer...got in my Lexus...and drove away LOL

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