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Borla Mufflers


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has any one tried them on their car yet? i hear they have the best performance and the least amount of noise. i got a ticket the other day in my car for it being loud and i was like wtf i never have got one in my life and ive been pulled over a few times. well all in all it was my 1st ticket and at least i dont have points on my license because it wasnt a traffic violation.

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What kind of mufflers do you have on the car now? Are they the Borlas or something else? Im looking to replace mine with something that doesnt sound like a sewing machine, but I dont want a ticket! Bob

has any one tried them on their car yet? i hear they have the best performance and the least amount of noise. i got a ticket the other day in my car for it being loud and i was like wtf i never have got one in my life and ive been pulled over a few times. well all in all it was my 1st ticket and at least i dont have points on my license because it wasnt a traffic violation.
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they're some cheap 25 dollar flo masters. they sound really good kinda gives it that muscle car tone but its too loud apparently. but yea the borla mufflers are sposed to be alot quieter but they're about 160 bucks a piece. i emailed borla about which model to use havent heard from them yet. maybe after i get my new mufflers installed i'll let you know what i think about them. yea i remember the old sewing machine sound my brother said the same thing till he got smoked by a 2 ton luxury car in a sports car.

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Thanks for the reply..I know the 400 is no dog, it just doesnt sound like muscle..Let me know what you think after you get your new muffs. Good luck Thanks Bob

they're some cheap 25 dollar flo masters. they sound really good kinda gives it that muscle car tone but its too loud apparently. but yea the borla mufflers are sposed to be alot quieter but they're about 160 bucks a piece. i emailed borla about which model to use havent heard from them yet. maybe after i get my new mufflers installed i'll let you know what i think about them. yea i remember the old sewing machine sound my brother said the same thing till he got smoked by a 2 ton luxury car in a sports car.
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I didnt know mufflers on Lexus' went bad.... none of mine ever needed replacing..

some of them had over 200K

These kids are replacing them for the sound and hopeful power gains, not because they need replacing.

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has any one tried them on their car yet? i hear they have the best performance and the least amount of noise. i got a ticket the other day in my car for it being loud and i was like wtf i never have got one in my life and ive been pulled over a few times. well all in all it was my 1st ticket and at least i dont have points on my license because it wasnt a traffic violation.

I'm appalled that any police jurisdiction is so backward as to issue tickets for a loud exhaust. WTF! There's nothing to compare with the rediculously loud exhaust of Harley's with open pipes and you never hear of them being ticketed for noise polution! "Improper Mufflers" was an easy way for the cops to raise money back about 60 years ago but I thought they'd grown up and left such childish behavior in the dust.

Yeah, I'm bitter, I got a ticket for improper mufflers back in 1956.

Sorry to hear of your bad luck

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yea i was very surprised he was like do you know why im stopping you tonight? and i was just like no sir. and he was like your car is loud, do you have an exhaust leak or mufflers? pretty much ruined my night and the fact that i wouldnt have even go that ticket if i didnt have to pick up my stupid ex from work. probably gonna order some mufflers tomorrow. hopefully i'll be able to record some audio of it before it gets quieter.

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im gonna try to take a video with my phone and put it onto the computer. it might look like crap but hopefully you can see it. sorry jcrome didnt see your earlier post. i have s&s headers 2.25 in exhaust all the way back, true duals, and crappy 25 dollar flo master mufflers. if i had the usb cable for my phone id upload a video or at least some pics. hopefully i'll have one soon.

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I'd go 2.25" all the way back, 2 resonators (ie: THRUSH Magnums), and 2 straight through mufflers.

I have a Magnaflow Tru-X pipe I could sell if you'd be interested. It would be good to have the banks connected in an H or X pipe config, rather than just a true dual setup, especially with your headers.

When I first got my exhaust done it was a true dual setup where the banks were both separate, I felt a HUGE loss in low end torque, and overall power.

The Magnaflow X-pipe quiets the exhaust down SIGNIFICANTLY too.

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You'd go from 60-100 faster with a proper setup.

The X-pipe quieted it down too much for me, and the guy that did my 1st setup did a VERY half-assed rookie job. Horrible bends to the pipes and nasty welds. Was 2.25" back to the X-pipe, to 2 THRUSH Magnums, back to 2 muffs. Too quiet for me.

Got it re-done to 2.25" all the way back to my 2 mufflers. Sounds great. The two banks are equalized up front about where the stock Y-pipe was. Sort of an "H-pipe" setup. I'll try to get some pics soon.

With your headers the X-pipe wouldn't quiet it down too much.

My car flies and I can spin the crap out of the tires from a stop! B)

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