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Brace Yourself For The Next Wave


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Can someone please explain to me, how in the hell we can "lend" $10's of billions of dollars to two auto makers who, for years, have produced sublevel products "only to have them go bankrupt anyway", and not lend CIT the $5 billion or so it needs to continue being a source of capital for America's small business owner? CIT was denied help today...it's going down in the history books with Lehman, Bears, and the others. Who in the hell is running this thing? What's more important to this country; a minivan that leaks when it rains and 13 mpg SUV's, or a countless slew of small businesses being able to meet payroll? It won't matter if GM comes out with the flying car in the next 5 years, because nobody's gonna have the ability to buy one anyway.

It's beginning to be harder for me to think Obama will be a two term leader, instead of one....

Get ready folks, here comes the rope-a-dope.

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King Obama will make Lenin look like an amateur when all is said and done.

Uh, how old are you? You might want to read a history book on Lenin before making those kinds of statements.

I read another article today about BofA (their quarterly reports are out). They're still taking it on the chin a bit, but the interesting thing about the article relates to CEO Ken Lewis, and the Government medding in the bank's affairs too much. As some of you are probably seeing in the news lately, Lewis was pretty much bullied into taking on Merril Lynch last winter by Paulson and Bernake (mostly Paulson). Well, long story short; Although BofA is still hurting, they're getting stronger and stronger. And comments were made that the more the government screws with the bank via their forced TARP funds, the more the government threatens Ken Lewis's job, the MORE the big boys are starting to support Ken Lewis! Ladies and Gentlemen, just a cursory read between the lines will tell you that this additional support of Ken Lewis is clear evidence of the growing disconnection between the Titans of Industry, and the current administration's policies. Remember, sadly but true, what wins the Oval Office seat.....money! Those with the most money to spend during a campaign, seem to win.

I know we've got A LONG way to go before election time, but these powerhouses that are starting to rally against the administration's back-office policies don't have the "drive-thru" mentality. They remember when....

Personally, I hope BofA kicks butt! Not because I'm a huge fan of them "I'm a credit union kind of guy", but because they're a southern bank, with southern principals, from day one, dollar one. They've become the giant they are, by being openly ANTI-Wall Street. I like that! True, they're sharks, but in my opinion, a shark that I can respect, unlike the manicured/pedicured/frosted-tip/two-faced wall street sharks.

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From the financial analysis in the news about the CIT situation, I tend to agree with the federal regulators and most of the analysts who think that CIT is likely not in the "too big to fail" category and that it should not get a second multibillion dollar bailout since it didn't make any progress after the first one. Other financial companies will fill the void left by CIT.

It's nice to see that the Federal checkbook is not open to everyone.

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Yeah, I might have jumped the gun a little bit on this one actually. Granted, I don't think it's a good idea, especially since some of that TARP money is starting to be paid back early from other shops. But, who knows man, who knows. I think any losses of lenders these days is hurtful in general. I probably would feel as such if everything else was in the crapper too, with cities and states facing bankruptcy, school boards cutting programs, and national unemployement heading to the double digits. But, I probably jumped a little too soon on this one. This stuff wears me out man! I live in this financial meltdown world, as a commercial real estate investor for a life company. Two years this has been going on now. My weekly mindset is down to: Monday=I don't care, leave me alone, Tuesday=Ok, I still don't care, but what's wrong, Wednesday=Ok, we've got problems, here are some solutions, let's get busy, Thursday=Why in the hell aren't you listening to my solutions, you idiots, Friday=I don't care, leave me alone.....and the cycle keeps on rolling up and down the bell curve "which is getting narrower and narrower as this drags out". My initial post, was on a Thursday!

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I've heard a good way to cure ailments is to cut yourself, and let the bad blood drain out, thus letting your body replenish with new, healthy, vibrant blood! B)

Maybe we should get this on the Obama care bill?

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