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Re-paint Over 2-tone 91 Ls400 ?


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This may sound stupid for a 91 LS400, but you guys are the best judges. I've accumulated a lot of dings and chips parking in an under ground Manhattan garage for the past few years and am thinking of having the whole body "cleaned up" and repainted. Only have 80,000 miles. Judging from what I read here, I can go alot further. The question is, if I decide to do this I would prefer to go with entire car the same color (Black Jade Pearl) and paint over the lower level two tone. What do you think? Would that affect my resale to afficiandados such as yourselves?

I'm really on the fence with doing some repairs (ball joints, axle boots, 3 speakers, paint) and just selling now as is and getting something else. Problem is, anything parked in Manhattan is going to get dinged by the dingbat garage attendants, so why pay more for a new or leased car. As you can see, I only average 6-7K miles a year. Any thoughts ?

And does anyone know a good and reasonable body guy in the NYC metro area? Preferably Manhattan?

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As long as the new paint matches the main body paint I don’t see an issue. If you do resale the car the person will generally know the car is repainted and will probably ask why. If you like the 1 color look then go for it. It’s only about $500 to add the second color later if the new buyer really is anal. I had my 1990 repainted and she looks great, I did the original colors because I am anal…..

P.S. She has 240,000 miles so yes you do have a lot of driving ahead of you.

P.P.S. Be prepared to spend $2,500 or more on the paint. Don’t go for the single shot not clear coat crap. Get an OEM type repaint. This is a multistage affair that begins with a good base, then a couple of color coats, then a few clear. Finally they color sand and buff the car. Mine looks almost like the original factory paint.

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