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Hydrogen Sc300

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My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

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My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

can i get some of what you guys smoke in montanna

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My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

welcome to the club. I'm interested in this process. Can you provide us with some details, converted parts, to run on Hydrogen and what are some of the results?

Please take some pictures and data from your test results as you proceed.

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I have to agree i hear about this stuff but i have yet to see how it can make any real world difference by adding weight and taking up space for trade offs . Also the need for a well designed system and i keep seeing moonshine setups ?

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My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

I don't know where you're going to find a regular supply when there's no infrastructure setup anywhere in the States or Canada. The most advanced R&D into hydrogen by a vehicle manufacturer as an alternate fuel has been done by BMW. Even they admit it's a net loss as a fuel system. It takes more energy to produce hydrogen than what is available from the hydrogen. Another problem they haven't been able to circumvent is the fact that despite buiding a robust container (safety issues in the event of an accident) for the fuel in their test cars, if the car is not driven every day, this state of the art fuel tank will leak out all of the hydrogen within 7-10 days.

Sounds like more R&D required here.

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Alright, I don't smoke anything in Montana.lol If you guys want to know more about it, go on Youtube and search Geets, Brown's gas, and Stan Meyers. After watching a couple of videos you will understand what I am talking about. If it is all BS, then why has NASA been running all of their space ships on hydrogen since their first launch? In my town, there is a following in all this and a man has already invented a generator that runs on oil, *BLEEP*, pickle juice, or water. I saw it for myself and he told me to breath in the exhaust. The exhaust was pure oxygen. He has been working on it for the last 10 years. He has already done what I am trying to do and is way beyond that. Next time I see him, I will get a video of it for all of you. The techonology has been around since 1940 for hydrogen cells. The hardest part is getting the sensors to run less fuel to compensate for the hydrogen mix. That is why many people do not see increases. I am not a crazy guy that thinks the government is against us. I am an Army ROTC college student that studies a lot on this subject. When I get my prototype done, I will make sure to post my results.

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Next time I see him, I will get a video of it for all of you. I am not a crazy guy that thinks the government is against us. I am an Army ROTC college student that studies a lot on this subject. When I get my prototype done, I will make sure to post my results.

Like Bessie said, "Where's the beef? Show me the beef!" lol - just kidding. This pickle juice contraption you describe sounds interesting. Sounds similar to this eccentric mad scientist a bunch of us from college days used to visit. He had a small warehouse full of various components he said he was getting from NASA. A lot of them looked like the real thing. His plan was to build a vechicle that would take him to Mars. Lost touch with him since then, but who knows, maybe he's already there waiting for the rest of us.


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I know the DOE has talked about the cost to upgrade the infrastructure, but our current administration is more geared towards oil and opening the wild-life reserves.

Don't know if you guys have kept up with the latest manufacturer's news but BMW, HONDA , TOYOTA, one of the GM brands and Alfa Romeo have hydrogen powered cars that they're testing. Honda has a home-based Hydrogen refueling unit for sale in the US.

Now, I personally believe this is the best solution since Hydrogen power is 0 emission for the near future. My question is what needs to be converted in order to make our SC300/400s run on Hydrogen, and will it still require Gasoline?


Ignore the others, and keep up posted.

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I know the DOE has talked about the cost to upgrade the infrastructure, but our current administration is more geared towards oil and opening the wild-life reserves.

Don't know if you guys have kept up with the latest manufacturer's news but BMW, HONDA , TOYOTA, one of the GM brands and Alfa Romeo have hydrogen powered cars that they're testing. Honda has a home-based Hydrogen refueling unit for sale in the US.

Now, I personally believe this is the best solution since Hydrogen power is 0 emission for the near future. My question is what needs to be converted in order to make our SC300/400s run on Hydrogen, and will it still require Gasoline?


Ignore the others, and keep up posted.

I agree with you on the DOE. I also like the possibility of the home system for refueling. I think if anything is going to accelerate the building of a national infrastructure, this will be the catalyst if the consumer goes for it and if the oil companies don't buy out the patents before it gets to market. They already have the patents on the leading battery technology, so when manufacturers (even Toyota with their Prius) install these batteries in their hybrids, the conglomerates get their slice. They've got their fingers in everybody's pie along with the deepest pockets on the planet. No way out there that I can see for the foreseeable future until either a consumer revolt (not much chance of that happening - listen to the lyrics of "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd) or some altuistic genious develops an alternate energy system, refuses to be bought out and somehow doesn't get killed long enough to get it out on the market. I believe not in my lifetime (not pessimistic just realistic), but you never know, he/she might be living in someone's basement working on the solution as we speak.


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That is the whole problem. The oil companies are buying out all of the existing technology and if it cannot be bought, it is stolen. Even though we can have access to Stan Meyers patents, he doesn't give out all of the information. Most of you know how an engine works right? It is all about compression. If you can create a charge like oil gives, you can make the engine run on it. The next big thing is finding a way to make it cycle an oil so the motor can stay lubed. Along with that consists of a million other litttle things to fix. That is why the auto makers need to be working on this. I am only trying to mix hydrogen with gasoline so I can get better gas mileage. I forgot the name of the company but there is a company that almost has the technology ready to mass produce. When I get the name of the company, I will tell you guys so you can research it. I just assume the more we learn on the subject, the closer we will get to this technology. There are hundreds of other ways to make a car run on something besides gas but we just have to continue to do R&D to figure out how to use it. Has anybody checked out those videos I recommended? I am not stupid nor crazy. You can have different opinions than me but please respect mine also. That is all I ask. I called Norco to get some stainless steel pipe for my project and they said they are back-ordered and have over a hundred people on the list to get it. They are all using it for one thing; converting their cars to run on hydrogen/gas mix. That is alot of people for Montana to be on a list. We even have a radio station that is helping people out with building them. Every Teusday, they have mechanics come out and help people with the hands on stuff even.

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UCF3. Start looking up plans for the hydrogen conversion. It is a lot more simple than you think. But like anything, the more you want the harder it is going to get. I want upwards of 50% increases so I am looking at doing a whole lot more than just a basic system. My system will have a fuel heater, Water vaporizer, PCV Enhancer, new MAF sensor, moisture trap, EFIE's, stainless steel hose. I am going to try to use an old battery with the battery acid drained. The whole key is to get a perfect 12 volts on the water to get the optimum level of hydrogen. To make the water more conductive, we are going to add Lye to it. I am still working on the perfect pH to get the best conductivity. After that, it will run to the bubbler, then to the Air intake. There, I will have to change the EFIE's to make my car run leaner gas. I will buy ones that I can tune so I can get the optimum level. The hydrogen then mixes with the air, which mixes with the fuel and creates an explosion just like gas does. This is a very very simple explanation of what I am trying to do. I won't even get into the electronics or all of the other parts needed to get to thist stage. Does anybody have any questions on this?

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Oh, I've come across a couple of Hydrogen/diesel engines and one hydrogen/alchohol engine in my racing league. I am familiar with the conversion. I was just curious to see if you can provide us with a step by step documentation for the conversion, test results and so on, to pin saying you have a successful running Hydrogen/Gasoline converted car.

On your other post we're aware oil companies are buying the technology for the Hydrogen, solar, hydro-electric and a few power systems, and we believe Oil companies are the only ones who have the infrastructure to get the ball moving. The DOE has talked about getting them to start the conversion, but we have to wait.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Your 1993 is an OBD1 so you should have success, but it is much trial and error.

Go to HHO-INFO.com

Get 316 stainless plates. There's a guy on ebay who sells them pre-set up for $49.

Be sure to use 8-gauge wire !

I hope you can find the room for a decent size unit. This is the FIRST thing you must do!

Good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...

  • 2 months later...
My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

Well, buddy, I have had HHO on my 92 SC400 for 9 months. You are doing the most difficult car on the market to do. I worked on my HHO stuff and did my sc first, every other car I have done since has been a cake walk. First thing you want to know is you are going to have to custom make your HHO cells and place them infront of your radiator. Second you will wire power for your cells through your ignitors, see a wiring diagram to determine which line is the 12 volt supply line. You want to do the dual line modification to your last cell and place one line to the air intake and the other on a vacuum line. You will not be able to use a MAF/MAP enhancer! You want to check to see what kind of MAF your lexus has. 90-95 have the Karmen-Vortex MAF sensor. This is the most difficult to wire around. I am currently looking for someone with an electronics background to do one because unlike most sensors that work on signal strength, the Karmen-Vortex sends a metered band width signal( 5 volt square wave signal that varies in frequency) to the ECU. The closer the band widths are the higher the signal. Soooooooooooooooooooo, just leave it alone. Get a duel E.F.I.E. (they are about $150.00 on ebay) and wire it into the two O2 sensors that are before the Catalytic Converter. Take your time and have a excellent wiring diagram to link into the sensor signal from the O2 sensors and the ECU. I would also recomend the fuel heater and the PCV enhancer. I also use pure napthalene (you can find month ball made of pure napthalene but it must be pure, 1 moth ball per 5 gallons of gas or you run the risk of affecting the lubrication of the cylinder) to increase octane so I can run on regular gas. It will take you about a week to dial in your E.F.I.E. properly so take you time. YOu will be happy with the results and if you find someone to figure out how to take the MAF/MAP enhancer or the E.F.I.E Enhancer to work on the type of signal or the Karmen-Vortex MAF, PLEASE let me know!

I am hoping to find a by-pass to the Karmen-Vortex to increase milage per gallon. For those of you doubters, I took a 1999 Honda Accord LX from 23 mpg to 38mpg city driving and 27mpg to 44mpg highway! The NEW Honda Hybrids only get 33 mpg! This technology has been around for 50 years and has been supressed in favor of corporate profits. By the way, you think gas is back under control, you are wrong! Gas prices have fallen only to mask that EXXON/ MOBIL posted the highest profits of any corporation in HISTORY in there 3rd Quarter reports. When the attention is divered gas will be back at its former ridiculious prices.


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Hydrogen powered is more complicated then it is simple.

1thing to remmeber Gasoline burns, and hydrogen...well it explodes.

I think you need to understand how your fuel burns, gas "fumes" ignite, just like hydrogen, what you probably do not know is when your fuel injectors spray gas into your cylinders with air (atmosphere 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen) and a spark is applied by the spark plug only about 25% of the fuel sprayed into the cylinder ignites! The other 75% is pushed out to the catalytic converter to be burned up so we do not have as much pollution! So just remember when you fill up your tank only one quarter of that fuel is really moving your car! The other 75% is wasted! Which is what *BLEEP*ed me off enough to learn about HHO technology.

That is why after 1996 every car had to have a MAP sensor and an ECU to make sure your car is running inefficently! $.38 per gallon fuel tax to the Government. Would you give up that revenue if you could stop it? That is why there are not electric cars! Technology is there, look at the EV4 and why it disappeared.

HHO technology does not store hydrogen in any amount, it is an on demand system that uses all the hydrogen as it is created. Large explosions with these systems is unlikely and would not damage your vehicle if one actually happened.


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  • 2 months later...
My father is an ASE certified mechanic and I help him a lot in his shop and we have been studying how to convert my SC300 to run on hydrogen and gas. I was wondering if anyone has done this to their SC and if they have any tips that will apply to this particular car. Right now, we are planning on doing a HHO generator, bubbler, EFIE, fuel heater, water vaporizer, PCV enbhancer and a MAF MAP sensor. We are hoping to get at least a 50% increase in mileage off of all these gas saving parts. If you have any questions on what we are trying, don't be afraid to ask, Isaac

Right now I'm running over 4000 square inches of Stainless and producing over 11 liters a minute of hydrogen for my LS400, check out http://www.firewaterhydrogenproducts.com, over 60 miles per gallon.

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