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2000 Es 300

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Hey guys, here's some photos of my car. The only thing I really feel needs to be touched up on is my headlights, does anyone know of a good site for new assemblies or a product that cleans/clears them up?






Also there's a few minor scratches on it, is there any way to get them out without resorting to polishing compound? Thanks :D

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback. I'd really try to stay away from rubbing compound, when I asked I was more leaning towards "is there anything softer and less gritty" that might take more elbow grease, but in the end have better results.

I think I might try out a junkyard to see if there's any fairly decent (at least better than mine) looking headlights before investing in a new set.

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Clean your headlight with dish detergent then use PlastX with Mini powerball.

Much better then rubbing compound and cost less than $20.

DO NOT USE HIGH SPEED POLISHING / BUFFER. It will burn / melt your head light. Powerball won't.

Did my when I first got my 01. Also powerballed all conner, fog and tail lights. Look like brand new again. You will see further with that HID too.

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"Is that step just to get all the loose dirt and grime off beforehand?" Yes. Any dirt or grime will stick to your powerball and scratch your headlight if they are big enough.

Dish detergent is also a very good wax remover.

Warning: one PlastX + powerball application may not remove years of UV, layers of road grime on your head light. Be patient!!!

This http://www.rx8club.com/showthread.php?t=97337 even worst than your and worked great.

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Wow that stuff looks like it works pretty awesome, I'll definitely have to do it sometime this week (probably my day off on Wednesday) as both the powerball and PlastX are at Wal-Mart for under $30. I'll let you guys know the results too!

Thanks again, it is much appreciated as opposed to paying into the triple digits for a new set.

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