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Denz Relationship Woes


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Thats life buddy, when you're looking for someone like that its the hardest thing to find. Just live your life and work on the things you should be working on now, and it'll happen when you least expect it.

Pictures? We like pictures :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I know you guys probably don't care and are sick of this topic ( :blushing: ) but I was talking to Alex the other day, and we were casually talking and then we got to the topic of drama, then she volunteers to say "Honestly Denny, if you were here in Fresno, I would have given you a chance!" :blink: :blink: :huh: :huh: :huh:

WOW... :( :(

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BUT.... when you were in Fresno.... she was with someone else. Life goes on. I'm sure the girls over there are waiting in line to be with you!

Yea but didnt i mention that she broke up this last Sept? :cries:

What's funny, the girls Im starting to like over here, are a little older than me (ok not a little, one's 5 yrs older, the other 8 yrs! yikes!)

Haha, anyways school's starting next week for me.. So a WHOLE NEW drama for the great Denny! :wacko: :wacko:

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Denny, I'll bet $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.95 that if you did indeed return to Fresno, she'd find aonother boyfirend and continue toying with you. This is the CLASSIC case of wanting what you can't have. You left, starting a new life, and it makes her jealous to think that you don't pine over her anymore. And it bugs her that you could actually pine over a different girl. Trust me Dens... she's toying with you. Just like we predicted in your other post about you going off to college, and she'd be all about some Denny then. Some girls, not all, but some, simply like that feeling of satisfaction of knowing they can "have" something/someone whenever they want. Honestly, and I'm not knocking on Alex as I know she's your friend, but to me, from these posts, she sounds like she's the type to want to "have", and not "be". If she really wanted to "be", then she would of "been" your girl when she had the opportunity.

I had a girlfriend like that for 5 years in my late 20's. Whenever she came back for the summer, it was on, then off to school "a whopping 1 1/2 hours away", I was tossed aside. Finally, I got tired of this, moved to a beach house, unlisted everything and finished up my finance degree. She transferred down to my college, and unknowingly, was stalking me. Followed me home one day to find out where I lived. I graduated with a great job waiting for me in Birmingham. One week before I was to leave, who shows up on my door step, saying much of the same stuff Alex is saying to you. I figured "brain #2 speaking", why not have a last week of some adult fun before leaving. Big mistake. She was all about some NC211, and told me she loved me, blah blah blah... we had a long distance relationship while I was in B'ham. I flew her down a few times, and she was saying she was going to move there after she graduated "she was younger". But, then the mind games started... she told me she might be pregnant but wouldn't get a test. Said my line of work was bad, etc... all a mind game to get me to come back. Well, the job turned sour, 9/11 happened and the markets tanked, so I decided I would give her a real chance, and moved back 6 months later. I kid you not amigo, I freakin' kid you not.... On the night I returned, I got the "can we just be friends" crap! There was another rooster in the hen house! Some surfer dude who had been kicked out of college. I kicked that !Removed! to the curb! The last words we ever spoke to eachother in person were: She said she loved me, and I said "You sure about that?". For 18 months she had me in her little cage, treated me like crap! All because she knew she could have me. But, what she didn't realize, is that it was an act. I knew if she thought she could have me, she would leave me alone. And wouldn't you know it, I moved away up to Raleigh in 2003. And wouldn't you know it, she has been pestering my friends for information ever since then, even to this freakin' day! That !Removed! heard I was getting married, and actually had the nerve to send me an email on my FREAKIN' WEDDING DAY! The last words she's ever heard from me, in an email, were "I don't care if you're dead or alive, just as long as you're far away from me."

Where is she now? Surfer dude did get her pregnant, had a shot-gun wedding, he's a gas jockey at the local stab-n'-grab, and they're living in a trailer. And everytime one of my fishing buddies sees her, she tries to needle them for info and contact info, and everytime they say "you're a freakin' nut job".

So, in conclusion... Watch out for those girls who like to control you.

PS: Her little pregnancy scare with me? Well, turns out, magically it just went away and all was well a week before I came back. I told her I knew she was lying because I read an article in some Cosmo or other rag-mag like that a few weeks earlier, in the dentist's office lobby, that was all about "keeping your long distance man loyal".. and guess what the #1 way was to do just that???? Tell him you might be pregnant. It gave a step by step approach, of which she followed to a tee. The look on her face when I told her this, was priceless! BUSTED!

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Whoa! lol.. 5 yr relationship in a nutshell.. :wacko:

What seems to baffle me the most is, those who have a relationship for about 4 or 5 years HAVE THE HIGHER CHANCE OF PROBLEMS... Idk, I didnt really research that but I've noticed that with some of my new friends here that are having relationship problems, and guess who starts it, THE GUYS... Now I only get one side of the story (girl's side) but who really knows what goes on.. haha :P

I've put all this aside a LOOONG time ago... I called Alex up cuz i wanted to ask her something (nothing related to my feelings) and she volunteered it out to me... :lol: :lol: :lol: I've been txting and talking to one of my new best friends here, and she thinks that Alex is probably getting jealous... Why? Idk.. That's the girl's POV so I'll take her word for it.. Her reason is because since Alex is now seeing my new photos, and seeing who "i like", my friend thinks that Alex is gettin jealous (jealous, wtf!) because she volunteered to tell me that she would give me a chance.. ehhh.... enough of that.. :P I wanna put that high school drama and keep it in the "high school drama" box and start a whole new drama next week when i finally start college! :D

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Whoooo NC, that's some serious drama!!

Den - not all girls / relationships are like that!! NC just managed to find a freak!

My husband & I dated for about 4 months when we got engaged (we were in our early 20's - shocked the families!). BUT we just celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. When it's "right" you'll know.

If a girl plays you for more than a few months - RUN!!! This going back & forth stuff between I love you & can we just be friends stuff is a bunch of crap. If that situation happens more than twice - RUN!!!

Have fun at school!! Good Bye High School Drama!! The next chapter begins next week.

(BTW.... my classes are HARD!!! Ohhhh, why did I think I needed to go back! Ok.... more $$$, I remember. My semester is done in 5 weeks. Thank GOD!!)

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Everybody's had a girl like that, thats so classic haha.

AMEN BROTHER! And is usually the lesson every young man learns that drives them to the real deal, the right girl...

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Everybody's had a girl like that, thats so classic haha.

AMEN BROTHER! And is usually the lesson every young man learns that drives them to the real deal, the right girl...

Or the right guy.... from the female POV. :cheers:

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I've been there, and its really hard when someone you're interested in shows some interest. What you have to realize is this stuff she's saying now is a form of control. She's using your interest in her to keep you where she wants you. She might not even realize she's doing this, but she is.

I had this exact thing happen, girl I wanted to be with moved away and then tried to have a long distance relationship with me AFTER she moved. I went along with it and it was stupid, I missed out on a lot of fun. Don't miss out.

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It's alright you guys, thanks for the concerns! Actually before she even told me that, I was totally OVER her already.. Like i didn't really care if I had a chance or not... :rolleyes: This happened probably cuz I've got my eyes set on this new girl I like over here.. haha :blushing: :blushing:

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It's alright you guys, thanks for the concerns! Actually before she even told me that, I was totally OVER her already.. Like i didn't really care if I had a chance or not... :rolleyes: This happened probably cuz I've got my eyes set on this new girl I like over here.. haha :blushing::blushing:

Ok!! So, what's the new girl like??

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umm let's not even talk about her.. haha.. (SW, deep down with all my heart, YES IT'S TRUE I WAS OVER ALEX ;) )

Omg this is so strange though. Ok I FINALLY start my first college day of my life, and my first friend i make is a girl! haha.. Funny thing though, classes were cut short, so WE left early to go buy books at the book stores (school didnt have any stock at the time) and ya.. lol.. Nahhh... Not what you guys are thinking haha.. :) But she did mention in my car that "Wow, we just met and became friends today, and look i'm already in your car going around" haha.. :blushing:

Ok ok... for the curious georges out there, here's a pic of that OTHER girl, the non-school girl i had my liking towards.. (filipina obviously, and YES YES i know i looked liked a mess in this photo lol)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bring back to life an ooooollllllldddd thread! lol.. Anyways haha. :blushing: I just realized that I never posted about my new situation lol.. and NO it's not similar to the Alex situation, PROMISE! lol.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Screw Desperate Housewifes, the drama's right here


no joke this thread keeps me entertained

huh? lol.. :chairshot:

i thought by now only Rya was the one interested in my corny relationship stories lol... haha... make a very long novel short, i have a new best friend, BFF, she's older, but we kinda "love" each other, but decided to stay just best friends haha :blushing:

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok quick question... Does age matter? Plz dont be all over my !Removed! on this one, but i've got my eyes on a particular girl, but she's older, significantly, but still in her 20s.... I won't go on describing yet, but plz do advice? Thanks.

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not as much as size! Hahaha.... j/k

Age matter: to you? no...to her though? good possiblity. Not knowing her true age and such, I can tell you that a person, no matter male or female, goes through a growing stage between 22-25. It's when a person really begins to feel they have some personal life history behind them to recall against when making decisions. Not saying you're not mature Dens, just the opposite quite honestly. But, those who've past the 25 mark, generally stick with that rule, and are usually looking for husband / wife material..aka...already on the career path, 401k, etc... But, if her last name is Stiffler, well, have fun Finch! "american pie"

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haha! Well I don't want to insult her a little, but she does admit (and I agree) that she is a little immature for her age! She's 26 already! ayyy! She just came from a 4 year relationship but was having religion problems with the guy, so that's the reason for their break. she doesnt mind being not married for some time, because no one really knows who that special someone really is for her! Hey i'm not saying IM that someone, but we'll see. :) Someone told me that age is just a number, and that if both people like each other, that this shouldn't stop them. So what do you think??? :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

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Well the girl isn't her! I wish it was that girl in the picture above, but it's not :cries:

Yes it's still going because I kinda have a situation cooking up over here, and I have this weird feeling that it's gonna make us look really awkward though! :(

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