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Driving The Is-250 Without Remote Key

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I go to the garage in the mornings to let my IS warm up before I hit the traffic seen. I was just thinking, what if I left the key fob in my house after starting up the car. When I start driving it away from the house would it shut itself off?

I thought I read this on another post but I couldnt find it after searching for a while. Hopefully, this is not a repost!

Can anyone tell me if the IS has a timer or something that will not allow the driver to leave without the keys?

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I go to the garage in the mornings to let my IS warm up before I hit the traffic seen. I was just thinking, what if I left the key fob in my house after starting up the car. When I start driving it away from the house would it shut itself off?

I thought I read this on another post but I couldnt find it after searching for a while. Hopefully, this is not a repost!

Can anyone tell me if the IS has a timer or something that will not allow the driver to leave without the keys?

You would still be able to drive until you turn it off by pressing the button. Sorry there's no timer for this as far as I know. :)

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Good to know, unless I am 15 miles from the nearest key. haha


Just a sidebar to your question, warming up an engine for more than about 30sec. can begin to cause unecessary wear on the internal engine parts and exhaust components. Drive the car gently to warm it up as it will heat up faster this way. Besides, allowing an engine to idle is an enormous waste of that expensive premium gas we all have to buy.

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