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Word Of Cautious For People That Brign Their Lexus To Lexus Of Portlan


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Dear IS and Lexus enthusiast,

I hope what happened to my IS300 is just a random occurrence but please make sure you check your Lexus thoroughly before leaving the parking lot of Lexus of Portland.

It’s a really a long story spanning over 14 months so I’ll try to be as brief as I can and not go with too much details.

On 06/09/2005 I took my 2002 Solar Yellow IS300 to Lexus of Portland to get the passenger side seatbelt latch replaced under the factory warranty. The process involved removing the passenger seat.

After the repair I found about 4-5 scratch/cut marks on the center console and one mark on the lower part of the dash. Apparently the marks were caused direct hit from the seat rail. I notified the Service advisor the next day and bring the car over to be inspected.

The SA told me that they should be able to repair the marks but since it will take awhile he told me to schedule it on my next oil change.

After being reminded that I've been going back and forward to the dealership 4 times for "we need your car to see what needed to be done/ordered to repair the damage" they finally decided to keep my IS until it got fully repaired.

After a couple of fail attempts to repair the console and dash they told me that they are just going to replace the center console.

Nothing is being said about the dash and when responding to my voicemail messages about it the SA almost always chooses not to answer it. After being asked a few times he said that they don't have any record about the dash being one of the damaged area (even when I came down there 4 times to show them the locations of the damage, and putting 3M flags on each of the marks for the last two). But he said that he will talk with his manager for approvals since the repair would cost "thousand of dollars".

On 9/22/06 I came back to the dealership to pick up my IS since they told me that they got everything repaired. As soon as I get into the IS I noticed that the damage on the dash have not been repaired. So I immediately went back inside and inform a different SA since the one handling my case was already gone.

On the way home I noticed that the center console is not installed properly and the arm rest sticks, so I decided to give check them as soon as I got back home.

After inspecting the car I found the car is in worse shaped than before. I found the center console was miss-aligned; insulation foam sticking out from the center console; new cut, scuff and scratch marks around the dash and 2 long cut marks on the back of the armrest's post that was caused by bad installation of the armrest (the reason why it sticks).

So I left a voicemail message to the SA stating my concern the same day.

Lexus of Portland had me brought the IS down again and after going dealing with the technician that worked on the car, the Service Manager and then the Service Director. They re-installed the center console and replaced the armrest post. Nothing is being done to the dash since they don't think that they should be responsible for the damages there. I've been really sick and tired of battling this and deprived of my IS so I decided to just give it up and just get the car back

On 10/20/06 I went to the dealership again to pick up my IS.

I inspected the interior of the car with an SA ad the Service Director present. Off course the dash is still in broken condition but not much I can do there since they are firm on their decision. One thing that I found odd during the whole process is that the IS was moved from the side of the service building to a lot across from it when I waited for the service director to come and meet me. The car was parked with its back against the wall and sandwiched between 2 other cars. From my 4 years experience going there for service and/or repair they would always pull the car forward to the service building and left it there for pick up.

I don't know why they did that but all I know is I found my passenger side tail light to be smashed open after I got back home. I immediately took pictures and called (and left voicemail message) to the SA and director but have not hear back up to this date.

It seems that the tail light was broken for quite awhile since a lot of the chrome surface has bubbled up and some if it peeled off. There is water and water mark inside it also.

I hope this is not they way they threat all of their customer but please be careful if you ever bring your car to Lexus of Portland

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally saw a respond from Lexus of Portland being posted today on BBB website (maybe because this is the last day given to them by BBB to respond).

I guess I should not be too surprised that they will deny all responsibilities (that my car was damaged when it was under their possession) or any wrong doing.

But they just hit the record low by claiming that they have an inspection form noting that taillight was "cracked prior to vehicle arriving to the dealership" and that they have brought it up to my attention.

Well, I guess it's a lot easier to lie then to admit that you screwed up and have to be responsible about it.

It might be a little bit on the paranoid side but please,please at least do a visual inspection on your car before and after taking it to your dealership..and have a written record of everything.

Just hope nobody in this forum or any other forum have to go through what I'm going through right now.

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Well, all I can say from my experience Lexus of Portland sure knows how to repeatedly messed up my car and screws their customers (apparently after my posting in various forum I found out that I'm not the only one that feel/treated that way).

I thought we are supposed to be able to rely on authorized dealership to get our car well taken cared off. :rolleyes:

come on, dealers are the best, they know lexus vehicles better than anyone :whistles:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, all I can say from my experience Lexus of Portland sure knows how to repeatedly messed up my car and screws their customers (apparently after my posting in various forum I found out that I'm not the only one that feel/treated that way).

I thought we are supposed to be able to rely on authorized dealership to get our car well taken cared off. :rolleyes:

come on, dealers are the best, they know lexus vehicles better than anyone :whistles:

Sounds like a dealer I would never go back to. Isn't there another dealer like within a 20 mile radius from where you live? I remember that my dad had an experience, not as extravagant as this, with one of the Honda dealers. He had his 92 Accord taken to the dealer to have an A/C installed (yes it was the most basic accord at the time, and since we came from Missouri to Ca, I'm guessing we didn't need an A/C in Missouri???). It wasn't the best workmanship, but like 2 weeks later, the radiator overheated! My dad claims (well I was small then and didnt understand anything about cars yet) that it must have been the dealer's fault or something because he had that checked at another Honda dealer in town, that said that the other dealer didn't properly install the A/C. And we got the same hand-washing excuse "Oh it wasn't our fault. It probably was time for it to go, and the A/C just made it kank out sooner".

But I think the best way to avoid problems like these, is to have some sort of "homie" with one of the SAs. You get to express yourself more, in telling them how to take care of the car, and when there is a problem, fist fight isn't an option in dealing with it. ;)

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I too have the Lexus of Roseville on the hit list, I have posted in the transmission thread the wonderfull work they performed on my car and the countless return visits to repair. Once you experience this kind of worksmanship, they lost at least 20 customers by word of mouth. Great thing the internet. I know of four people that personally refuse to give the pleasure of business because of my experience. Basic one o one on how to treat customers. That is why I take it to Toyota when necessary now.

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Well, all I can say from my experience Lexus of Portland sure knows how to repeatedly messed up my car and screws their customers (apparently after my posting in various forum I found out that I'm not the only one that feel/treated that way).

I thought we are supposed to be able to rely on authorized dealership to get our car well taken cared off. :rolleyes:

come on, dealers are the best, they know lexus vehicles better than anyone :whistles:

Sounds like a dealer I would never go back to. Isn't there another dealer like within a 20 mile radius from where you live? I remember that my dad had an experience, not as extravagant as this, with one of the Honda dealers. He had his 92 Accord taken to the dealer to have an A/C installed (yes it was the most basic accord at the time, and since we came from Missouri to Ca, I'm guessing we didn't need an A/C in Missouri???). It wasn't the best workmanship, but like 2 weeks later, the radiator overheated! My dad claims (well I was small then and didnt understand anything about cars yet) that it must have been the dealer's fault or something because he had that checked at another Honda dealer in town, that said that the other dealer didn't properly install the A/C. And we got the same hand-washing excuse "Oh it wasn't our fault. It probably was time for it to go, and the A/C just made it kank out sooner".

But I think the best way to avoid problems like these, is to have some sort of "homie" with one of the SAs. You get to express yourself more, in telling them how to take care of the car, and when there is a problem, fist fight isn't an option in dealing with it. ;)

Hi denslexusgx470,

Unfortunately, the next closest Lexus dealership is about 130 miles. I guess this also explain the way Lexus of Portland has been treating me.

Anyway, they decided not to respond to my inquiry on the "inspection form" and let BBB post an unresolved complain to their information.

I bet it's pretty tough for them to show a form that doesn't exist

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Just remember to always remind people of their *BLEEP* poor service, The more you do this the more customers they loose. File a complaint with the Bureau of automotive repair for your state also. Sometimes they can get a better response.

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Just remember to always remind people of their *BLEEP* poor service, The more you do this the more customers they loose. File a complaint with the Bureau of automotive repair for your state also. Sometimes they can get a better response.

Hi Lenore,

Yeah. I know that there is no way that they will take responsibility for what they have done...heck, they won't even admit causing the damages even after all the work that they did to fix some of it.

So I consider informing people about my terrible experience as a public service. I just don't want other people to go through the same awfull experience.

I actually did reported them to BBB.

But in the end all I got is a unresolved complain status put on the BBB record on the dealership.

They got this is after not responding to the rebuttal (including a request from me to see the inspection form that they claimed to have) that I sent as a respond to the lie that they sent to BBB .

The lie in which they told BBB that the damages are not related to the works that they have done to my car and that my taillight was already cracked before they work on the car.

The crazy part is that they have the audacity to tell the BBB that there is an inspection form stating that the taillight was cracked when I brought my car in and that they have informed me about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Talking about stabbing an old wounds.

28 days after BBB marked the case as closed (unresolved) Lexus of Portland decided to sent a "final response".

Here is their response:

"Per our previous response, we have repaired the areas of the vehicle that were scratched by the technician during the repair. The other scratches that he is referring to, are not related to the repairs that were made at our Dealership. The taillight was cracked and this was pointed out to Mr. Tasmin when he originally came into the Service Department. He is fully aware of the taillight crack. This has been explained multiple times to Mr. Tasmin and although he did not agree with the decision not to fix scratches, he understood that we were not going to repair the other scratches and or taillight."

Well, this just add to the list of their lies.

First of all, I requested the "inspection form" capturing the "cracked taillight" and my acknowledgement on it that they claimmed to have 42 days ago but have not seen anything yet.

Secondly, I reported the smashed taillight as soon as I got back home which was on the evening of October 20th to the voicemailbox of Jaymie Hampson (Service Director) and Don (Service Advisor) and have not got any respond back.

How could somebody explainied something multiple times if they have not even returned my first call?

Last but not least, they keep on trying to convinced BBB that all the damages to the dash are not related to the repairs that they've done. The damage on the lower right part of the dash happened when they are replacing the seatbelt latch (along with damages to the center console). One of the damage that I pointed out 4 times to them and didn't get objected until they are in the middle of their repair attemps.

Besides, say that the other damages to the dash are new and might not be directly related to the repairs that they've done, its happened when the car is in their possesion and care, inside their property.

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12/22/06 I got an e-mail from BBB saying that they judged the dealership have make enough effort to resolve the issue and closed the case.

Really weird, I though I was telling them that all of my effort to get the dealership to respond (i,e, asking for their "inspection form") and be responsible never got answered.

What I don't really get is why the case got taken out completely from BBB website (when doing a search on Lexus of Portland) eventhough the status of the case is still the same as it was; closed-unresolved.


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Hi Tom,

What I don't understand is why the case is re-opened after 28 days by a "final response" from the dealership and then disappear completely from BBB website after I rejected the so solution from the dealership (the solution is basically a repeat of their first one).

I hope this is not true but some of my co-workers said that BBB is nothing more than a membership based organization that is actively seeking for new members. :unsure:

If that is true who is going to protect us from bad businesses. :cries:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Once you understand who pays the BBB salary then you will know whose side they usually favor. The same thing goes for the Home Builders Association, HBA. Just follow the money.

I will take this opportunity to say how great Superior Lexus was to us after they dropped an overhead door onto our LX470 during a routine service visit. They never gave us any kind of problem and handled the crisis with complete professionalism; very impressive!

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  • 2 weeks later...

  • 1 month later...

Hi Lenore,

Sorry for the late response.

I looked at both Washington and Oregon state website but can't find anything that matches BAR.

I did got a help from BAR once when I lived in the bay area. And they did an excellent job at helping too bad the owner of the business run away (literally)

Do you have a bureau of Automotive repair in your state government? If so file a complaint with them. They are not funded like the BBB is.

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Hi SolarIS .... I am having some trouble with the dealer who just sold me my Lexus also ... it has not gone quite as far as your situation has ... but ... I am wondering ... what about talking to Lexus Corporate about all of this??? They have some sort of District Customer Service Representative for your area ... don't they???? Who holds these dealers accountable to those of us who enjoy consuming their products?? This is the question in my mind ....

The people who designed and engineered ... and the people who built our cars [in Japan] seem to really CARE about their contribution to the Lexus mark ...... but these dealers??? I am really beginning to wonder. The concept is total satisfaction when you join the Lexus family ..... right????? But somehow this ideal seems lost ... at least here in America.

I really like my car alot. If the day ever comes that they start building these cars with the same lack of care that many of the dealers seem to often offer us ..... I know I would have to find something else to drive ....

sure hope everythng works out for you there ....

Hi Lenore,

Sorry for the late response.

I looked at both Washington and Oregon state website but can't find anything that matches BAR.

I did got a help from BAR once when I lived in the bay area. And they did an excellent job at helping too bad the owner of the business run away (literally)

Do you have a bureau of Automotive repair in your state government? If so file a complaint with them. They are not funded like the BBB is.

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SolarIS ... as a follow-up to what I posted yesterday ... I am still looking into what kind of contact can be made with Lexus corporate .... I just heard from another Lexus owner that there is a Lexus Regional USA Representative that visits each dealer [in his assigned area] often .... like maybe every week (!!) ..... perhaps he could help??

the person who told me this info seems to have a real understanding as to of how things really work with the dealers and Lexus corp. Our problem is .. these dealers are actually independent owners who simply buy a product .... from Lexus. I have also been told that a dealer can loose 40 units [cars] in coming inventory if the dealer gets a complaint .... !! Hmmmmmmmm ...... perhaps THIS is the leverage Corp has with the dealership owners ..... makes sense.

well ... got to run ..... hope this helps ....

Hi Lenore,

Sorry for the late response.

I looked at both Washington and Oregon state website but can't find anything that matches BAR.

I did got a help from BAR once when I lived in the bay area. And they did an excellent job at helping too bad the owner of the business run away (literally)

Do you have a bureau of Automotive repair in your state government? If so file a complaint with them. They are not funded like the BBB is.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Rickatups,

Sorry, I regularly checked Lexus forum that I'm a member to but for some reason I keep on forgetting to check this one.

Well, I contacted Lexus corporate and filed a complain but at the end the only thing that they did for me is to saya that "since this is not a problem with the quality of the vehicle it would be better to be solved by the dealership"

If I can find and talked with this Regional rep that would be awesome, but at this point all I can do is to keep on informing other Lexus owner of my experience so they won't be screwed by Lexus of Portland.

SolarIS ... as a follow-up to what I posted yesterday ... I am still looking into what kind of contact can be made with Lexus corporate .... I just heard from another Lexus owner that there is a Lexus Regional USA Representative that visits each dealer [in his assigned area] often .... like maybe every week (!!) ..... perhaps he could help??

the person who told me this info seems to have a real understanding as to of how things really work with the dealers and Lexus corp. Our problem is .. these dealers are actually independent owners who simply buy a product .... from Lexus. I have also been told that a dealer can loose 40 units [cars] in coming inventory if the dealer gets a complaint .... !! Hmmmmmmmm ...... perhaps THIS is the leverage Corp has with the dealership owners ..... makes sense.

well ... got to run ..... hope this helps ....

Hi Lenore,

Sorry for the late response.

I looked at both Washington and Oregon state website but can't find anything that matches BAR.

I did got a help from BAR once when I lived in the bay area. And they did an excellent job at helping too bad the owner of the business run away (literally)

Do you have a bureau of Automotive repair in your state government? If so file a complaint with them. They are not funded like the BBB is.

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