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Talked To Death I Know, Power Steering Pump


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I searched and I searched but all I found was people talking about the power steering pump problems and not the actual solution.

My 91 ls400 leaks power steering fluid like crazy, 1 bottle every 6 hours I would say. I am pretty handy with repairs as I have a 92 240sx that I have worked on by myself and with friends, everything from lsd to suspension and intake/exhaust to body work.

Do I need a new ps pump or can I just fix it? If someone can please link me to the thread that tells you how to actualy take it out, clean it up, etc, that would be great!

Yes, I searched, the key word power steering pump comes up with lots of results of people complaining and some mods telling them to search, I went through the first couple of pages to no avail.. plz help


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I took the intake piping off, maf off, air filter off, loosened the idler pulley and took the belt off the pulleys and now I am struggling with the really horrible placement of the 14mm nuts, any help would be apreciated. i know its annoying to help a lexus noob out but i would really apreciate it, i need the car back on the road soon

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Where exactly is the o-ring located on the power steering pump and which bolts do I take off? The 2 14mm bolts on the bracket or the three 14mm bolts on the pump itself? The 3 14mm bolts dont seem like they will come out unless I take the others out first because the bolts are long and you can not pull them out after loosening them.

Also, could my problem be also associated with the reservoir screen/lens that is on the bottom of thesteering rack? I hear that if you clean that screen.. that the steering gets better.

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Thank you, that helps. I still haven't gotten the pump off because of the 3rd 14mm nut, the one closest to the top of the alternator. The 14mm socket I have is too thick, I am going to look for another socket or use a wrench and a cheater bar and get that off, once its off I will definately be using that article to replace the o-rings, and the other thing that should be removed and checked is the reservoir screen on the bottom? the cylinder type thing that has two wires coming out of it....

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Should I just get a new power steering pump from ebay and put it in or attempt to rebuild the old one? I have everything out right now, so I am thinking if I should just order it and put in the new one.

Also, how likely is it that the high pressure hose could be the culprit?

And how likely is it that I could just get the steering to stop leaking by cleaning the screen thats mentioned in other posts and not changing anything else?

Just trying to weigh my options here, cause the car isn't in the best shape, I just want it to run so I can get from a to b again.

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You said on your 1st post that "91 ls400 leaks power steering fluid like crazy, 1 bottle every 6 hours". Is it leaking on to the floor overnight/stationary or does it seem to be disappearing when the engine is running? And if it is leaking when the car is parked, can you tell where the leak is (passenger side or driver side)?

It is important to know to diagnose what to repair/replace.

While waiting for more info, couple of things to consider.

If you're loosing that much fluid while the car is parked, the source of leak MAY be where the fluid resevoir is connected to the power steering pump. An O-ring provides the seal between the two parts and with +15 years it may be just the culprit.

If you're loosing fluid when the engine is running, it could be that the idle up valve has a leak and the fluid is being sucked into the engine and are burned with the normal combustion process. Replacing the $80 valve could fix the fluid loss.

You mentioned repairing PS pump, high pressure hose, etc ... My personal opinion is to leave those pricey items alone and just fix the root cause so you can continue getting from A to B.

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Thank you for your reply, I will see if I can specify things a bit more:

A ) It used to leak substantially more when the car was running and driving. It leaked much less when the car was sitting still parked.

B ) I would rule out that the fluid reservoir o-ring is leaking because when I removed it the fluid reservoir was one of the few things that was not soiled with p/s fluid.

C ) When I removed the intake plumbing, I noticed a "strange" gooey substance which resembled dark grease or sludge that was slightly coated around the intake piping. Could this be what you were talking about when you said "sucked into the engine and are burned with the normal combustion process?" And which valve would this bee, if you could please circle it in a picture I would apreciate it.

D ) I would like to (ideally) repair the power steering with as little fuss and $ as possible. I do not think I have the know-how to rebuild the power steering pump myself.

E ) Upon thinking about this matter more I am about 100% sure that the source of the leak can be attributed to the circled area on the power steering pump. (generic picture from ebay, not mine):


F ) There is also talk of the "Screen" which is located on the bottom, near the rack and tie rods? Is that necessary to clean or suggested? Should I clean that out as well while I am at it or should I leave it alone?

Thanks again for the help for those who are helping, I know this is getting annoying. I see that hundreds of people have these problems, thank you Lexus...

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One of the post in this thread has a diagram of the PS pump. You can see the air control valve in it. This valve normally has two tubes connected to it. You probably had to disconnect the tubes when you removed the PS pump.

Regarding point F: screen cleaning (near the rack & tie rods as well as the one at bottom of PS resevoir) helps reduce the excessively high pressure in the PS system which may contribute to leaking PS fluid. Though these leaks are more like seeping fluid, not like bottles of fluids that you're experiencing.

I believe that if the part you circled in the picture is the soure of leak, then a rebuild/replace is probably the fix.

For me, the leak was due the the air control valve. In the process of diagnosing the leak, I disturbed the resevoir O-ring and that resulted in a niagra falls like leak.

Replaced O-ring. Cost=a few bucks. Labor=removing the resevoir. I was able to remove the resevoir w/out having to remove the PS pump.

Replaced air controvl valve. Cost<$100. Labor=minimal (I was able to use a stubby wrench to removing the valve from the top w/out having to remove the pump.

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Okay, I see which one is the air control valve. I do not think it was leaking but I cleaned it up so it should be okay. I also went and got a rebuilt power steering pump with reservoir for $198 from autozone. I came back and installed it and put everything back exactly the way it was and voila, no more leaks and the steering turns.


The steering is still a bit difficult to turn, could this be because of that 17mm bolt that has a hole in it which connects into the high pressure steering hose? Because the hole in the bolt and the hole in the high pressure steering hose have to line up, correct? And maybe they aren't lined up? I drove the car around the neighborhood and the steering is consistant but still a bit hard. Could the above be the problem or is it that cylinder with the screen in it which is on the steering rack??

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Glad you got the leak taken care off. As for the hard steering, try searching the forum for how to bleed the PS system. A simple procedure that could be what you need.

As for the hollow bolts that hold the high pressure hose, you don't have to line them up or anything. The hose ends already have the proper clearance for those holes in the bolts regardless of orientation.

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The hollow bolt doesn't have to be lined up in any particular way? That's strange, I didn't think that there would be enough clearance for the holes.

So I should try bleeding the system and see how that helps? If it doesn't then could there be anything else I need to do? Like clean that screen the other posts talk about?

PS - I am using Dexron III ATF. The p/s reservoir cap says use Dexron ATF fluid. The one I am using is fine correct?

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Definitely try the bleeding first. It costs nothing and only require you to put the two front wheels off of the floor.

Though if you have been driving it for a few days, chances are the system should have bled itself by now.

Here's something to check, do you see (or hear) air in the in the PS resevoir? Start the engine and open the PS resevoir cap to see if air is being injected into the resevoir. If there is air, the fluid will seem "frothy".

If there is air in the PS system, you're not getting full boost from the power steering which could explain what you're experiencing. Bleeding will rid the system of residual air pockets. But if the entire PS system is not air tight, new air will be introduced.

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I had the exact same problem with my 1990 so I can probably help you out here.

Here are the symptoms I was experiencing:

  • Some white smoke was coming out of the exhaust when the car was started.
  • Interior lights and radio would sometime blink or go out intermittently.
  • It was using a lot of Power Steering fluid, just like you mentioned.

When I researched this forum, I found out that the PS Pump will begin leaking usually after your car has passed 100K miles. This problem is compounded by the fact that the PS Pump sits directly over your alternator. Guess where all that PS Fluid is going when it leaks? Directly into the alternator.

In my case, the car died completely on an interstate highway and I had to have it towed to my mechanic's shop.

Here's what I had to have done:

  1. Had to get a new alternator and battery. The existing alternator had been ruined by the PS Fluid leaking into it. This is what caused the car to cut off.
  2. New high pressure hose (expensive).
  3. New power steering pump.

As an alternative, you could rebuild the Power Steering pump since this will stop the leak the majority of the time. It is less expensive, but you would be taking the risk that the leak would reoccur.

Hope that helps....

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I just replaced my alternator & PS Pump 1750 miles ago. The other day I had to make a quick sudden left turn & pushed my brakes really hard & instantly it felt like my power steering died. Right now it feels like it is running at 20% its capability, compared to what it was like when the pump went out & I had to drive it home before I replaced it. I took the reservoir cap off and did the whole turn left to right all the way 20 times just like when I installed the new pump to get any air out of the lines, but to no avail. Still feels like its running at 20% capability, I don't see any noticeable leaking as in a line busted & it lost its vacuum. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I just replaced my alternator & PS Pump 1750 miles ago. The other day I had to make a quick sudden left turn & pushed my brakes really hard & instantly it felt like my power steering died. Right now it feels like it is running at 20% its capability, compared to what it was like when the pump went out & I had to drive it home before I replaced it. I took the reservoir cap off and did the whole turn left to right all the way 20 times just like when I installed the new pump to get any air out of the lines, but to no avail. Still feels like its running at 20% capability, I don't see any noticeable leaking as in a line busted & it lost its vacuum. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Clean your P/S Rack Solenoid Screen/filter. Do a search on this forum, you'll find plenty of hits.

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I just replaced my alternator & PS Pump 1750 miles ago. The other day I had to make a quick sudden left turn & pushed my brakes really hard & instantly it felt like my power steering died. Right now it feels like it is running at 20% its capability, compared to what it was like when the pump went out & I had to drive it home before I replaced it. I took the reservoir cap off and did the whole turn left to right all the way 20 times just like when I installed the new pump to get any air out of the lines, but to no avail. Still feels like its running at 20% capability, I don't see any noticeable leaking as in a line busted & it lost its vacuum. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Clean your P/S Rack Solenoid Screen/filter. Do a search on this forum, you'll find plenty of hits.

I did that when I replaced the pump, I got it looking brand new. In order for me to look into that I'm going to have to go through the same whole process as taking the pump off. I am going to look into tie rods, bearings & alignments first to see if maybe something happened there. It almost feels like maybe the steering column bent but seems impossible, because its harder to turn right then it is left. You can only notice it when turning at higher speeds, like on the interstate on a corner for instance.

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did you do the whole turn left right thing with the front wheels in the air, and engine off? That can help too. But if it suddenly happened, then I bet you're on the right track to look at the tie rods and such first. Do you feel any binding spots in your steering, or it is just hard to steer now? If it's just hard to steer in general, then I would take Thread's advice and pull your solenoid and check the screen. You could have dislodged some gunk and it's stuck in the screen of the solenoid. But if you feel a binding, or notchiness at certain angles of your steering, then I bet it's something in the steering components.

It doesn't take much to clog that little filter in the solenoid. The screen at the bottom of my power steering fluid container has a massive hole in it, basically making it useless. It was covered in a layer of black gunk, which ran through the whole system. I've had to clean the solenoid screen a few times, and will have to do it again soon. I need some advice myself on an inline steering fluid screen so I don't have to replace that resivour.

Since you'll be snooping around down there anyway, might as well check the solenoid... Can't hurt to check, since you'll be there anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but since I made this thread a couple of things have happened:

The power steering pump which was leaking like hell was replaced with a rebuilt one from autozone.

The rebuilt power steering pump was installed and fluid was filled and the system did not leak any fluid BUT the steering was still a little stiff but consistant.

I posted on here and someone suggested bleeding the system. So today I went out finally since I had time and I removed the rubber hose from the p/s reservoir to bleed the system. I noticed that the hose was "dry". It didn't look like any p/s fluid leaked out of there at all. I had already took out some fluid with a turkey bayster before removing the hose so I dont know if that had anything to do with it but I did expect that hose to leak a little fluid when removed.. but it didn't. I then cranked the engine a couple of times and after a couple of seconds and some large bursts and pops, old power steering fluid went flying out of the hose. I stopped cranking. I replaced everything and filled it up, turned the car on. The power steering was working pretty well. Then I spun the steering a couple of times to the left and right while parked and "froth" came up, almost like a sherbert light red color. It slowly faded away into little bubbles that dissapeared. However.. I dont know if the bubbles dissapeared and were out of the system or they went INTO the system. Because for some reason.. the fluid in the power steering reservoir was spinning counter clockwise.. (why????). After bleeding the system the steering wheel got extremely really really stiff when the car idles. However.. when I stepped on the gas the steering power returned and I was able to turn the wheel. This happened a couple of times and then became annoying...

I dont know what to do. There isn't a leak. The fluid is filled properly. Now a couple of hours later even when I give the car some gas the power steering gets stiff. It is not consistant at all. Sometimes it will be easy to turn, other times it wont.

Is my power steering pump that I got from autozone defective? Do I need to clean the screen on the p/s rack? Is the high pressure hose in need of replacement? What in gods name is going on!!!!!


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The power steering pump which was leaking like hell was replaced with a rebuilt one from autozone.

The rebuilt power steering pump was installed and fluid was filled and the system did not leak any fluid BUT the steering was still a little stiff but consistant.

There is a "Flow Control Valve" under the pressure port union (do a search) on the P/S pump that is probably a different "letter" value (ie; flow rate) than what was in your old pump. Remove the one out of your old pump and install it in your new pump. The flow control valves are matched to the vehicle. I do not know what the criteria was originally, but I did this swap and it fixed my problem.

I dont know what to do. There isn't a leak.

If you don't clean the rack solenoid screen soon, there WILL be a leak shortly. Do it now.

Is my power steering pump that I got from autozone defective?

Not likely.

Do I need to clean the screen on the p/s rack?

Yes, immediately.

Is the high pressure hose in need of replacement?

Very unlikely. Unless there is fluid spraying out of a breach in the high pressure hose, why would anyone think it needs replacing?

What in gods name is going on!!!!!

Easy......your rack solenoid screen needs cleaning, probably quite badly.

I'd suggest that you read this thread in it's entirety. There is some correct and incorrect information there and if you read only part of the thread, you may get only the incorrect stuff;

P/S Solenoid Screen

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Thank you so much!

I am going to clean the screen out asap.

As for the flow control valve.. I think I'm at a loss there because I gave in my old p/s pump for the core charge. =( Am I doomed?

I am going to try cleaning the screen this weekend, see if that helps.

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Thank you so much!

I am going to clean the screen out asap.

As for the flow control valve.. I think I'm at a loss there because I gave in my old p/s pump for the core charge. =( Am I doomed?

I am going to try cleaning the screen this weekend, see if that helps.

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