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Latest Tsb Released For "clunk"


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The G Man, are you really sure that Lexus will no longer provide

updated drive shaft for permanently fixing "clunk"? I am still told

by Lexus dealership that I am in their list and they will let me know

when uodated driveshaft got available for me..... If what you say is

truth, I am so disappointed and so sad as I keep experiencing such

a uncomfortable clunk every time I break.

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G Man, I have my car scheduled to have the shaft replaced on Monday, October 2. When did you hear about Lexus stoping the replacements? I spoke to the service manager on Wednesday, September 27 and ne never mentioned anything about cancelling the tsb. Well I guess I'll find out on Monday.

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If you haven't fixed the cluck yet, you are too late. Lexus just cancel the TSB. Instead of a permanent fix, they decide it was cheaper to grease the drive shaft every 3 months. Very un-Lexus like decision.

How did you know this? Haven't you had your driveshaft replaced already? Replacing so many driveshafts must have made a big dent in Toyota's $$$ so they're cutting a lot of slack! :(

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I found this out on another forum, 2 people have confrimed this so far. They bought their GX in for the cluck and was told TSB is no longer valid, new fix is to lube the drive shaft. To me, thats just a temp. fix not a permenent one.

If your Lexus is not already schedule, they will not apply the TSB. I guess Lexus did not expected such high demand for this TSB and they are rapidly running out of those parts. Perhaps they are greasing the drive shaft for now until production catch up, I don't know.

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Well thanks for the heads up G Man. Lets keep our fingers crossed that lexus does not take the easy road. Regardless I'm still proud of owning my GX470.

I'll let you guys know how it goes with me on Monday. I'm hoping that I won't have any problems.

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Well thanks for the heads up G Man. Lets keep our fingers crossed that lexus does not take the easy road. Regardless I'm still proud of owning my GX470.

I'll let you guys know how it goes with me on Monday. I'm hoping that I won't have any problems.

Nica, if G Man is correct, you have nothing to worry about. If Lexus changed the TSB due to supply in demand, you can still wait till they get the driveshaft TSB going again because you still have a little under 4 years of warranty, and about over 40k miles left on it, so you have plenty of time. ;)

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The service consultant of the Lexus dealership told me that he and

his colleagues have not heard anything about cancellation of TSB

from Lexus.

He said my name is still on the waiting list but the updated driveshaft

has been so long back order... I really hope "greasing" is just a temp

solution but Lexus will keep providing TSB.

If Lexus officialy announce a cancellation of TSB in the near future, should I make a claim to Lexus customer service though I am afraid that it wouldnot be any help... or, all I can do is to live with such an

uncomfortable clunk? If this would be the case, it is a disappointment.

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Well remember how I said my car was scheduled to be in on October 2, 2006. Well I went in on Monday as scheduled droped off the vehicle and within 10min. of me being dropposed of at work I had to go back to the dealership. The part's manager said that the driveshaft and other components were in back order. The service manager phoned head office (assuming Toyota) and he was told that Toyota is not releasing any more parts becuase they are running more tests on the parts that have already been released. The service manager told me that the parts that are rerquired to do the fix on my vehicle were supposed to be in on September 21 but because the supplyer has not released the parts because more quality tests are required.

So the good news is that Toyota/Lexus is really spending lots of resources on this matter and they are not ignoring it. The downfall to it is that some of us will have to wait. Apperently though, Toyota/Lexus would be completing there tests by the end of this week and I'm assuming that depending on the results of those test that parts will modified (if required) and released.

Well the other good thing that I got out of all of this confusion and waste of me driving the vehicle to the dealership is that they gave me a $120.00 credit for anything I wanted.

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Nica, Thank you for your story. I still have not heard anything from the

dealership about the lead time of updated driveshaft needed for fixing

the "clunk". I purchased GX470(pre-owned) on 9/9. I recently received

a survey from Lexus and I wrote how frustrated I am. I know I should

not expect too much on Lexus but I really want them to speed it up

before they might finally give it up down the road.

Some people waited a few years, so I should not copmplain about

it, however I am really afraid that Lexus might cancel TSB in the near


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Well you can welcome me to the gang.....I purchased a new 06 GX 470 on Aug 30, 2006 with 8 miles on it and as of 400 miles I have the clunk. Thank God I read what it felt like or else I would have thought that I was bumped from behind. Now I gotta ask you this. It doesn't seem to happen all the time but it is happening more and more. I, like the other poster hate to have a brand new truck worked on to replace parts already but I guess that is what I am going to have to do. What do you think I should do? The dealership that I purchased the truck from is about 40 min away or I have a dealership that is just 10 min away. Will the closer dealership do this work? Other then this problem I'm loving the truck. I wasn't quite sure how well I would like it since we have driven large trucks 14 in all in 23 yrs but I am glad that I traded in the 05 Escalade in for this, now to see if Lexus will win me over on their service. That is where Cadillac lost us for sure.


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You can ask the same question to the two dealers. "Do you have

any inventory of the updated driveshaft to fix the clunk? " I asked

two defferent Lexus dealer about their inventory of the parts but both

of them answered me the same..."Very very long back order and it is

the right thing which I put my name on the waiting list." Please let me

hear what happened when you talked to dealers.

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Well I called this Morning to see if they could fix my "Clunk". I have an 06 with 900 miles on this Gx 470. I was informed that the parts needed are on national back order but before they would put me on the list to have it fixed I would have to let them road test the truck to comfirm what I am telling them is true. I think I may call the dealership that I bought this truck from and see if maybe they can do something and order the parts so when I go in at my 5 k check up it's there for them to fix it.


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Hey Jasp615,

I too have a brand new vehicle with less then 900Kilometers (I'm in Canada) and the issue is that Toyota is not realeasing any parts becuase they need to make sure that the parts that they are releasing will fix the "clunk". So, more tests are required. Well that's what the parts manager told me.

I'm not sure if the dealership will be able to help you out much but it's worth asking.

Best of luck to you, but don't worry I'm sure Lexus/Toyota will come through.

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I would agree with denslexusGX470 but if I may give you a suggestion, give your vehicle some time. Drive it and get a feel for it. I just purchased my 2006 GX470 and at first it was perfect (in my point of view it still is) but gradually the "clunk" developed. I've got less then 900KM on the vehicle and I can hear and feel the "clunk" here and there.

Check to see when the vehicle was manufactured. Even though mine is a 2006 it was manufactured at the end of 2005. So unfortunately I do not think that my vehicle came with the new parts...I'm not sure yet. I'm still trying to get that information from the dealership...something tells me that I don't have the new parts.

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Well, updated drive shaft has been long back order. What I am very unhappy about is that the dealership can not tell me the lead time.

They said that it could be for several months till the parts get available.

They can not even tell me estimated lead time, but it does not seem to be 1 or 2 months but probably much much longer, I am afraid.

My dealer keep silence for a few weeks..... If there's somebody

who might get updated information about the lead time of updated

driveshaft, please let me know.

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I was at the dealership today and the parts manager said that he is getting the same information as last time and that is, parts are still being held but will be released shortly. The parts manager sounded confident that within the next three weeks he will be receiving the parts required to do the tsb on my vehicle.

Well the only thing I can do is keep my fingers crossed.

I understand what you mean G Man, but the only thing that I can think of is that in some cases the tsb did not resolve the problem for some vehicles?? That's just my guess.

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Well I just bought a 06 GX with a build date of 7/06 so I will update here if my GX develops the clunk. It had 14 miles on it. Took delivery on 9/18/06, so I basically got it as soon as it was delivered to the dealers lot!

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I checked with the dealership today for updates. There's nothing progressed and the service consultant said that Lexus has been

aware of this problem which causes customer dissatisfaction....

There's still no date(lead time) for the parts' arrival promised....

Nica, please let me know when yours got fixed in a few weeks...

The G Man, I agree that Lexus naturally puts priority to use the

parts for production of new vehicle, however it sounds very

strange that they cannot tell the lead time for TSB at all. Lexus

must have some plan, I think.

new vehicle

Message from denslexusgx470

(P.S. TM8000 I got your original post back that I accidentally edited and posted as my message. Sorry for any inconvenience)

Edited by denslexusgx470
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One of the key to the success of Lexus and Toyota is parts made on time and just as needed. I dont think Lexus, in their wildest dreams, would imagine that there would be such as huge demand for this TSB.

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One of the key to the success of Lexus and Toyota is parts made on time and just as needed. I dont think Lexus, in their wildest dreams, would imagine that there would be such as huge demand for this TSB.

Well you can only imagine if Toyota released this same driveshaft TSB to the V8 4Runners (which I hear a lot of those guys in the 4R forum are complaining about). ;)

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